Horoscopes for December/January 2016

Horoscopes for December/January 2016

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ARIES: 3/21-4/19: Rock ‘n roll it out. Today’s your day! You’re hip, groovy, and sassy. Celebrate with Christmas cheer and laughter, and share this with everyone in Fashionable Ferndale.

TAURUS: 4/20-5/20: Who doesn’t like to shop? Get all your shopping done easy and breezy at Rust Belt Market. You can find traditional and nontraditional items for each family member. Everyone loves your great taste.

GEMINI: 5/21-6/21: You’re so daring and such a rebel. Why don’t you just get the seasons greeting for a lifetime and go get that damn tattoo at Tattoo Gallery… “Deck The Halls” and all!

CANCER: 6/22-7/22: Stop being such a Scrooge. Let’s plan something, just be nice to people. Make a little time for oth- ers. Give a little of your cart, in return you’ll get much back.

LEO: 7/23-8/22: Get your romance on; love is in the air. You deserve someone good, honest, and trustworthy. Get a cou- ple of meditation candles at The Candle Wick Shop; they will guide you to the right one.

VIRGO: 8/23-9/22: Don’t get twisted tinsel up your butt… you’re turning things around in the wrong way. Get it right! Move On! Let go! Tinsel looks better dangling on a beautiful tree instead of in the globs and messes that you have created.

LIBRA: 9/23-10/22: You give much pleasure in laughter to your friends. You have a great attitude towards life. You definitely are a people person who does not let it go to your head.

SCORPIO: 10/23-11/21: So you thought you had someone h special? You have to ask yourself if they treated you nicely. e Ask yourself if they were the best towards you. Love is coming, you just have to find the right pair of matching socks b and don’t carry so much baggage.

SAGITTARIUS:  11/22-12/21: It’s cookie time, sweet time, cupcake time, enjoy life to the fullest! Don’t worry about diets and fads; they will come and go. Cupcakes are here to stay s in your life. Just remember moderation is important.

CAPRICORN: 12/22-1/19: Your finances are balanced and it’s getting back on track. Be mindful not to be hurt and critical. Self, we have come a long way.

AQUARIUS: 1/20-2/18: You can be such a fruity person at times. With laughter and good cheer, it’s a good time to go to the Western Market and get everyone a gift basket. Show your fruitiness for the love of laughter.

PISCES: 2/19-3/20: You’ve been living in a closet for some time, over-thinking and over-stressed. Time to sit back and relax and let things just work themselves through, without you trying to always take control over things. Lucky numbers: 113-421-310.

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