Summer Horoscopes

Summer Horoscopes

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ARIES 3/21-4/19: Seeing is believing. But sometimes just following your heart and projecting out positive energy, you start seeing and believing in your dreams. You need to follow them.

TAURUS 4/20-5/20: So many friends love you and enjoy your company. This is a good time to relocate or change jobs, positive you deserve something better. It’s okay to spend a little, you worked hard.

GEMINI 5/21-6/21: Bad, sad days it can be difficult at times. You have great support from higher spirits, redirecting you. Go within, take some time off. Your break, you deserve it. Lucky numbers 546, 846, 741.

CANCER 6/22-7/22: Working very hard but not smart. Need to start saving money; vehicle and things are getting worn down, and even yourself. This is the time to reconfigure what you truly want and need.

LEO 7/23-8/22: Love is in the air and on the horizons, rekindling. Somebody is trying to come back. This could be a magical moment, or you realize the truth: you never needed them back, but what is best of all is that you’re loving yourself.

VIRGO 8/23-9/22: The Thunderbird is your totem animal rising from the ashes, making things new and adjusting. Where is the older woman who will be needing your help due to her health conditions? Make time and effort for this person.

LIBRA 9/23-10/22: Weight loss is coming slowly but surely. It is great how you are focusing on your health, body, mind, and soul. Low on vitamin D.

SCORPIO 10/23-11/21: It’s all about the n timing. It is not time to move nor make changes. Let things marinate a little longer. Look at the whole picture and situation before taking action. Pause, think, then secure yourself by stepping a forward and not being afraid.

SAGITTARIUS 11/22-12/21: School or some kind of training is coming up for m you. Be in a positive way for yourself, learning something new and meeting new friends. Happiness and joy is on the horizon. It is a choice of your own.

CAPRICORN 12/22-1/19: You dance for the best, even like the funky chicken wedding and celebration. New arrival in the family and baby celebration for great summer fun.

AQUARIUS 1/20-2/18: You’re not going i to be alone for too long, and you are magnificently discovering self and enjoying life again. Somebody’s carefully watching over you and notices your beautiful smile. They are coming to enjoy every day.

PISCES 2/19-3/20: Start looking for a house. Saving the money, your hard work has paid off.You’re a great parent and an excellent negotiator. Trust your value of the things you want, just a little ways away. It’s okay to dream big.

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