Celebrating Ten Years in Business in 2016: Fuse Technology Group Expanding

Celebrating Ten Years in Business in 2016: Fuse Technology Group Expanding

FROM A HUMBLE BEGINNING IN HIS BERKLEY HOME to a small office in Madison Heights in 2006, then to a new larger headquarters in 2009 at 2222 Hilton in Ferndale, Pete Sanders, president of Fuse Technology Group, has worked hard to grow his successful Technical Services and Custom Software/Programming business.

Due to that strong growth, Fuse Technology Group is now expanding from 3,400 square feet to 6,200 square feet with the addition of an adjacent building at 2202 Hilton, formerly occupied by CWL Investments, owner of over 50 Jimmy John’s Sub Shops. With 20 full time employees, the company was up 20 % in 2014 over 2013 and is predicting a 30% increase in 2015. Fuse will celebrate its 10th anniversary in 2016.

While Fuse provides a number of technology services, the company is comprised of two main components: Tech Service and Custom Software Development. The Tech Services division provides technical support services to over 250 businesses in Metro Detroit from fixing any sort of computer or server problem to implementing new technologies and cloud computing. The Custom Software division develops custom apps and software tailored for specific needs a business may have.

Sanders credits Fuse’s success to staying keenly focused on the latest cutting edge technologies and al- ways giving the best customer service possible. Those two things, combined with a very loyal client base and
an amazing team, have allowed the company to enjoy continuous growth.

“We are not just a break/fix computer company,” says Sanders. “Our techs have the necessary education and technical skills to make us much more. My motto since starting the company has always been ‘grow, change, or die’, which is why we are constantly evolving our technical skills and knowledge. We always try to see
around the corners to the next technology evolution and learn how it will impact our clients. We have had the privilege of employing some of the brightest technical minds in the area, and our strong work ethic and passion for technology has earned us a fiercely loyal client base.”

“I’ve had some people ask why we didn’t move to a bigger building in the tech area of Metro Detroit like Farmington or Novi, but the truth of the matter is, we simply love Ferndale. The city has been extremely easy to work with and we felt that remaining here was the logical choice for both our staff and our clients. Our proximity to the major freeways allows for faster response times and the tech-friendly business landscape facilitates collaboration with valuable industry partners. The building’s layout and size, as well as ample parking for both our staff and clients, made it an easy choice for expanding our operations here.”

“I’ve been fascinated with computers since I was 13 and was lucky enough to get my first computer job at the age of 17. By the time I turned 19 I had started my own company. After graduating from Oakland University I decided to start Fuse Technology Group. Given that the country was on the brink of a major recession, I couldn’t have picked a more challenging time to start a company. But I knew that our small team was amazing at what we did and if we kept the focus on customer service and giving people what they needed, we would succeed.”

For more information on Fuse Technology Group,, call 248/545-0800 or visit www.fusetg.com.

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