Oct / Nov 2015

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Story by Jeff Milo | Photo courtesy of Friends of the Ferndale Library

THE FRIENDS OF THE FERNDALE LIBRARY are a group of citizens who care about our library and want to contribute to its continuing mission of enriching the community. The Friends, as they’re called for short, help the Ferndale Area District Library provide excellent programming and vital resources to the community; these volunteers hold fundraisers to bolster the library’s circulating materials collection, facilitate large-scale library events, sponsor special library programs, and occasionally purchase wish list items, like harder-to-find books, rare albums or foreign films.

Screen Shot 2015-10-20 at 11.42.52 AM“The Friends is pure Ferndale,” said former member Kevin Deegan-Krause. “It’s a diverse group of community members giving their time and energy for the benefit of the whole city, and, having a great time doing it!”

Deegan- Krause, an associate professor at Wayne State, has since moved on to the Ferndale School Board, but he was an active member of the Friends during the library’s renovation and expansion (2009-2010), and serving as president from 2010-2012.

The Friends group, founded in 1937, is the oldest organization of its kind in the state of Michigan. It was initially estab- lished to create an awareness of library services and needs (the Ferndale Library first opened in November, 1930). The Friends, except for periods during World War II, the late 1990s, has operated continuously to support library services. “It certainly has been one of the most active,” said Deegan-Krause, “and, in my mind, one of the kindest.”

“I am, at heart, a library nerd,” said Kelly Farrah, current Friends President. “Libraries have always been a sanctuary for me. They are a place in our community that is open and free to everyone.”

Farrah first got involved back in 2007, serving as Treasurer for the Ferndale Citizens for a Better Library, who worked to get a millage passed to improve the library. The Friends, said Farrah, were a natural progression after the library was revitalized. “I’m not sure people even realize that libraries have Friends groups.

“One of the most important aspects of (the Friends) is the fundraising. Like libraries everywhere, the struggles in the economy have affected the funds available for the library, so, raising money and awareness of the library’s needs is really important.”

Ed Burns, Reference Librarian and Assistant Director of FADL, served as the Friends president through the late 2000s, the first to have the group start selling used books at the annual Trunk & Treasure sale as a fundraising outlet. Burns began volunteering for library events back in 2000, during one of the Friends dormant periods (it was rebooted in late 2002 by Ferndale resident Veronica Bielat, who went on to become a librarian that same year.)

Burns stepped down as president after he became a librarian at FADL, but during his time, he was keen to keep the Friends very visible in the community, at the Dream Cruise, Pridefest or the Art Fair. “I most appreciate people giving of their time,” said Burns. “It’s such a valuable resource, and something that we never seem to have enough of. I’m very grateful that people care enough to give some of their time to the library.”

Current Friends Treasurer Laurinda Ross said she was drawn to the Friends because she enjoys “…working for the betterment of our community.” Said Ross: “I enjoy feeling like I’m a part of something bigger than me.” Meanwhile, other Friends volunteers like June Axelrad (who runs the Friends Bookstore), draws a parallel to other vital cultural institutions, like the Belle Isle Conservancy, who have similar advocating booster groups. “Without public support (like the Friends,) we would lose a lot of our culture.”

Membership is open to anyone interested in the purpose of improving the library’s facilities or promoting increased knowledge and understand- ing of the library’s services and needs. If that’s you, you can join today by visiting www.ferndale friends.org. Yearly dues are just $20. The Friends board meets monthly at the Library, and members are always welcome to attend.

“Strong libraries mean strong communities,” said Kevin Yezbick, an active Friend, formerly a Friends president, and currently serving as treasurer for the library’s Board of Trustees. Yezbick has a Masters in Library Science, so, of course joining the Friends was one of the first things he did after moving here in 2009.

Still, he’d like you to consider this: “The library is an anchor institution, a third place that provides not only education but entertainment for its neighbors.” While the millage, back in 2007, was crucial for the library’s expansion, the recession of 2008 means this institution is still in need of vital support from a community of
impassioned volunteers.

“There’s usually always room for a Friend of the Library to volunteer,” said Yezbick. “It comes back to community and finding out how we can help each other stay strong.”

For more information, visit Ferndalefriends.org

If something happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a cure. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states connected to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile disfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual disfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a state called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this therapy passes into breast milk.

0 1951

BRUNCH IS A BRITISH TRADITION that began to grow in popularity in the United States nearly a century ago. The concept is basic, just as simple as the word itself – a combination of the root words “breakfast” and “lunch” – but leave it to us Americans to take a tradition and pump it up.

The hustle and bustle of a hip, quaint community like Ferndale is ripe for a brunch explosion, and explode it has! There are tons of fantastic breakfast spots along the Woodward corridor, especially within the cozy confines of Ferndale. Metro Times has chosen, however, to combine a number of brunch purveyors within one venue.

The Rust Belt Market acts almost as the epicenter of the city, and on Saturday, November 21 it will be the brunch capitol of Ferndale. Out To Brunch is an event that combines some of the area’s favorite brunch destinations, and Metro Times is going out of their way to make sure it’s everyone’s favorite morning meal done right.

They’ll be including plenty of booze – from mimosas to beermosas and a whole Bloody Mary bar! After all, their tagline is “There’s no better way to chase away a hangover than brunch with friends.”

The VIP portion of the event takes place between 10-11am, allowing attendees a full hour to sample brunch selections and beverages before General Admission ticketholders arrive.

The event itself runs until 2pm, leaving plenty of time for socializing, snacking and sipping.

More info is available at outtobrunch.metrotimes.com

If something happened with our heartiness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotency and other states coupled to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What folk talk about “viagra stories“? The most vital aspect you must look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile disfunction can be the symptom a strong heartiness problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual disfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual malfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this curing passes into breast milk.

Story by Ingrid Sjostrand | Photos by Jeff Lilly

IN A CITY WITH A POPULATION GROWING TO OVER 20,000, combined with the unpredictable nature of Michigan weather, it can be hard to ensure the safety of all Ferndale’s residents in an emergency situation.

Natural disasters, heat emergencies – even major city-wide events like the Woodward Dream Cruise – require first responders’ attention, and some- times more help is needed than those available to offer it. In an effort to increase safety, there’s no better way to protect the community than to involve its residents.

This need and desire resulted in the initiation of a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) to further support Ferndale’s citizens. According to Ferndale’s government web site, “The Community Emergency Response Team is a program that educates people about disaster preparedness and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations.”

Initiated in 2012, Ferndale’s CERT is organized through the city’s Fire Rescue team, and is always looking for new members. Anyone from the age of 16 to 60 can apply and no experience is required. All applicants receive training through various exercises and classes.

Since its creation in 2012, 45 of the original members are still involved and a variety of backgrounds and skills are encouraged. Some of the training CERT members receive include animal response, basic first aid, search and rescue and CPR. There is also the opportunity to help comfort individuals after disasters, documenting incidents, organizing trainings and other logistics tasks.

CERT is not limited to Ferndale, either. Over 1100 communities across the country have organized
teams, all of which receive funding from Congress and the Department of Homeland Security’s
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

A pivotal example of Ferndale’s CERT team playing a critical role was during the flood in August 2014. A state of emergency was declared and 4.57 inches of water poured into the streets and the homes of residents. An estimated 50 per cent of homes had some sort of damage. Catch basins collapsed, preventing
drainage, and roads experienced erosion. Along the way, however, CERT members were available
for assistance with cleanup and support for residents.

Ferndale Fire Chief Kevin Sullivan is heavily involved in the CERT team, and even conducts the trainings and classes for new members. According to Sullivan, the original concept for the CERT team was to help with emergencies that might not require as much training, so the fire rescue team is available for more serious issues.

“I don’t want firemen who are well-trained, well-equipped and very experienced sitting on a
wire,” Sullivan said in a 2012 Ferndale Patch article. “We can be free to handle bigger emergencies.”
Not only does CERT provide relief to emergency responders, it also increases the community’s knowledge and can prevent unnecessary damage from future emergencies.

The effects of this training extend past the community and into homes and the workplace. Even individuals who might not be interested in joining CERT should consider attending a disaster preparedness course.

For those looking to join Ferndale’s CERT team or to learn more can contact the Ferndale Fire Rescue team at ferndalecert@ferndalefirerescue.org

If something happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a cure. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states connected to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What folk talk about “viagra stories“? The most essential aspect you must look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile malfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

0 2999

Story & Photos by Jennifer Goeddeke

FOR ERIC BLAINE, CHOOSING A CAREER with Real Estate One was a total leap of faith!

Coming from a successful background in construction-related sales, involving extensive travel, Eric Blaine’s career switch to real estate entailed a complete lifestyle change. As it turns out — a welcome change!

In early October, I paid Blaine a visit at the luxurious Royal Oak location (26236 Woodward Ave) of the Real Estate One offices. Dressed to impress, in a crisp striped shirt and slim-fit suit pants, Blaine greeted me with a warm smile. From first handshake I could sense his strong focus and determination. After a brief office tour, we took our conversation ‘on the road’ and drove to a local coffee shop.

Blaine discussed with me how providence had intervened in 2012, when he was debating which real estate company to work for. At the time, he did not know much about the business, but felt a strong desire to learn more. Blaine was attending a charity event for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society with his partner, Paul Beasley. The President of the Society stood uptomakea speech, and later, as he went to introduce himself, Blaine found out this was Stuart Elsea, co-owner of Real Estate One. Shortly afterwards, Blaine was taking classes at the Real Estate One Academy, to become an agent.

Having completed the training, Blaine started out in the back of the office, as he recalls: “…lost, and thinking, ‘now what do I do?’” Leaning on solid work ethics previously learned, he began working full days, from 5:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Encouraged by total home-front support and encouragement from partner, Beasley, Blaine quickly began to see the positive results of his hard work. He attributes much of his ability in getting ahead and developing a good team, to his passion for helping people. Blaine describes himself as, “…a fairly demanding boss,” but only because he believes in setting high standards for himself and others alike.

The enthusiasm to succeed, Blaine believes, starts at the top and should infuse the whole company. At Real Estate One, owners Dan and Stuart Elsea show genuine interest in the agents — even sending out personal letters of encouragement and congratulations. Blaine feels the training tools and support offered are excellent; the Southfield location is the ‘hub’ and provides various continuing education classes. In addition, Blaine describes himself as “very thankful” to be around top-notch office staff: Jan Britton (office manager) has at least 25 years of overall experience, and Suzanne O’Brien (social media/marketing) also offers valuable knowledge and feedback.

In a tough economy like the one we are experiencing in Michigan, the tough really need to get going! Blaine’s goal of $100 million in sales before retirement may seem lofty, but I would have to say after meeting him is definitely achievable. Clearly Blaine has found his niche at Real Estate One, and is forging ahead with his ambitions.

Eric Blaine can be reached at:eblaine64@gmail.com, or by phone: 248.548.9100. Also, check out his website: www.blaino.com!


If slightly happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states coupled to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most vital aspect you must look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile malfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual malfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this curing passes into breast milk.

By Annie Houston, Contributing Writer | Photos by Annie Houston

Screen Shot 2015-10-20 at 12.14.32 PM“I feel the city is undergoing a renewal. Life is returning to Detroit. There is an energy of change, of hope. The city lay dormant for a number of years. Now I feel it blossoming. Detroit is ready to share with the world all that it has to offer.”

Nigerian born artist Timothy Orikri, has a huge love for Detroit and its people, and calls it his adopted home. A prolific painter, poet, songwriter, musician and more – he shares his zest for life, his faith and hope, in the many forms his artistry takes him.

Orikri has a ready smile and sometimes, an impish grin. His energy and exuberance is evident in everything he does. When he speaks, he uses his whole body to express his thoughts and emotions. The same goes for his artwork. He often paints along with music, matching the brushstrokes to the rhythm and format. Using wide, broad strokes or small circles and intricate squares, the colors and vibrancy of his work are his trademark and stand out even in pictures. They are delicious to look at. But up close and personal – it’s a whole other experience!

The emotion and passion Orikri imbues in his works seeps from his paintings and reaches out to you. It moves some to tears, others to inspiration. Some get lost in thought and meditation. The exaggerated, uplifting colors speak of love, happiness and the peaceful celebration of life. Some have said a particular painting helped them get through bad times. Some have even claimed to be healed! These are remarkable works that have to be experienced in person for the full effect they offer. Even the more pensive poses and somber colored works speak of hope and renewal.

Screen Shot 2015-10-20 at 12.14.39 PMAs a mixed media artist, Orikri uses recycled materials such as teabags, toothpicks, cork, straws, corrugated paper, matchsticks, yarn, buttons, feathers and clothespins making them useful once again. He intricately weaves his canvases and paintings on unconventional surfaces like vinyl, metal and tree bark, sometimes making changes to the paint for his own unique touch. Symbolism is often used to add new depths of meaning to his creations.

An example of his dedication and discipline is evident in his Detroit Inspired Collection. Orikri spent a
painstaking long 80 hours to create carefully laid lines and objects as the basis for his significant work entitled, Fisher Building. His pieces often take on a 3D quality giving the viewer multiple platforms to experience and assimilate.

Orikri, received the Spirit of Detroit Award for his humanitarianism and use of art to uplift the city. Describing himself as “an apprentice in training” and a “colorist in the making,” he sometimes donates his time to work with sick children and the elderly for therapy to boost self-esteem and creative art. He revels in the pride and sense of accomplishment they experience from his class.

Affirmations, on 9 Mile in Ferndale, recently hosted a longstanding exhibit of Orikri’s work that ran all summer. Orikri also did a live painting event at the Fox Theater for TedXDetroit15 on October 8th where he painted and completed a large circular canvas as well as a huge 4 panel painting (titled M- 12 or M-Dodecagon) representing the history and growth of Detroit.

There are currently works on display with, “I Hear Music” at the Liberal Arts Gallery from October 2 – 30, 2015. A meet and greet with the artist happens October 17th, 2015 from 6-9 pm. Closing reception will be October 30, 2015 from 6-9 pm. Liberal Arts Gallery is located at 3361 Gratiot Ave, Detroit MI 48207 (313) 925-9578

On October 24th, Orikri will participate in a live art experience where guests contribute to a large mosaic of color at Colorosity: The Annual Science Soirée Sat., October 24, 2015 from 6:00pm – 11:00pm at the Michigan Science Center. For more tickets and more information about the event, contact: 313.577.8400, ext. 442 or Events@Mi- Sci.org, or www.mi-sci.org/events/colorosity-the- annual-science-soiree/

“50 Shades of Harmony” will feature fifty astounding works in celebration of the artist’s 50th Birthday this November 2015. A date, time and place will be announced shortly and on the website listed below.

Additional information, including videos, pics and upcoming events can be found at: TimothyOrikri.com and Art by Timothy Orikri on Facebook

If some happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a preparation. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states coupled to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most essential aspect you have to look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile malfunction can be the symptom a strong heartiness problem such as soul trouble. Causes of sexual disfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this physic is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

0 2811

Story by David Wesley | Photos by Jeff Lilly

IN 1895, THE HEBREW FREE LOAN OF Detroit had its beginnings in the back room of a shoe- maker’s store. Ten men, all from different vocations, pledged $50 each and began to lend out money, mostly to peddlers needing merchandise and to others for purchasing coal for heating.

These men anticipated the large wave of immi- gration that was on the horizon. The ten men who started HFL conducted the loan interviews, admini- stered the money, and were responsible for collect- ing what was owed. They incorporated with a state charter under the name Gmilith Chasudim (Acts of Loving Kindness.) They raised funds by accepting donations and receiving bequests.

By the turn of the century, HFL started to have formal meetings with handwritten minutes, which have been preserved. In addition to making loans for many domestic purposes, HFL was effective in every wave of immigration to come to Detroit: the German Jews during the late ’30s, the Displaced Persons after World War II, the Hungarian and Iranian Jews in the ’50s and ’60s, and the large waves of Russian Jews.

The first priorities for these newcomers were loans to retrieve their baggage. The second priority was transportation. Detroit had grown so large that it was impossible for people to look for work without a car. The third priority was for a security deposit for housing.

HFL instituted loan programs for all of these priorities. Thirty years ago, HFL Detroit was one of the founding members of the International Association of Jewish Free Loans (IAJFL) and brought together Free Loan Associations from the United States, Canada, Israel and Australia. About 10 years ago, HFL branched out to Michigan cities outside the tri-county area, providing services to those communities as well.

Today, of course, the issues are different and financial needs are much greater, as well as more diverse. Now they help first-generation Americans pay for college, couples afford an expensive adoption or fertility process, individuals who have recently been laid off to manage their bills, and the start of new business ventures. Executive Director David C. Contorer gave Ferndale Friends an interview.

Ferndale Friends: How does HFL operate?

David Contorer: Hebrew Free Loan (HFL) is a 501(c)(3) social impact, charitable organization to provide interest-free loans to help Jewish people across Michigan. There are about 50 HFLs across North America, in Israel, and in a handful of other countries, as well. The inspiration, which originally comes from the Mishpatim chapter of the Torah, isthat Jews are commanded to help each other when our people are in need by providing financial assistance without interest. Each loan borrower must have a repayment schedule and cosigners to back the loans, so that small increments are paid each week or month until the total amount is met. Loans are approved in a very confidential way where HFL Board members privately interview loan seekers; ensuring the borrower’s dignity is a paramount value for the agency.

FF: How has HFL and its influence grown since its inception?

DC: Over our 120 years of operation, HFL has maintained a 98.5 per cent repayment rate. Our entire loan portfolio has grown to more than $7.5 million in out- standing loans to more than 1,400 Jewish borrowers across Michigan. HFL loans can cover medical or dental expenses, used cars, repairs of property, crisis support, in-vitro fertilization/ adoption, higher education, professional fees and taxes, summer camp, care for older adult loved ones and a myriad of other costs that life throws when folks may not have the cash flow to pay. Our loans are provided with no interest, so it is our tradition, to date, that HFL loans cannot be used to pay interest-bearing debt.

HFL solicits and receives private donations, bequests and ongoing operational support from the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit as well as from hundreds of other donors and foundation grants, which continue to allow HFL to increase our operational capacity and the types, sizes and numbers of loans provided. HFL has a 4-Star rating on Charity Navigator, as the agency is efficient, effective and is recognized for its outstanding ability to carry out our mission each day.

FF: How has Hebrew Free Loan impacted the Jewish community in Ferndale and surrounding cities?

DC: Ferndale is one of dozens of locations where Michigan’s Jewish community members live,
work, and own businesses. As I mentioned at a Ferndale Chamber of Commerce meeting earlier this year, HFL has a special program for small businesses across Michigan that are at least 51% owned by Jewish partners. The Marvin I. Danto Small Business Loan Program can provide an interest-free small business loan of up to $100,000 to a qualifying enterprise, either a start- up or an expanding business. Ferndale is a thriving business region, and HFL’s Danto Program can be a huge game-changer to help those qualifying, Ferndale-based small businesses that follow our application and interview process.

HFL’s goals are to help strengthen our community to keep people living and thriving in places like Ferndale, while we recycle our loan capital and operate in a lean and efficient manner.

FF: What are the future plans and aspirations for Hebrew Free Loan?

DC: HFL will continue to grow with programs such as the William Davidson Jewish College Loan Program and the D. Dan and Betty Kahn Older Adult Care Loan Fund. These are partnerships with other community organizations to provide loans for specific, unmet needs, such as caring for older adult loved ones or paying for college and graduate school. HFL will build upon our 120-year legacy of keeping Michigan’s Jewish community thriving while perpetuating our resources and the involvement of good, caring volunteer leaders to help their neighbors to have better lives.

FF: Can add some background information about yourself, and maybe a success story or two?

DC: I have worked in charitable organizations and foundations in the Jewish and general communities of Metro Detroit and Philadelphia since 1995. I have an MSW with a Certificate in Judaic
Studies from the University of Michigan, and I am pursuing my MBA from Wayne State. Some success stories and statistics include the following:

• After the floods of August 2014, HFL provided interest-free loans to more than 40 families to help with home repair.

• Since 2012, HFL has provided more than $1.4 million in no-interest loans to more than 50 small businesses for start-up and expansion.

• In 2015 alone, HFL will provide more than $1.8 million in interest-free loans to more than 230 college and graduate students for their expenses.

Hebrew Free Loan
6735 Telegraph Road, Suite 300 Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301
(248) 723-8184 www.hfldetroit.org

If some happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat emasculation and other states coupled to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What folk talk about “viagra stories“? The most vital aspect you must look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile disfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as soul trouble. Causes of sexual disfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a status called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual malfunction. Even though this physic is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

0 2394

Story by David Wesley

IN EVERY CITY AND TOWN, THERE ARE PEOPLE who you can call “fixtures” of the town. This simple word often hides a wealth of history, trivia, and local knowledge. Pat Cissell is definitely a fixture, having lived in Ferndale all of her 58 years, and offering her unique skills, talents, and vision to make a better life for her family and for her fellow citizens.

Pat’s name should be quite familiar. She volunteers for many local events. She ran for city council, and her son Andrew ran for state representative. Recently, mother and son worked together on the legalization of marijuana through the milegalize.com ballot initiative, pounding the streets to change the law. “Even a full-time homemaker can make a differ- ence in the world by getting involved.” Pat says. “There are many ways to do it. You don’t have to be famous or rich. Regular people make the world go round.”

We talked to Pat recently, and here’s what she had to say.

Ferndale Friends: Pat, what has your storied history with Ferndale included?

PC: I have lived in Ferndale all my 58 years. I have been a full-time homemaker and mother. I have three children who are grown. I worked at our family company, Soltman Heating & Cooling, that had been in Ferndale and now is in Oak Park. I also ran for the City of Ferndale council in the mid ‘90s because I wanted to make a difference in my city.

Currently I have been working as a Detroit area movie extra and volunteer on the Ferndale CERT team. That is the community emergency response team that backs up at the police and fire as needed. Ferndale CERT is under the jurisdiction of the Ferndale fire services and Chief Kevin Sullivan. We train monthly in the preset CERT program as it is a division of the Department of Homeland Security.

I deployed for a cooling center a couple of years ago, and I missed the Ferndale floods when the CERT team was very helpful, as I was visiting my daughter in California at the time. I was also a Girl Scout leader for my daughter’s troop and outdoor cooking trainer for the Girl Scout Council leaders. I am going to Ethiopia in Africa as a missionary for my church also.

I started a Facebook page probably about three years ago or so called “Memories of Ferndale Michigan.” We have over 3500 members around the world, who grew up and have lived in Ferndale. It is for the folks
who like to remember growing up in the old days of Ferndale.

FF: Given your experience, how do you feel about Detroit’s comeback? What do you see for its future?

PC: As a movie extra, we have filmed in the city of Detroit for a few TV shows and many movies. I think the tide is turning but it will take some time to find a new normal. I personally am in Detroit quite often, and enjoy its restaurants and museums. A week or two ago a few of my movie pals and I toured the Motown Museum, sat along the riverfront in lounge chairs in the shade, drove around Belle Isle and did some hiking to the lighthouse there. Then we finished up our day at the top of the Renaissance Center for a drink.

“Detroit is making a comeback due to many reasons, such as people with the means and vision buying and improving properties and bringing in jobs and changing the economic culture of downtown. Also, many of the neighborhoods are being improved and making a comeback. Detroit is a very large city with many residential and commercial areas that will need much help for many years yet to come. Ferndale is a much smaller location to manage and help improve. Ferndale, over the last number of years, has made great strides in becoming a much visited and talked about location to visit. Both, the city of Detroit — our neighbor — and Ferndale will continue to coexist side-by- side and continue to be great places to live, work, and visit!

The last thing I would say is if you want to make a difference, get involved! There is always some place that volunteers are needed… get involved to help make a change for the better.

If something happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a cure. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states coupled to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most essential aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile malfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as soul trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction switch on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a state called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this physic is not for use in women, it is not known whether this curing passes into breast milk.

0 2792

FROM ELABORATE MARKETING PROJECTS to smaller business PR campaigns, mo marketing + pr can help create measurable results. At the helm of the team is a ‘powerhouse’ entrepreneurial duo: Julia Gillespie and Blake Moore. Formed in 2009, the innovative mo business model is the result of combining decades of Gillespie’s and Moore’s joint experience in marketing, public relations, advertising and design. They describe their uniquely blended approach to promotions as “integrated marketing,” and each campaign is tailored specifically for the individual client.

Originally based in Brooklyn, NY, mo has now moved into an open-plan, welcoming space (located at 3025 Hilton, nestled between Pole Addiction and BeHave Gym). Both Gillespie and Moore recognized Ferndale to be an eclectic, creative hub; therefore, a perfect new location for growth. They spent two years waiting for the right space to become available and are looking forward to setting up many new projects, both locally and nationally.

The office has a definite ‘high energy’ feel: campaign graphics are arranged on display boards around the walls, and desks are stacked with var- ious research materials. As I sat talking with Gillespie and Moore on the stylish couches near the center of the office, two of the team members continued working hard at their computers: Eliza- beth Arnott (PR, social and content development), and Justin Dunn (digital marketing). Clearly, the mo team are driven to create an impact!

The focus at mo is on clear, thoughtful, intelligent messaging. Clients are encouraged to ‘tell their story’ through a variety of strategic methods. As they described to me, “…everyone is aconsumer…and people buy the brands they be- th lieve in. Creating brand awareness is key!” Utilizing various analytical tools, including digital in reports, clients can clearly see what works and what doesn’t.

A strong emphasis at mo is to unify and streamline all aspects of promotion. Perhaps a business has a certain goal to build its brand recognition and sales; Gillespie and Moore will spend considerable time researching this company (often, a week-long process!) During this time, an ‘a la carte’ style proposal is developed for the client’s final approval. During our conversation, Moore described the interaction with clients as…”brutally honest!”

It is important to both Gillespie and Moore that clients are directed to what actually works, not to what might just seem to be effective, in a superficial way. Unlike some marketing groups, who delegate accounts entirely to other members of staff, mo takes pride in keeping the two owners involved- no matter how large or small the campaign might be. Overall, mo maintains an impressive, cutting-edge work ethic- and plenty of creative ‘mojo’!

Reach out to Julia Gillespie at: 248.556.5799, or email: Julia@lessismo.com; and Blake Moore at: 248.953.5564, or email: blake@lessismo.com. Also, check out their website/social media sites: www.lessismo.com; facebook.com/moMarketingPR; twitter.com/mo_lessismo.

If something happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states united to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you must look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong heartiness problem such as soul trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this physic is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

Story and photos by Rebecca Hammond

FRACKING: THERE IS A PETITION DRIVE to ban fracking that’s partly headquartered right here in Ferndale. One of two monthly meetings occurs at Renaissance Vineyard Church, a church with a focus on “Creation Care.” Former resident Todd Bazzett spoke to me about the issue. Todd found himself “horrified at the injustice of the DEQ not watching out for state land.” Land very near our rivers and lakes can end up being used as fracking sites. Fracking uses a huge amount of water, which ends up toxic and needing stored basically forever. It also requires large amounts of sand. Todd provided this statement:

“The Committee to Ban Fracking is working feverishly in the last few weeks of the campaign to collect signatures to get an initiative on the November 2016 ballot. The initiative will allow voters to ban hydraulic fracking, acidization of horizontal well bores and disposal of toxic frack wastes in the state. While Michigan has not been as heavily fracked as other states, oil and natural gas developers continue to seek mineral rights leases throughout the state and currently have enough leased land to install hundreds of wells. Michigan continues to receive shipments of frack waste from out of state and the application for a permit to expand the US Ecology frack waste storage and processing site in Hamtramck indicates that the trend is expected to continue. Signature gathering for the campaign ends November 11th 2015. Please go to letsbanfracking.org for more information about the campaign and local events in your area where you can sign the petition.”

RAPTORS: FOR THE LAST 14 YEARS OR SO, hawks have been a common sight in Ferndale. So when we hear a chorus of bluejays joined by a smaller, cuter chorus of nuthatches, chickadees, and titmice, we assume they’ve zeroed in on a hawk, attempting to annoy it into leaving. A month ago, though, I took a series of photos of a tall, dark shape in a tree across the street, and only when I zeroed in on the computer did I see the huge feet, eyes, and “horns” of a great horned owl, here in Ferndale. It’s my first sighting of one, but not my first encounter, which happened on a cold walk home from the WAB in January 2011. The 17 degree temps kept me focused and hurrying, vaguely thinking I kept hearing a train. At the moment when I finally stopped for a good listen, a woman taking out her garbage said, “You hear that owl?” Yes, I did.

FERNDALE MONARCH PROJECT: Want milkweed seeds? Look for our box in the atrium of the Ferndale Library (and thanks, FADL, for letting us put it there). Our project’s first summer is over, and with 283 milkweeds and 28 caterpillars handed out, and 244 butterflies released by page members, it’s a success. Some of what we learned:

• Milkweed seeds aren’t like radish seeds, sprouting quickly and mostly at once.
They’re like maple seeds,
sprouting all summer long,

usually after a rain.

• Maybe 10% of monarch eggs survive in the wild. Raising them indoors increases that to over 90%.

• When a caterpillar molts, it seems dead. It’s not. Wait.

• Each caterpillar forms a chrysalis at a different pace. Same with butterflies. Some hang motionless for a day, others are flapping around within hours.

There are plenty of places to scatter seeds besides your e own yard. I’ve tossed them along rail trails and dirt roads up north; along the Mason Tract Pathway and the Michi- gan Shore-to-Shore Trail.

“LEAVE YOUR LEAVES” was the title of my first column for Ferndale Friends years ago. A new reason to

leave leaves was brought to my attention at a native plants presentation at the Pleasant Ridge Community Center. If you want a healthy garden, begin with healthy soil, and provide the microbes in the soil the specific food they need to thrive. Mulch from Florida can’t feed them the way Michigan leaves or bark can. It would be nice to have immediate sources for Michigan mulch, but Eagle Landscaping & Supply, on Lahser in Southfield, has two types. We were told in PR that nature never strips down to bare soil. Better to leave it covered. In our small but tree-filled yard, we are well past ten years of raking leaves into flower beds. By June, they’re gone and the sandy soil continues to improve.

The Detroit Zoo has phased out the sale of bottled water. Go to their web site and read why, and you’ll wonder why we ever started buying it at all. For starters, it’s the number one con- a tributor to plastic waste in the US. I’ve often wondered what, had I been able to travel forward in time as a child, I’d be most surprised by. And although the variety of athletic shoes we each are pressured to “need” would certainly have been amazing, watching humans of the future pay as much for water as we do for pop would have been baffling. Maybe we just like having things to do with our hands. The caps alone provide a type of busy work akin to knit- ting (but with nothing use- ful at the end.)

More than 60 thousand plastic bottles will be kept out of the waste streameach year because of the Zoo’s effort. From their website:

“. . . it takes five liters of water to make one liter of bottled water, and . . .about a quarter of a water bottle of oil to produce, transport and dispose of a single bottle of water. Americans throw away 38 B billion water bottles each year.” Eighty percent of them end up in landfills. Follow the Zoo’s lead.

Becky Hammond oversees an urban milkweed e farm in Ferndale, MI.

If some happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a preparation. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states connected to erectile malfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What folk talk about “viagra stories“? The most vital aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual disfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a status called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.