Public Safety Dept. Employees Continue To Shine

Public Safety Dept. Employees Continue To Shine

Photos ©2021 by Bennie White

Detective Dwaine Green

DWAINE GREEN WAS RECENTLY PROMOTED TO THE POSITION OF DETECTIVE IN THE OAK PARK PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT. This promotion became effective on March 8, 2021 for the six-year Oak Park Public Safety Department veteran. Detective Green is a highly decorated and respected officer, as is highlighted by the numerous citations he has throughout his career.

He also serves as a Field Training Officer for newly-hired recruits and is a select member of the Comeback Quick Response Team, which supports “Hope Not Handcuffs” and the “Families Against Narcotics Program.” Both programs assist citizens who are challenged by a substance-use disorder.

The decision to promote Green to detective was based not only on his successes as an officer, but also on his personality traits. Detective Green is intelligent, knowledgeable and possess a keen sense of awareness, all valuable skills for a detective. He also has a natural ability to relate with all citizens. Detective Green is a key asset to the Investigation Bureau and the Public Safety Department is proud to have him.

Parking Officer Michael Foster & Public Safety Officer Steve Arbenowske

In addition to promoting Det. Green, the Public Safety Department also welcomed Michael Foster as a new Parking Enforcement Officer in July of 2021. Foster is an Oak Park resident and has several years of parking enforcement experience with the City of Ferndale. He has strong communication skills, which are further enhanced by his great personality.

Director Steve Cooper & Safety Officer Evan Beauchamp

Oak Park Public Safety Officer Evan Beauchamp was presented with a Director’s Commendation by Public Safety Director Steve Cooper at the Monday, Aug. 23 Council Meeting. Officer Beauchamp is one of the Department’s newest officers and completed the Fire Academy as the number one Academic Recruit amongst 23 fellow graduates.


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