Ferndale Area Chamber : Flavor & Connection!

Ferndale Area Chamber : Flavor & Connection!

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By: Kim Hart, Ferndale Area Chamber of Commerce

WITH FLAVOR AS ITS THEME, the Ferndale Area Chamber is planning its annual 2016 Gala Thursday, November 10 held at The Rust Belt Market. As the Chamber’s largest fundraiser, “Our Local Flavor” will be all about promoting area restaurants and businesses. Chamber restaurants will be featuring some of their best dishes at our event. Also, national and local businesses will donate to our silent auction for the evening. Tickets are limited to 175 people, and are going quickly! Because the Chamber is member-funded, our Gala is extremely important. Members and non-members can get involved by donating to our silent auction and/or signing up to volunteer. This participation not only allows businesses the opportunity to get their faces in the public eye, it helps the Chamber remain a vital organization for our members and for the business landscape alike.

WHETHER YOU ROLLED OR STROLLED, “Sip. Stroll. Roll!” was a hit. Event participants had the opportunity to experience the atmosphere and excitement of the city of Ferndale. The event was not only well-received, but also provided a way for our community to come alive and get involved. With business owner and local organization volunteers, the event was a warm outreach initiative and another way to get Chamber members in front of the community. We appreciated ALL of our volunteers that made time that day to assist us. The event itself was an expansion of our city’s energy.

And, the weather couldn’t have been more perfect,” said Ferndale Area Chamber Executive Director and Event Organizer, Kim Hart. “The local establishments that participated in Sip. Stroll. Roll! were able to show-case signature wines, cocktails and delectable appetizers to entice participants to experience both food and drink in an inviting setting.” We look forward to next year and will continue on the tradition of sampling, taste and flavor.

TO KEEP THINGS ROLLING, A Guide to the Ferndale Area will be hitting the presses soon. Members will be featured in this exclusive resource magazine that includes valuable con-tact information, city maps, profiles, and photographs of our thriving business community and the people who make its heart beat. The publication is a keepsake. Our members look for-ward to sharing the “Guide”’ with their customers and clients.

WE HAVE PUT OUT A “SOFT LAUNCH” of our new web site, www.ferndaleareachamber.com. With the help of Hadrout Design and our Chamber intern Eliza Gogirla, we have been moving forward in executing and making changes to our new site.  We encourage you to take a look!

AS OF NOVEMBER 1, our office will be relocating to the main floor of Credit Union One on 400 East Nine in Ferndale.  We are very excited to enter our new space and we thank Credit Union One for accommodating us. Credit Union One in the process of selling the property we stood on to developers and plans are currently being worked on with the city.  Keep an eye out for this new development in Ferndale! Our phone, fax and emails will remain the same.


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