Naturally Beautiful: Robi n Serrano’s Two-T rack Mind Jewelry
Most people who stroll the beautiful beaches of Michigan’s Great Lakes see nothing more than a mixture of nature’s debris along the sandy shore. Robin Serrano, the owner and creator of Two-Track Mind Jewelry, is seeing things differently and turning that vision into something unique.
It all started with Robin’s deep passion for Lake Michigan. She tries to spend as much time as she can on the shore, vacationing at her cottage. “I don’t know what it is, it’s just so soothing and comforting, and I love my connection with the lake,” Serrano said. It was during her regular walks on the beach that she began collecting different items she found in her path. At first she didn’t know what to do with the things she collected.When asked by her children, Sophia and Sam, what she was going to do with the things she was collecting, she came up with the idea of making jewelry, and Two-Track Mind was born.
Serrano enlisted the help of her children, Sophia and Sam, and they began to hunt for these natural treasures as a family. Her children became very involved in the process and helped in the discovery of the beach glass, driftwood, and other natural findings that she uses to handcraft her pieces of art. They also help to construct the jewelry.
Spending time creating these pieces with her kids is something Robin loves to do and is one of the most rewarding aspects of Two-Track Mind.
Collecting and constructing these unique pieces turned into a new hobby for Serrano, and it wasn’t long before friends and family took notice. Due to the interest she was receiving, she began to sell her handcrafted suncatchers to friends, and that’s when things began to take off. What started as a small hobby, is now gaining a big reputation for quality, creative, handmade goods, with a local connection to Michigan’s incredible Great Lakes.
But jewelry isn’t all she does. Robin’s day job is at Bubble & Bark, a pet grooming company located right here in Ferndale. She is a senior groomer there, and has been grooming for 28 years. Robin is a very creative person and her creative nature is evident in the grooming expertise she shows at Bubble & Bark. “I was working for Cadillac Auto Plant and I got laid off for a while. By the time they had called us back, I had started grooming. I worked one day at the plant and said, ‘No thank you’.” She was happy where she was, and continues to love what she does for a living.
Outside of her day job, Robin has strong ties to the Ferndale community. She has a best friend who lives in the area, and she met her boss here, too. She has been a frequent visitor for many years, and she has tried to get her jewelry creations into some stores in the city. So far, she mainly sells her jewelry to family, friends, friends of friends, and anyone else who is interested, thanks to her great word-of-mouth reputation and home parties. Robin’s jewelry is also available at Tootie and and Talullah’s in Berkley, which is currently carrying a full complement of Robin’s work.
Two-Track Mind Jewelry has turned from a hobby to passion for Robin Serrano. Her favorite items to make are suncatchers and earrings, though she said that it is always a challenge to find pairs of beach glass that are close enough for a matching pair. A big portion of her business is custom orders and she looks forward to continuing to use her creativity to create one-of-a-kind pieces for customers. Customer feedback has been overwhelmingly positive so far, with about 90 per cent of first-time customers returning to make another purchase.
With that kind of success, there is no doubt that Robin Serrano, and Two- Track Mind, will be continuing to make beautiful, nature-inspired pieces of jewelry for as long as the tides come in on the shores of Lake Michigan.
If you are interested in contacting Robin or checking out her wonderful creations, you can check out her page at She also has a Two Track Mind Beach Glass page on Facebook, but she admits that she tends to keep more up-to-date things on her personal Facebook page. You can “like” her TwoTrack Mind page and you can also send her a friend request on Facebook. Her personal page is at