Exploring Neurofeedback Therapy with The Brain Training Center

Exploring Neurofeedback Therapy with The Brain Training Center

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By Jenn Goeddeke

Exciting alternative treatment is available for children with ADD, ADHD, or for those on the autism spectrum. Neurofeedback is behavioral therapy, and does not involve administering any medication. In fact, most of the treatment is fun-based and even involves the child watching their favorite movies and playing video games (but not the type played at home). As a mother with a teenage son who was diagnosed with ADHD at a young age, I fully understand the importance of effective and permanent treatment options.

Working at the cutting edge of this scientific-yet holistic- approach to attention deficit issues is Donald Magder, whom I recently met at his Royal Oak office. Magder is busy improving the lives of his clients with a series of 45-minute treatment sessions conducted over a 20-40 week timespan.

Neurofeedback (sometimes referred to as Neuro-biofeedback) has been around for over 50 years. It has become much more refined,and now is more widely available for use by licensed clinical psychologists, such as Magder. This form of treatment has been getting serious attention. For example, the American Academy of Pediatrics (www.aap.org) described this technique as “the most efficacious” on their list of interventions to help children with ADD or ADHD. Neurofeed-back has also been featured on Dr.Phil, Oprah, and hundreds of news outlets around the world. In addition, the PGA and other professional sports organizations use the technique to improve concentration and performance in athletes.

So how does this treatment work? Initially, a map – called a “Qeeg” – is taken of the brain. This process is completely painless, as is every aspect of neurofeedback. Nineteen different areas of the brain are recorded electronically using small monitors which are part of a cap (resembling a show-er cap), fitted around the child’s head. This gives a detailed picture of how the child’s brain is communicating with itself, and a treatment plan is then formed based on how a normal brain should function). The brain waves of inattention and attention can be weakened or strengthened accordingly over time, a lot like weight training at a gym! Magder sometimes refers to it as “wait-train-ing” for the brain.

The ongoing treatment involves the child playing specifically devel oped video games and watching movies. Magder showed me a few of the training games he uses, which included ‘Midway Carnival’ and sports-related games, tailored for different age ranges. Magder monitors the brain wave pat-terns during these activities on his computer, and sounds and visual rewards are used for brain waves going in the right direction. The brain often gets over a thousand ‘re-wards’ in one session! In this gentle way, over the course of a few weeks, the brain is actually re-trained to permanently function in a more effective and balanced way. Magder likens the process to “…eavesdropping on our brainwaves…and being a neuron-nudger!”

The human brain is a remarkable learning machine, and various long-term studies have shown that once brain waves have improved, they do not need any more training. I read through a few testimonials and feedback sheets from The Brain Training Center clients, and they were certainly very favorable; according to their parents, the children being treated by Magder are developing significantly more self-regulating behaviors, both at home and at school. Only mild side-effects have ever been reported, after millions of treatments have been given over the past twenty years. These side-effects can include some fatigue, mild headache, or a slight temporary increase in hyperactivity. Effects dissipate after 24 hours.

Neurofeedback sessions need to be conducted twice a week for a few weeks, so clearly there is more ‘effort’ required than just taking a pill. However, the upside is a safe and long-lasting treatment, which is actually fun too!

Magder emphasizes that he keeps the treatment affordable, and works out options with lower-income clients or for those without health insurance (for children under 18, Blue Cross/Blue Shield Insurance now covers the treatment in MI). He also offers a free, one hour initial consultation, to allow parents to make an informed decision regarding the potential benefits of neurofeedback for their child. Magder suggests that the summer vacation can be an optimal time for children to start the training.

Donald Magder can be reached at: 248.703.6943. The Royal Oak office is located at: 123 South Main Street, Suite 100.  Visit The Brain Training Center web-site for further information:


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