June / July 2015

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By: Craig Covey, former mayor of Ferndale

EVERY TWO YEARS FERNDALE RESI- DENTS get to vote on a majority of positions on their City Council. This is the time for residents to make their opin- ions heard, and also the time when can- didates should step forward, and share their plans and ideas. With the mayor’s office and two council positions on the ballot in November, Ferndale really needs to find candidates and question them closely about the issues and plans that will shape our city going forward.

We have had our share of crises and drama over the past few years, so there is no shortage of issues that voters and candidates should discuss this summer and fall. From the chaotic and expensive roll out of the new “Luke” kiosk parking system in 2012-2013, to the year-long angst over the proposed and massive “360” project in 2014, to the basement floodings that have occurred the past three summers in Ferndale, we seem to lurch from one big issue to the next.

In May, we just barely passed a ten- year Headlee override that will keep our tax coffers full for the next ten years. And we passed a massive bond issue to fix the roads and parks through 2031 so, at least with regard to the city, we should have plenty of money. But now the school system is in tight financial straits.

The city has never looked so good, but candidates should be questioned about how many more bars and clubs they want to squeeze into the downtown. Ferndale used to lead the region in green issues and environmental promo- tion, yet other cities are now taking the lead on a wide variety of these issues. Should Ferndale be paying attention to green infrastructure and stormwater abatement?

Voters should be able to hear candi- dates’ positions on parking decks and development downtown. Do they op- pose the building of a stand-alone, mid- size parking deck, as at

least two sitting coun- cilmembers do? Will candidates support transparency in bidding such projects and will they collaborate with local residents and businesses to work together to find solu- tions? Do they support the kind of massive “360” style eight- or ten-story development project that we barely dodged in 2014?

Ferndale continues to have, unlike most cities around us, an all-white police e force. Candidates for Mayor and City Council should state why they think that is a good place to be or whether they will someday finally insist on diversification and better representation for our city.

You don’t hear our city leaders talk much about climate change, but that issue is affecting our city and our residents, and the symptoms of flash floods, heavy rains, and basement flooding are not going away. What actions will our elected officials take to deal with this looming issue? Even as we rebuilt the courthouse and police department a couple of years ago the city ignored the storm water drainage of that city property into the sewer system. When will they begin to focus on storm water the annual flooding in parts of the city?

We like to pride ourselves on being a progressive and liberal city. Indeed, our electorate is usually “blue” and votes Democratic and liberal in large numbers. Yet privatization has begun to creep into Blacksmithing our public sector. Lower income, seniors, and working people are being priced out of our city and its neighborhoods, due to rising taxes and rents. As gentrification intensifies, Ferndale is even seeing the beginning of an exodus from the city by some gay people. This may be natural and part of a city’s evolution, but the voters deserve to have these issues discussed by the candidates who want to run their city.

Before anyone else asks me to run again, I do want to share with readers of Ferndale Friends that I am not a candidate for any office in 2015. I still work full time and am trying to lessen my involvement in charity and volunteerism. After 35 years of gay rights, AIDS education, environmental work and fundraising, I want to see more leisure time in my future. I did my thirteen years in local elected office, but I still love and care about our city. This is all the more reason that new people need to step up and run for office or ask the hard questions of local political candidates.

There is no charge to put your name on the ballot; just collect 100 signatures of registered Ferndale voters on city petitions. The deadline is Tuesday July 21.

Craig Covey

If something happened with our soundness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a cure. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotency and other states connected to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What men talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile disfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as soul trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a state called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this treatment passes into breast milk.

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Ferndale Friends is sad to announce the passing of Marion Grace Gobie at the age of 91.

Ms. Gobie was a resident of Ferndale for the past 70 years, residing in the same home on Emwill Street. She proudly served as a member of the Ladies VFW Auxiliary, Ferndale Post 1407, for 59 years, including several stints as Presi- dent of the Auxiliary. She was also a member of American Legion Hall 330, served on the Ferndale Memorial Day Parade Committee for many years, and volunteered thousands of hours to help veterans and senior citizens. She received countless award for her service.

Marion Grace Gobie was born in New Hampshire on October 27, 1923. She helped to raise her 3 brothers as she was growing up. She married Douglas R. Gobie Sr., also a lifelong VFW member, in 1945. They moved to Ferndale shortly afterward and spent the rest of their lives here raising four children: Douglas Jr., Glenn Victor, Nadine, and Allen Lyle Sr., who says, “She had a really full life. She was just a great mom.”
In addition to her tireless volunteering and raising a family, Ms. Gobie enjoyed crocheting, especially making afghans. She also enjoyed bowling and held a 180 aver- age in league and singles play. She also served as the treasur- er for Luxury Lanes for 15 years.

She is survived by three of her children, many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

If some happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotency and other states connected to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What folk talk about “viagra stories“? The most vital aspect you must look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual malfunction. Even though this physic is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

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By Becky Hammond

OH, RATS DEPT: Owner LuAnn Linker of Wild Birds Unlimited on Woodward in Royal Oak is an encyclopedia of information on how to feed birds in a city concerned about rats. She’s aware of the devotion people have for birds, and has a list of ways to make it a rat-proof pastime. “Birdseed does not attract rats to a city,” she told me. “Rats come for other reasons. They’re opportunists and will eat birdseed, but our whole lifestyle brings rats in.” Rats like spots that are undisturbed, Linker told me. “They thrive in urban areas because humans produce, surround themselves with and transport waste throughout the environment. We offer easy access to garbage, sewage, pet food, outdoor grills, backyard ponds, yard debris and poorly maintained buildings.”

“To control the problem, we must address all of the contributing factors. We have to be stewards of our environment and not be careless.” Her tips:

• Put bird food in an elevated feeder with a bottom tray to eliminate spillage to the ground.

• Do not feed “human food.”

• Avoid cheap seed blends. Cheap “Wild Bird Mix” contains cereal grain fillers birds toss to the ground.

• Feed birds with hulled sunflower chips or “no-mess blends.”

• Feed compressed seed cylinders or suet instead of loose seed.

• Use “baffles” to eliminate easy access. Pole baffles keep rodents from climbing onto feeders.

• Store seed in tightly sealed metal containers.

• Inspect backyard ponds regularly for burrows and damage to plants.

“Attracting and feeding the birds is the second most popular hobby in America. It’s a relaxing, entertaining and educational hobby for all ages and it’s a great way for the residents of Ferndale to participate in the green movement and give back to nature.”

Some of us connect bird feeding to a family member, loving it partly because of that person. My dad, George Hammond, was a man who had a hard life and spent his middle and later years helping out wherever he could. He grew up in poverty in South Carolina, spent his teen years in an orphanage in Ohio, his adulthood feeding poor kids in our rural Ohio village. He put out bird seed and suet almost every day. Not long ago a friend told me n she fed birds because her grandfather did.

Environmental gadfly dept: Recently a resident new to Michigan posted a request for vacation suggestions on the terrific Ferndale Forum Facebook page. She must have been startled with the number of places listed. My advice? Pick a place and start. You’ll never use up Michigan. The longer you live here, the

m longer your go-to list gets, especially if you’re a guidebook junkie.

50 Hikes in Michigan still leads us around the lower peninsula. We approached a finish to all 60 (not a typo; there are “bonus hikes”) with a visit to the northeastern lower peninsula, hitting Cheboygan State Park and their trail system with Lake Huron beaches, varied forest, and lighthouse ruins. Next day we moved onto previously-unknown Thompson’s Harbor State Park further east.

A large chunk of undeveloped land like Negwegon further down the Lake Huron coast, Thompson’s Harbor is a secluded bit of magic. Despite lots of flat, straight, rocky trails, we were enchanted with the silence and the wildlife, seeing a grouse, and a beaver and a bat out at midday, undisturbed by us (maybe happy to be out of the ice, and out of hibernation). We enjoyed finding an expanse of hundreds of pitcher plants, right where our old guidebook said they’d be. Other hikes that make the area worth a trip: Ocqueoc Falls and Presque Isle Light. Both have trail systems.

The Pleasant Ridge Environmental Council recently hosted a presentation on native gardening featuring speaker Diane Gregory that inspired me to go home and get busy. Like many gardeners, I’ve planted a combination of native plants and non-natives. Since my many daylilies and old-fashioned irises are more interesting than grass for a fraction of T the time and water, I’ve considered them a good substitute. Bees and butterflies even like them. When native plants were first encouraged six or seven years ago, a single reason was most often stated: they have deep roots that hold water and prevent a run-off, protecting our storm system and our Great Lakes. True enough. But we environmentalists can be guilty of isolating one property, one factor, losing sight that a garden is a circle of life, every aspect affecting every other. Native plants don’t just hold excess rainwater, they foster the insects our birds need. They produce seeds our birds eat. They can a handle our climate and soil conditions.

Gregory told us that one reason some plants are d invasive is that nothing eats their seeds. Those seeds grow. She said something we repeat here in FF: Leave Your Leaves. I’ve pushed leaving leaves mainly because the amount of machinery we now use, and the amount of fuel it needs. I did not realize, however, that leaf mulch harbors the very microorganisms a healthy Michigan ecosystem needs.

Wood chips do not. Diane pointed out that each tree is capable of dealing with its own leaves. A cycle was set up long before we came along, and it works. A nice bonus that evening? Eight milkweed plants I took for the Ferndale Monarch Project were snapped up by attendees.

P.S. DEPT: A heron flew over Ferndale today, a largish owl a few nights ago, and a crow, a hawk, and buzzard did an air-show at Woodward and 9 on Sunday. Don’t forget to look up!


Becky Hammond wails her oboe, taps computer a keys, and gets dirty fingernails outside every day. She has gloves but never wears them.

If something happened with our soundness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a preparation. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states coupled to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you must look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile disfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual disfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a state called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

By: Jeff Milo, Circulation Specialist

PARENTS, SUMMER IS HERE AND THAT means the kids will be home a lot more often, looking for something to do. How about reading a book? Lots of books? How about visiting the library (or maybe even a museum?)

FADL’s annual Summer Reading Program takes off on June 20 with a spectacular kickoff party at Garbutt Park. Kids and adults, teens and tweens, library patrons of ALL ages are encouraged to participate and read for prizes all summer long..

Summer Reading registrants can earn raffle tickets by visiting the library, reading books, or even visiting a state park or museum. Raffle prizes will be given away at our first-ever finale party on August 8, sponsored by The Friends of Ferndale Library.

Important Summer Reading Dates: On June 20, we celebrate our community heroes at our kickoff party, with a Rescue Vehicle Petting Zoo at Garbutt Park 1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. On July 11, we will investigate Superhero Science with the Michigan Science Center. Then on July 18, we will empower our inner hero by practicing youth yoga with Belightful Yoga.

Also, each week in FADL’S Kids Corner, there’ll be a different guessing jar to win a prize! To view the full lineup for summer reading programs, stop by the library today or visit our Facebook page: facebook.com/ferndalekids

SUMMER CONCERT SERIES: Our Summer Concert Series kicked off on June 16 and will continue with two more performances in July and August. These free, all ages concerts are on July 14 and August 11, each starting at 6:30 P.M., hosted in the library’s Community Room.

The Library’s Summer Concert Series is an ideal way for music fans and families to spend a summer evening. Our roster of bands and musicians will be performing during regular Library hours, leading to tunes cheerfully resonating throughout the whole library at agreeable volume levels. Library cardholders donated all the desserts for our Fall Bake Sale last year, and now this is a way to for the Library to b give back.

On July 14 Ara Topouzian will treat Ferndale Library to a performance on the kanun (Middle Eastern harp). Topouzian’s traditional musical style keeps to his Armenian heritage, but has expanded to include music from around the Middle East, as well as jazz, fusion, new age and blues. Then on August 11, it’s a very special multimedia program celebrating d the music of The Beatles. Award winning writer, M.L. Liebler will read his short story “Beatles Forever” while nationally known Detroit area musicians perform Beatles favorites live.

ART: This summer, FADL invite any art lovers in the community who are interested in helping with planning, promotion, installation and reception-hosting to join the Arts & Exhibitions Committee. If interested, contact our director, Jessica Keyser at 248-547-6000. Coming up: fiber artist Boisali Biswas is scheduled to exhibit work from June 29 through August 8. A reception is scheduled for Thursday, July 9, 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.

SHARE YOUR LIBRARY STORY: Has the Looking Forward library made an impact in your life? Tell us about a time when a librarian or library program helped you! Did the library resources help you get an A on your paper? Or, did a librarian help you get a job? Stop at the Circulation Desk to B share your story.


If slightly happened with our soundness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a preparation. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states connected to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What men talk about “viagra stories“? The most vital aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction switch on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this treatment passes into breast milk.

Story by Jill Lorie Hurst | Photos by Bernie Laframboise

(Due to unforeseen circumstances, Melissa Kolb and Carey Gustafson have abruptly lost the space they were leasing at 624 Livernois. For now, Kolb will primarily be working from home and selling her merchandise at the Rust Belt. The best way to reach them is through their email addresses : mendedmaterial@gmail.com / glass_action@yahoo.com)


Walk into 624 Livernois, Suite 200 and you’ll want to shop. A light, airy and inviting room, it’s a combination retail space and workshop for Melissa Kolb of “Mended,” who shares it with Carey Gustafson of “Glass Action” and Jessica Downey, who makes ceramics. A local band also uses the space on occasion. Communal creativity! The workroom area reminds one somewhat of an New York City showroom. Finished pieces and works in progress…dresses hanging, piles of fabric…every item unique. “I don’t make the same thing twice” said Melissa with a smile. “It’s time consuming, but I love it.”

Melissa Kolb studied architecture at Lawrence Tech in Southfield and was poised to continue her studies
in New York City. She decided to stay in the Midwest when she realized that architecture was not her life’s passion. It takes guts to go with your gut, but you get the feeling that Melissa is happy with the choices she’s made. She, her husband, and two cats live in Ferndale. A 15-year gig waitressing at Uncle Harry’s in St. Clair Shores has given her a home base and steady income, which helped her to start her own business. Melissa acquired her grandmother’s sewing machine and started making clothes for herself. People liked what they saw, and she started making and remaking items for others.

She and Glass Action’s Carey Gustafson have known each other for years, but just started sharing the space at 624 last March.

She finds the upholstery fabric, coats and clothing she works on at second-hand stores or through donations from family and friends. The bags range from small ones you can snap on a belt loop to large shoulder bags with sturdy straps and well-placed pockets. When I admired the hanging shelves they were displayed on, Melissa quickly told me they were built by Tyler Hall, who builds furniture and sells at the Rust Belt (“Planning for Humanity”) displaying some of Melissa’s items there.

I picked out a strapless black and tan print dress, elastic waist, knee length (maybe a touch above) – classic, but a little quirky. Melissa told me it came in with a collar and sleeves and was boxy. She sculpted it into a very different dress, but takes care to keep things close to their original size. “I like having a variety of sizes. Something for everyone…” It’s a room full of characters – and stories? Again, her sparkly smile.

“Clothes have a story when I get them. I change the story a little bit.”

I look forward to visiting Mended again. There are a couple of bags I hope will still be there on payday. If not, I know I’ll find something else. And so will you, when you stop by.

If something happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states coupled to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most essential aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as soul trouble. Causes of sexual malfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a state called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual malfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this treatment passes into breast milk.

Story by Sidnie Jackson

THE MICHIGAN YOUTH ARTS FESTIVAL is an event where the best high school musicians from around Michigan are celebrated. Around 250,000 students across the state participate in the selection

However, only about a thousand get the honor to participate. Students at Michigan Youth Arts Festival participate in advanced master classes, workshops, live performances, and exhibits that are specific to their individual artistic discipline. Not only is it a fun way to enrich their own artistic craft, but students also get the opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of their peers. From the concert recitals, to learning new music themselves, The Michigan Youth Arts Festival is an event that students will fondly remember, and be impacted by, for the rest of their lives.

Three students from Ferndale High School got the opportunity to go to the festival for two years in a row. One of them is David Trains. He is going to be a senior in the 2015 / 2016 school year. David plays many instruments but his two “primary” instruments are the viola and French horn. In order to play both of these instruments at school, David goes to orchestra class on the odd days of the week and band class on the even days. At the festival, David played viola in the honors orchestra. In order to get into the orchestra or band, you need to perform a solo at a district event and get a one (a perfect score,) then go to the state level event and perform a proficiency exam. The scores range from 0-100, and they take the highest scores and put them into the band and orchestra.

David got a perfect score on his proficiency. When talking about the audition process David added, “It’s amazing to know that two other marvelous viola players got in and they deserved it!” David plans on being a music composer in college, and he needs to be well-rounded in all the professions such as music education and music performance. David said that music has hugely impacted his life. “Music has helped me find out who I am as a person. For example, when I compose I like to be very moody. So one day I’ll write something soft and beautiful, while the next day I’ll write something dark and heavy. Music can better someone personally, but what they do to spread it is just as rewarding.”

Another of the Ferndalians who participated for the second year in a row was Makeda Barrett. Makeda plays viola and was in the honors orchestra. When I asked her how much she practices on a daily basis, she said, “I practice as much as I feel is needed for me to learn a piece to the best of my capability. Also I take private lessons once a week.” Makeda is going to continue her musical adventure at Wayne State in the fall. She plans to study music technology with the hope that she will have the opportunity to play in their orchestra. She is very thankful that she found her talent and will always have the memories that she made while making music.

Our third talented musician, who also played viola in the honors orchestra, was Emily Bellaver. She started playing in fourth grade, and has been playing for eight years. Emily said that she doesn’t practice as much as she should, maybe once or twice a week for an hour or so. Despite this, she got into the honors orchestra. While at the festival, Emily rehearsed seven hours a day, and like the rest of the participants stayed in dorms and ate in Western Michigan University’s cafeteria. Emily said “The festival has made me more responsible and has taught me to live on my own, and music in general has turned me into a better, more well- rounded person,” as David said. She also said that music, out of all the things she learned in high school, has taught her more about logic and creativity than any other subject. Lastly she said that “I don’t plan on going into music as a career, but I do believe that I will carry things that I’ve learned from studying music with me for the rest of my life.”

Here’s wishing all three of our representatives the best! Thank you for making us all proud.

If something happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotency and other states connected to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What folk talk about “viagra stories“? The most vital aspect you have to look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

WHEN I WAS LITTLE OUR NEIGHBOR KATHERINE HAD A VEGETABLE GARDEN instead of a front lawn. the corn stalks were taller than she was. She pumped her own water and hitchhiked to the Eastern Market on weekends. When we picked her up, she’d bless our car. She’d fit right in here in Ferndale.

Ferndale front yards are varied and unique: Christmas lights, wind chimes, sculpture, political signs, all kinds of furniture. And flags – seasonal, rainbow, American. I love “lawn gardens” – officially called “natural landscaping.” A year and a half ago, work started to pass an ordinance to protect them. At the April 13, 2015 City Council meeting, the council approved “natural landscape ordinance changes.” Crystal A. Proxmire of Oakland County 115: “An ordinance passed changing regulations of lawns and encouraging ‘Planned Natural Landscaping’ – a planned, intentional and maintained landscaping of native plants, ornamental grasses and ground covers, rain gardens, shrubs and trees.”

Fellow Ferndalians spoke up. Resident Erin Molnar: “The regulations are necessary to ensure that “planned” remains the operative word, to protect those who are doing these types of yards from code enforcement and still enforce those who are just letting their lawns get out of control.”


It is definitely not a mandate to get rid of lawns. Laura Mikulski: “They are leaving it to the homeowner to decide.” Lucy (my dog) and I love watching neighbors Jessica and Jess develop their natural landscape lawn. It’s a lot of work! Digging up the lawn is, in itself, quite a chore. And there is the initial investment in whatever it is you want to grow.

I asked my husband, Tony (the family gardener) about possibilities. He mentioned “herb gardens, raised bed gardening, companion gardening, butterfly gardens” Don’t forget “Victory Gardens” which the government encouraged during World War II, so that citizens could have fresh fruits and vegetables during a time when it was very hard to get them from farms to neighborhoods. Over 20 million participated, and victorious vegetables grew in yards, vacant lots and even on rooftops.

Companion gardening: Certain plants help each other grow when they are partnered, and lessen or eliminate the need for chemical pesticides. There’s a website called “My Square Foot Garden” that shares a companion planting color chart to help you get your plants to co-exist. And there are flowers that repel, or lure insects away from vegetables – marigolds, geraniums and petunias. Raised bed gardens allow you to control soil texture and ingredients, they warm quickly and drain well. Vegetables, herbs, flowers and fruits (particularly berries) do well in raised beds.

Butterfly gardens – important! No insecticide!! Butterflies are members of the insect species. Insecticides will kill them. Break out the nectar and host plants – and maybe even a butterfly house – to bring them back to us.

The consensus – “live and let live.” Those who enjoy their lawns want to keep them, but are fine with well-tended front gardens. The gardeners enjoy their unconventional yards. Colleen Parsons Novak said, “I am for anything that helps save water or creates or flowers.” “There are drought-resistant choices,” said Christine Szarek Knight. She waters on most occasions using her rain barrel.

Take a walk, enjoy the lawns and gardens, the birds and butterflies. From my perspective, the front yards of Ferndale are a wonderful place.

If slightly happened with our soundness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states united to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What folk talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you must look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile malfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual disfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a state called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual malfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this treatment passes into breast milk.

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By David Wesley

WALKING ACROSS THE SUNNY RAILWAY TRACKS along Hilton and stepping down a busy side street, Julia Music and her son welcome me to

their home. In the middle of her bright speckled kitchen, she eagerly reels out her enthusiasm and hearty energy to tell me about Pride and the mechanics she puts in motion for the event. I ask about her overall role in Pride.

“In 2011, when Motor City Pride moved to Detroit, Craig Covey, myself, and Monica Mills founded this event. Last year, Craig decided it was time to let someone else run the event and was gracious enough to offer the job to me. It’s something I absolutely love. I moved to Ferndale 14 years ago because I wanted to live in a city with a Pride event. I’m looking to expand it in footprint or in length, which means looking into larger corporate sponsors without losing our local entities. We want our local businesses to have the same opportunities as the big national businesses. MCCH has sponsored us from the beginning and they’re a wonderful ally to have on board. We have Between the Lines magazine, Metro

Times, Rosie O’ Grady’s, One Eyed Betty’s, Ferndale Area Chamber of Commerce, and Suburban GMC, all top sponsors.”

Julia doesn’t miss a beat, unspooling her info as cable workers move in and out of the house and her dog gets more excited. Cordial and cheery, she chats about the helpers involved who deserve major credit for aligning Pride.

“Closets Are for Clothes, an a organization located here in Michigan, make amazing t-shirts and produce videos.

They’re producing a video for us to show our sponsors what the event is all about. They also offer outreach. They put up positive messages and talk to anyone who is depressed or is struggling to come out. They’ve been amazing to us.”

While I drink a glass of water, with her son still playing with toys beside us, she goes on with her reflections. “I’m working the whole time so I don’t tend to see the event as I’d like to, but for a moment last year I paused and saw people laughing and smiling and being themselves and that’s what I want again. No matter their gender or sexuality, I want people to enjoy Ferndale, enjoy being themselves and party on our streets. Affir-

mations really came on board a lot stronger this year and we were able to do an art opening, prom, and transgender day of empowerment with them. Those are three big events, and with Affirmations being right here in the footprint of the event, we can shine a spotlight on them. I’m hoping to grow with that partnership and they’re one of our receiving charities from the event.”

“Some people are surprised that I’m a full time school teacher. Pride is my second job. I’m also a single mom and run the Ferndale adoption network, plus I take on other volunteer projects.”

As for this year’s event, Music had this to say: “Despite the downpour, people turned up to the tune of over 10,000 visitors to Ferndale. Our bars and restaurants were packed all the way till two in the morning. Booths were busy and people were dancing in the streets.”

If some happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a preparation. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states coupled to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What folk talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you must look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

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By: Blake Prewitt, Superintendent, Ferndale Public Schools

JUNE MEANS THAT ANOTHER AWESOME school year at Ferndale Schools has come to an end. Recently, we held our commencement ceremonies for Ferndale High School and University High School. These were truly two special graduating classes. Listening to their eloquent speeches and hearing about all of their accomplishments really reminds you of what a special place Ferndale is to learn and grow. Our students represent the best of what Ferndale has to offer, and I can’t wait to see where their considerable talents take them.

I would like to share with you some interesting facts about the Class of 2015. Between our two graduating classes, Ferndale Schools graduated almost 250 seniors. In addition to the outstanding Michigan colleges and universities, our students will also attend MIT, Johns Hopkins University, The College for Creative Studies, University of Toledo, Tennessee State University, North Park University, Concordia University-Chicago, Tulane, Emory, The University of Edinburgh, Arizona State University, University of Findlay, Xavier, Penn State University, Clark-Atlanta University and Bowling Green State University in the Fall.

Our graduates were offered more than $5.5 million in scholarships to be earned for over the next 4 years. Students were also awarded almost $50,000 in scholarships donated by our local clubs, organizations and generous community and school benefactors. These scholarships once again reinforce what an amazing family Ferndale is a part of. We are incredibly lucky to have such a supportive and generous community.

This year we have our first ever Gates Millennium Scholar, Tommy Martin, and a National Merit Finalist, Nora Armijo- Sinnett.

We also have two seniors that have signed a letter of intent to play college sports. Tai Funari will swim for Wayne State University, and Markell McCoy will play football for the University of Findlay.

I am also excited to announce some great new programs for our students and community this summer. All summer long, Ferndale Schools will be hosting h free educational playgroups for our community, offering an opportunity for parents to learn with their children and meet their neighbors. These summer playgroups are for children ages 2-3, 4-5, and 6-11.

This summer also marks the first time Ferndale Schools will be offering an Early Childhood Summer Camp. The Little Eagles Early Childhood Summer Camps will provide our youngest children a camp-like experience filled with educational fun. Each week the ‘campers’ d will have a different theme and experience different avenues to learn, explore, and play. To learn more about these programs and to sign up, call 248-586-8658

As you may have heard, this Fall we are . implementing the Cambridge International Honors program at Ferndale . Middle School for 7th and 8th graders. Ferndale Schools will be the first district in the state to offer this prestigious program. Cambridge International Examinations was established by of the University of Cambridge in England, and prepares students for life and helps them develop an informed curiosity and a lasting passion for learning. Cambridge’s international qualifications are recognized by the world’s best universities and employers, giving students a wide range of options in their education and career. If you want to learn more about the Cambridge Honors Program at Ferndale Middle School, please call 248.586.8611 or visit s www.ferndaleschools.org/academics/cambridge.

While our students have the summer off, Ferndale Schools never stops working to provide the very best educational opportunities for our students. Enrollment for next year is now open to resident and schools of choice students. To join the Ferndale Schools Family call 248-586-8686.

We look forward to seeing you all in the Fall!

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Q: I RECENTLY HAD SHERIFFS COME into my residence for a computer tampering offense. They took the com- puter they believed it was done on, but left others. Are they allowed to come back and seize any other of my comput- ers because they did not find anything on the first one and hence failed on their end?

Answer: The issue is whether the war- rant is considered “stale.”
Michigan law requires that a search warrant be based on “all the facts.” The “totality of the circumstances” must be explained in the warrant request. Time is one of those circumstances.

The facts must show “probable cause.” Probable cause for the issuance of a search warrant exists if there is “a sub- stantial basis for inferring a fair probabili- ty that contraband or evidence of a crime exists.” In other words, the facts must show that a crime was probably commit- ted and that you probably were involved. The level of proof required to get a search warrant is low.

The nature of the crime charged is also a factor. The law says in determining whether information is stale, we consider factors such as “whether the crime is a single instance or an ongoing pattern of protracted violations [and] whether the inherent nature of a scheme suggests that it is probably continuing.”

In your case, the charge relates to a continuing enterprise. This makes it a bit easier to argue that a new warrant is not required. Even if not required, however, the best practice would be to get a new warrant.

If another search is done, you e need to get a lawyer and file a “Motion to Suppress” the evidence seized.

The law also requires that the officers who conduct the search provide a “tabulation” of everything seized. They are required to leave a copy of this inventory and to file a copy with the court. The law also requires that stolen property be promptly returned to the owner and that other property be disposed of as directed by the judge.

In my opinion, once the officers have m executed a search warrant and provided a tabulation, the warrant is fulfilled and expired. It is, after all, a ”search” warrant, and not a “search and research” warrant.

Generally, the law would not allow officers to get a warrant and execute it today, and then go back day after day with the same warrant. Similarly, if the police get an arrest warrant and arrest you today, they cannot wait until the proceedings end and then arrest you again with the same warrant.

This answer does not resolve your concern. If the officers don’t find evidence on the computer they seized, it wouldn’t be difficult to get another warrant issued if there is “probable cause.”

If something happened with our soundness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotency and other states united to erectile malfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What humanity talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you must look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile disfunction can be the symptom a strong heartiness problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual disfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a status called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this physic is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.