Ferncare Free Clinic Update

Ferncare Free Clinic Update

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By Ann Heler, Board of Directors

HELP WANTED: Physicians and RNs. We can use a little help. We like each session to have at least three practitioners and three RNs. We ask that you volunteer with us once monthly. You can be retired, of course, but you need to have a current practicing license. Think about it…please.

The rest of 2017 dates are: 
Saturday mornings, 9:00 A.M. to noon: 10/14, 10/28, 11/11, 12/16.
Thursday evenings 6:00–8:30 P.M.: 10/19, 11/2, 11/16, 11/30, 12/7, 12/21.
If you have any questions, please call me at 248-677-2273, ext. 23 or e-mail our Head Nurse, Diane Dengate, at dengate436@aol.com.

FernCare is still scheduling appointments for new patients a month out. Call 248-677-2273. If you cannot wait that long, there are two free clinics with available appointments much sooner:

Bernstein Community Health Clinic, 45580 Woodward Ave. Pontiac, MI 48341, 248-309-3752

HUDA Clinic, 13420 Woodrow Wilson, Detroit, MI 48213, 313-444-5490.

A sliding fee scale clinic is Covenant Care Clinic, 27776 Woodward, Royal Oak, MI, 248-556-4900, across the street from the Westborn Market. It is a full-service clinic and open 40 hours a week. They also take Healthy Michigan and Medicaid insured patients as well as other insurances. They also have dental services at their clinic on Detroit’s East Side.


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