
Story by Davis Wesley | Photos courtesy of FIP

As Ferndale Independent Percussion (FIP) stomps into its second season, the world of competitive drumming is taking serious note. In their inaugural 2013 season, FIP won silver medals at MCGC State Championships in the Independent “A” Class, a feat not easily achieved in the world of competitive music. Now in their second year, they have breathed some new life into Ferndale High’s music ensemble and will likely roll their beats to a gold medal at the MCGC State Championships in the near future.

Currently their new competitive winter percussion program aims to educate students from ages 13-20 in the percussive arts. They are eagerly seeking out students whose schools do not already have a winter program, and strive to offer quality instruction at an affordable price. The Ferndale Independent Percussion director, Daniel Chunn, spoke to Ferndale Friends about the semantics of the program, its future, and the students involved with this now award-winning drumline.

Ferndale Friends: How was the FIP formed?

Daniel Chunn: Ferndale Independent Percussion began in November of 2013. I went to Ferndale High School and graduated in 2007. At the time, I had marched two seasons of winter drumline at Ferndale High School, and when that group disbanded I joined Farmington United Percussion Ensemble for two years. After that, I joined the Marine Corps and came back four years later to find that there were no more afford- able options in the area for students from Ferndale to pursue. The three closest groups cost between $700 and $1,200 to march with.

The activity was getting more expensive and, as a result, very few Ferndale stud- ents were able to seek this type of comp- etitive drumming outside of marching band.

I spoke to a few of my friends in the drumming community to see if they would

be interested, and after getting a positive vibe, I started to lay the logistical ground work to put it together. The hardest thing with Ferndale Independent Percussion is that we are an independent organization. We do not get funding from any of the school districts we have students from, and we must raise our own money through fundraisers, membership fees, and donations. We do get a considerable amount of support from Ferndale Public Schools, and Ferndale Schools Fine Arts Boosters, in terms of practice facilities and logistical support.

FF: How has FIP changed the musical landscape at Ferndale High?

DC: Ferndale Public Schools has an amazing music program. Our ensemble is unique because it is open to anyone under the age of 22 and over 13. We current- ly have students from 18 different schools. Some drive from as far as Williamston (just outside of Lansing) and Port Huron, and as close as Hazel Park, Berkley, and Chippewa Valley.

FF: What are future plans for FIP in the world of competitive percussion?

DC: Last year we were met with early success. Our goal was to simply have fun and to provide the same type of atmosphere myself and my staff feel in love with. Winning second place at the State Championship Finals greatly exceeded our expectations, and as a result, we hope to build on that success. We will be competing in WGI (Winter Guard International), which is the national circuit. We will attend the WGI World Championships in Dayton, Ohio in early April, and hope to make the finals our first year out, which is rare, considering the amount of competition.

Q. What separates FIP drummers from other drummers not in the program?

A. Our students rehearse long hours, and are held to a much higher standard than a lot of other groups in “A” class. Personal responsibility is urged on a regular basis. Not only are they pushed to succeed in their personal goals, but reminded that there are 36 other members counting on them as well. They are constantly encouraged to take ownership of their show, because they are the ones performing it, and must be proud of their product.

Check out Ferndale Independent Percussion on Facebook:

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by Jeff Milo

No more clichés, no more cynicism. Rock’s not dead. Never was. The Beggars are here to save the day. Rock’s redeemers, Steven Tuthill, Jim Faulkner, Pookie Grech and Chris Krez, each understand that rock n’ roll can be more than just music, it can be something to live for…

And don’t you dare doubt their powers. Attendees of Beggars concerts are often quickly converted by their charms: a combination of the wild and the raucous with the wholesome and the nostalgic; it’s head-banging, fist-pumping, guitar-shredding, ballad-belting music, but it’s done with this charismatic grin and studded with a classy (if half-crazed) showmanship that conjures the most glorious of rock’s glory days.

Last month, the Ferndale quartet released their second full-length record, a self-titled album produced by a powerhouse team, Eddie Spaghetti (of Arizona garage rock legends The Supersuckers,) Andy Patalan (guitarist of Detroit-bred alt-rock group Sponge) and local producer Tony Maisano.

The album is their most definitive work to date, with the versatile Faulkner’s driving backbeats, the dynamics of Krez’s cascading riffs, and Grech’s subtle coiling bass licks. It’s a rock that has a lot of heart and gets a floor shaking, rattles windows and brings bodies to move, dance or jump, spurred on by Tuthill’s trilling baritone lead vocal.

“Genuine rock and roll,” Tuthill calls it; “…the Good-Time Rock.”

That means drums that get you moving, blurring guitars bellowing those electric growls and bass that sweetens with a soulful crest. Tuthill, meanwhile, a former football player and wrestler, is keen to throw his whole body into his performance and that’s key to the infectious energy of the Beggars, assuming a larger-than-life presence on stage, ready to back flip off of turnbuckles, if they could. When rock n’ roll can seem heroic, like its participants, the performers on the stage evidently appreciate that certain kind of caution-to- the-wind sacredness that rock deserves. That’s when you know you’re at a Beggars show.

“We’re normal guys, most of the time,” Tuthill says, as he digs a Frisbee out of the bed of his truck. “But, when you get on that stage,” he stops to set his coffee down at the foot of an oak tree, “then it’s no time to be normal. At that point it’s like…” he tosses the Frisbee over to me, “…like you’re from a different planet, ya’ know?”

He nods, his long curled hair blown back by the late autumn breeze. “Not a better planet! Just…a different planet. It is a lot of fun.”

Tuthill meets me on the last beautiful day of the season, strolling through Geary Park in Ferndale on a weekday morning. “I couldn’t find my football,” he admits. “That’s like a low point, for me. I have to use my Frisbee…”

The Beggars have been a Ferndale band for a long time now. Tuthill’s second show with the band was performed at Club Bart’s (where John D now operates.) “I always love bringing up Club Bart’s cuz I have such fond memories of that bar, so many great shows, particularly with Duende.”

Indeed, Tuthill, and the entire Beggars alumni go way back… The band was started in the early 00’s by Jonny Wilkins, Jim Hansard, Joe Senac, Jon Epstein and Keith Thompson. That’s right, the current line-up of the Beggars technically has no original members. To his credit, though, Tuthill, the longest-serving Beggar, joined the band ten years ago. The album’s liner notes give respectful shout-outs to all former members, including Johnny Miller, Jim Hansard, Jeremy Cybulski and Rod “Pool Party” Jones.

“Awesome dudes all across the board,” says Tuthill with his characteristically easygoing exuberance. “And everyone still gets along great. All classy dudes, from start to finish Everybody’s still a family, it’s good. And that’s rare (for bands).” I can see a glint of contented nostalgia in his eyes as he pauses, “Man,” he says, “it’s been nuts, all of the great venues we’ve played at through the years. The Majestic, The Magic Stick, The Magic Bag…aWoodwardDreamCruisePartybackin2002, aHomecomingDanceorona Pontoon boat, or the Pig & Whiskey and DIY…”

“We plan to rock from here to eternity,” Tuthill assures us.

The Beggars perform on New Year’s Eve at The Loving Touch with Broadzilla and White Shag. Doors 8pm – more info at: /

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Close your eyes while listening to local trio Voyag3r’s new album; you’ll literally be transported. You’ll feel the fireballs blazing behind you as you make that one last jump off the hanger bay, or you’ll sense sensational jetstreams surrounding you as you accelerate on your motorbike through the laser-stormed tunnel gauntlet, evading the bad guys. That’s the whole idea.

“Remember all those horror movies and sci-fi and action movies that you probably watched as a kid in the late ‘70s and all throughout the ‘80s?” Whenever Voyag3r keyboardist Steve Greene has to describe the sound of the group, he just offers that question and, assuredly, their nostalgia chords are poignantly plucked to the point where they know exactly what to expect.

Their debut album was released on local label Bellyache Records last month. Properly pronounced as “Voyager 3,” the trio (with Aaron Greene on bass and Greg Mastin on drums) deploy fantastic melodies and propulsive rhythms over a stirring and sinister-toned atmospheric soundscape. But these songs, albeit truly cinematic in their vibe and aesthetic, are, above all, an awesome and interstellar-stung summation of each musician’s unique styles and sensibilities.

“Greg definitely has his roots in metal,” assures Steve. “He loves all forms of metal music but he had his very first start, in terms of inspiration to play drums, from KISS. He’s influenced by many things, of course, but if you had to pick an avatar for him, it’d be a metal dude.” Steve chuckles at his assertion with a warm familiarity indicative of their long friendship and a rewarding collaboration that’s spanned decades.

Aaron, meanwhile, is Steve’s cousin; so they’ve been playing music together for as long as each can remember. “Aaron comes from rock and metal, too. He’s really into comic books and films, like me, though. But, he loves to read; he’s reading two books at a time, usually. But, with the comics, like Wolverine, Batman, stuff like that, he has a great sense of that world. He’s a fan of guitar-heavy harmonies and metal riffs, so we sprinkle that into Voyag3r music.”

“It has a base in horror, sci-fi and action film scores, definitely,” admits Steve of the group’s instrumental space-rock compositions. “But, it’s a unique blend. We have acoustic drums and electric guitar, with synthesizers, and it makes it its own thing. So, it’s not just soundtrack stuff.”

So, about that long friendship: Aaron and Steve performed as a metal-tinged electro-rock duo called Forge from the mid-‘90s until 2004, and their first “live” drummer wound up being Greg. The cousins met Greg during one of their assiduous runs putting up flyers throughout the metro Detroit area, (the oldfashioned format for notifying folks about your upcoming concert).

Throughout the late ‘90s, Greg was the drummer for a local thrash/prog outfit called World Of Hurt and he crossed paths with Aaron and Steve down the vinylstuffed aisles of a (since-closed) music store called Repeat The Beat. The two cousins, grasping a stack of Kinko-copied cut-and-pasted Xerox flyers with a tape-gun in their back pocket, told Greg how much they appreciated his work in World Of Hurt and he, in turn, told them of his familiarity with Forge and the conversation lead to Greg declaring: “Well…ya know…I might wanna’ jam with you, here’s my number.”

“We just struck up that conversation,” recalls Steve, “ya’ know, as you would, back in the day, with like-minded people, talking about records and music; it was part of this cool culture of record store hang-outs…” When Steve recalls this, there’s a tenderness to his voice that elucidates the charm of Voyag3r –that being an evocation of a nostalgia for a pre-internet world where a much purer excitement could be elicited from movies, shows, and, yes, even comics and video games.

Their excellent space-rock harkens back to when audiences weren’t as numbed by blue screens storms and Marvel action scene overkills, to when slasher films were actually scary and action films packed some actual punches. Potent punches! “And we’ve been playing with Greg ever since,” says Steve. “Through different bands and different eras.

We’ve become such great friends since then, too. We’ve been through all kinds of adventures together.” He chuckles again, warmly. “Forge lasted for ten years, with three albums and we toured the East Coast and West Coast and everywhere in between. We did a bunch of crazy stuff in our van, which took on many miles. We even had a Sega set up in there with a VCR. We had (touring) down to a science.”

After Forge, the trio started playing together in a bluesy hard-rock-leaning group called Decibilt (think voluminous decibels with the toughness of Peterbilt trucks).
Around 2012, however, Steve, who has always had a penchant for film and film scores, decided it was finally time to embrace a longtime yearning to experiment with a form of rock music that could be the soundtrack of his favorite sci-fi/action films from the past. “I love to hit all these different emotions. We’re not limited to where a standard rock band might typically have to go, as far as verse-chorusverse structures.”

Steve is the one bringing “the weirder aspects” to the compositional table, allowing his influences of spacey, strange synthrock and experimental jazz crash nicely into the metal and rock influences of his bassist and drummer).

They recorded their debut full length, Doom Fortress at Rustbelt Studios in Ferndale. They specifically recorded with an analog tape machine. “We wanted to approach it as though this was the soundtrack of a movie called Doom Fortress, sounding like it came out in 1981 or something; using these different vintage analog synths put through Rustbelt’s excellent preamps and this 1977 Harrison Console that could color the sound and give it a warm, old school feeling.”

“So, it sounds like if it were an old film or a reissued soundtrack that you found an old copy of, somewhere in a record store. We hope that it captures that feel and spirit.”

The band will continue promoting Doom Fortress this season with a smattering of local shows and are always open to the possibility of scoring music for an actual film or TV project in the future.

For more info:

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