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Residents were concerned about costs and safety, and worries about the multiple complaints the city manager received can still be found online. It was not well-known at first that a grant paid the costs of the lanes, or that major intersections, where cars turning right usually cross the bike lanes (and seem dangerous) are actually safer than the bike lane being on the far right. I can remember waiting with Phil on our bikes in these spots, feeling exposed and vulnerable to cars on either side, and occasionally fielding a complaint about our presence there or questions from drivers about how safe we felt. Now, these spots feel normal. (That intersection plan, by the way, is called The Portland Model, after our nation’s most famous bike-friendly city, and was devised there to prevent the accident-prone situation of bikes heading straight in front of cars that are turning left.)

Our bike lanes have become a normal way of life; in fact, most cities in Michigan are now bike-ordinary if not actually bike-friendly.

We saw a number of cyclists in Port Huron recently, braving cold and plenty of snow. We see in Ferndale not only the lanes, but silhouettes painted on the Nine Mile surface, reminding us that bikes are both
legal and expected. There are bike racks everywhere, a bike shop right downtown, and plenty of bike-friendly gifts like the “Pump Tires Not Gas” T-shirts in Naka, near the Downtown Ferndale Bike Shop. Bike store owner Jon Hughes told us that the lanes and bike racks scattered around the city make cycling a no-brainer. “It’s so much easier to bike here and find a rack. It’s easier than dealing with parking,” Hughes said. As Ferndale’s popularity and nightlife have grown, parking has become an issue, and free parking beats being stuck in a lot jammed with people cruising for a spot.

The Green Cruise, held every Saturday a week before the Dream Cruise, makes Ferndale one of Michigan’s prominent bike-event cities. This year’s Green Cruise will be held on August 9, and will feature three different rides as well as the famous parade down Nine. You can ride a hardcore 42 miles, a moderate 22, or a family-friendly four. Search the words “Green Cruise” for the official website, and the inspiring story of last year’s Green Cruiser of the Year.

Michigan is about to change the bike hand signal for the right turn; a bill is on the Governor’s desk as I write this. The new law allows cyclists to simply extend their right arm to signal a right turn, rather than signal with a bent left arm. The current method became law shortly after WWII, so this revision is overdue. Though this seems like common sense, probably many of us who use a straight right arm pointing to the right will be surprised to know we were breaking the law (especially those of us who hassled our husband into doing likewise).

So ride our bike lanes, use our racks, enjoy our nightlife parking-hassle free, and put the Green Cruise on your calendar.

Rebecca Hammond owns a silly number of bikes and is a former Green Cruiser of the Year, as is her son Chris (with his more normal number).

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From running for mayor to dressing up and giving historical tours of the downtown area, Wells is dedicated to being a part of the Ferndale community. Her resume includes experience as an educator, a practicing lawyer, a published author, and the list keeps on growing.

Although she was not elected mayor during her 2013 run, she is staying true to the goals she held while campaigning. “You don’t have to win elections to keep your campaign promises,” she explains. Her vision of a transparent government, an actively participating community, and a city that is equal parts night-life and day-life is becoming a reality in Ferndale.

While running for mayor, one of the biggest areas of interest for Wells were the committees and boards Ferndale offers to the residents — something she’d been passionate about for some time. Wells was also elected with the most votes to serve on the Charter Revision Commission, which worked to help reorganize and rebuild Ferndale’s boards and commissions. Since then, Wells has been actively working to connect residents with boards that can fit with their talents and interests, regardless of age or experience.

One of her biggest joys in meeting people is helping them find ways to help serve the city. She encourages neighbors of all ages to find an area in which they can pursue their passions, become part of the community, and help Ferndale grow.

Wells has a B.A. in education from Michigan State University as well as a law degree, and believes in educating the public on the rule of law. Her philosophy is “an ounce of education is better than a pound of court.” Along with an educated public, Wells pushes for a transparent government, one that can explain itself with every action it takes, one that does not operate behind a curtain. She believes that if the government exists to serve the public, then the public should know about every step they take.

Wells is of the opinion that with an educated population and a participative government, there is more ability for growth and a closer government.

In addition to meeting neighbors and improving the city, Sherry has found another great reason to volunteer and participate. “When you move to Ferndale, you never have to buy another t-shirt,” she jokes. From volunteering with different organizations and helping with the numerous events Ferndale hosts every year, Wells has earned well over a dozen shirts that serve as another example of her hard work for the city. The Ferndale Library’s Board of Directors, the Ferndale Historical Society, the Downtown Development Authority, and the Rotary Club are just some of the groups that have seen Wells’ name on their volunteer roster.

With the mayoral election now comfortably in the past, Wells is turning her attention toward the future. In addition to self-employment and her volunteering regimen, Sherry Wells is dedicated to making her city more environmentally friendly. She is currently working on city-wide recycling programs and hopes to enact a Community Building plan to educate citizens about growing gardens to trade goods with their neighbors. She is also working to plan the third installment of an event she created called Family Fundale. A day-long celebration for families from all over Metro-Detroit, Family Fundale 2014 is scheduled to take place on May 3rd.

A love for her city and a dedication to service drive Sherry Wells. She is part of the great fabric that makes the Ferndale community so unique. If a city is only as strong as its citizens, Ferndale has a bright future indeed.

If some happened with our soundness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a cure. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states united to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What men talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong heartiness problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual disfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a status called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this curing passes into breast milk.

0 2402

You don’t need introductions, though, do you? Everyone knows Jeannie. From her running of political campaigns alone, she’s a local Hall-of-Famer. If something is going on within the city, you can bet Jeannie is involved. “Like everyone else, I love love-love going places and everyone knowing me. There are so many people I know, and I have so much fun,” Davis commented. Her unique connection to others starts with Jeannie’s rare ability to look beyond surfaces when dealing with others — a quality she and Brennan shared. “Virginia could always make you see the good in something or someone. With her, you were doing dental floss through your brain.”

Born in Grosse Pointe Park, Jeannie was raised by her grandmother as one of seven children. “You don’t need a man to get along; you need a man to get the lid off pickles and fix flat tires,” her grandmother told her. After attending convent school in Monroe, Jeannie moved to Ferndale in the mid-‘60s where she raised three children — all graduates of Ferndale High School who are still nearby.

“I’d like to think [my grandmother would] be proud,” Jeannie said.

Jeannie worked as a home appraiser for years, running her own business with, at one point, a 60-hour work-week and over a dozen employees. Many of her appraisals were in Detroit, and it didn’t take long for her to make her mark in that community. One instance that stands out was the case of one house that had an alligator caged in the basement, unbeknownst to Jeannie, who became famous for adding “remove alligator from basement” to her list of miscellaneous recommendations. “I was known all over in the appraisal world after that,” she said.

Other highlights of Jeannie’s past? She was once an astrologer who practiced the art at parties and even on
the radio. Her epiphany when charting our stars and planets? “Everything does not revolve around the earth.” Eventually she was invited on the evening news and “was debunked.” Being Jeannie, she remembers even being debunked as fun, “especially hair and makeup.”

Jeannie’s part of the newly-revived Arts Commission (and wonders what you’d like to see such a commission do in Ferndale; an orchestra, maybe?).

“I do decorative painting, and I teach that [at the Kulick Center]. I knit. I love gardening. I used to do vegetables but it’s easier to go to Western. My yard is huge and ideal for fundraisers [like Ferndale Democrats]. I’ve tried to figure how many thousands we’ve raised in my backyard.” How did she end up running so many local political campaigns? “I have no idea,” she quipped. Despite that, she managed or worked on campaigns for Craig Covey, Greg Pawlica, Dan Martin, Rob Porter, Dave Coulter, as well as various human rights causes.

“Jeannie is an amazing, giving woman who cares deeply about her community, all the while sharing a boisterous and bawdy sense of humor,” former Mayor Craig Covey said. “We are lucky to have her. She has been a huge ally and confidant.”

Councilman Greg Pawlica shared a similar sentiment: “Jeannie is an incredibly dynamic lady who I admire greatly. She has more energy and drive than some people half her age. I am honored to be able to call her a dear friend.”

Jeannie may be most active with the Seniors group. She’s been president now for seven years. “They needed to be more visible. I did everything I could to make them more visible. Pub Crawl, Blues Fest, Music in the Park; now we have representatives of some group who’s doing an event contact us and ask, ‘can we depend on your cooperation?’ The volunteers do a couple of hours and get to enjoy the event,” Davis said.

But no matter what group or organization she’s working for, Jeannie brings with her a dedication and love that is unmatched in Ferndale and beyond. “I love the seniors, I love the Ferndale Foundation. I’m on the board of that as well.”

A good sense of humor and a passion for her community; Jeannie Davis represents the best of what Ferndale has to offer.

Dan Martin said this: “Jeannie Davis is a bit of an icon in Ferndale. She really embodies how people of all ages and stages of life can contribute and weave the fabric of our culture here. Over time she has been involved in so many things, influenced and supported so many people. As her understanding of the community has evolved she has personally evolved too and just keeps getting better and better. She has made a tremendous impact to the community, and luckily for her, no one is pressing charges.”

If something happened with our heartiness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotency and other states coupled to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What men talk about “viagra stories“? The most essential aspect you have to look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong heartiness problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual malfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a status called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this physic is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

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Probably no one will ever really be able to answer that question. Car cruises take place all over the nation, and surely the Motor City, but there is only one Woodward Dream Cruise. If a staunch environmentalist like myself loves and looks forward to it every year, it’s special. (It’s also a good demonstration of the power of regulations. You can sit in traffic on Woodward in most rush hours and not notice fumes; the Dream Cruise makes you feel like a heavy smoker after an hour or so.)

This year’s Cruise takes place officially on August 16th (see the Dream Cruise web site for a countdown clock; as I write this, the Cruise is 143 days, 18 hours, 24 minutes, and 19 seconds away), but of course, the unofficial Cruise begins over a week earlier. Remember the days of cruising on Friday night to avoid traffic jams? Now you’d better move that back a week or more.

Ferndale’s Cruise events span August 14th, 15th, and 16th. Check out ferndaledreamcruise.com for the specifics, which include, as usual, rock and roll bands, Mustang Alley, retro emergency vehicles, and a real milestone: the Ford Mustang’s 50th anniversary.

When else do you see traffic on Woodward part like the Red Sea to let an elderly couple cross? Or unfailingly polite and considerate driving up and down the Avenue? It never fails that a local paper will interview someone from afar, visiting Detroit for the first time just because of cars, and coming away with a completely positive impression of the Motor City.

This is our moment in the international spotlight. Enjoy the Cruise!

If something happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states connected to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most vital aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile disfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual disfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a status called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this physic is not for use in women, it is not known whether this curing passes into breast milk.

Are you ready for your chance to play a super- hero in real life? Want to make the world around you a better place? Then grab your friends and sign up to participate in Ferndale’s Relay for Life at Ferndale High School June 14th and 15th.

Returning to Ferndale for the seventh consecutive year, Ferndale’s Relay for Life is a 24-hour event which brings together people from all over the Ferndale area and beyond to help raise money and awareness for the fight against cancer — one of the most affecting diseases throughout the world.

Though specific details of the Relay are still yet to be announced, participants can look forward to an incredible day of entertainment and emotion. The event begins on June 14th with the Opening Ceremony which serves as the perfect high-energy start to the awesome weekend-long event.

The first lap of the Relay is the Survivors Lap, where cancer survivors are invited to take a celebratory lap around the track in honor of their victory over cancer.

The emotional center of the event comes that evening with the Luminaria Ceremony — an extremely moving portion of the Relay where small luminaria bags containing candles are placed around the track at dusk illuminating the area in memory of those who are still fighting their battle with cancer or who’ve sadly passed away from the horrible disease. The event con- cludes with a Fight Back and Closing Ceremony both dedicated to highlighting and celebrating the commitment all participants and volunteers have made to work to fight back against cancer during the coming year.

This year’s Relay for Life promises to be a “super” event, with a superhero theme taking over the entire weekend.

Volunteers and participants are encouraged to dress up and identify with their favorite superheroes to help create a fun atmosphere. Whether you’re a spectator, Relay participant, or you make a pledge to help support the effort, the weekend event promises lots of laughs, plenty of contests, great entertainment, and memories that will last a lifetime – all for a great cause.

For more information on how to participate in the Ferndale Relay for Life visit facebook.com/ferndalerelayforlife.

If some happened with our heartiness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat emasculation and other states coupled to erectile malfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual malfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a status called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this physic is not for use in women, it is not known whether this therapy passes into breast milk.

The Hilton Fall Festival, named for its former location along Hilton Road, will return to Martin Road Park in Ferndale on Saturday, October 11th from 11 am to 5 pm.

Once again presented by Garden Fresh Gourmet and spearheaded by Ferndale Recreation, the festival brings a full day of fun with amazing activities throughout the day.

Carnival games, concession sales, pony rides, hay rides, pumpkin painting, face painting, crafts, a costume contest, trick-or-treating and more are offered for one low price per person.

The festival was moved from Hilton Road to Martin Road Park in 2013 because Martin Road Park offers a perfect autumn backdrop with its beautiful trees. In addition, the large Activity Center located there provides plenty of indoor space to host most of the games and crafts so that potential rainy weather doesn’t hamper the event.

Tickets to the event will remain affordable at $5 per child ages three through 15, $2 per adult, and free for children two and under. Parents will enjoy an all inclu- sive price structure because it allows their child to participate in all the activities.

Ferndale Recreation is able to offer this all- inclusive price structure because of the generosity of many local businesses.

Major sponsors in the past have included: Garden Fresh Gourmet, Hodges Subaru, Gage Products Company, Oakland County Parks, Grand Central Self Storage, DTE Energy, Credit Union ONE and Ferndale Public Schools. In addition, nearly 100 supporters volunteer throughout the day to ensure families have a great time.

Many details are still in the works. You can learn more and get updates by visiting www.hiltonfallfest.com.

If you are interested in sponsoring one of the many fun activities or in volunteering, please contact Jill Manchik at Ferndale Recreation at 248-544-6767.

If some happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotency and other states connected to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What men talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you must look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile disfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as soul trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a state called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this curing passes into breast milk.

This year, we’ll Green Cruise Ferndale on August 9th. The day will begin at 8:00 A.M. with a 42-mile bike ride through Detroit. This, and the 22-mile suburban ride beginning at 9:00 A.M., will have fast and slow groups; the four-mile family ride starting at 1:00 P.M. will travel at one “easy pace.” Prefer walking? A 5K historical walk starts at 10:00 A.M.

The famous Human-Powered Green Parade will head out at Noon — dress up and dress up that bike. Ever seen a mobile piano or a lettuce dress? Well, come to the Green Cruise.

After the half-mile parade on Nine Mile, you can enjoy crafts and other kid-friendly activities, learn about healthy lifestyles throughout the day, enjoy free food, even get a free bike tune-up. Ferndale businesses sponsoring the event include Garden Fresh Gourmet, Western Market, Downtown Ferndale Bike Shop, The Woodward Avenue Brewers, Como’s, Dino’s, Credit Union One, Imperial, and New York Bagel — but that’s only about half the total sponsors. Detroit businesses like Shinola and local restaurants like Royal Oak’s Inn Season are also generously helping.

There’s always a Green Cruiser of the Year, chosen in different ways over the years the event has taken place. 2013’s Cruiser was Matthew Faraday, bike commuter to Beaumont who “spear-headed a mapping project that led to a cycling route map of South East Oakland County that the hospital printed and distributed,” according to the Green Cruise website.

Have to drive to get to the event? Find out where to park, as well as see a photo gallery, full list of sponsors, and other information on the official webpage. Just google “Green Cruise.” Top hit, as part of the Michigan Chapter of the Sierra Club’s website.

If something happened with our soundness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states coupled to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What humanity talk about “viagra stories“? The most essential aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile malfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual disfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

For 15 years, the Metro Times sponsored this expansive music festival in early March, aiming to encapsulate SE Michigan’s music scene. It settled into a model: dozens of Hamtramck bars hosted three nights of live music (with a kickoff in downtown Detroit), showcasing up to 200 local bands; the largest all-local music festival in North America. For Blowout 16 last year, the festival expanded into Ferndale for three nights, hosted at local hot spots like The Loving Touch, New Way Bar, Rust Belt Artist Market, Como’s Restaurant, and even the Library. Festival-goers gained all-access wristbands to each venue to hang-out, listen, and then move on to the next bar, to the next band…

And now, to the next Blowout, May 1 – May 3, hosted in Ferndale, Hamtramck, and Detroit. As we go to press, the final schedule is still being completed but the full schedule will be available soon at mtblowout.com.

“Blowout is larger than one band,” says Anthony Morrow owner/operator of marketing company Pulp Detroit and a co-coordinator of Blowout with W.A.B. owner Chris Johnston.

“It’s larger than one venue, one scene or one city. It’s a live music experience. Blowout, really, is a Mecca for music lovers.”

Morrow sees it as four nights of live musical “mayhem” where three cities (Detroit, Hamtramck and Ferndale) host thousands of people “scurrying” from place to place. Johnston and Morrow split festival programming, booking bands, and organizing venues. Pulp Detroit created the website and drove the social media marketing online.

Morrow: “Watching Ferndale flourish into a music scene has been exhilarating. A huge chunk of the praise really goes to Johnston, who had a strong vision for turning The Loving Touch into a venue. And, they’re doing a great job down at the New Way as well. The Grasshopper has carved out a niche with electronic music, too. But, really, it’s the bands and DJs who made the scene what it is…”

Johnston paints a poignant metaphor: “Blowout was born and raised in Hamtramck, and in its teenage years its parents separated; one moved to Ferndale.

“Now, as it gets older, Blowout’s finding it has ties to more and more places. I’m always disappointed to read one parent say something bad about the other and then have other relatives take sides. This kid (Blowout,) still needs support from everybody. I feel the same way about the music scene. I’m excited that Ferndale’s making a stand as a great live music town, but the goal isn’t to do it at the expense of other cities. I’d like to believe that the bar is being raised everywhere.”

Johnston helped foster the W.A.B./Emory and Loving Touch into Ferndale’s live music nerve-center over 15+ years, overseeing the pool hall’s transformation into a substantial live music spot for big name touring acts as well as hometown heroes. The Ferndale resident is strongly in favor of a vital music scene in the Detroit area. And he says he continues to work hard promoting good shows and great bands “in far more places than Ferndale.”

Lauren Deming, singer/songwriter/keyboardist of classy-jazz-pop revivalists El Dee: “Ferndale has its own thing going for it and I can vibe with that. I think there’s lots of people from the suburbs who don’t mind making the drive for those kinds of things because it’s closer (or less threatening?) than Detroit. Besides close proximity, Ferndale and Detroit are apples and oranges thriving in their own unique way. The exciting thing about Blowout is all the wacky foot traffic you can count on and all the amazing music you can discover in such unassuming places. All sorts of people, not your typical show-goers, are wandering that weekend, so it’s fun.”

Jason Stollsteimer, singer/songwriter/guitarist of pop/rock quartet The Hounds Below: “Metro Times’ Blowout is and always will be a showcase for all the stylings Michigan music has to offer. It was never intended to be a Hamtramck festival or a Detroit festival. It was never about bars paying their rent or as a dependable source of income for local businesses.

It was a music experience for Michigan citizens to see bands that they otherwise might not have known about. It’s the Metro Times throwing a great party with Michigan bands being the centerpiece.”

Jeff Howitt, singer/songwriter/guitarist of Ferndale-based psychedelic-roots quartet Duende: “The first couple Blowouts I’d go into any bar. There wasn’t a sense of who you had to see, but who you could see. To see the streets flooded with so many people. We’ll have to see how it works, keeping it one weekend yet still spanning three cities, with time and transportation. It’s still solidly representative of how many people around here love music as well as play/write/perform it. People will always beat up the ‘burbs, funny though, that most of the loudest voices were born in them. Where is Detroit? We should see all these neighborhoods and smaller cities as boroughs of the larger Myth of Detroit, it’s Spirit; and, then, move the tradition forward.”

Metro Times Blowout is Wednesday Apr 30 through Sat May 2. Log on to mtblowout.com to find info about purchasing wristbands, for full line-ups at each designated venue, in- cluding when and where to see/hear live music in Ferndale.

If something happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a preparation. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotency and other states coupled to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What men talk about “viagra stories“? The most essential aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual malfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a status called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this physic is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

Ferndale Pride is one of Ferndale’s best known celebrations, and this year’s event is set to be especially exciting. Recognizing the diverse LGBTQ and ally community, Ferndale Pride aims to be a safe, fun, and inclusive event for all.

Mixing Ferndale residents, visitors, businesses, and performers, the Pride weekend is guaran-teed to have something for everybody: big-name performers, thought-provoking speakers, and unique and interesting vendors are just some of the things to look forward to at this year’s festival.

Though the main Pride event takes place in the last weekend of May, there are a number of fundraising opportunities before then in and around the city. The New Way Bar is hosting a Warm Up to Pride night on Saturday, April 12th at 9 p.m. with various fundraising opportunities. Downtown favorite Rosie O’Grady’s will host 50/50 raffles the first Wednesdays of April and May, where profits will go to supplementing the costs of putting on the weekend-long celebration. Check the pride website at FerndalePride.com for a complete calendar of events.

Attendees can look forward to an all-weekend street fair that brings together many different local flavors. On Saturday and Sunday, from Noon to 9:00 P.M., the streets will be filled with a variety of performers representing a diverse group of tastes and talents.

Two separate stages sponsored by Motor City Casino have continuous music lineups planned for entertainment and dancing. The headlining act is one of Michigan’s favorites, singer Tony Lucca, performing on Saturday night. While the music plays, you can peruse the shopping area. From local businesses to independent crafters, exploring the vendor tables will be a great way to find gifts and other unique items. A wide variety of food and drinks will also be served.

The jam-packed weekend has events to fit any schedule starting, with the Friends of the Library-sponsored “Pride Prom” — an unofficial kickoff event featured on Friday night. Saturday morning, runners, walkers, and spectators alike can join in the fun of the Rainbow Run — a standout Pride event. Registration is still open for the 2K Fun Run or 5K Walk, and participation in either events promises to be an unforgettable colorful memory. Saturday at noon marks the official kick-off balloon launch, followed by the awarding of the charitable grants organized by Pride.

New this year is the group marriage ceremony held Saturday afternoon — a first in Pride history. The fun continues with a rally for gender
equality (with an array of speakers), and a Sunday full of after-parties.

Are you ready to get involved with Ferndale Pride? Register to be part of the Rainbow Run at Rainbow-Run.com. Visit FerndalePride.com to see sponsorship and volunteer opportunities. Volunteering positions include greeters, information distributors, stagehands, and more. Sponsoring Pride weekend has a variety
of benefits at many different levels. Follow the website as well as the Ferndale Pride Facebook, Instagram, and Tumblr to keep up with the schedule and opportunities happening.

If slightly happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat emasculation and other states coupled to erectile malfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile malfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual disfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a state called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual malfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this treatment passes into breast milk.

You’re Invited to Drayton Avenue Co-op Preschool “Carnival” Silent Auction – April 25, 2014

This adult-only event, our biggest fundraiser of the year, will be held Friday, April 25th from 6:00–10:00 P.M. at Drayton Avenue Presbyterian Church, 2441 Pinecrest, in Ferndale.

Fundraising and donations help keep tuition low for DACP’s unique, high-quality educational program. Drayton Avenue Co-op Preschool was established in 1949 as a non-profit, play-based cooperative preschool for children ages 2 to 4. It is a non- denominational organization that welcomes children of any race, sex, creed or national origin. As DACP relies on parents and caregivers to volunteer in the classroom alongside the teacher, it is a tight-knit community where lifelong friendships are forged between families. With a strong tradition that spans more than 60 years, the continued success of DACP depends on community support, as well as new families joining the program.

Advance tickets are $10 per person, and are available by calling (586) 260-7218, or they can be purchased at the door on the night of the event for $15 per person. Guests will enjoy live performances from local musicians, as well as appetizers and adult beverages donated by Ferndale and other Michigan restaurants.

Bidding on Silent Auction items will begin at 6:00 P.M., with staggered ending times. Local businesses and artists, Michigan businesses, as well as international names are some of the donors providing a wide variety of goods to bid on.

For more information about DACP’s 22nd Annual Silent Auction, contact co-chair Kim Hart at (586) 260-7218. Details about the event and auction items can also be found on the Drayton Avenue Co-op Preschool facebook page.

Clean the Ferndale Up Returns May 17th! – May 17, 2014

Keeping Ferndale in tip-top shape should be a priority for every citizen. Back again for another round of spick-and-span this year is Clean the Ferndale Up!, the Spring event that encourages citizens to take to the streets and take part in a citywide beautification effort unlike any other. An event that turns cleaning up the city into a fun community effort, Clean the Ferndale Up! is now in its third year and is again being presented in partnership by the City of Ferndale and the Ferndale Community Foundation. “The Ferndale Community Foundation is very excited to partner again with the City of Ferndale for the 3rd Annual ‘Clean The Ferndale Up!’” said Greg Pawlica, Ferndale City Council Member. The event provides an opportunity for people of all ages to come together for a couple of hours, on Saturday, May 17th, and help put a little extra polish on our city.”

Started in 2012 by Ferndale Community Foundation Board Member Matt Nowaczok and his wife Marci, Clean the Ferndale Up! has grown in scope and size
every year. The canvass of 2014’s event will be Ferndale’s popular downtown destinations with the hope to expand into the residential centers as well. “This year, we will be focusing our cleanup efforts in the downtown area; 9 Mile, Woodward Avenue, and the parking lots,” Pawlica said. Depending on the size of the all- volunteer force, the city’s green space could benefit as well. “If we get enough volunteers, we’ll expand our cleaning into the parks across the city.”

Events like Clean the Ferndale Up! are only as effective as the people who volunteer to support them. Interested in putting some sweat equity into your city? Ready to have a day of fun, making the world around you a little more beautiful? Visit www.cleantheferndaleup.com for all of the latest updates and registration information. More details to follow!

Dinner Plans? FernCare Plans Sixth Annual Dinner – May 8, 2014

On May 8th, FernCare will host its sixth annual dinner — the free clinic’s biggest fundraiser of the year. Returning to the Ukrainian Cultural Center in Warren, the night promises to be full of great food and fun, all going to support one of Ferndale’s most important community organizations.

Along with raising funds, the dinner serves as a way for FernCare to update supporters and donors about progress of the clinic and gives the organization a way to say “thank you” for the community’s continued support. “The Board always looks forward to the annual dinner because it gives all of us a chance to personally thank people who have supported the work of the clinic,” said Ann Heler, FernCare’s Board of Directors President. “It is also the event where we announce new programs, future plans, and outline what we have done with their support over the past year.”

With a large amount of media attention focusing on the newly implemented Affordable Care Act, the night also serves as an opportunity for FernCare representatives to educate supporters on how the new legislation will impact the clinic and the future. “With the ACA finally open and in its beginning phase, we can assure our guests once again we are not closing,” Heler said. “There will continue to be a place for free clinics for quite some time.”

Tickets are available now through the FernCare website at FernCare.org and are $40 per person and $320 for a table of eight. Though specifics of the night’s agenda are still being finalized, Heler assures that a splendid time is guaranteed for all. “On a personal note, the dinner highlights our acceptance by Ferndale and surrounding communities as something positive and helpful,” Heler said. “To use one of my favorite sayings: it makes all of us smile!”

Rotary Presents a Delicious Warm-Up – March 6, 2014

Ferndale’s Rotary club is one of over a million clubs that comprise Rotary International, a non-profit, community service organization that originated in 1905. At age 90, Ferndale’s club is the “longest living service organization in the city,” according to organizer Jerome Raska. This year the Rotary club continued to live the mission of Rotary International by partnering with FernCare for the first time.

This year’s Rotary club annual fundraising event, the Winter Warm-Up on March 6, 2014, was the third of its kind and matched the success of past events. Proceeds were split between the two organizations as well as much love and good cheer. Area restaurants donated their favorite soup, while local sweet shops donated an assortment of desserts. Attendees and a panel of local celebrity judges declared a winner in each category, but you’ll have to sample all the participating venues and make your own decision; the winners are a secret to non-attendees.

The Rotary club is renowned for its sponsorship of the firehouse and such events as the Bike Rodeo, in partnership with the city’s police department. Its next big statement will revolve around the water, a cornerstone issue for Rotary historically. Other annual events sponsored by the Rotary club include the Pancake Breakfast, in conjunction with the Ice Festival and the Achievement Awards. If you’re interested in learning more about the Rotary club, you can attend one of their weekly meetings at Blumz, on Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. It’s a membership organizations with a member fee and all are welcomed, though RSVP is appreciated as well as a commitment to “Service above self,” said Jerome.

Annual Ferndale Blues & Music Festival – January 24 to February 2, 2014

The Annual Ferndale Blues & Music Festival wrapped up its 14th year in February, having again organized more than 60 concerts in 20 venues over a nine-day period. While this year’s festival was as large as ever, with record sponsors and great music, the funds raised from the Ribs Barbeque tent plummeted by more than half, so our fundraising overall was down by a third as well.

The Blues Festival began in 2001, after Monica and Larry Mills and Craig Covey had attended the Chicago Blues Festival and decided to organize one here. Detroit used to have major blues festivals but they ceased in the early ‘90s. Originally created to raise money for Ferndale Youth Assistance, the event grew to a nine-day event from its original weekend, and now includes the Michigan AIDS Coalition, a group Covey founded in 1988.

Multiple venues hire bands and bring in music, and funds are raised through sponsors and donations. At its height in 2013, the event brought in more than $22,000 in proceeds. The festival began to grow to include Hazel Park, Royal Oak Township, and Royal Oak for a couple of years, but has since returned to its roots in Ferndale only.

Volunteer help is critical to the success of the event, and the brutal 2014 Winter took its toll on attendance, volunteerism, and some donations. Organizers are considering all aspects of the event in hoping to carry on the tradition and have a 2015 Ferndale Music Festival. Having always been held in the dead of winter to support our businesses and bring cheer to chilled residents, the dates have not been set for future blues.

Pub Crawl – July 25, 2014

Since 1996, Ferndale has held an annual pub crawl to raise money for local charitable groups. Created by an LGBT resident’s group called FANS of Ferndale, the event began the first year with 35 people traveling as a group to five or six bars in Ferndale’s downtown. The event grew exponentially, and by 1998 became a community-wide happening that attracted 150 people going to ten nightspots. At its height in 2009, nearly two thousand people walked in multiple large groups to two dozen locations, mirroring the growth of our now-thriving downtown. Funds raised for the Ferndale Community Foundation, FernCare, Police Auxiliary, and AIDS education totals on average $10,000 to $15,000 per year.

Restaurants, nightclubs, and bars join the event by sponsoring for a fee, this year $350. They more than make up for this deductible donation by hosting hundreds of crawlers who walk from place to place. Attendees pay a fee to join, which last year was $10. Sponsors add to the fundraising total, which is divided among the charities later in the summer. One year we had flooding, and one year we had a power outage, but the event always goes on, rain or shine.

We have actually trained other cities on our successful techniques, and similar crawls are now held annually in Royal Oak, Berkley, Madison Hts, and Hazel Park. Other smaller groups also hold crawls in Ferndale throughout the year. But none come close to the size and success of the iconic annual Ferndale Pub Crawl, always held on the last Friday of July.

You must be 21 to attend, and no driving of motor vehicles is permitted. There has never been an arrest or injury from this event, which this year will be on Friday July 25th. Sponsors, businesses or individuals who want more information can check www.ferndalepubcrawl.org or call Monica Mills at 248-545-1435.

Ferndale Bike Rodeo – June 7, 2014

Saturday June 7th • Attention, bike lovers, this one is for you! The Ferndale Bike Rodeo is free, and no registration is required! Every child attending will be

fitted for a new helmet, and the Police department will be on-site providing free bike licenses to Ferndale residents. In addition, the Fire department will be giving Firehouse safety tours. This great event is sponsored by the Ferndale Recreation department, the Police and Fire departments, and Ferndale Rotary Club. This fun event for the whole family will be held at Geary Park from 10am–2pm

Trunk and Treasure: A ‘Little Bit of Everything’ Sale! – June 14, 2014

Saturday, June 14 • Join in with ‘recycling’ your stuff: this fun community event will be held in the City Hall parking lot on Saturday June 14, and is open to both residents and non-residents! Registration is only $15, and each participant can bring a table, 2 chairs, and any of your unwanted items (including arts & crafts). A concession stand serving refreshments will be present on-site. There are 45 spots available, and deadline for registration is June 11th at the Kulick Community Center, at 1201 Livernois (completed forms/payment can be turned into the office at this same address). Please call: 248.644.6767 with any questions you may have regarding the event! Please sign up at: www.ferndalerecreation.com, or go to the Kulick Community Center.

Funky Ferndale Art Fair and DIY Fair – September 12-14, 2014

The edgy Funky Ferndale Art Fair will shut down West Nine Mile this year from September 12th through the 14th. Applications are still being taken to become one of 120 juried artists taking advantage of our prime shopping district. What makes the 11th annual show “edgy?” The artist application says this:

“We are looking for work that shows more than a bit of creativity; that challenges the mind, or simply sparks the imagination: Artwork that does not sit quietly but invites a reaction.”

At the same time, filling East Nine Mile with art, the 7th annual DIY Fair takes place. Both events have food, music, and enough cool stuff for sale to stretch your self-control to the limits — all in the coolest downtown in Metro Detroit. The Funky Ferndale Art Fair is juried; the DIY Fair is more first-come, first-served for booth space, but there’s not much difference in interest.

Both will keep you walking, spellbound, and eager to see what’s next. Googling either event name will get you information, an application, artist reviews, even Facebook pages (which can help you find more fairs if you’re an artist or a buyer). Non-motorized transportation to the shows is encouraged, and last year parking that benefited FernCare and Ferndale Public Schools, costing $10, was avail- able all around East Nine.

Transgender Day of Empowerment – April 26, 2014

Plan on attending the 2014 Transgender Day of Empowerment April 26, from 9am to 6pm at Affirmations (900 W 9 Mile Rd, Ferndale MI. Presented by The Gender Identity Network Alliance, the Transgender Day Of Empowerment (TDOE), started in Michigan in 2009 as a counterbalance to the annual Transgender Day of Remembrance. It is a day of workshops and projects that focus on empowerment by:

  • – Searching for undiscovered opportunities that lie within the obstacles we face rather than focusing on, or surrendering to, the injustices of those obstacles;
  • – Asking what we can do differently through our actions & attitudes to help create the conditions to bring about a more desired outcome;
  • – Recognizing the most important relationship we will ever have is the one we will have with ourselves, and;
  • – Embracing positive attitudes, encouraging solution oriented perspectives, and elevating the way we think.

This year’s theme, “Creating the Conditions for Change,” is a call to action for the community to make intentional strides in shifting ourselves, others and the culture around us with the purpose of supporting all in their paths of self-empowerment and progress. The TDOE events will feature such prominent facilitators as Drs. Sandra Samons, Stephen Rassi and Kofi Adoma, Equality Michigan’s new Executive Director Emily Deivendorf, and Associate Professor Dr. Julie Nemecek along with Organizations such as Community Health Awareness Group (CHAG), KICK, and Affirmations.

Of note this year will the display of personalized videos, testimonials and donated mementos from such prominent members as Janet Mock , Christina Kahrl , Kylar Broadus along with many others.

Why attend? Michelle Fox-Phillips from GNA says, “Today is about changing your attitudes about yourself.”

For more information or to have your organization help sponsor the event, please contact Michelle Fox-Phillips, Executive Director, Gender Identity Network Alliance, 248-514-2688.

Michigan Youth Arts Festival – May 8 – 10, 2014

Located in Ferndale, Michigan Youth Arts is an alliance dedicated to developing, recognizing, and advocating excellence in arts education for children across the
state of Michigan. Consisting of 16 statewide education associations, Michigan Youth Arts works to develop and deliver arts programming throughout the
state. A cornerstone of the MYA’s yearly program is the upcoming Michigan Youth Arts Festival — the nation’s only large-scale collaborative event of its kind. This year’s event will take place on May 8th–10th, on the campus of Western Michigan University. From a pool of over 250,000, 1,000 students from across the state who demonstrate superior talent in one of ten artistic disciplines are invited to attend the MYAF. Student attendees will participate in over 100 live performances throughout the weekend — all free and open to the public.

This year’s festival will features special guest and Artist-In-Residence Dan Scanlon of Pixar Animation Studios. Scanlon, a Clawson native, has worked on such groundbreaking films as Monster’s University, Brave, Cars, and Toy Story 3. As Artist-In-Residence, Scanlon will lecture and lead a presentation to festival goers as well as teach master classes for students in certain disciplines. “We’re absolutely thrilled to give Michigan’s top youth talent an interactive experience with such a renowned professional in the creative field,” said Marianne Dorais, Executive Director of Michigan Youth Arts. “It’s important for students to know that they can build exciting and promising careers in the arts, and we’re overjoyed that Dan Scanlon will be there as proof of that inspiring message. If students are encouraged to embrace their creativity, they are more likely to pursue work that fits their personal definition of success.”

For more information on Michigan Youth Arts and the upcoming Michigan Youth Arts Festival visit www.michiganyoutharts.org

Annual PTSA Arts & Crafts Fair – May 10, 2014

Saturday, May 10
The Ferndale Secondary PTSA will host a Handmade Arts & Crafts Fair on May 10, 2014 from 10 am to 5 pm at Ferndale High School at 881 Pinecrest in Ferndale. Local crafters and artists will showcase and sell their original handmade goods. All proceeds benefit the Ferndale Schools Parent Teacher Student Association. Admission is $1.00 — Free to children 10 & under. Strollers wel- come! The Fair is currently seeking artists and vendors. For details and an application, please send an email to fsptsaartcraftfair@gmail.com for more information. The application deadline is May 5, 2014.

96th Memorial Day Observance to Take Place in Ferndale – May 16, 2014

“Lest we forget” — on Memorial Day, Monday, May 26, the 96th annual observance in honor of those who gave their all will take place in Ferndale.

Ferndale’s observance is the longest consecutive Memorial Day event in the state of Michigan. A wide variety of community organizations and civic associations
march in the parade. Once again, members of Michigan’s Fallen will participate to commemorate service members who have lost their lives during current military engagements.

The Memorial Day observance begins with a parade commencing at 10:00 a.m. on Livernois, just north of W. Nine Mile. The parade route winds north on Livernois through the streets of Ferndale and returns south on Woodward Avenue before turning onto W. Nine Mile Road. It concludes with a program held at the city’s Memorial Mall, which is located on Livernois, two blocks south of W. Nine Mile Road.

The program includes the reading of the “Honor Roll,” those members of the military who died since Memorial Day 2013.

Ferndale’s observance is hosted by the Ferndale Memorial Associa-tion. Questions? Call Barbara Earl, a director of the Ferndale Memorial Association at 248-541-6032. www.ferndalememorialassociation.com

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