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As our country continues to struggle through these challenging economic times, we see the impacts of reduced budgets, tightened belts, and changing policy all around us. Especially in Michigan, our essential public services — schools, libraries, government offices — seem to be in a constant state of flux with no clear vision of what their future may hold.

According to a recent report from Education Week, Michigan’s schools rank 24th in the nation — only slightly above the national average. Last year, Michigan libraries received only an average of $0.91 per capita, compared to the $2.94 national average. Both schools and libraries rely on state budgets to determine their funding, and ultimately, their future. With over 1.5 million students enrolled in Michigan K-12 public schools and over 56 million visits to our public libraries in 2012, it is clear that the future of our public resources also represent the future of our state.

While there are many factors that impact the quality of our public services, one thing is certain: all are at the mercy of the budget set by Michigan’s legislative body. No matter what side of the political fence you’re on, we are all tied to the successes and failures
of these institutions. It is our responsibility as voters to take a vested interest in how
they work, why they work, and how we can work to make them better going
forward. In the following section, we hope to examine both the cause, and potential impact, of the budgetary issues that face our great state and the essential services it provides to all of us.

If something happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a cure. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states coupled to erectile malfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you have to look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile disfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual disfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this physic is not for use in women, it is not known whether this curing passes into breast milk.

0 3232

Thomas and Tiffani Gagne have lived in Ferndale for seventeen years, since the last century, almost since the time that one might compare them to Ozzie & Harriet. Don’t remember Ozzie & Harriet? They were a TV family of the 1950s; nice folks, had a house in the ‘burbs and a couple sons. The comparison breaks down there — the Gagnes are actively involved in the community.

For five straight years they’ve attended every city council meeting. Their concerns have included zoning ordinances, school closings, millage proposals, and where the monies in the city budget were going. Tom expressed some of his political views in a blog as well as in local online and print media. Both Gagnes have voiced their opinions, put together and signed petitions, raised funds, and demonstrated about local issues. Tom has run for Mayor of Ferndale and, later, for a council seat. Tif is an elected member of the library board, and acting secre- tary as well as Chair of Development and Funding. They have two boys, shop and dine in town, and pretty up their home on West Woodland Avenue.

“We’re people with kids, and we pay attention to what’s going on,” says Tif. They both feel Ferndale is a great community and they like the diversity, the neighborhoods and downtown. Tif and Tom = mom and pop Ferndale. Tom has been in the software industry for decades. He’s a member of various civic groups in Ferndale and been involved with his kids in the Cub Scouts. Tif worked, since she was eighteen, for a now retired judge in Wayne County. She also used to walk around town tossing Ferndale Friends on porches, later she became the managing editor as well as circulation manager; it helped with the bills and got her more acquainted with the varied neighborhoods in town.

Tom and Tif keep abreast of local matters. Both assert they are politically conservative and both have strong opinions. It adds up to interesting discussions with other residents. Says Tif, “I’ll say, ‘shut up, idiot’ where Tom will study up on issues and use vocabulary where I don’t even know what he’s talking about.” Pose a question to them together, the answer is batted around like a ping pong ball. How is the DDA (Downtown Development Authority) funded, Photo by Michael Bugard does it come out of the city budget? “No,” says Tom, “they get a certain percentage from TIF.” Says Tif, “That’s not me Tif, that’s TIF as in Tax Incremental Funding.”

“It’s like there will be a tax millage for schools, by state law the DDAs will get a certain share. The DDA can spend it however they want even though you don’t see that mentioned on the ballot,” says Tom. “They get grants too,” says Tif. “Yes, but a lot of them are matching grants,” says Tom.

Tom reads up on issues and contacts people, making a particular point of knowing the whys and wherefores of both sides of a position. It bothers him when people don’t bother to do simple math about fiscal matters; it annoys him that many don’t bother to listen to or read about contrary viewpoints. At a city council meeting (in the mid 2000s) Tom was “so offended by the lack of intelligent discussion, I was inspired to run for office because I couldn’t believe these people were representing me.” Tom ran for mayor in the 2007 race and for a council seat in 2009; he lost both bids for election by just a couple handfuls of votes. Maybe it’s just as well; he thinks the present mayor and council are doing a pretty good job.

Tif is inclined to act from her gut. Tom says, “she has great instincts.” An example: a few years ago there was a bit of furor when handbills were put up at a number of Ferndale stores as part of targeting an issue. One owner didn’t want the handbills in his store and was picketed by an outside group. Tif heard about it, jumped in the car and stood with the owner. “I knew him,” she said. “He was my friend and I shopped there.” Tom looked into the issue and found it specious. “I couldn’t believe that no one official took a stand,” and joined his wife in the counter-protest. Tom likes to express his opinion, take a look at his blog where he enjoys backing up what he often considers a minority viewpoint in a liberal environment. He’s concerned about matters that affect his community, and doesn’t hesitate to give his point of view. “I’ve got the telephone numbers of the mayor and council members,” he says.

Tif loves it in town, her concern is for family and friends. “I go to the dentist and foot doctor here, I shop and eat here. It’s my community,” They’re in town, wearing their opinions and lives on their sleeves. Tif and Tom — mom and pop Ferndale.

If some happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a cure. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states coupled to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What folk talk about “viagra stories“? The most essential aspect you have to look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile disfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a state called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

0 4084

Retreat inside the enchanted world of Library Bookstore, 169 W. Nine Mile, to satiate your curious mind. Friendly bells jingle a welcome as you push open the door to a space surrounded by wooden shelves on walls packed thick, full of books – real books. Thousands of books create insulation from the noise and bustle of the city outside, allowing for classical music to waft gently through a maze of colors and titles.

Despite the rising popularity of electronic reading gadgets, owner of Library Bookstore, Martha Sempliner, said there are a lot of people who want a real book in their hand. “I get a fair amount of people, whether they’re 20 or 60, who come in and say ‘I bought the Kindle, but I only use it when I go on vacation. I want the feel of a book. I like how books smell’,” said Sempliner.

Sempliner purchased the used bookstore, located between Java Hutt and Naka in the heart of Downtown Ferndale, in the mid 1980s. She attributes the store’s longevity to luck and loyal customers. “We’ve been here for a long time. We’ve had people who came in here when they were 4 and now they’re 24. They go away and they come back to the good old bookstore that they know and love,” she said. What’s the draw? It’s all there: religion, philosophy, travel, politics, music, mythology, the classics, and certainly science fiction. From Terry Pratchett to Dune, Library Bookstore offers a rather large science fiction selection – and an in house science fiction expert to boot! “Denny is a sci-fi expert. He’s read science fiction since he was a kid, so he’s a great recommender,” said Sempliner, regarding her business partner Denny Morland, who you’ll often find reading behind the register.

Morland, who’s been with the store for more than three decades, also appre- ciates the value of real books and recalls some rather unique artifacts that have graced Library with their presence. “We’ve had some very rare things in the store. We had a copy of Kerouac’s first book, The Town and The City, which is really hard to find. It was a first edition, probably worth about $1000,” he said (and somebody bought it!). “At one point we had something signed by Babe Ruth, other small paperbacks that are hard to find…” he added.

Unique paperbacks, young adult novels, and books for children are abundant at Library Bookstore. “We have a lot more kids’ books now. There’s really been a resurgence of quality in stories and in illustrators. There is a lot more out there and they’re also much more conscious,” said Sempliner. If you’re a teacher and need to stock up on kids’ books or YA novels for the classroom, LB might have what you’re looking for. Just ask Denny. “We get teachers coming in looking for multiple copies of Great Gatsby and other classics. We have a storeroom where we keep duplicates. There are teachers who come and they want 20 copies of something and sometimes we’ll have that many. People are amazed at how many books we actually have in the store,” said Morland.

Sempliner said she has a general knowledge of a fairly wide array of books, but couldn’t name a favorite. “People ask me all the time what my favorite book is, but I read the paper a lot. I try to keep up with the news. Right now it’s the newspaper. I’ve read a fair amount in my life, but these days I feel like I need to know what’s going on, because the world is so strange,” she said.

Sempliner praised Ferndale for being a community of learners who want to stay informed on news and current events. “I think there are a lot of people here who want to know things. They’re curious about the world and they want to learn. That’s based on this space here. A lot of people around here are in school or have gone to school or have gone back to school and I guess we’re kind of a peaceful place for people to come in to. I don’t think I please everybody. I’m sure that’s the case. But you do the best you can,” said Sempliner.

Walk, bike, or drive on over, grab your treasure off the shelf, open it and smell the real thing. You can’t find Library Bookstore books online, Sempliner doesn’t sell there and she doesn’t have email. Call the store at 248-545-4300 with inquiries.

If slightly happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a cure. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotency and other states connected to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What men talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong heartiness problem such as soul trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

0 2788

It’s been just six weeks since a small box full of books appeared on the northwest corner of Albany and Farmdale, just south of Nine Mile. Standing in the yard, just next to the sidewalk, the wooden house-shaped box is painted green, mounted on a short leg; its only identifying features are a sticker reading, “Got books? Get some. Give some,” and a Little Free Library placard marking it as an officially chartered Little Free Library.

According to the official Little Free Library website, the concept of the small community library began some time ago with Lutie Stearns. Between 1895 and 1914, she traveled in a horse drawn wagon to upwards of 1,300 locations in Wisconsin carrying small wooden libraries — small sets of shelves with glass and wood coverings over the front — and left them in post offices, stores, homes, schools, and other places for citizens who did not have access to books of their own.

Though inspired by Stearns, contemporary Little Free Libraries work on a slightly different system. Now, the Little Free Library is curated by a steward (a person who either builds or buys the library) and they place it on common or easily reachable property. After the library has been set out, community members are free to take and leave books as they like, shaping the library based on the tastes of the community. The Little Free Library is meant to be both a resource for books on a neighborhood level and a community art project of sorts — a view of what citizens are reading and enjoying and what information they feel is important to share with their neighbors.

Simone, the Ferndale resident who stewards this particular Little Free Library, says that she started the library as a gift for her five year wedding anniversary in January. “It was something I wanted and I just hadn’t had the excuse to get it yet.” She explained that the fifth anniversary is traditionally the wood anniversary and since both she, and her husband Max, are strong believers in the importance of literacy and are adamant in their love of the Ferndale community, they took up the project enthusiastically.

“The library cycles fairly regularly,” Max explained. “We had the whole Hunger Games series, kids books, even a few VHS tapes. And people stop to talk to us about it all the time.” Both Max and Simone have seen several dozen books go in and out of the library that they originally stocked from their own books. They’ve been interested to see the kind of books that appear and their two year old daughter checks every day to see what’s changed. The only book no one seems interested in, Max, a lawyer, explains, is the book about the Supreme Court that he placed in the original stack of two dozen.

Simone declined to have her picture taken with the library, insisting that the project and the library are meant to belong to the community. Both she and Max pointed out that people have spent time decorating the library with their own touches — a small pinecone, and a long piece of poster board bearing the words, “It Only Gets Better,” have been added to their paint and placement of the box. These little touches, on top of the books that have been trad- ed in and out of the library, have made for a vivid
portrait of the neighborhood that Simone and Max are so fond of. They are both transplants to Michigan and have been settled in their Ferndale home for five years after moving to the Metro Detroit area for Simone’s work as an English professor.

Simone was adamant in her support of the Ferndale Public Library that is nearby but explained that it was something special to see people stopping all the time to kneel in their yard and look through the books in the Little Free Library. They’re unconcerned about vandalism as all the books have been well taken care of and either replaced with another book or returned. The box itself has stood up to the torrential downpours of July and should stand up well to snow. And no matter the weather, their little wooden box will continue to provide joy to the entire community, one story at a time.

If some happened with our soundness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a cure. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states united to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most essential aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile disfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual malfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a status called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

0 2155

Just when he needed a shot in the arm, he got two shots of whiskey. Helped just the same, though. Chris Degnore can’t think of any one moment, specifically; that moment he knew he’d be living his life for music. That “moment” could have been when he was just a child, learning guitar and jam- ming with his dad, hearing their instruments intermingling in a profound musical dialogue. It could have been the notable acclaim he’d received in his early 20s, attain- ing songwriting awards from the local ears down in Nashville, TN (nationally known as “Music City”). Or it could’ve been those two shots of whiskey that somehow turned into a fateful busking odyssey over in Ireland.

Degnore’s got an interesting story to tell, but it wouldn’t have wound its way to the release of Cinema, the debut LP by his power-pop trio The Black Drops (with bassist Joe Bagozzi and drummer John Porter), if this disarmingly generous Irish woman named Danielle O’Neal hadn’t slid him some whiskey, down the bar, a few years ago, making it up to him that day for “…sitting in my seat,” Degnore says, in what was momentarily a preferred watering hole for the 27-year-old. Because, at that point, he was almost ready to give up on music (though, much credit for getting his current musical engagements going goes to his girlfriend Delia Delise).

Anyhow, back in ‘04, the Ferndale-based songwrit- er found success down in Nashville and would eventually take his music overseas. But in ‘08, meeting O’Neal, he was starting to feel a bit drained, a bit disenchanted, ready for something else, something bigger. So this gregarious girl with the rich brogue accent, sensing that he wasn’t happy here in Detroit, called him up one day after they’d gotten to know each other, post-whiskey-shots. O’Neal, somewhat bafflingly in an almost Guardian Angel-esque whim of knocking opportunity, offered him a round-trip plane ticket and hotel room to “come play some gigs around Dublin.”

It turned out to be a motivationally rejuvenating experience for Degnore. He stayed over there for a while, spending a thrilling (and somewhat financially-suspenseful) span of months busking around pubs in Ireland, actually living off his music. He’d even rent the PAs himself, when he had to, despite having to rely entirely on Irish taxicabs for transportation. Now that’s devotion.

It reminded him that he could actually make a living off his music; that music, really, was his life. “Looking back as a kid,” Degnore said, “I’ve never been interested in sports or followed any other hobby, really. I might have lost some friends that way by maybe seeming boring, but all I’ve ever done or wanted to do was read books and write and play music.” His dad gave him the guitar while his aunt gave him the piano; meanwhile his Russian music instructor kept vociferously scolding him with his stark accent: “…to stop playing all those Beatles songs” between lessons.

He never stopped that, really. Ask him about the Beatles and his eyes light up, ready to talk for hours. But there’s also Big Star, Harry Nilsson, Cream and a many other masters of the ‘70s who redefined the traditional tropes of pop-rock. Degnore says that he, Bagozzi, and Porter each appreciate the old school styled power-pop bands who toyed-with and re-tweaked the guttural blues ballads, from dark Delta grooves to the twanging shuffles of Chicago styles; but they’re out to give these jams the sweeter (and often daz-zlingly-produced) pop styles of, inevitably, those Beatles, but also the late ‘90s Southern-styled power-pop from bands like Superdrag, too.

“We’re all each very different, musically,” Degnore says, alighting Porter growing up on a “real metal-listening diet,” while Bagozzi has a proclivity towards the shredding, punk-tinged indie-rock anti-he- roes of the early-to-mid-’90s. “But we all have this common link to the old-school power trios. I want to take that and put our stamp on it, to where every song has a great hook. How much straight-up blues can you play? We’ve all played in blues bands and it’s fun. But if we can bring that in and then add a pop sensibility, right from the start of the song, where there’s something hooky going on and in the middle there’s some- thing else interesting happening and then at the end it’s got you again — you never know…”

Tellingly, Degnore adores the dazzling in-studio feats of visionary producers like George Martin (truly “the 5th Beatle”) and Brian Wilson (who notoriously set his sights almost too high while producing his work and the work of the Beach Boys). Cinema isn’t your average pop record; it’s got grit and swagger but it’s still got a fine, fun glow to it. These are summertime jams, with rhythms as ready to shuffle as they are to start slamming, shouldered along by a soulful bass groove and crackling with the fuzzy fire of Degnore’s surprisingly expressive guitar work; as declarative as blues ballads but as freewheeling as any pop/rock paradigm.

Though the group considered their recent set during Ferndale’s leg of the Metro Times Blowout to be one of the most fun shows they’ve ever played, Degnore is always keeping his options open. A chance at Ireland may not come back, but he said if any opportunity to play music elsewhere came, he may just take it, if at all possible, (more incentive to hear and see the Black Drops while you can, we suppose). Keep your ears open, anyhow, as Degnore hopes to release an album of solo material no later than November. Expect more than your typical singer-songwritery-type fare, Degnore says. “This ain’t gonna be like James Taylor stuff.”

If something happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a preparation. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotency and other states coupled to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What men talk about “viagra stories“? The most vital aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile disfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

0 2025

On September 22nd, the AFSP will be hosting an Out of the Dark-ness Community Walk right here in Southeast Michigan, at Kensington Metropark. Ferndale resident Beth Dzierwa, a survivor herself, is hoping that other people around the community will join her in supporting this important and meaningful cause that carries with it plenty of misconceptions. “(There is a) myth that people who attempt suicide are crazy, but the fact is that no, they’re not crazy. They are in pain and probably have a chemical imbalance in their brain. Anyone can attempt suicide.” It’s a subject Beth knows about first hand.

Although suicide is something people are typically uncomfortable talking about, Beth doesn’t shy away from sharing her experiences.
“As a survivor of suicide, I made it my mission to bring the prevention and education to light,” Beth said. “I openly share my story so that others don’t feel alone in their struggle.” So when Beth’s colleague Kelly Miller, the co-chair of the Kensing- ton walk, asked Beth to contribute to the event, Dzierwa was inspired to do more than just donate. She shared her story with Miller, who lost her 13-year-old son Noah last year to suicide, and it became a bonding experience for both of them. Beth joined Kelly’s walk team, Noah’s Angels, named after her son, and together (along with other teammates) they’re more than halfway to their goal of raising $2,000. Miller and Dzierwa are working hard to not only raise money for the event, but also awareness to help prevent further tragedies, like Noah’s, in the future.

Beth believes it starts with education. Often times, people who are considering suicide are suffering silently with mental illness. “At least 90 percent of all people who died by suicide were suffering from a mental illness at the time, most often depression,” Beth points out. “Among people who are depressed, intense emo- tional states such as desperation, hopelessness, anxiety, or rage increase the risk of suicide.” Although people suffering with a mental illness may think things will never get better, Beth knows that with proper treatment, situations can drastically improve. “Mental Illness is treatable,” Beth says enthusiastically, and it starts with basic compassion and understanding from those around you. “You can make a difference. This will affect you whether it’s your loved one, a friend, a co-worker, etc. Throw away the stigma of mental illness,” she said. “Save a life.”

There are plenty of ways to join Dzierwa and Miller in the fight against suicide. You can visit the AFSP website for more information about how to get involved in their community, campus, and overnight walks. You can also use their resources to help educate yourself, and others, about how to approach the situation if you may be worried about someone at risk. Any step you can take, any small contribution you can make to help fight back against what many people are calling an epidemic, has the potential to make a huge difference in the lives of many. For more information about how to get involved, visit afsp.org.

If something happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states united to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most vital aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a state called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual malfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this therapy passes into breast milk.

0 3638

RON AND CREW AT KNIGHT LIGHT CANDLE & IMPORT have been in the blessing business for over 20 years. If there is a specialty product you are looking for in the line of candles, oils, incense and jewelry, etc, chance are they have it. And you are bound to have a great time while you are there! Knight Light is packed with curiosities of all kinds, and there is something new to find in every corner.

Knight Light Candle is located at 10620 W 9 Mile, in Oak Park near Scotia. The comfortable, cozy shop is in a shopping strip next to Salon Epiphany. There is plenty of convenient parking in front. Knight Light sells “candles, oils, incense, jewelry, stones, statues, herbs, roots, smudge sticks, soaps, washes, and lottery dream books and tip sheets. They are used to draw love, protection, for removing evil, for cleansing and healing. We have a nice selection of bamboo plants sold by the stalk or in vases. They are known to bring luck and protection to the home. We have products to keep your lover faithful. We also carry Buddha statues and healing crystals.”

Ron began working at Skippy Candles in 1983. Seven years later, he left to work at Goodwill Candle. After three years there, he finally decided he was ready to open a place of his own.

Ron’s first location was on Mt. Elliot and Gratiot, in Detroit. He is very proud of the large and loyal customer base he developed there. “Customers came from all over. They came from Canada, Ohio, and all over Michigan on a regular basis. They were more like family than customers.”

However, over the years, the neighborhood declined. “It just got too rough doing business there. Some customers were afraid to come because of crime and no police presence. Cars were being vandalized and panhandlers begging outside the front door. The alarm company called me at least once a week about a possible break-in. “ Finally, Ron had enough and began looking for a new location. Why did he settle in Oak Park? “I’ve lived in Oak Park for nearly fifty years and I’ve always wanted a store close to home and centrally located. The area is peaceful. I have a thriving neighborhood presence instead of being surrounded by burnedup and vacated homes.”

However, “Many of my old customers don’t know where I’m located now because the old landlord won’t let me put up any signs.” What would Ron like most for people to know about his store? “We carry one of the largest selection of candles,incense,pure oils, herbs in the state. We have been in the blessing business for over 20 years. More than 90 percent of our customers are repeat customers. They come back to me with testimonials
on how well everything worked out. We are a small, family business. We give free advice and help you select the products you need for your specific problem.

And what does he do when it’s time to relax? “I like to read the newspaper with a real paper, not some online edition. I am not a fan of the modern technology. I believe in doing things old school. I enjoy taking daily walks around the neighborhood with my dogs.”

If something happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat emasculation and other states connected to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What folk talk about “viagra stories“? The most essential aspect you have to look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile malfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.