By: Jeannie Davis
Why is asking for and accepting help such a hard thing for us to do? Thing about it: we refuse to ask for direction, advice, or (God forbid) a loan. We all want to be an independent island, despite the fact that over and over we are advised that no one person can do everything themselves.
Og, we will help other all day long, running errands for sick people, mowing lawns for old people, listening to and advising trouble people. Then, we return to our lives feeling all smug and proper for “helping our fellow human.” This comes easy.
But ask for help? Nope, not unless we are totally again the wall. I suppose this is what keeps society from becoming hopelessly tangled. This reluctance to put another person out. I doubt it.
Recently, I was laid up with a really bad knee, bad enough that I made an appointment with a specialist and, if you know me at all, you know how I hate doctors. The thought of knee surgery way almost paralyzing. Just thinking of six weeks of being dependent on other was enough to send me screaming into the night.
As the day of the appointment approached, my daughter Lori expressed a desire to accompany me. YIKES! It’s just a knee, I argued, not cancer. She was adamant, stating that she needed to hear what the doctor said because my brain didn’t work all that well all the time. Yeah, Lori is not known for her tact.
Finally, I gave in, and she went with me. She went into the examining room, peering intently at the x-rays, and watched closely as he bent and swiveled my leg. I felt oddly comforted having this help, and I think she felt good giving it.
Oh, and the best news? I don’t need surgery. I just need to be cautious.
A good experience for me, and I think Lori felt good as well.
My friend Virginia, who would not ask for help if her leg fell off, recently had foot surgery, and had to ask for a few rides. I could tell she hated asked, but Joyce and I were glad to do it. Now, she is facing a different crisis with her husband in the hospital. She has had to rely on her children. Again, I know she hates this, yet is in some way comforted by this.
Why do we not allow ourselves to accept help? Is it a beholden thing? We don’t want to “owe” anybody? We want to be strong and independent? I don’t have an answer.
I do know that I am going to work on it, and if help is offered, I am going to take it. Let the other person feel good.
On the Senior calendar is the Senior “Meed the Candidate” meeting on Wednesday, September 23 at 11:00 AM at the Kulick Center. Cost is free, and cookies are generally served. This is an opportunity to meet the candidates running for mayor and council, and ask questions. All are welcome, you don’t have to be a senior to attend.
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