
“They told me I wasn’t going to be able to walk anymore. I had a heart attack, a diabetic attack, a slight stroke and a 28 percent chance of living,” William Vaughn told me while sitting in his home.

Vaughn was a mortgage broker and real estate agent for 30 years, with over 40 employees working for him, before becoming ill. After recovering, he planned to start up a company again, but the laws about real estate credentials had changed. He couldn’t be licensed without a high school diploma. So now, at the tender age of 93, William Vaughn is a Ferndale High School student, rubbing elbows with peers young enough to be his great-great- grandchildren.

“This generation is different than what I’m used to. I’ve been around a long time and have never seen a generation like the one we have now. I know I can’t skip days and not do the work, because if I do I know I won’t pass.” Vaughn finds that the curriculum has changed from how it was when he was last in school. “It’s tougher,” he admits, than it used to be, and there are things to learn now that people didn’t have to learn back in the day. He studies every day of the week just to keep the new information fresh in his brain.

Long ago, Vaughn dropped out of high school to go into the military, and planned to go back after he served his country. But he’d gotten married to his first wife and had a son. Getting a high school diploma took a back seat to taking care of his family.

“If you don’t use your brain, it will deteriorate. If you sit around and do nothing, your mind will settle down to that, and it will be hard for you to concentrate” stated William. It’s a quote from his oldest son that keeps him motivated. “I wasn’t expected to do anything again after my illness, and I was tired of doing nothing. I made a point in my mind that I didn’t want to be a couch potato. Once you run a business and be successful, you don’t want to be dead anymore.”

As of now, William Vaughn is the oldest person to attend Ferndale High in school history, and is living proof that no matter what age you are, you can still attain your dreams and reach your goals. The school curriculum may be challenging to him right now, but William is determined to keep going until he has completed his mission and be back working within the mortgage and real estate business. He plans to finish by his 94th birthday, in August 2015.

Better late than never!

If something happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states united to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What men talk about “viagra stories“? The most vital aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual malfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a state called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this curing passes into breast milk.

When you live in a city of twenty thousand individuals, and that city is one like Ferndale, full of vigor and ideas and individual spirit, being singled out as “Citizen of the Year” is a pretty special accomplishment. But for those of you who know Jeannie Davis, such an award doesn’t go nearly far enough. After all, she’s one in a million. At least. And luckily, she’s all ours.

Jeannie, Ferndale’s own super citizen, was honored with the 2014 Citizen of the Year Award, presented by the Elks club on October 22, during their annual Law and Order night.

How popular is Jeannie? Well,traditionally, the Mayor presents the Citizen of the Year Award, but this time, there was a bit of a good-natured scuffle. In the end, the award was co-presented by Mayor Coulter, Mayor Pro Tem Dan Martin, and Councilman Greg Pawlica. We understand, guys. Everyone wants to be seen with Jeannie.

“I was honored to be selected.” Jeannie says. “I love Ferndale, it has been so good to me, providing me with a wonderful ex- tended family. The least I can do is pay (it) back.”

If some happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a preparation. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states united to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What men talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile malfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a status called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this therapy passes into breast milk.

Questions by David Wesley

What does the 3-60 Project mean to you, and, given your experience, what do you think it will mean for Ferndale?

I was initially excited about the potential development of added parking and offices or apartments downtown when the City first broached the idea. But when they later announced that they weren’t seeking lots of ideas or bids from multiple companies, but instead were giving an exclusive agreement to one individual and his partners, I became much more guarded.

When we saw the plans and the scope and timing of the first proposal, my feelings sank. I live one block from downtown, and have watched our downtown blossom over the past 20 years, and was one of many players who had a hand in that success. But this 3-60 project, as presented, is just so massive, on a scale so far beyond what Ferndale is presently. It would be disruptive and character-changing, and that worries me a lot. Over the years, we have grown in thoughtful and measured steps, evolving into a cool but still livable and welcoming community.

While I would like to believe that any final decisions bring a better, smarter plan that fits with our size and character, the risk is also real that bad decisions are made that could affect all of us for many years to come.

What are your strongest reasons for opposing the 3-60 Project?

In spite of reactionary comments from some who back this current plan and methodology, none of us who are opposing the 3-60 project are against development. On the contrary, we support smart development and measured change.

Since the mid 1990s through 2010, under Mayors Goedert, Porter, and myself, most residents and business owners in Ferndale supported the kinds of smart, measured, sensible, and sustainable development we undertook. Narrowing 9 Mile Road, adding street parking, supporting the DDA, encouraging new businesses and stores, fixing the roads, water mains, and sewers, and creating the walkability and street life with festivals were all popular and part of a grand shared vision.

Fixing up the Courthouse was a great example of sensible and efficient redevelopment. But that almost was disastrous when some on City Council back around 2008 wanted to tear it down and move City Hall into the Credit Union One Building. I feel we are back again to those days of some in city government who have grandiose ideas of massive new buildings and wildly expensive projects, and who don’t seem to want to check with experts and experienced developers.

Ferndale is a four square mile town with 19,000 residents who have created a fun, interesting and inclusive community that is welcoming and affordable. We should not delude ourselves to think we should look like Birmingham or compete with Detroit. I strongly believe that there are not dozens of high tech companies demanding to move into a cramped building squeezed into the Withington Parking lot. There are hundreds of thousands of square feet of empty office space in Troy, Southfield, and Detroit.

Why would members of the city council be enticed by this project and what incentive would it have for them?

Since I assume that those in our current city government want what is best for the city, then I also assume that they are either mistaken or are being given bad advice. Maybe they are star struck by visions of a huge new edifice downtown, to be built by a 20-something whiz kid who struck it rich. They do not like criticism even though they say they want input and feedback. They asked for residents’ thoughts and ideas, but then seem to get uptight when folks share their concerns. One council member resorts to sarcasm and over–the-top slogans on Facebook, while another expresses frustration that people don’t like the current plans. We get mixed messages when we are told this is just an idea, but then see timelines that imply the shovels will go into the ground next summer.

I wonder sometimes if those running things now are too insular, and don’t seek advice from fellow city managers, mayors and council members in neighboring cities. Royal Oak just decided on a very beautiful new development in their downtown that includes new parking, apartments, and storefronts. It is reasonable, fits neatly into the space where the old car dealer was on Main Street, and is no more than five stories tall. This was done without drama or rancor. I’m not sure why we don’t seem to be able to follow that model.

What is your most important concern about the 3-60 Project that Ferndale residents need to know?

Everyone agrees that the planning and roll-out of the new “Luke” remote kiosk-style parking system installed in 2013 was very poorly executed and caused much distress and added expense. But most people are now resigned to it, and it is supposedly working well now. But this 3-60 project is one hundred times bigger and more serious than that decision. While many want to trust the current Mayor and City Council and staff, we can’t just cross our fingers and hope they get it right.

The good news is that the project as proposed will surely not happen without big changes. No real estate experts believe that any developer can sign on enough office tenants to fill the kind of building proposed, and it is doubtful they could find bank financing or backers on the scale they need. Also, 2015 is an election year, and the Mayor and two council members are up for election in November.

The bad news is that 80 per cent of residents don’t vote in local Ferndale elections, and many won’t even know or understand what the 3-60 is all about. If you care about your city and its future, then you must let your Council members and mayor know how you feel, and that you vote.

Tell them that to close the entire Withington parking lot for a year or two will be a death knell for our downtown shops and restaurants. Tell them you don’t want to look like Detroit or Birmingham or Troy, and that they should seek alternatives. Bob Wolfson, who built the Lofts on East Nine, offered to build apartments and a parking deck on half of the Withington Lot. Tell the City you want reasonable, doable, smart development that fits the character of the city we all love. Remind them that our roads, water mains, sewers, and other infrastructure need attention, too.

Screen Shot 2014-12-16 at 12.34.12 PM

If some happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a cure. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states coupled to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you have to look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as soul trouble. Causes of sexual malfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this therapy passes into breast milk.

Questions by Derek Lindamood

Who or what prompted the idea for the 3-60 Project?

Our city’s downtown strategic revitalization vision and long-term planning prompted the 3-60 Project. As early as 1998, the City’s Master Land Use Plan already incorporated specific language about mixed-use residential and office space development on city-owned parking lots.

For the past six years, the real estate crash depressed property values, making new development financial unviable for most communities. Now that real estate is in recovery and Ferndale is a highly desirable community, multiple developers have interest building in Ferndale, including the 3-60 Project team.

What are the potential benefits for the residents and businesses of Ferndale that this project could bring?

I believe great downtowns make people a priority as a revitalization strategy instead of just car travel and parking spots. I often wonder how we can use the city’s under-utilized parking lots to strengthen our connectedness and social interactions — or create a stronger sense of place. With Ferndale’s intense focus making walking and biking more safe and enjoyable, our downtown provides people an engaging environment that leads to great experiences for those who live, work and visit our downtown. With that in mind, the development project can help solve current challenges and position us to further achieve downtown goals and aspirations.

First, a development project like 3-60 will create more parking for downtown businesses. We all know it can be a challenge to find parking at peak times in our downtown. Time and again, our DDA and businesses have made increasing parking supply a top priority.

A second major benefit from this project is more daytime foot traffic. Our downtown business owners and the DDA have been consistently vocal about the need to balance downtown Ferndale’s thriving night-time economy with the slower daytime economy. More people living and working in the downtown will result in more people walking, dining and shopping during the day.

Adding more choice of housing options is another benefit. Increasingly, some people desire lofts, one-two bedroom apartments or condos located in a walkable urban downtown where they can complete most of their daily trips by walking or taking transit.

New office space means businesses bringing new jobs. The 3-60 Project seeks to fill the proposed new office space with second-stage tech companies that will most likely provide high- paying jobs.

Increased neighborhood retail space for entrepreneurial small businesses is an overall benefit to our community. Remember, the City can negotiate with any developer what types of business uses are allowed in the new storefronts (i.e., retail versus a bar or restaurant).

What is this project – i.e., how many loft units, how many stores, what are they intending to be used for – and what is the ultimate goal for this undertaking: What is it that the 3-60 Project hopes to achieve for the City of Ferndale?

The ultimate goal of any project on City-owned parking lots is to fulfill the City’s strategic revitalization goals. Other developers proposals were considered, however the 3-60 Project provided more options worthy of further exploration.

Conceptually, the 3-60 Project team proposes one residential loft building with 75-100 living units and three office buildings approximately 60,000 square feet each. As part of the proposal, the city seeks to add a public parking deck to reduce the existing parking capacity issues in the downtown and support the residential and office space uses.

We are in control of what we want this development project to achieve for us as a community. City staff are working closely with the 3-60 Project team to ensure their proposal meets the city’s stated goals, and follows the city’s required development review process.

What is the current timeline of this project, start-to-finish? How will this undertaking affect downtown businesses, and for how long?

The 3-60 Project has three phases, and the project proposal is currently in Phase One. Activities in Phase One included several public outreach sessions, and a parking and financial feasibility study. Phase One is the most critical for the city—this period determines the cost and financing options to build the new public parking deck.

City Council accelerated the suggested 18-month timeline to complete the conceptual evaluation of the 3-60 Project after 12 months. At the end of the 12-month period, City Council will determine if there is enough potential to move forward to a formal planning review process (Phase Two). If City Council approves moving to Phase Two, then construction (Phase 3) could start in late 2015.

How will this project be funded, and what is the estimated cost for taxpayers?

This development project is designed as a public/private partnership, which means that the developer will fund the construction of the residential and office space, and the City funds the construction of the parking deck, leading to both parties gaining benefits.

The financial feasibility study is currently underway. As of this writing, City Council has yet to receive a detailed project proposal with all the cost and project financing information, which is the final step of Phase One. Council anticipates city staff and the 3-60 Project team to provide more details in early 2015.

What will City Council propose to do to mitigate some of the anticipated traffic congestion, etc. that could cause downtown businesses to see a decrease in activity at their stores?

With any project on city-owned parking lots, I expect the developer to conduct a traffic impact study based on the number of proposed parking spaces. This study, performed in Phase 2, will inform the city and DDA on any anticipated increase in traffic congestion and recommend avoidance solutions.

What are the potential issues e that the construction of the 3-60 Project could cause for the residents and businesses?

I know that any major downtown development project the City approves will have short-term impacts on businesses and residents during construction. Construction will result in street, sidewalk and alley closures, traffic detours and construction noise.

City Council made an earnest effort to include public feedback early in the development concept stage, and City staff are collaborating with the 3-60

Project team to incorporate suggestions into the development proposal. A major concern expressed by business owners during the 3-60 public input sessions is that construction or closure of both the Withington and Troy lots at the same time is untenable. City staff are working with 3-60 to determine how to construct one lot at a time, keeping essential parking available to downtown businesses.

I know City Council will ensure City staff, and the DDA, downtown businesses and other partner organizations develop a strong mitigation plan that reduces the impact of construction. Together we will need to identify alternative parking solutions, understand the individual needs and concerns of each business, and then determine business technical support services to assist them throughout the construction phase. I know Ferndale’s DIY attitude and creative energy will guide us through.

Who is responsible for ensuring the project is completed within the time frame specified by the builder?

The City is responsible for holding any developer accountable on their approved development plan. For example, the Vity held the Lofts at 9 development team accountable for their approved plan and construction timeline, which was a successful project for the community.

Screen Shot 2014-12-16 at 12.34.12 PM

If slightly happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a cure. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states connected to erectile malfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most vital aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile malfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as soul trouble. Causes of sexual disfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this curing passes into breast milk.

by: Malissa Martin

The City of Ferndale’s Gerry Kulick Community Center provides activities and opportunities for residents of all ages. “Anywhere from three years of age all the way up to 80-something.” said recreation supervisor Sara Distelrath. The community center has a gym, computer room, senior group, youth leagues, adult leagues, youth programs, fitness studio, art studio, a lunch program and multipurpose rooms available for rent for special events. Kulick is also home to the Boys & Girls Club of Ferndale.

Membership is not required to enjoy the community center’s programs, but is offered for the Fitness Studio, Kids Corner, and Senior Group for a fee. “We don’t have a membership that a family has to pay. You only pay for what you want to do.” Distelrath said. Classes and programs offered at the community center include belly dance, Hawaiian dance, Zumba, Hatha Yoga, and Taoist Tai Chi. New classes are added on a daily basis. Youth leagues options are baseball, softball, and soccer. Classes and league schedules are available at

The community center was upgraded in 2014 . The mats in the Kids Corner room have been replaced with a new foam floor. The bright colors and puzzle-like pieces match with the décor and it makes the bounce house look even more inviting. The Kids Corner is for crawling infants up to age five. Parents can purchase passes during the Kulick’s business hours for their kids to play. Another upgrade to the community center is online registration. “We are currently switching over to a new registration software,” Distelrath said. “Starting December 8 they’ll be able to register for any programs, facility reservations…anything.” To enroll in classes, leagues, programs, and more at the community center visit

The Peewee program has expanded its class list in 2014. “We’ve been doing a lot of peewee classes for ages three and four. It’s been received very well amongst the community.” Distelrath explained. “It’s basically an introduction to sports for kids, getting them active at a young age.”

The Community Center has winter events planned for the remainder of 2014. A Winter Break Camp is scheduled for December 22, 23, 29, and 30. A week of activities have been planned for children on winter break from school, including field trips to the Hazel Park Ice Arena, Chuck E. Cheese, Henry Ford Museum, and Emagine Theater Star Lanes. The camp is from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. and the fee is $30 per day, per child. Registration closes on Wednesday, December 17. The Senior Group also has special events planned for the end of 2014. The Cookie Walk Bake Sale is on Wednesday, December 10 at 10 A.M. The proceeds will support the Senior Group. Join the group for the Edsel & Eleanor Ford House Candlelight Dinner and Stroll on Friday, December 12 from 3:15 to 8 P.M. On the following day the group is hosting Cookies for a Cause at Dino’s Restaurant from 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. during the Ferndale Ice Festival. Finally, the group’s Christmas Luncheon is on Wednesday, December 17 at 11:30 A.M. and is for Senior Group members only.

The Community Center is keeping the events rolling right into 2015 with its second Sweetheart Date Night: A Royal Ball on Friday, February 6, 2015 from 7 to 9 P.M. at the Oak Park Community Center (14300 Oak Park Blvd. in Oak Park). This event is for dads and daughters, grandfathers and granddaughters. Elsa and Ann from Disney’s “Frozen” will make a special appearance from 7 to 8 P.M. “They’re going to be there getting pictures with the girls and doing a sing-a-long with them and a dance with them.” Distelrath adds. Registration for this event is open at Ferndale’s Community Center as well as Oak Park’s Community Center. The Emory and Kulick Community Center have partnered to add a free meal offer. “If you register through Ferndale and you have your receipt, you can actually go to The Emory, and your daughter will get to eat for free. As long as you have your receipt on the day of the dance; that’s the only day that it’s valid.”

An Eggstravaganza has been planned for Saturday, March 28, 2015. The location is yet to be determined. The Senior Group has several trips planned for January 2015, including the Motown Museum on Thursday, January 15; the North American International Auto Show on Tuesday, January 20; and Mitchell’s Fish Market on Thursday, January 29.

If you’re looking to rent one of Ferndale’s fourteen parks in 2015, Distelrath advises that City Parks usually rent on a first-come, first-serve basis and don’t usually require a permit. City Parks can be reserved May through October and are open from 7 A.M. to 10 P.M. Whether you’re looking for a big park to host a family reunion or something small and intimate, there’s a park to suite the party’s needs.

For more information on Ferndale’s parks or the any of the programs above, visit or stop by City Hall. Business hours are from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M.

If something happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotency and other states united to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What folk talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual malfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a status called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this curing passes into breast milk.

by David Wesley 

Kim Kozlowski and her husband Jeff Bennett, along with close friend and collaborator Cindy Dyson-McGlenn, planted the seeds of literacy from metropolitan Ferndale that now branch all the way to downtown Detroit. Their homespun project, ‘Detroit Little Libraries,’ first sprouted in Ferndale in the form of a small wooden lawn-side box and are growing into a crop of 313 (memorializing the iconoclastic Detroit area code) mini libraries for everyone hungry for a book.

What is a “Little Library?” Participating homes put a small wooden box in their yard, and leave books for people to share. You are encouraged to take the books home and leave some of yours for others.

Kim and Jeff’s efforts, along with invaluable supporters like Cindy Dyson-McGlenn, have gifted Detroit neighborhoods with a splash of literary color. These little boxes, burgeoning with books, refresh the idea of community gathering and the allure of literature.

Now seeking more donations and grants to build more little libraries around the Detroit Metro area, their humble project has grown into a multi-city philanthropic project for everyone.

Kim gave Ferndale Friends an update on the project and the domino effect following the libraries’ routes.

Q. How has the Detroit Little Libraries grown since its inception?

A. The idea was born shortly after my husband and I put up a Little Free Library in front of our house in Ferndale, on Jewell Street. It caused a sensation in the neighborhood. The Little Free Library became a little town square, and we thought it would be cool to replicate this kind of community gathering spot in Detroit. With so much energy being infused in Detroit’s comeback, we thought it was a perfect time to flip the city’s many negative monikers – including the murder capital – and crown it The Little Free Library Capital.

The founder of the Little Free Library, Todd Bol, heard about the campaign and gave the city 20 little libraries to kick off the project. We raised $4,220 during our crowd funding campaign and got a $1,000 donation just yesterday from a former Detroiter now living in Alaska. That’s enough to build at least 12 more little libraries that we expect to plant before the end of the year.

Q. Given how the project has grown, what do you think its future will look like?

A. We hope to see Little Free Libraries installed all over the city. We are applying for grants from foundations and plan to approach businesses for support in the near future. It is our hope that the Detroit Little Libraries will become catalysts for reading and community building.

Q. What are your ultimate goals with the project?

A. Reading is so fundamental to our journey in life. It improves our physical health and mental wellbeing, expands our imagination and critical thinking and transports us to so many places. Even more important, it
expands our vocabulary and our ability to communicate and connect with others. Ultimately, words in our arsenal help determine our trajectory in life.

If something happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a cure. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states connected to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What men talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you have to look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

0 2963

by David Wesley

Blitzing through Ferndale and being blasted by the autumnal breeze, I slowly meld with groups of costumed drinkers all en route to the Twisted Tavern. Away from the early arctic elements and inside the pedestrian club/pub roves a gang of 300 synthetic ghouls (all latex, nylon, and polyester merged with dummy skin, hair and blood) chugging pints, swigging tumblers, tipping shots or still in line with me purchasing a ticket for first ever Zombie Pub Crawl. The Social Connection sponsored the Crawl, setting up a colorful seven-hour celebration for zombie-spirited drinkers, helping Ferndale businesses thrive and expand.

Pinballing myself around the massing tavern, I mingle with Ferndale’s finest zombies and find to my delight a good portion of these undead citizens have lurched to Ferndale from all over the Metro area. Stirring in the chaos, I met college wrestling ace Arn Anderson and his three brothers from Ann Arbor who heard about the event from word of mouth and made the trek. Other memorable undead out-of- towners were Ray Trailer and his other off duty police co- workers from Battle Creek and the scarlet-stained duo of George Gray and his husband Kenneth Johnson from Bay City

After three pints (beer, not blood,) I joined the swarming ticket holders as they moved to the next bar (SoHo), this next pub (Danny’s Irish Pub), that club (Orchid), those next restaurants (Como’s, Treat Dreams,) and on. The businesses participating enjoyed hours of fiendish patrons swelling their lines and bloating their commerce.

I later chatted with one of the event organizers, the president and CEO of the Social Connection, Regina Stocco, and she gave her thoughts on the event.

Q. What was your reaction to the first ever Zombie Pub Crawl?

A. We were thrilled with the turnout. Approximately 600 Zombies took to the streets of Ferndale and we raised money for a great cause, Michigan AIDS Coalition.

Q. What initially made you want to host the event?

A. We have been considering some kind of “venue-to- venue” event here in Ferndale, and this seemed like a good year to try something new here. We look forward to doing more events in Ferndale that are a good tie-in for all of our neighboring businesses. The bars were happy with the turnout and the (resulting) foot traffic and bar sales.

Q. How has having the event take place in Ferndale change your view of the city and its Residents?

A. This was our first year hosting the event. The Social Connection office has been here for over ten years and I moved to Ferndale in 1999 so I’m a big fan of the community and we were happy to have the inaugural event here in our own home town.

At the end of the biting night, this kind creep was tripping up the sidewalks with the last lagging dregs of the alcoholic marathon. The Zombie Crawl was a huge hit with locals and other Michiganders. And by socializing through the lengthy procession it was evident the event was a major success for all of Ferndale. The zombies have spoken, they have shown their support!

Now we wait in our crypts to rise again, after a restful year to combat the hangover, for next year’s
Zombie Pub Crawl.

by Jeff Milo

ARE YOU IN A READING RUT? Feel like you’re just cycling through the same authors, the same kinds of mysteries, the same ol’ same ol’? You know…a Book Club might be just what the doctor, er…the librarian… ordered! By embracing the spirit of group reading, you’ll experience books that you may never have encoun- tered on your own. This can break up any blasé browsing you maybe going through.

Logging your books on social networks like Goodreads with starred ratings isn’t as satisfying as actually sharing your experience of the book out loud, in per- son, with others who have also read that very same book. It can be enlightening and you can make new friends.

The Library facilitates four regular adult book clubs along with two clubs special- ized clubs for children (Grades 5-and- below & Grades 5-and-above). Some clubs are tailored to defined tastes, age groups, or genres, so come in and in- quire at the circulation desk to see which club might suit you best. Trust us, it’ll be way better than just reading whatever James Patterson puts out next…


The Holidays are approaching… If any- one is really feeling the philanthropic vibes during this generous season of giving, we might humbly suggest you think of your local library. (As you might have heard, it’s been a bit of a rough year here, with budget cuts earlier in the year resulting in a reduction of service hours and staff, all of which is an aftereffect of the recent recession).

The Library’s recent “Make Your Mark” campaign gives generous donors the chance to be recognized on our newly installed Donor Wall. The library also encourages members of the business community to adopt programs and prominent areas of the library and be recognized as supportive partners. Credit Union One has already proudly partnered with the library at a Platinum level, with a plaque placed at the entrance to the busy computer lab. “Several hundred people walk through our doors each day, and they definitely notice when a business steps up and supports the library,” says Library Director Jessica Keyser.

Or, perhaps you could show support by considering joining The Friends Of The Ferndale Library, a community of volunteers for anyone eager to share their enthusiasm for books, music, arts and culture. FPL’s Friends are motivated because they understand the crucial importance of a well-funded library, especially during tougher economic times such as these. The Friends help the library plan, organize and facilitate enriching and engaging programming.


The Ferndale Library submitted a plan to the State Librarian to form a District Library with Ferndale Schools. Becoming a District Library would make a more stable future possible for us. Should the District Library be formed, the schools would not be contributing to library finances, and the library will not be involved in the operation of the schools’ media centers. However, the possibility of more funding for the library could lead to more out- reach efforts and services to Ferndale Public Schools, students, and staff. The District Library Agreement received unanimous approval from City Council, the School Board and the Library’s Board of Trustees.

As Ferndale Friends goes to print, the Plan is still pending approval, however, patrons regularly utilizing the library’s services, both in-house and online, will not see any change in the day-to-day operations, nor will its current policies, standard procedures, or board-approved bylaws be altered.

If something happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a cure. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states connected to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What folk talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you have to look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong heartiness problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual disfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this physic is not for use in women, it is not known whether this therapy passes into breast milk.

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By: Baron Brown

OVER A SPAN OF SEVERAL months, the Ferndale Police Department has had, and will have, over 140 years of experi- ence walk out the door. Five veteran officers have retired or will retire, and will finally have the luxury of spending every weekend and holiday with their families. These officers served the citizens of the city of Ferndale with distinction and pride. The FPD will miss them and the expertise that they each brought to their work.

Detective Kenneth Denmark retired first, after a 31-year career. Detective Denmark is a Ferndale High School graduate and Ferndale native. Ken served the FPD with distinction as a patrol officer, Youth Bureau detective, Field Training Officer, Detective, and as an undercover narcotics detective. Ken is an avid fisherman and plans to spend a great deal of time with a fishing pole in his hands when he’s not working his part-time job as a police officer at a local college.

Sergeant Steve Jennings and Officer Steve Carroll retired next. Sergeant Jennings, also a Ferndale High School graduate and Ferndale native, served the citizens of Ferndale for 25 years. Steve is a master plumber and worked in the plumbing trade before becoming a police officer.

Sergeant Jennings worked as a patrol officer but spent the majority of his career as a patrol sergeant. Steve was integral in maintaining our “technology” assets and will be hard to replace. Sergeant Jennings was nationally recognized for his actions while responding to a “customer trouble” call at fabric store in the early 1990s. As Sergeant Jennings entered the building, a gunman who had tied up and assaulted several employees and customers pointed a pistol at him from behind a closed door. Sergeant Jennings shot the gunman, who died from his wounds, preventing further harm to the already beaten and traumatized victims. While Steve has retired from the FPD, he has already secured full-time employment as a technician with Oakland County’s Department of Information Technology.

Steve Carroll, known to most as “Stretch” or “Joey,” is a Berkley native and Berkley High School graduate. Officer Carroll worked for Houston PD for several years prior to coming home and spending 25 years as a Ferndale police officer. Officer Carroll served in patrol, was a field training officer, was assigned to the Crime Suppression Task Force, and spent several years assigned to the FPD Directed Patrol Unit. Steve is an ardent golfer and we expect that he’ll have an extended tour of Michigan’s golf courses as he enjoys his semi-retirement. Steve has also already secured part-time employment as a police officer working for a local police department.

Patrick (Rick) Jones retired in mid-November after a 32-year career with the FPD. Rick probably had the hardest time “pulling the plug” as he postponed his official retirement date close to a half dozen times. Detective Sergeant Jones is another Ferndale High School graduate and Ferndale native and comes from a family with a long and proud tradition of serving the citizens of Ferndale. Rick served in the United States Navy before becoming a Ferndale police officer and we are proud of his lifelong service to both the U.S. and Ferndale. Sergeant Jones worked patrol, the Curtail Auto Theft task force, Youth Bureau, and the Detective Bureau in his long career. Rick is a NASCAR fanatic and will be on the road visiting different NASCAR tracks when he’s not enjoying time with his family at their cabin up north.

Lieutenant Gary Whiting, a Redford native, will work his last day at FPD on January 1, 2015. Gary also worked for Houston PD prior to becoming a Ferndale police officer. Lieutenant Whiting’s 27-year career at Ferndale PD included assignments in patrol, Curtail Auto Theft task force, as Detective Sergeant, and as a shift commander. Lieutenant Whiting is known as a savvy and determined investigator and has played significant roles in solving many of Ferndale’s most notorious crimes. Gary’s wife is also a police officer and his brother preceded him in retirement from a local police department. As Lieutenant Whiting is also a prolific golfer, we are sure he will spend some time on the links with Steve Carroll as they both enjoy retirement.

We would like to thank all of these officers for their service to the citizens of Ferndale and hope that they enjoy their well-deserved retirements. We would like to especially thank their families, who had to endure their absences on numerous holidays and vacations, the fear of sending them off on their daily missions, and the anxious feelings that only the spouse or child of a police officer understands until they walked in the door at the end of their shifts. Good job, men!

If something happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states connected to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What men talk about “viagra stories“? The most vital aspect you must look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile disfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this physic is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

By: Blake Prewitt, Superintendent, Ferndale Public Schools

BEGINNING IN THE FALL OF 2015, Ferndale Schools is excited to offer several new pro- grams for our students. You will be hearing all about these wonderful new educational opportunities within our District in the coming weeks.

One of these new opportunities will be a pilot Montessori program for students ages six through nine (grades 1 to 3.) This new program, to be housed at Roosevelt Primary School, will enable students with Montessori experience to continue their education in a Montessori classroom while building relationships with their local community school district. Beginning with students with Montessori early childhood experience, our goal is to grow this lower Montessori classroom to include additional students without a Montessori background who are interested in exploring this unique way of learning.

The Montessori Method of education was developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, over 100 years ago in Italy. The value of a Montessori education is how the program is set up to allow children of all learning styles to excel: students are free to learn at their own pace, each advancing through their individualized curriculum as they are ready.

The goal of Ferndale Schools is to provide all students with an exceptional education that prepares them for college, careers and success in a diverse society. Opening a lower Montessori classroom is an exciting option for all Ferndale families, especially those students with Montessori experience.

For more information on the Ferndale Public Schools Montessori Program, and other new educational initiatives within Ferndale Schools, please visit

If something happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a preparation. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states coupled to erectile malfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What folk talk about “viagra stories“? The most vital aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a state called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this physic is not for use in women, it is not known whether this curing passes into breast milk.