Green Thoughts: The Zoo Vs. Bottled Water

Green Thoughts: The Zoo Vs. Bottled Water

Story and photos by Rebecca Hammond

FRACKING: THERE IS A PETITION DRIVE to ban fracking that’s partly headquartered right here in Ferndale. One of two monthly meetings occurs at Renaissance Vineyard Church, a church with a focus on “Creation Care.” Former resident Todd Bazzett spoke to me about the issue. Todd found himself “horrified at the injustice of the DEQ not watching out for state land.” Land very near our rivers and lakes can end up being used as fracking sites. Fracking uses a huge amount of water, which ends up toxic and needing stored basically forever. It also requires large amounts of sand. Todd provided this statement:

“The Committee to Ban Fracking is working feverishly in the last few weeks of the campaign to collect signatures to get an initiative on the November 2016 ballot. The initiative will allow voters to ban hydraulic fracking, acidization of horizontal well bores and disposal of toxic frack wastes in the state. While Michigan has not been as heavily fracked as other states, oil and natural gas developers continue to seek mineral rights leases throughout the state and currently have enough leased land to install hundreds of wells. Michigan continues to receive shipments of frack waste from out of state and the application for a permit to expand the US Ecology frack waste storage and processing site in Hamtramck indicates that the trend is expected to continue. Signature gathering for the campaign ends November 11th 2015. Please go to for more information about the campaign and local events in your area where you can sign the petition.”

RAPTORS: FOR THE LAST 14 YEARS OR SO, hawks have been a common sight in Ferndale. So when we hear a chorus of bluejays joined by a smaller, cuter chorus of nuthatches, chickadees, and titmice, we assume they’ve zeroed in on a hawk, attempting to annoy it into leaving. A month ago, though, I took a series of photos of a tall, dark shape in a tree across the street, and only when I zeroed in on the computer did I see the huge feet, eyes, and “horns” of a great horned owl, here in Ferndale. It’s my first sighting of one, but not my first encounter, which happened on a cold walk home from the WAB in January 2011. The 17 degree temps kept me focused and hurrying, vaguely thinking I kept hearing a train. At the moment when I finally stopped for a good listen, a woman taking out her garbage said, “You hear that owl?” Yes, I did.

FERNDALE MONARCH PROJECT: Want milkweed seeds? Look for our box in the atrium of the Ferndale Library (and thanks, FADL, for letting us put it there). Our project’s first summer is over, and with 283 milkweeds and 28 caterpillars handed out, and 244 butterflies released by page members, it’s a success. Some of what we learned:

• Milkweed seeds aren’t like radish seeds, sprouting quickly and mostly at once.
They’re like maple seeds,
sprouting all summer long,

usually after a rain.

• Maybe 10% of monarch eggs survive in the wild. Raising them indoors increases that to over 90%.

• When a caterpillar molts, it seems dead. It’s not. Wait.

• Each caterpillar forms a chrysalis at a different pace. Same with butterflies. Some hang motionless for a day, others are flapping around within hours.

There are plenty of places to scatter seeds besides your e own yard. I’ve tossed them along rail trails and dirt roads up north; along the Mason Tract Pathway and the Michi- gan Shore-to-Shore Trail.

“LEAVE YOUR LEAVES” was the title of my first column for Ferndale Friends years ago. A new reason to

leave leaves was brought to my attention at a native plants presentation at the Pleasant Ridge Community Center. If you want a healthy garden, begin with healthy soil, and provide the microbes in the soil the specific food they need to thrive. Mulch from Florida can’t feed them the way Michigan leaves or bark can. It would be nice to have immediate sources for Michigan mulch, but Eagle Landscaping & Supply, on Lahser in Southfield, has two types. We were told in PR that nature never strips down to bare soil. Better to leave it covered. In our small but tree-filled yard, we are well past ten years of raking leaves into flower beds. By June, they’re gone and the sandy soil continues to improve.

The Detroit Zoo has phased out the sale of bottled water. Go to their web site and read why, and you’ll wonder why we ever started buying it at all. For starters, it’s the number one con- a tributor to plastic waste in the US. I’ve often wondered what, had I been able to travel forward in time as a child, I’d be most surprised by. And although the variety of athletic shoes we each are pressured to “need” would certainly have been amazing, watching humans of the future pay as much for water as we do for pop would have been baffling. Maybe we just like having things to do with our hands. The caps alone provide a type of busy work akin to knit- ting (but with nothing use- ful at the end.)

More than 60 thousand plastic bottles will be kept out of the waste streameach year because of the Zoo’s effort. From their website:

“. . . it takes five liters of water to make one liter of bottled water, and . . .about a quarter of a water bottle of oil to produce, transport and dispose of a single bottle of water. Americans throw away 38 B billion water bottles each year.” Eighty percent of them end up in landfills. Follow the Zoo’s lead.

Becky Hammond oversees an urban milkweed e farm in Ferndale, MI.

If some happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a preparation. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states connected to erectile malfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What folk talk about “viagra stories“? The most vital aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual disfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a status called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.


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