F.A.R.T. is connecting retired Ferndale teachers

F.A.R.T. is connecting retired Ferndale teachers

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By Malissa Martin

Sometime being a teacher can take one away from your family, but in return teachers gain new family members with heir students and co-workers. After retiring, many teachers wonder what’s become of their students and counterparts.

Ron Schultz wondered exactly this when he retired from the Ferndale School District in 2003, so he founded the Ferndale Association of Retired Teachers (F.A.R.T.). The retired science specialist said the acronym F.A.R.T. came to him in the middle of the night.

When the group first began, it was four to five individuals meeting on a regular basis. After a few gatherings, Schultz took control and started inviting other Ferndale retired teachers to the meetings.

F.A.R.T. has since grown to 25 members and meets for breakfast on the first Friday of every month
at Apovini’s in Clawson. “The purpose of the group was really to create a time and a place where we could meet, stay in touch with each other, and preserve our professional friendships.” Schultz
says. “We also get to know each other in a personal way, outside of the work environment. We share
news with each other such as trips we’ve been on, something about our grandchildren. We might share things about book and movie recommendations that we’ve seen or read and just good conversation laced with a little gossip.”

The group also discusses past students and feeds off their success stories. “We always share any news we have about students and their families.” Schultz admits. “Students we may have had and the success of some kids. Somebody will always come in and say ‘Did you hear about so and so? Well, he graduated from such and such and he’s going to be a doctor.’ And it really makes you feel good.”

In some cases, Schultz himself runs into past students while running errands. “They pop up all over the place and you’re just so pleased to see they’re doing well and you bring that back and share it with everybody.” Schultz says.

Almost 80% of F.A.R.T. members are retired elementary and middle school teachers from the Ferndale School District. A lot of members have taught 25 to 35-plus years. Most retirees began teaching in Ferndale or taught the majority of their years in Ferndale. A few members taught the same families through three or more generations.

Several F.A.R.T. members know one another from working in the same building, district meetings, and school related events. New member Christine Sorowka said she heard stories about some members from students. “It has been wonderful for me because some of these teachers I didn’t know personally, or even professionally, but I would hear about them because the elementary schools fed into the middle schools. I would hear about Mr. Burke or Mrs. Grady and now I actually get to know the person and it’s just so nice and it’s a nice thing to do on Friday. You find out things about people you never knew.” Sorowka says.

Sorowka taught middle school and high school math in the Ferndale School District for 37 years.

Shultz and Sorowka confess they miss teaching, and say teaching has drastically changed from when they started. “I’m thankful that I’m out of it now because I can’t teach the way they would want me to teach now. I don’t think they are teaching. They’ve lost the idea that you need to inspire kids, motivate them, bring them to education, and make it something that they want to do. And that means you don’t start off with facts and figures. Education is really about motivating kids, inspiring them to want to learn, and then teaching them how to learn.” Schultz says.

F.A.R.T. members still go by the school schedule and take off summers. They even cancel breakfast if school is closed due to bad weather. In addition to professional networking, Schultz said the group provides encouragement and support to members when needed. They even pay their respects when retirees pass away by raising their glass for a toast in their honor.

When Schultz isn’t busy with F.A.R.T., he enjoys oil painting, nature photography and playing in his garden.

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