City of Huntington Woods

City of Huntington Woods

By Jane McNamara

THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON WOODS HAS BEEN ABLE TO MEET THE CHALLENGES OF THE LAST YEAR with resilience and strength. The Recreation Department and Library continue to quickly adapt to the changing circumstances created by the pandemic. The City has also welcomed many new staff members that have quickly embraced the community.

The Library is open for 30-minute visits and curbside service is still available. Programs are being offered as a mix of in-person and online. Storytime has continued as well as special youth events such as Super Saturdays. Adult programming has resumed in-person with a bevy of interesting lectures. The City also welcomed a new Children’s Librarian, Calla Sundin, to the community over the summer.

The Recreation Department never stopped providing fun to residents. Our Teen Council has resumed in-person meetings and continues to organize and sponsor community service and events. Senior programming, like weekly films and lunch-bunch has begun again in-person. Residents can look forward to exciting events throughout the year. Information is available by checking the City’s newsletter, the Hometown Herald, and by signing up for the City’s weekly e-blasts at

Adults and children alike can enjoy the new Gaga Ball Pit at Burton Field, brought to the community by Seamus Lux as his Eagle Scout project. The Recreation Department also welcomed Lauren Fletcher as Program Specialist. If you see Lauren at the Rec., give her a warm welcome!

THE CITY IS IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING THE MASTER PLAN. The Planning Commission, staff, residents and planners have all played an integral role. The Master Plan will incorporate the Anti-Racism Plan and values established last year to ensure future development is committed to justice, fairness, and peace for all. The innovative ideas brought to the Commission during the planning process will mean that Huntington Woods continues to become more vibrant and welcoming.

Public Works has continuously worked hard to make sure that infrastructure is updated and services maintained. Residents can now enjoy new infrastructure and roads after a construction-heavy Summer, brought to you by the additional funds in the general fund after the Public Safety millage was passed. During the storms in July and August, crews worked tirelessly to clear trees and keep the community safe. City staff also opened the doors of City Hall to function as a cooling and charging center.

Residents will be met with some new faces at City Hall as well. Jane Kaminski will welcome you at the front desk and help take care of building permits and general inquiries. Michelle Jenny will answer water billing and property tax questions and concerns. As always, residents can continue to utilize the drop boxes for bills and election materials.

The City Commission continues the search for City Manager. The diligent search will ensure that the wonderful legacy that Amy Sullivan left will be continued. Stay up to date on all City happenings by visiting the City’s Facebook Page, e-blast and website.


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