It’s Just a Guy Sing: The Detroit Together Men’s Chorus brings harmony...

It’s Just a Guy Sing: The Detroit Together Men’s Chorus brings harmony to the community in more ways than one.

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Story by Sherrad Glosson | Photos by Bernie Laframboise

It was a Tuesday night when I walked in a church in Ferndale down in the basement and witnessed about forty to fifty men sitting in chairs. A woman sat at the piano and a man stood in front of them, behind a podium, reading a booklet. As I walked in, he looked up and waved me to come in. I grabbed a seat in the back. I pulled out my phone to check the time and suddenly I heard the sweetest harmony I’ve ever experienced from a group of men…the sound of the Detroit Together Men’s Chorus ringing off the walls of the basement.

It took me so much by surprise that I pulled out my cell phone to make a post on Facebook to tell people how great they sounded. These men must be gearing up for something, I thought, sure enough they were getting ready for their holiday concert just a few weeks away.

I caught up with Brian Londro, the Minister of Music at the Metro Community Church and the artistic director for the Men’s chorus, a few days prior to their practice. We talked a little bit about these miraculous men I’ve heard so much about. The Detroit

Together Men’s Chorus has been in action since 1982 and is among the top three longest-running gay men’s choruses across the country. Although started as an exclusively gay men’s chorus, lately they have been getting straight men to join them as well. “We are trying to be diverse and always looking for new people” said Brian. They do two major concerts a year. One is in December for the holidays and one is in the spring, called “The Pride of Disney,” which he said is going to be a good one.

I asked Brian about the overall goal of the Men’s chorus. “Our mission is to be an example through music and bring people close together through it. Our vision is to make a difference in people’s lives through our concerts in a positive way.”

“Our focus is to continue to produce quality music, create different concerts, and build the diversity of our style,” said Brian, after mentioning their award for being the winner of the vote for the 2015 Best Choir award from Channel 4. He explained that because things are changing in Detroit and people are coming back, things are getting better, especially with the gay community. Most had left because of the lack of support, but now that Michigan is more receptive they are coming back home.

Music is not all the DTMC does. They also do a lot of fundraising and community work around the city. They help support the Pig and Whisky event in Ferndale, the DIY Festival, and they have a newly-minted social group with the chorus members, helping them stay a tightly-knit group. At the moment, they are in the planning stages of a benefit concert for the Judge Greg Mathis Community Center. “I love Judge Mathis. He’s one of my heroes,” said Brian. The men of the DTMC are clearly on a mission; not just to sing, but also to give back to the community.

If you ask me, I’ll be the first to tell you; if they continue to sing like they were singing when I stormed into their rehearsal, they are going to be the talk of the town after their next concert on Saturday, December 12 at 7:30 P.M. at Lamphere High School in Madison Heights. For more information you can check out Detroit Together Men’s Chorus on

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