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WE REGULARLY HOST SOME amazing programs here at FPL. But then, we’ve got a particular pair of facilitators who’ve been at it for a while; you could call them programming pros! Reference Librarian Darlene Hellenberg and Head of Circulation Kelly Bennett have worked together for much of the last 15 years, working individually or as a team in organizing/hosting a variety of special programs and events for the community.

This season, Bennett continues to host her local music showcase First Stop Friday (on every first Friday evening of the month, with two bands performing in our Com- munity Room), while Hellenberg leads our participation in The Great Michigan Reads series of group-reading discussions/ events. We host an annual community-wide book club called Ferndale Reads. Think of this Great Michigan Read as merely a wider focus: encouraging the entire state to read-along. Our book is by Steve Luxenberg. “It’s the true story of the author’s quest,” Hellenberg said, “to learn about an aunt he never knew he had. It takes place mostly around Detroit and surrounding suburbs.”

We’ll kick off our Great Michigan Reads in late March, check for confirmed dates. Our first confirmed program tied to the book’s theme is on April 23rd (7pm) at the library, a Memoir Writing Lecture, titled “Preserve Your Family Stories: Tips for Interviewing Your Loved Ones” Author Steve Luxemberg will speak about his book on May 22nd (7pm) at the Rust Belt Market. Hellenberg said she enjoys “finding ways to tie everything together” when it comes to engaging the community through group-reads, namely: “organizing programs that highlight a book’s themes.” Hellenberg enjoys hearing how readers in the community are uniquely experiencing the book.

Meanwhile, says Bennett of our live music events: “I invite creative people into the library’s space, make sure they have what they need and just let them go. I enjoy seeing the experimentation that the bands bring to our space; it’s a different kind of venue so many choose to attempt a different kind of show.”

First Stop Fridays has garnered positive responses, demonstrating that libraries are “community hubs,” Bennett emphasizes. “Our resources are becoming more about an experience and face-to-face interactions.” The more our nation’s’ libraries embrace this expanded role, the more patrons and communities will flock to them, “in turn, then, seeing everything we have to offer.”

Bennett: “Darlene and I went through a lot together in Circulation when the library was going through growing pains (middle 2000s). She’s the kind of co-worker and collaborator that can encourage you so much that you feel invincible. She can also parse out any flaws in your plan.”

Hellenberg: “…as a partner-in-library crime, Kelly is great at seeing things from every angle. She’s great at making sure we can actually pull-off whatever it is that we’re envisioning.”

If some happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a cure. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotency and other states connected to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual disfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a state called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this therapy passes into breast milk.

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IENTITY THEFT HAS EXPLODED in frequency recently. In 2013, the FPD investigated 62 cases of identity theft, and that doesn’t include the vast numbers of other types of frauds that might have originated from an identity theft.

An identity theft occurs when someone assumes your identity from numerous different sources and commits some type of fraud or other crime. These types of crimes are very difficult to investigate and prosecute. Several jurisdictions may be involved in an identity theft case involving the same victim and may even occur in several different states. Understandably, the FPD cannot send a detective to California as part of an identity theft investigation that originated with a Ferndale resident. In most cases, your bank or credit card company is eager to write off their loss as a cost of doing business and is happy to reimburse you, as a customer in good standing, for any loss you may suffer. The FPD will generally only complete a report for identity theft from residents of the city of Ferndale. In very few cases, generally those involving large fraudulent purchases at a Ferndale business or the use of violence, will the FPD investigate cases involving identity thefts that originated in other jurisdictions.

The sources of information that permits an identity thief to uncover the vital data needed to assume your identity are so numerous and varied that it is almost impossible to prevent. Criminals may get this information about you by stealing your wallet or purse, breaking into your vehicle, going through your trash, or by accessing your credit or bank accounts. They may approach you in person, by telephone, or on the Internet and talk you out of certain vital pieces of your personal information.

There are ways you can reduce the likelihood that you might become a victim of identity theft but there is no way to prevent it. Your vital data is stored in databases that are too numerous to begin to keep track of. Never throw away any correspondence with names, account numbers, dates of birth, or social security numbers in any form that may be usable. When in doubt, shred it!

Never give out credit card information to anyone unless you are conducting business with a reputable entity and you called them. Continually monitor your bank accounts and immediately notify your bank of any discrepancies. Keep a list of your credit cards and their corresponding phone numbers to call if they are lost or stolen. Report any unauthorized transactions to your bank, credit card company, and the police agency where you reside as soon as you notice them. Review all of your bank and credit transactions monthly. Inspect your credit report yearly and contest any items you find that are in question. Request that the Michigan Secretary of State put a flag on your driver’s license if your identity is stolen to limit the possibility that your information is used in an arrest or traffic citation situation.

Here are some tips to take if your identity is stolen: Initiate an Initial Fraud Alert with one of the three national credit monitoring agencies. Submit a complaint to the Federal Trade Commission at that will result in you completing and printing an Identity Theft Affidavit and then take this to the police in the jurisdiction where you reside and request that an identity theft report be completed. Order and meticulously inspect your credit report. Once you make notification of an Initial Fraud Alert you are entitled to one free credit report from each of the three national credit monitoring agencies.

If something happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat emasculation and other states coupled to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What humanity talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as soul trouble. Causes of sexual disfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

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A kickoff meeting for a new phase of Oakland County Beyond Coal drew a capacity crowd to the Ferndale Public Library on January 21st.

One of the best-attended environmental campaign meetings I’ve seen, it featured two of Ferndale’s own as moderator (Andrew Cissell) and keynote speaker (Craig Covey) as well as nationally-known environmental justice organizer Rhonda Anderson of Detroit, and Physicians for Social Responsibility member Stephanie Dernek of Ann Arbor. Green Corps organizer Zack Deutsch-Gross has chosen Ferndale as his temporary residence while in Michigan revving up Beyond Coal’s latest juncture.

Dr. Dernek pointed out that Physicians for Social Responsibility created a Michigan chapter primarily because of coal’s health issues here. Coal contributes to several of our leading causes of death, including cancer, stroke, heart disease, and chronic respiratory problems, and is “especially bad for babies and young developing minds,” Dernek said.

Michigan’s reliance on coal is still higher than the national average, according to the doctor, and PSR supports “the closing of coal plants and replacing coal with renewables” for “cleaner, happier, healthier communities.”

Some of Covey’s environmental roots are in the six years he spent as a Boy Scout; he’s been involved in environmental causes since his teen years, and not just coal. “Coal may be the ugliest house on the energy block but fracking is right next door,” he told us, reminding us of other threats Michigan faces, and also that environmental issues know “no boundaries like 8 Mile Road.” He urged us to “hold our politicians accountable” and pointed out that “we don’t own the earth as property. We get to use it as stewards and pass it on to the next generation.” Craig delighted attendees by calling Ferndale “the Ann Arbor of Metro Detroit, and the San Francisco of Michigan.”

Rhonda Anderson, who heads the Sierra Club Environmental Justice office in Detroit, connected the issues of pollution to the recent celebration of Martin Luther King Day as well as to present struggles for environmental justice. Moving beyond coal is a “continuation of the fight begun in the ‘60s for civil rights. Everyone has a right to clean air and clean water.”

“I did not know until seven years ago how bad things were. I had become accustomed to all that major pollution [in southwest Detroit]” which she pointed out is “a community that’s so impacted by dirty energy. What’s the solution? Clean energy.”

The crowd, 67 strong, got better acquainted in breakout sessions, brainstorming topics like grassroots organizing and attracting media attention (and with the abundance of social media, many realized that we ourselves are the media now). It was heartening to not only see the usual green suspects but those who had come to such an event for the first time, whether out of curiosity, an eagerness to connect various Ferndale commissions in common causes, or a new willingness to become directly involved. The refreshments provided by Blaze Pizza, Jimmy Johns, and Starbucks were gratefully enjoyed, and some of the crowd headed to the WAB after the hour-plus meeting ended.
Want to become involved yourself? Look for and “like” Oakland County Beyond Coal on Facebook for news of coming events or contact organizer Zack at

If some happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states connected to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most essential aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile disfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual disfunction switch on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this treatment passes into breast milk.

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When Dave Garcia started as the new executive director at Affirmations in 2011, he heard complaints about the floor every day — or so it seemed. The off-white carpets were stained, ripped, and had become an eyesore.

The beautiful building that opened in 2007 as a showcase of the LGBTQ community four years later was languishing because of a bad interior design decision. The floors were affecting how the community felt about the building. Dave heard feedback from members that the space was great but the floors made the building seem shabby. Every day, it was “the floors, the floors, the floors.”

And that’s the nature of running an organization: Oftentimes, you don’t get to choose the priorities. Instead, they choose you.

Recovering from this bad decision was more than a cosmetic change. It was having profound effects on Affirmations. In 2011, the building didn’t even open until 4:00 P.M. and Dave said about his priorities when he joined Affirmations, “the first thing was to fight the public perception that we were dying.”

So rather than raise money for the new flooring from donors — donors who less than ten years ago had raised over five million dollars for the Open the Doors capital campaign — Dave looked to Building for the Future, a financial service that helps nonprofits plan for capital improvements. Though flooring was not initially on the list of big ticket items that Building for the Future would help fund, Dave negotiated an agreement to get the flooring replaced.
Making sure the floor was fixed was a reality but also a metaphor.

Dave worked with staff and the board of directors to build expertise. He went about meeting the financial challenges by increasing donations, grants, and corporate sponsorships. He raised the profile of Affirmations by adding a premiere fund-raising event called Spring Bash. This black-tie affair provides a venue to court more affluent donors and corporate sponsors. The Shore 2 Shore Equality Ride’s inaugural voyage was held last summer. Based loosely on the AIDS/LifeCycle Ride, it benefited all Michigan LGBT Community Centers and was a big success even in its first year.

Now on solid financial ground, Affirmations has started adding programs to serve the community. Last year, it expanded the David Bohnett Cyber Center. A bank of 15 computers is available for member use, and provides the technology resources which allowed Affirmations to collaborate with the Michigan Educational Partnership in hosting an alternative high school program. Besides expanding programs, Dave’s love of public policy and political activism also led him to spearhead the Hungry 4 Equality campaign last fall. Corresponding with the Fall election, hunger strikers gathered in a “living room” staged in Affirmations’ front window along Nine Mile. The strike raised awareness about existing anti-gay legislation in Michigan, especially anti-adoption, anti-marriage, and laws that allow discrimination in the workplace. Dave was one of the first wave of hunger strikers, and the event was covered by local, national, and international media.

Affirmations also posted an Equality Rights Hall of Shame that was visible from Nine Mile Road. Members of the Hall of Shame included Michigan legislators, politicians, and the Supreme Court. Dave saw the Hall of Shame as an opportunity “to educate the community, especially our straight allies, about who is behind the anti-gay movement here.” While both of those campaigns were very successful, they also brought criticism. Some felt the campaign was too in-your-face or that it was not the role of a community center to push a political agenda. But one thing is sure: Nobody thinks that Affirmations is dying. With a strong board and staff and the finances on the rise, Affirmations’ future looks bright. But Dave feels sad and a little guilty for leaving. “We still have work to do here,” he said. The fights for marriage and adoption and against workplace discrimination still need to be won. But he feels confident that “it’s just a matter of time.”

When the lifelong Michigander goes to Los Angeles to work as the Director of Public Policy and Community Building at the L.A. Gay and Lesbian Center, it will be big challenge. But serving as Executive Director of Affirmations and before that of the Gay and Lesbian Center in Kalamazoo has prepared him. It has “toughened my skin,” he said. “There will always be criticism. I’ve come to expect it and that’s going to help me moving forward.” Dave turns 40 this year and his son is graduating from high school, so it is an ideal time to try something different. In his new position he will travel and advocate for changes to public policy internationally. But while he is saying goodbye, Affirmations will continue.

It celebrates its 25th anniversary this year, anchoring West Nine Mile with all the stuff that makes Ferndale fun and fabulous.

If something happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a preparation. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states connected to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most vital aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual malfunction switch on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this physic is not for use in women, it is not known whether this curing passes into breast milk.

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After spending more than 20 years serving the citizens of Ferndale as part of the Ferndale School Board, long-time education advocate Chuck Moeser announced his intention to retire from his position last December.

With an impressive list of accomplishments and accolades, including serving ten years as Board President, Moeser felt the timing was right to announce his
departure. “With the Board’s organizational meeting in January, [announcing my retirement in December] would give the Board and my replacement a full year to work together,” Moeser said. “I felt it to be the right time for myself and the Board.”

His thoughtfulness about the timing of his announcement was no surprise to the people who know him best, including School Board President Jim O’Donnell
who has served with Moeser for several years. “Chuck has always been the epitome of graciousness and was a well-prepared and strong leader and advocate
for the district,” O’Donnell said. “The school board wishes Chuck Moeser all the best in his retirement.”

Looking back on a long and distinguished term, it wasn’t hard for Moeser to point out the proudest moments of his tenure – both personal and professional. “My proudest moments were when each of my three kids graduated from the same high school I did and I was able to sign their diplomas,” Moeser said.

“And from a Board perspective, keeping the many programs that make Ferndale a great district intact while balancing the budget during State revenue reductions and increased State mandates. And helping to keep our schools both economically and academically in good shape over my 20-plus years of service to the community.” For now, Chuck Moeser and his wife are planning on moving to Traverse City for their second retirement. They’re counting on relaxing, volunteering, and spending plenty with time with their children and grandchildren. Though nothing is set in stone, he’s looking forward to what a new experience might bring. “My wife and I are about to begin our next great adventure in life,” Moeser said. “You never really know what comes next.”

Selected to fill the vacant seat on the board left by Moeser’s departure is Jennifer LaTosch, a Senior Attorney at Miller Canfield and a long-time Ferndale resident. Her interest in seeking the position came from a decision made with her partner to stay in Ferndale and get more involved. “When we decided to stay in the Ferndale area, we both committed to getting as involved as possible to help make the schools the best possible for our kids and all of the kids that go to school here,” LaTosch said.

“We have an amazing community, and I know our schools can be just as amazing.”

Only a month into her service, LaTosch is already making a fast impression on her colleagues. “Jennifer LaTosch is a worthy successor to Chuck,” Board President O’Donnell told Ferndale Friends. “She impressed the board with her intelligence and thoughtfulness on the Citizens’ Strategic Plan Review Committee and in her application and interview for the open board position. Jen is going to be a tremendous colleague on the board.”

Speaking of the work the Ferndale School Board has done over recent years, LaTosch said that she is “so impressed with the vision to create a strategic plan, the follow-through in creating a community driven strategic plan, and the dedication to carrying it out.” She believes that “we are at a very difficult crossroad in public education, but by rallying together and sticking to our collective vision, I am confident that we will come through this and be even stronger.”

With full elections coming up in November, LaTosch’s term will last until December 31st, 2014. In that time, she’s excited about the possibilities of what the Board will be able to accomplish together. “I am excited about seeing the vision and goals of the strategic plan come to fruition,” LaTosch told Ferndale Friends. “I would also like to continue the commitment of the board to provide transparency and open communication. And at the base of making our schools successful is the need to work towards a balanced budget that provides for the excellent education for our kids, the programs that we all love, and a positive and supportive environment for our kids, families, staff, and community.”

If something happened with our soundness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat emasculation and other states coupled to erectile malfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most essential aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile disfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this treatment passes into breast milk.

0 2432

Kurt Metzger is a mayor who can do the math. But Pleasant Ridge’s first new mayor in a generation is no number-cruncher; he’s more like a number-coordinator.

Metzger wants to illuminate a “regional vision” for our closely-tied communities to share. It’s possible we could all start seeing this vision by way of numbers and statistics. At least, if any mayor will show you a thing or two about stats and demographics, it’s Metzger. Metzger’s background is in data analysis. He began his career in the ‘70s with the U.S. Census Bureau and recently retired as Director of Data Driven Detroit — a regional information hub for data coordination, providing information analysis for a range of groups and institutions thus that they can make the best-informed decisions. Metzger, who won 53% of the vote in Pleasant Ridge’s mayoral election last November, is the guy, the “data-guru,” as he’s known, who can show you what it all adds up to. Put another way, his equations, if worked out, show the “potential” for improvement.

And, when Ferndale Friends asked Metzger about the “unrealized potential” of the Southeast Michigan region, it strikes quite a chord in him. “That term truly captures the message that I have been trying to spread for years,” said Metzger.

“We have all the pieces here, we just need to figure out how we bring them all together and get them working with a unified vision.”

Metzger assures that he’ll work to preserve and strengthen the close ties between our two communities, along with his amicable relationship with our mayor and council members. There are contractual ties between us, but then, also, we can connect by sharing a new and improved vision (or mentality). Metzger speaks of what’s been, heretofore, a detrimental mentality for our region, that being one of “home rule and win-lose confrontation.”

“We have to begin to believe that collaboration can ‘grow the pie’ for all and get away from the idea that the ‘pie’ is finite and that we can’t afford to share even a sliver.”

Ferndale and Pleasant Ridge are just players in a larger tri-county region, anchored by Detroit. Metzger, who worked downtown for decades as a research analyst for the Michigan Metropolitan Information Center and the United Way for Southeastern Michigan, implores that we work together to appreciate “Detroit’s success as being: our success.”

“It starts with Ferndale and Pleasant Ridge,” he said, “and it grows to Hazel Park and Huntington Woods and then Detroit and Highland Park and Warren.”

Metzger grew up in Cincinnati, OH. He moved to Detroit in 1975 to begin his work with the Census Bureau. He spent his first Michigan-years in Ferndale (first on LaPraire and then on Troy St.), before he moved to Pleasant Ridge in the mid ‘80s. As an analyst working in Detroit, Metzger said that “the issues of this region have allowed me a ‘laboratory’ of study where demographic knowledge is critical for understanding regional dynamics.” A mayor who’s constantly contemplating “regional dynamics” and revels in poring over numbers? Metzger likely isn’t your typical idea of a local politician.

“I have a strong belief in fact-based decisions,” he says. Indeed. From the start, that’s refreshing rhetoric. But, like we said, Metzger has the numbers to back himself up.

But, more personally, he’s also been able to work and meet people from all over the state; from corporate execs to block captains, he’s worked with the wealthy and the homeless, from all races and ethnic groups. As Metzger sees it, he’s been fortunate to be able to bring a “gift of information” to the region. “I believe in outcome measurement,” he stressed. “I believe that one needs to monitor results on a regular basis to make sure you are getting your money’s worth.”
Among his respected beliefs are transparency in government, community involvement, and participatory government: open, shared, and debated decision-making. “We’re a small, highly-educated community. I feel we have a chance to take the lead in community involvement. A strong message of open data sharing will drive in increase in resident participation in community decision-making.” He admits, though, an “aversion to politics. I never had an interest in running for anything.”

The City Commission’s vote to cancel its fire contract with Ferndale and switch to Berkley back in 2011 spurred Metzger to get further involved. He found encouragement by two young residents, Ann Perry and Jason Kryziak, winning seats on the Commission. When election season came around “no one else would come forward for mayor,” Metgzer said. “I owed them for their courage over the last two years and therefore could not say no when they asked.” Metzger’s expertise with demographic trends and data coordination has aided the Michigan Land Use Leadership Council, SEMCOG, Michigan Kids Count, the Michigan Early Childhood Investment Council and many more. He has also served on the board for the Greening of Detroit. But as of last November, he’s the mayor-next-door.

“We are working closely with Ferndale to envision regional transit and complete streets coordinated between the two communities,” Metzger said. He’s looking towards developing a seamless set of bus and bike lanes connecting the community and providing a more walkable, friendly Woodward — from Detroit past I-696. “These are exciting discussions that Ferndale and Pleasant Ridge will be driving with SEMCOG, MDOT, and others.” Mayor Metzger proclaims it, (just as our bumper-stickers do): “I love Ferndale! I love the energy of its elected officials,” he continued. “I love the diversity of its residents. It’s a great example of what the Millennials are looking for — density, diversity, walk-ability, a culture of openness and innovation, a government that cares and listens. Not to mention, the best librarians I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with….”

“I could go on but…my electorate might start questioning my allegiance.”

Retired from his day job, Metzger is looking forward to spending more time with his wife of 36 years. “We’ll never leave this area,” he assures, proudly and gladly. Professionally, though, he assures that he’ll also never leave “the data-game….in both consulting and volunteer roles with various institutions.”
He’s enthused by his “terrific” Commission partners who are working with him to help Pleasant Ridge blossom into a more “participatory government.” Collaboration, he repeats. A Regional Agenda, he also reiterates.

Sounds good to us. Here’s to a new year, to a new mayor, and to new ideas for collaboration.

If slightly happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a cure. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states connected to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What humanity talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong heartiness problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual disfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a state called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this treatment passes into breast milk.

0 2124

As 2013 comes to a close, we look back on another year of living in this great city. We are so lucky to be able to look around us and see the best of what makes America great: small, independent businesses; a well-rounded and inclusive community; and a safe and comfortable place to live 365 days of the year.

Part of sharing in this great community is welcoming new businesses, and sometimes having to say goodbye to the ones that have helped build and shape our fair city. This year, we say goodbye to two unique businesses who’ve proudly served our community for many years.

After ten years on the corner of Hilton and Cambourne, Bob and Mary Lenaway have decided to close down Ferndale’s only true office supply store: Lenny’s Copy Center. A business that has served all of Ferndale’s copy and office needs since 2003, their unique approach of allowing customers to purchase office supplies in small quantities made business and professional services available to anyone.

Offering a variety of services, Lenny’s was the one-stop shop for custom screen printing (including t-shirts and other apparel), bulk printing, and various other office-related items. A true “mom and pop” shop, Lenny’s Copy Center was a unique and wonderful part of the Ferndale community for the past decade.

On their website, Bob and Mary state that they “run a family business committed to giving you a warm welcome, a variety of products, fair prices, and old-fashioned friendly service.” Anyone who had the pleasure of shopping at Lenny’s and interacting with Bob and Mary know that they exceeded that goal tenfold. Ferndale, and especially
the Ferndale Friends offices, will miss the exceptional service, unbeatable prices, and friendly atmosphere of Lenny’s Copy Center.

This year, we also say our goodbyes to one of Ferndale’s oldest and most revered businesses: Helena Salon. First opened by Helen Gruss in the 1940s, the salon went through several different incarnations and buildings before finally ending up in its final location situated between Woodward Heights and Nine Mile on Woodward.

One of Detroit’s oldest woman-owned businesses, the salon expanded when her daughter Mary Tsouris began to operate and promote her reflexology business from within the salon’s walls.

Always on the cutting edge of what was new and hip, Helena Salon served as “publicity central” for the inaugural year of the “Ferndale Classic Car and Truck Show” which eventually became known by its more modern moniker: The Woodward Dream Cruise. Helen told Ferndale Friends in a past feature that, “doing business for over 30-plus years in Ferndale, Helena Salon has serviced wonderful clients that have become life-long friends.” That extensive group of friends and clients, along with the entire community, will fondly remember Helena Salon and we thank them for the many years they helped keep Ferndale beautiful.

If something happened with our soundness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a preparation. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states connected to erectile malfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most vital aspect you must look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile malfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this physic is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

0 2263

SHINE ON YOGA’S owner Linda Marchione first tried yoga as physical therapy to help with a running injury. She previously shrugged it off as a non-challenging practice and didn’t believe it would help with her recovery. However, after being dragged to a yoga class by a friend, and seeing the variety of positions and the energy created by a group of people practicing together, she knew she found something special.

More than the physical aspect of yoga, Linda quickly fell in love with the spiritual development and meditative aspects. She loved the empowering feeling inside and out that yoga provided, and soon decided to become a teacher. The more Linda practiced yoga, the more she realized it was an act of strengthening good will more than strengthening the body. She practiced with the definition of Namaste in mind: “The light in me honors and respects the light in you.”

After teaching in a number of studios, she realized that none of them melded with her vision and overall goal. Rather than creating an intimate, comforting feel, Linda found that many were too business-oriented and determined to sell to customers rather than get to know them. Although it was a financial risk, she felt determined to open a studio that worked to strengthen the sense of community more than just the individual physical body. She wanted a studio that did not put profit before happy students. She wanted the Cheers of yoga studios: a place where everyone felt at home as well as a place that pushed comfort over expensive workout clothes. Her dream was realized when Shine On Yoga opened its doors in June of 2013.

Shine On Yoga strives to create a community for its patrons. The studio is warm and welcoming and offers comfortable seating and tea to guests. Linda (who can be found working in the studio nearly every day) and the nine other teachers at Shine On pride themselves on getting to know each student personally. From very beginners to extremely advanced, slow flow to high energy vinyasas, there are classes for every skill level. The daily class line up is varied and offers morning and evening classes to fit any schedule. Shine On has classes to help rehabilitate or recover from injuries, classes to teach the basics of yoga positions as well as specialty workshops to further your yogi education. Above all, Shine On’s vision is “Yoga = Unit;” regardless of skill level or dedication, everyone is equal and will receive the same attention and care.

The studio brings their unique sense of community equality and good will to the greater Metro-Detroit area as well. Linda explains that community service and yoga go hand in hand. “Everyone needs help at some point in their lives. We strengthen our bodies so we can be strong enough to help others.”

Both yoga and providing services have the same end result: a refreshing and empowering feeling. Linda has been a volunteer organizer for Gleaners Food Bank for eight years and encourages her fellow teachers and students to get involved in her bi-monthly efforts. They offer donation classes to raise money for charities. Currently, they are working on a Purse and Toiletry Drive; collecting purses, hygienic products and more for young inner-city girls. They are constantly spotlighting organizations and collecting money as well as looking out for different charities to help.

“We aren’t here to make a million dollars,” Linda explains. “We are here to broaden horizons and help everyone we can, physically and mentally.”

Check out Shine On Yoga at 22751 Woodward Avenue to strengthen yourself and your community. The class schedule is online at, or call for more informa- tion at 248-544-0044.

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0 2266

With the politically-charged atmosphere of November now comfortably in the past, we turn our attention to the policies passed and officials elected, and how they will lead Ferndale into the future. One person who will be keeping a particularly close watch on things is Andrew Cissell — Ferndale resident and the man responsible for the addition of Proposal A (nicknamed the “Pot Petition”) to the ballot.

Cissell, isn’t just a lifelong Ferndale resident, he’s the child of parents who are both lifelong residents. The family connection goes back even further with his paternal grandmother also was born and raised here. A graduate of Ferndale High School, Andrew has a finance degree from UM-Dearborn. He’s a passionate young man whose words and demeanor radiate the sincerity behind his recent efforts.

Amid a firestorm of controversy—including a question of Proposal legality and a marijuana-related arrest—Cissell is still passionate about the cause he championed all the way to the voting booth. Ferndale residents passed the measure by almost 70%, legalizing the possession of less than an ounce of marijuana on private property from those over 21 years of age. A lifelong Ferndale resident and graduate from Ferndale High School, Andrew Cissell sat down with Ferndale Friends to talk about his motivations behind the petition effort and his hopes for the future of marijuana policy across the nation.

Ferndale Friends: The 70% of Ferndale voters that voted to legalize marijuana don’t all smoke pot. What do you think of so many non-smokers approving? Were you surprised?

Andrew Cissell: Yes and no. I was confident of a healthy margin and hoping for 60–65%. I mean, this was “Ferndale normal.” We’re liberal, ahead of the rest of the pack, with liberal mindsets. We’re a political melting pot and politically-charged.

FF: Why pot? Why this?

AC: It kind of found me. I’m involved with marijuana on different fronts. I want to get into politics; I’m running for state rep. This was great “training wheel” politics. I felt like I was doing something that needed to be done. Drug users should not be made criminals. Those who have a drug problem should not be criminal[s]. Instead of incarcerating people and spending money on that, we can educate and rehabilitate them, and make money from marijuana and use that for education and treatment.

FF: How will the sale of pot make money for that?

AC: It should have a ten per cent tax. The normal six per cent sales tax would still go to the general fund, the other four per cent to education. We’re worried about kids; we can use that for education.

FF: Regarding those kids, how about the argument that pot is a gate-way drug? Is that a concern?

AC: Of course it is. This isn’t intended for children to be using it. How do you regulate alcohol, cigarettes? You do the same with marijuana. If you regulate it, it won’t be on the streets anymore. Studies have shown that usage does not go up when pot is legalized—studies here and in other countries. I was a little surprised by that, actually.

FF: A new twist to this story is the Ferndale Police Department announcing that they will continue to follow state and federal law. What’s your response to that?

AC: The voters have spoken. The police chief in Jackson is accepting that their voters have spoken. Lansing’s Mayor Bernero is accepting of change. The new laws passed by 60–62% in Jackson and Lansing. Voters were more for it here in Ferndale. It comes down to what the police want to do. We passed medical marijuana here, but federal law still prohibits it. I think you start from the ground up. The Chief of Police doesn’t work for the State of Michigan, he works for the City of Ferndale. You’d think he would agree with citizens, work for the people. They’re not state troopers. If the State has a problem, the State can enforce their law.

FF: Do you think that the state and nation will follow?

AC: We’re the sixth, seventh city to change the law on this here in Michigan. You make changes like this from the ground up. Enough cities change this, states will follow. It’s silly to think this is illegal. We don’t need the government telling us what to do. This is about freedom and rights.

FF: This must have taken a lot of time and energy.

AC: Well, I want to give back to my community. I actually want to save the world! I don’t just want to make money. Throwing anybody in jail isn’t going to help anyone out. I think people are sick of the waste of time and resources. Taxing people who buy marijuana is better than jailing people. It’s going to take every single person to come together in order to promote peace and harmony.

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0 2196

Since 1994, the third Saturday in August has provided Metro-Detroiters, and car enthusiasts everywhere, with the chance to go back in time and check out some of the coolest rides to ever hit the streets. Founded by Ferndale resident Nelson House with the goal of raising funds for a local children’s soccer field, the Woodward Dream Cruise has gone from a small idea to the biggest single-day car event in the world.

People from all over the world flock to the city of Detroit to celebrate the classic cars that were made right here in our factories and helped put Detroit on the map. Now in its 17th year, the Dream Cruise has turned into a city-wide celebration, with live music, good eats, and fun events for all involved.

This year, the party will begin in Ferndale on Thursday, August 15th with Rock ‘n Live Entertainment, a food court, kid’s play zone, and an official Woodward Dream Cruise merchandise booth at West Nine Mile and Woodward from 3–9 pm. This offers the perfect chance to preview some of the awesome cars and events to come throughout the weekend.

On Friday, West Nine Mile will still be rockin’ with the Rock ‘n Live Entertainment, while East Nine Mile and Woodward will feature a Ford Motor Company exhibit, the 13th annual Ferndale Emergency Vehicle Show (from 1–8 pm), the official ribbon cutting ceremony (at 5 pm), and the Lights and Sirens Cruise (at 5:30 pm). Throughout the day, official sponsor Oldies 104.3’s tower will be broadcasting at Wetmore’s Tire Center, helping provide the perfect soundtrack for the Cruise.

Saturday, the big day, will feature a whole host of events up and down Woodward. East Nine Mile will be home to Ford Motor Company’s 15th annual Mustang Alley, which gives spectators a chance to get up close and personal with some Ford’s greatest models. West Nine Mile will also feature the 3rd annual Gumball Rally and other great events.

Attendees are also encouraged to walk up and down Woodward to check out the many awesome events held in each city like Royal Oak’s huge classic car show at Northwood Shopping Center and Berkley’s Classic Car Parade on 12 Mile.

Ready to rev your engine? Grab your folding chair and make your way out to your favorite spot on Woodward Avenue this Thurs- day, Friday, and Saturday. Bring your appetite, and your camera, and get ready to watch the world’s greatest classic car show cruise right through our town.

If something happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat emasculation and other states connected to erectile malfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a state called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this physic is not for use in women, it is not known whether this curing passes into breast milk.