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By: Ms Margo

ARIES 3/21 – 4/19: You really need to make some more time with your friends. Allow happiness into your life again with laughter and simplicity. Your true friends will come out and support you in whatever you do; it has been a while since you supported them.

TAURUS 4/20 – 5/20: What’s so wonderful about you is that you just don’t say it, you do it. You have been following through, reaching your goals and achieving what you need to achieve. Luck is in the air! Lucky numbers are 302, 1147, 819. Be proud of who you are, you’re doing it!

GEMINI 5/21 – 6/21: Keep personal things to yourself. You do not have to sever ties to all of your personal business. Keep your drama, everybody does, but be more of a listener. Challenge yourself to be thankful for at least ten things today, and every day. Allow positive energy to flow again. Buddy days ahead for you.

CANCER 6/22 – 7/22: You worry too much about what others might think… even people you don’t really even associate with anymore. Calm yourself down. You are forgetting to be in the moment. Maybe go to Como’s for a little pizza moment. You need to relax!

LEO 7/23 – 8/22: You can be very stubborn and dogmatic. But we all know this is what has got you to where you are today. Your hard work and dedication will soon catch up with profit and success, but remember is not always good to be stubborn in every aspect of your life.

VIRGO 8/23 – 9/22: My girls and boys like to party all the time, party all the time, party all the time! Wow, what a wonderful place to hang out with your love one day in Fashionable Ferndale. From a body massage to dancing, a little shop- ping, and then some delicious buffalo wings. What an awesome time for all.

LIBRA 9/23 – 10/22: You have been very forgetful lately. Friends’ birthdays, family holidays, etc. Take notes and write things down. We all know that you’ve been extremely busy, but don’t forget about organization. Just a little helps us move the road for you.

SCORPIO 10/23 – 11/21: You’re fun-loving, exciting, and ready for new love. It’s okay to be vulnerable, it’s okay to flirt, you need to go out to shake your bonbon and just enjoy life again. Remember to always smile, you never know who’s looking.

SAGITTARIUS 11/22 – 12/21: Time to make some light travel plans. Looking for a second home? Good time to buy for yourself. Lucky numbers are 4121, 334, and 8142. As you are searching for a place to hang out at for a little travel time, keep it simple, short, and sweet.

CAPRICORN 12/22 – 1/19: It is time for you to clean up those closets and cabinets. Get some organization in your life. Especially all the stacks of paper you have around you. Don’t get overwhelmed, start with one drawer at a time.

AQUARIUS 1/20 – 2/18: You have an infectious laugh, and it’s wonderful and contagious. New love is on the horizon. You’re sexy hot, and people see you for who you are; genuine and nice. You’re doing great just loving yourself, too.

PISCES 2/19 – 3/20: You’re an awesome parent! You’re doing a great job raising your family and participating in it, too. Make sure you’re taking a little time out for yourself. You must be bouncing in life to be productive for yourself and to others.

Until next time, walk in peace.

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