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HELP STILL WANTED: Physicians, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners. Do you have three hours a month to volunteer in the fabulous FernCare Free Clinic? The commitment is three hours a month. You can be retired but need to have kept your practicing license current.

Upcoming clinic sessions: 
Sat. mornings, 9:00 AM to Noon: Sept. 8 / Sept. 22 / Oct. 6 / Oct. 20;
Thurs. evenings, 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM: Aug. 13 / Aug. 27 / Oct. 11 / Oct. 25.

If you have any questions, call Ann Heler at 248-677-2273, ext. 23 or e-mail our Head Nurse, Diane Dengate at dengate436@aol.com or go to our web site, www.ferncare.org, and pull down the volunteers tab, complete the application and send it to Diane.

LIFT A GLASS OF CHAMPAGNE! We are celebrating our eighth year as a medical clinic on Aug.7! Yes, we opened our first clinic at the Kulick Community Center on Aug. 7. If you remember, this was a set up/tear down clinic open two Saturday mornings a month. There was a crew that set up the clinic, tore it down after and then stored the equipment and medications at their homes until the next clinic. Linda and Doug Baker, John and Lyle Ulinski, Jeanne Cavanaugh and then Christine Rainey, Joanne and Dick Willcock and Ann Heler, for 13 months until we moved into 459 E. Nine Mile. So many thanks to that intrepid crew. Now you know I did not and do not forget the clinic medical volunteers but this group created the space that allowed the clinic to be a clinic.

FernCare is still scheduling new patient appointments a month out. 248-677-2273. If you cannot wait that long, there are two free clinics with available appointments much sooner than that:
(1) Bernstein Community Health Clinic, 45580 Woodward Ave. Pontiac, MI 48341, 248-309-3752
(2) HUDA Clinic, 13420 Woodrow Wilson, Detroit, MI 48213, 313-444-5490.

If you need more resources, please call the clinic and ask for Carolyn Barr. She has the lists of all the free clinics and the services they offer in the area.


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