
By: Jeff Milo, Circulation Specialist

So now we are The Ferndale Area District Library. What does being a District Library mean? What happens next?

Well, actually, not much will change at first. Our mission remains the same: to strengthen the Ferndale community by providing access to materials and services that inform, enrich, entertain, and empower.

Visiting the library? Checking out books? Attending our concerts? Taking little readers to our family story hours? Accessing public computers? Finding all the latest movies in our DVD section? Those things won’t change. We’re still the same wonderful library you’ve been using all these past years.

We’ll still offer the same services and all the same access. We’ll continue to provide inter-loaned materials from the 60+ libraries connected to us through The Library Network of Oakland County, including thousands of free ebooks and audio books for download, along with professional reference librarians and circulation specialists here to help you access these resources and assist you with your research, help on the computers, and provide cutting-edge programs for all ages. We’ll remain an anchor to the downtown and the living room of the community.

We will, however, be operating under Michigan’s District Library Law, a more modern library statute that allows us more autonomy and flexibility than we have had in the past. The dedicated library millage of 1.96 mills that was

approved by voters in 2007 will remain in place for now. The District Library Establishment Act allows for funding of up to four mills, but any changes in tax funding will require voter approval.

Who’s in this District? The Ferndale Area District Library involves a partnership between the Library, the City of Ferndale, and the Ferndale Public Schools. The schools will not be contributing to library finances, and the library will not be involved in the operation of the schools’ media centers. However, the possibility of more funding for the library in the future could lead to more outreach efforts and services to Ferndale Public School students and staff, helping to support school success.

As a District Library, we’ll be governed by a seven-member Library Board. A provisional library board was appointed by the Ferndale City Council at their December meeting. The provisional board is made up of the six trustees who were previously elected to the Ferndale Public Library Board, plus an additional library advocate, resident Kevin Yezbick. The provisional board will be in place until the 2016 election.

Upcoming Kids/Family programming: Family Storytime: February 9, 2015. 6:30 P.M. Giddy’on up to our Wild West- themed storytime! All ages welcome.

Kid’s Open Mic on Feb 11, 2015, 4:00 P.M. Kids 12 and under will have the opportunity to perform or display their special talent in front of a group of their peers in the library’s community room! No registration required. Microphones will be available, but if you need any other accommodations (instrument cords, etc), please contact Jordan at prior to the event.

If something happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a cure. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states united to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What men talk about “viagra stories“? The most vital aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

0 2221

By: Becky Hammond

Backyard Habitat News: I keep reading about the need to plant milkweed and more milkweed, as monarch butterflies struggle and decline in numbers. Advice to plant it usually comes with a warning about it taking over.

What actually does takes over a yard? Anything left alone. Grass, especially, takes over places we don’t want it, while usually resisting growth where we do. There’s nothing more troublesome in borders and beds than grass. Milkweed and other natives are, in comparison, easy. Pull up a milkweed stalk, it’s gone. Milkweed struggles a bit at first anyway, especially in Ferndale’s sand. I had it quite a few years before it started to flourish. It would be nice to see Ferndale become a truly butterfly- friendly city, and maybe also a bat-friendly city, with ever- increasing numbers of bat houses and butterfly gardens.

The small ring of open water surrounding our pond de-icer is often surrounded by birds. Apparently dehydration causes more winter bird deaths than starvation. That deicer, by the way, uses too much electricity to run 24/7. I plug it in for an hour or so each morning. What the fish need (this is kind of obvious when you consider the frozen lakes that will still be populated with fish come spring) is a relief from the buildup of methane, produced by rotting vegetation. It’s my understanding that our backyard ponds, usually made of or lined with plastic, become sealed-in methane producers, and fish can’t breathe.

A British pond-care book states that any tubular plant stem protruding through the ice will allow methane to escape, but we Americans tend to distrust solutions that don’t involve spending money (the Brit book runs in the direction of “it’ll go away in a few days” while American advice is solidly “buy Product X, pronto!”) I compromise, let plants remain in the ice, and turn on the heater part of each morning. If it’s a sunny day, fish gather in the open water, and appear to enjoy it. I know I do.

Environmental Gadfly Department: We are lucky to live in a big city ringed by state and county parks, and I visit them often. While I continue to blame you winter-haters out there for chilly, drab, damp, snowless days (attitude counts), I also get out to Holly or Proud Lake as often as possible when days are freezing. The ice on the lakes and streams is a sort of never-ending art exhibit, always different, always interesting. A shallow bay in the Holly Recreation Area that we’ve nicknamed Turtle Cove for its carpet of turtles every March recently had an interesting series of freezings.

Bubbles from the methane rising regularly had frozen in perfect layers all over the cove, neatly stacked atop each other, three, four, even five in a row. While I took 1,000 or so photos, a muskrat kindly swam by under the ice, bland and relaxed as could be, every movement the picture of enjoyment.

That Time of Year: Some people love seed catalogs in January. I love guidebooks, and adventure books like those by Gary and Joanie McGuffin. They’ve done multiple journeys in multiple ways, on foot, year-round, and in a variety of self-propelled watercraft (I covet their decked canoes; more canoes than kayaks, yet not fully either, they look the perfect touring boats). Their books are full of photographs, as much coffee-table books as adventure tales. I’ll leave you with the opening quote from Superior, Journeys on an Inland Sea: “Journeys germinate like seeds. They depend upon the fertility of the mind they fall upon.” There are many ways to fertilize a mind that may have gone a bit slack. Common wisdom holds that 90% of what we worry about never happens. Maybe 90% of the adventures we plan never do, either. Plan enough to do enough. A great adventure is likely to be distilled down out of many possibilities.

Rebecca Hammond is 57 years old and hopes to enjoy many more decades of Michigan’s outdoors. So far, so good.

If something happened with our soundness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a preparation. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states connected to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual malfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a status called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual malfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this treatment passes into breast milk.

0 2093

Story by Sherrad Glosson | Photo by Bernie LaFramboise

I’m sitting in a local café in downtown Ferndale, enjoying the ambiance. The vibe is nice and mellow, and it appears that this is a local spot where students come and relax to study before or after their next class. Others come and hold business meetings while eating a bagel, washing it down with a nice cup of cocoa, and some come to gather their thoughts accompanied by a book.

The door opens, and a kid enters. Another one for some quiet study? He looks like he’s in his early teens, with a backpack and a smile that gives you the impression that he’s completely harmless. It was at that moment when I realized that this is the kid whom people are raving about. None other than Tyler Beltz known around town as “Gonna’ Be Famous TB.”

Tyler is a self -motivated, driven kid who has been clear on his path to success since the age of 14. Now 18, has become one of the most elite individuals amongst his peers in the Ferndale area. At 14, Tyler started a web Show called the “Young Detroit Show,” designed to assist charity events at various churches, and to also show off local talent around the area. His goal was to be an outlet

to local songwriters, authors, and actors when the big corporate stations shut them down.

When asked of the roots of his ingenuity, he mentioned, “When I was younger I would use a hand brush and stand in front of the mirror as if I was interviewing someone.” That dream became a reality for him when he had the chance to interview big names such as Ryan Seacrest and Mike Posner. By the time he was 16, he landed an intern position at 98.7 AMP radio station, where he took calls. Not long after, people were calling just to talk to “that Kid Tyler.” Since then, he has worked himself up to the position of Board Operator.

On weekends, Tyler spends most of his time at Affirmations, where he works, but he also volunteers to help out when needed. He also acts as Affirmations’ social media guru. “Mr. Gonna Be Famous” also helps non-profit organizations and authors with consistent trafficking on their websites.

As far as his future goals are concerned, he has the dream of becoming a morning radio and television host.

Staying connected to the community and mentoring school kids about saying no to drugs is what he plans to do for the rest of his life.

If you haven’t heard of this rising star before, you surely will soon because he’s GONNA BE FAMOUS!

If something happened with our soundness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotency and other states coupled to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What folk talk about “viagra stories“? The most essential aspect you have to look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile disfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as soul trouble. Causes of sexual malfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this physic is not for use in women, it is not known whether this curing passes into breast milk.

By Jeff Milo | Photograph by Giancarlo DiPonio

This isn’t your “down-on-the-farm” folk music. Woven Tangles’ acoustic-centric songwriting may come with the slight- twanged warbles and sepia-toned charms of rootsy Americana, but it was forged in Detroit, and it’s got a bit more grit than your typical troubadour’s strummy sing-alongs, especially after adding electric guitar and drums to the mix.

Woven, as the name suggests, are the complimentary voices of Holly Millea and Kevin Kline. Both have similarly stunning, soft- hued, dulcet-toned singing voices, and it’s almost eerie how smoothly they merge.

“Of all the things you can do musically,” said Kline, “there’s just something about harmonizing with another person that is very special.”

Understandably, these closely woven harmonies manifest a certain intimacy. “When I sing harmonies with someone,” said Millea, “I look them in the eye as I sing with them. You can probably look like you’re in love with whoever you’re on stage with and you probably are, at least during that song…”

Kline interjects, “I feel like if I do too much of that eye contact (with Holly) it can kill my game at the end of every show. No girl will talk to me after.” The couple, longtime friends

and collaborators, share a knowing laugh at this. “Of course, guys will push over me to go talk to Holly, though.”

The pair started writing songs together a few years earlier when they met inside a circle of creative friends. Woven Tangles was formed around mid-2013. Their debut album Lumber Jackson was released in December 2013 on Funky D Records.

Millea and Kline’s chemistry struck off of shared sensibilities for pastoral folk singers from the late 60’s and early 70’s. Think Paul Simon, Nick Drake, or The Beatles. In fact, these two 20-somethings are influenced by “Almost anything from the ‘Boomer generation” of music; both the unique harmonies of those songwriters, and also their profound lyrics.

For more contemporary influences, the lifelong musicians drop names like Iron & Wine, Local Natives and the British-based trio alt-J. If you’re noticing the trend, you won’t be surprised to learn that each of these groups give particular emphasis to vocal melody.

“I look at that past generation and, of course, the use of harmony stands out. But, they were also masters of analog recording, just extremely proficient at their instruments and vocal technique. There’s something romantic about that period, less distractions mostly. People and musicians seemed more engaged, politically. I think we emulate the romantic aspects of that period.”

Their name, says Millea, references “the organized chaos that drives the world as well as music. We liked the word ‘woven’ because it’s a good way to picture the purposeful harmonies and then ‘tangles’ because, well, maybe we appreciate ironic paradoxes.” She then adds, with a chuckle, “Plus, I was crocheting a lot at the time we were coming up with names.”

For Lumber Jack’s release concert, drummer Maxwell Sullivan, bassist Colin Stanley, guitarist Sarah Rez and bassist Giancarlo DiPonio joined to flesh out each song, with Millea on vocals/banjo and Kline on vocals/guitar and electric guitar.

“It’s been an awesome journey,” Kline reflects, “and we’ve been able to play a lot (of shows) and learn a lot (in the studio) and explore a lot more dynamically, with more people involved.”

“My vision, when we first started,” said Millea, “was a folk band. You hear violin and banjo on our first album.” But each player brought their own flavors, be it rock or dubstep, even.

“And it became a plethora of interesting combinations. We call it ‘Detroit Folk.’ Kinda takes the audience for a ride, with our different influences and Holly and I being unique songwriters. Certainly nothing you’d expect from a ‘folk band.’”

“The best music can’t be put into one box, anyway,” said Millea.

Woven Tangles entered the studio at the end of January to record their second album. For information on their upcoming local concerts, visit: facebook.com/woventangles.

To sample Lumber Jackson, Woven Tangles’ first album, log on to: http://woventangles.bandcamp.com

If something happened with our soundness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotency and other states connected to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you have to look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction switch on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this physic is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

0 4611

Story and photos by Malissa Martin

Attorney Erica Moise, 32, says she always wanted to practice law because she believe in civil rights. “I figure this is a great route to go in terms of being able to help people, to help change the laws, and help those who are disenfranchised.” Moise says.

Since October 2011, Moise has ben actively practicing criminal defense law. The legal system, she says, doesn’t always get to the root of the crime, which is sometimes drug and alcohol addictions. “That’s a big problem I see within the criminal justice system, is how we’re treating that problem.” mouse said. She wants to help her clients by providing a full serves law firm. “If somebody comes in with an addiction issue and legal problem, I can connect them to resources such as rehab facilities.” Moise says.

After graduating from Eastern Michigan University and then Wayne State’s law school program, Moise worked at a few law firms but is now self-employed. She plans to open an office for Moise Law later this year, hopefully in  Ferndale. Moise’s passion and drive for criminal defense mirrors her pursuit for LGBT legal rights. An activist for the LGBT community, Moise said it was her personal struggle with her own sexuality that led her to that role. “I came out as gay when I was 14 years old. So, having that experience so young, and kind of fighting the world, it really pushed me in this direction.” Moise said. “It’s been a lot of progress over the last 18 years and we’ve come so far from when I was a little 14-year-old in high school.” Moise said her law practice and activisms in the LGBT community both provide people with help. “But those two roles go together because when you become a defense attorney you are, in a sense, and activist for someone, You’re defending their rights, you’re trying to help them through the legal system, which can be very, very tricky.”

In addition to advocating on behalf of the LGBT community as president of the Stonewall Bar Association (a Michigan LGBT Bar Association,) Moise is also creating partnerships with businesses to expand the knowledge of LGBT law related issues. Moise, in conjunction with Affirmations, The Gender Identity Alliance Network, and Equality Michigan, are in the process of creating a coalition to provide LGBT law assistance. “By the Fall we want to get training in place for attorneys to handle LGBT clients.” Moise said.

Likewise, Moise is working with Jocelyn Benson, dean of Wayne State’s Law School, to implement a new program that would train lawyers in Michigan how to take LGBT clients on their issues and the law. Moise said a combination of Wayne State’s midtown location and urban setting give students a secial experience. “You get a lot of variety, especially with law, of real life experiences and real life settings.”

Moise Law can be reached at 248-629-0573. Business hours are 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday thru Friday. Moise is available after hours or for emergencies. Email: erica.moise@gmail.com

If slightly happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a preparation. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat emasculation and other states united to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What men talk about “viagra stories“? The most essential aspect you must look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile malfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual disfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

By Derek Lindamood

CARA TRAUTMAN ISN’T an angel. She just played one on stage. The lead actor in Angels in America, which finished its run at the Ringwald Theater in Ferndale, Trautman admits it was a more serious role than she’s accustomed to, although drama roles are growing on her. In addition to her work at the Ringwald, she performs and teaches improv comedy at Ferndale’s Go Comedy and Planet Ant in Hamtramck. She’s also an author, just having self-published her first novel, Happy’ish. She’s finished a children’s book, and is already working on another novel. She co-founded Detroit Card Company, writing cards for all occasions while a friend illustrates, and they just had their first major sale. She does all of this while maintaining a nine-to-five job at her father’s architecture firm.

I first saw Cara perform with long-time friend Lauren Bickers as Dubalicious at the Ringwald during an improv comedy festival over the summer. What separated their troupe from the others is the fact that Dubaclicious only had two members, while the other troupes each had six. “With only two people, there’s no time to stop and think—you just have to act”, Cara said. “You don’t have a moment to second guess yourself, or stop to think if something is funny or not. You’re totally in the moment.”

Cara first started her improv career at Second City in Detroit in 2000, where she first met improv partner Lauren, and they acted as understudies for the main ensemble. They also worked at the Improv Inferno in Ann Arbor, and have been performing at Go Comedy in Ferndale since it opened in 2008.

I asked Cara what percentage of the improv characters we see on stage are completely made up on the spot, and how many have shown up in previous shows, practices, or are based on charismatic people she’s met in real life.

“None, never, they’re all made up. Sometimes I’ll choose an emotion for a scene. This is what I’m teaching right now. I’m going to be angry in this scene, I don’t know what’s going to happen, but let’s see where this goes. If (you try to plan) something, it doesn’t usually work. All good humor is organic. Being in the moment is key.”

IF YOU’RE INTERESTED in trying your hand at improv comedy acting, you can take six to eight weeks of classes along with other beginners. “They have a great training center and we have a lot of students. We get engineers, moms, all kinds of different people. The majority are not actors, or even plan on acting. Even if they’re nervous, it feeds into their performance and it’s really enjoyable to watch. It’s a great, creative, and supportive environment. I learn from watching them and becoming part of the beginning process again.”

Cara’s recently released a book, Happy’ish, which is a new medium for her. Citing her literary influences as Jhumpa Lahiri, Barbara Kingsolver, Alexander McCall Smith, Elizabeth Gilbert, and Dave Eggers, she describes the plot of her first book as “A funny story about an awkwardly cool woman trying to find happiness and maybe even love in Ferndale, Michigan”, and it is only partially based on her. She brings her improv attitude to writing as well. “I develop these characters and see what happens. A fairly normal, grounded woman, surrounded by weirdos, just living. That’s the whole happy’ish thing. She doesn’t have it all together.” She’s already finished a children’s book, and she’s currently working on her second novel, which is set in Frankenmuth.

If you are interested in learning more about Cara, reading her book, or asking her questions about for her improv classes, she can be contacted at: caratrautman@wordpress.com

Happy’ish is available at Amazon. com

If some happened with our soundness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states coupled to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most vital aspect you must look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile disfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual disfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this curing passes into breast milk.

0 2081

Story by Derek Lindamood

DAN BUTTS IS A MODERN RENAISSANCE MAN. At 74-years-old, he’s got more energy than most 25 year-olds, he’s been published in more journals than most professors, and he’s helped as many people as the Red Cross. He’s in tremendous shape, mostly due to his new-found passion of competitive race walking, and he’s got an Alan Watts- like Zen demeanor, while speaking like a highly intelligent and clinically trained psychologist… because he is.

Butts, a long-time resident of Ferndale (now living nearby in Pleasant Ridge) and a Wayne State University graduate, started race-walking in 2008 due to the rising cost of gasoline. Starting out of pragmatism, he quickly became competitive.

“The more I walked, the further I walked, the faster I walked, the more I enjoyed it. My brother Tim was very competitive, and pushed me to do interval training, and also work out with weights.”

Dan won his first competitive event at the Senior Olympics, the 1,500 meter, at age 69. In 2012, Dan had been with his girlfriend Kathy (who played viola for the Detroit Symphony for 41 years) for 26.2 years, so he walked the Detroit Marathon to commemorate the occasion. Soon after, they tied the knot.

To prepare for his events, he trains with the Pegasus Race Walking Club, which is based in Royal Oak. Dan’s accomplishments include winning 10 age-class metals from 2010 to 2014 (eight gold and two silver.) He’s got a big stair-climbing race downtown at the Renaissance Center, 73 floors from the bottom to the top, on March 1. After he turns 75, he intends to enter the National Senior Olympics. He says ever since he started walking competitively, his quality of life and energy levels have increased dramatically.

When he’s not walking, he’s helping people. Every Monday, Dan can be found volunteering to feed the hungry at a Food Bank at St. John’s Church. In 1984,

Dan founded The Michigan Holistic Health Association, producing a guide and booklet for those like him who were seeking alternative health treatment and ideas.

Dan is also a licensed psychologist. He specializes in men’s issues, identity issues, and helping people find a way to balance work, life, and family. He has a massage table in his study room, and his massage therapist license is hung on his wall along with his many other degrees, race walking accolades, and accomplishments. He grows berries in his backyard, which he mixes with his ice cream.

Not surprisingly, a maverick like Dan doesn’t think too highly of corporations, and is quick to note some of the downfalls of our present state of civilization.

“Pioneers and innovators are held down by politics and money. These are diseases of civilization. These fast-paced, high-tech lifestyles can be exceedingly stressful, and very restrictive. There’s so many opportunities, so many things going on. Know your real priorities, be in the moment. Self-awareness is a key, so that you don’t get pulled into counterproductive activities or patterns.” He said. His book, published in 2002, is entitled How Corporations Hurt Us All.

“Corporate life can be deadly in so many ways, and can compound the wounds that so many people already have. The more dysfunctional people have the control, because their need is greater.”

A socially and environmentally conscious Renaissance man, Dan can truly be an inspiration for all, no matter what your age.

If something happened with our soundness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a cure. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotency and other states connected to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most vital aspect you must look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile disfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a state called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

0 2258

By Robert Littleton, Manager, Magic Bag Theater

With heavy hearts and minds, The Magic Bag is sad to announce the loss of one of its founding members, Jeremy Haberman.

Jeremy was a visionary, one of Detroit’s best promoters, and a successful businessman. A record store employee in his youth, (at Sam’s Jams in Ferndale) he had extensive knowledge in all genres of music. He took over a struggling theater and transformed it into a nationally- celebrated music venue, nearly 20 years running. As a kid growing up in Detroit’s University District, he listened to the radio non-stop and took in the back-beat sounds of the neighborhood. He had fond memories performing with his college band Soulstice and often times doted on his early success as a musician. His love for music and the Detroit music scene was unparalleled.

Always modest, he took great pleasure helping and watching local acts grow from the opening band on the bill to the main attraction. Bands like the White Stripes, Electric Six, and Detroit Cobras were fostered by Jeremy. He was also a noted tastemaker, bringing in national artists that were on their way to stardom. Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings, Amy Schumer, and The Black Keys are just a few notables that got their first breaks at The Magic Bag. He loved the rhythm & blues, roots rock, and the old-school musicians who influenced everything you hear today. Legends like Bo Diddley, Los Lobos, and Leon Russell all found a home at The Magic Bag.

Jeremy will long be remembered for his big heart, his quick wit and jovial personality, his love for the Detroit Tigers, and his love for family and friends.

If slightly happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states connected to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most vital aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a state called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this treatment passes into breast milk.

0 5866

By Andrea Grimaldi | Photos by Bernie Laframboise

Anyone driving on Woodward Avenue through Ferndale will recognize the famous marquee of the Magic Bag. Sandwiched between popular restaurants, the theater features an ever-revolving list of bands and movies beneath the iconic cat logo. The theater is popular for its intimate settings and incredible line-ups, but its residency in Ferndale’s history is not as well known.

The Magic Bag has been around a long time, under many different names, a centerpiece for Ferndale’s entertainment scene since the early 1920s. When it originally opened as the Ferndale Theater, it played feature films, newsreels, and animated specials. Patrons spent entire afternoons in the Ferndale Theater, catching up on current events and movies. For decades it was an incredibly popular theater with parking located in the middle median of Woodward.

In the 1960s the theater changed names to Studio North and changed its focus to independent films, playing artistic and foreign films that weren’t being shown anywhere else. Studio North’s unique movie choices attracted spectators from all over Oakland County.

By the mid 1970’s, the unique movies played at Studio North got a bit more racy. The iconic marquee on the ever- busy Woodward Avenue offered titles including Street Girls and Debbie Does Dallas, eventually including live dancers the line up. As the theater turned into a grindhouse, Oakland County and the city of Ferndale began to protest. Legal battles began

between the City and the theater. In 1989, Oakland County prevailed and shut down the recently renamed Déjà Vu.

In the early 1990’s, Jeremy Haberman worked with the previous owner to reopen the doors. Jeremy set out to renovate the theater and recreate it as a concert venue. Although he kept many original features like the marquee and globe lights, Jeremy worked with architects to redo the lobby and seating area. New tiers for the audience made sure that every seat in the house had a clear view of the stage. General admission seating rather than the theater seats offered more variety and flexibility in staging shows.

Throughout the last twenty-odd years, the Magic Bag has become one of the most renowned concert venues in the Metro Detroit area. The theater has featured a variety of musicians and comedians at reasonable ticket prices. From classic rock to ex-pop stars, there is a show for everyone on any given month.

Upcoming events include the Mega 80’s, JD McPherson and Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band. The Magic Bag occasionally features the Brew & View, playing classic and independent movies like the theater’s predecessor while operating a full-service bar. The theater is also available to rent out for public or private events.

The Magic Bag is continuing its growth throughout 2015. Follow them on Facebook or at www.themagicbag.com to keep up with their packed schedule.

If something happened with our soundness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a preparation. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states united to erectile malfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What men talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a status called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual malfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this curing passes into breast milk.

0 1962

By: Jeff Milo

Pink Lightning’s drummer, Neal Parks, calls the band’s latest album “an awesome collaboration between many talented people,” and proclaims how he loves playing music with these four other “great humans” that he calls friends.


Chris Butterfield sings (as much as he surges) up front, slithery and snapping his body as much as he does his voice.

Leo McWilliams’ dynamism on the accordion invites adjectives usually reserved to describe the wild valiancy of punk-rock styles.

Parks, meanwhile, back there on drums, is pure frenetika, keeping time but pummeling in some fierce fills with limbs like a pinwheel, usually overheating himself to the point of necessary shirtlessness.

Tom Bahorski is simply the wizard, a guitar hybrid of blurring punk shreds and oozy blues, psyche-rock sensationalism with tasteful atmospheric distortions.

That leaves Everette Rinehart, on the bass, the heart, the pulse, the soul, standing cool in the eye of the Pink Lightning storm, (with his own eyes behind sunglasses),nodding lightly, focused, deploying the grooviest waves while the rubbery Butterfield ping-pongs off of him and into Bahorski.

But what’s it sound like? Tweaked rock. Dark pop. Weird punk. It waves here and there to nuanced extremes of mutated genres: a sound with vigorous rhythms, vibrant guitar effusions and soaring accordions under warbled falsettos and bellowed crooning.

It’s a sound that only the players comprehend fully. Even if you think you’ve decoded it as you’re taken with the tumbling fervor of the varyingly danceable tempos, you still might not speak the special “language” developed between the five players in Pink Lightning.

“It’s constantly challenging, our process…” Butterfield says. “It’s not a paint-by-numbers sound. There’s never conversations about ‘what needs to be there’ in a song, for the sake of the listener or for listen-ability. It’s more intuition; we make it how we intuitively know it should be.”


The signature cohesiveness of Pink Lightning’s collaboration when writing, recording, or performing is something altogether erratic, forceful, and yet united. “Yeah,” Butterfield nods to that as I suggest it to him. “It feels like that…like how starlings get into those massive cloud-like formations that wave here and there across the sky…” He pauses to Google the right word for it: “Murmuration!” he shouts.

Murmuration aside, says Bahorski, the album, Blue Skies, went through “…a lot of permutations!” Because it took two years to be completed, that opened the door to “gradually ease in some more ideas.” The specific “door” that opened was Scott Masson’s door, into his home studio in Ferndale, where the band did post- production work with certain “permutations” enhancing your listening experience including pianos, organs, mandolins, banjos, along with some saxophone, tambourine and Rinehart stand-up bass.

The listening experience evokes a sense of being right up by the amplifiers, close enough to feel the singer’s sweat or to have to duck a pivoting bass neck. Kinetic and tension- building, as rock should be, rickety and rabid, as punk could be, grappling with catchy hooks, ebullient rhythms and enticing melodies, as pop needs to be…but, just, weirder, wilder. Always in formation, though.


“We all write as a team,” says McWilliams, “that’s why things might get really frantic, sometimes. Our process is very energetic to begin with. We’re all trying to get our ideas out and it all comes out at once, allowing for lots of different influences and styles to come out. I think we weave all those things together and it turns into some weird Pink-Lightning-tapestry.”

“It’s definitely a challenge to try to can energy, like that.” says Rinehart.

“We’ll tweak a song over the course of weeks so when we sit down and play, we merge ideas,” says Parks.

“Slow…” Bahorski nods, “…long…not painful, though! Just painfully slow, maybe?”

“But even then,” says Parks, “another song was written and recorded in just eight hours…”

“I’m so manic I don’t know what I think about anything,” Butterfield shakes his head at himself. “I work so slow! This album should have been completed last year, but, it is what it is. But, really, there has been an evolution since the last album.”

Butterfield: “I don’t know what else I can say about (Blue Skies) other than what I put into it. It does feel cohesive, the whole thing. Pushing in different directions together to see what comes of it, still being led by our intuition. That’s a good place to be.”


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