Ferndale Seniors: All That X-Mas Stuff!

Ferndale Seniors: All That X-Mas Stuff!

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By Jeannie Davis

JUST SAY “CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS” and we all either cringe, or get all giddy at the thought of all the shiny baubles that appear every year at this time. Nothing in between.

I have always fallen into the second cate- gory. I annually made pilgrimages to Bronner’s, enthusiastically worshipping at the altar of excess, happily planning themed trees and festive wreaths. Now, at 75 years old….not so much. Yet, like almost everyone else, I have a basement full of old decorations, gathering dust.

Oh, I know, each bauble triggers a memory and makes us smile. But like many people my age, I don’t want to bother to drag the boxes up, fight with the lights, pouf the bows, and find all the missing hangers.

In recent years, I had found a solution by enlisting the aid of my kids, Timmy and Lori. I cooked for them and they decorated for me. It was always a wonderful evening, Lori always does the den so she can watch her favorite movie, “Young Frankenstein,” as she works, and Timmy creates something new every year. Then, the event grew. First, Greg Pawlica dropped over after dinner to offer advice. Dan Martin came for dinner, and stayed to watch the movie. Lori’s friend Jeanne soon joined in. We have created great memories on these evenings.

However, it is time to thin the herd. I have too many decorations, yet, hate the thought of discarding them. Virginia commented on what fun it would be if we all brought out Christmas stuff together, and exchanged. This would be so inspiring to see other people’s baubles. It would all look new to us.

Or, we could find a group that would take them for people who can’t afford unnecessary things like Christmas decorations. That way, these things would be creating new memories. These families all get food, warm clothing, and a few toys during the holidays, all delivery by caring groups, either the Elks, or the police, or one of the many churches in town. But, I never hear of Christmas trees given out, let alone the decorations. This could be so easy. Maybe Jim Pool, who has done so many other heart-warming things, could do this. If anybody wants to take this on, private message me, and I will be happy to work with you.

In the meantime folks, sort through your stuff, and box it up. I will buy new lights. This is sort of a no brainer. Merry Christmas!

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