June / July 2017

By Rebecca Hammond

BACKYARD HABITAT NEWS: There’s a robin population explosion this year. In our neighborhood, we’re noticing something: possibly because of greater numbers and more competition for food, they’ve slightly domesticated themselves, following various neighbors around as we garden. They wait for us to move from a spot we just dug, then rifling that spot for worms. It’s happened so often, and they stay so close to us, there’s no doubt of what they’re doing.

A few days before Mother’s Day, we performed duckling rescue, having spotted a mama mallard crossing Oakridge with her brood. Unfortunately, she picked a spot with a storm grate, and three of the maybe 12 ducklings fell through. Phil and a young man who’d stopped removed the grate and found that while ducklings don’t like falling down storm sewers, they also don’t like being rescued. And they really don’t like being carried across a front lawn to bushes where Mom and siblings had hidden. They’re like chasing pinballs. Mama duck charged us aggressively, then faked some wing injuries, maybe just to show off. Neighbors Tina and Dick happened to wander by and, since no one was home nearby, went to get a piece of plywood to temporarily cover the drain. Maybe Ferndale needs an Adopt-a-Drain program, for the brief period when mallards nest.

During my nightly sky gazing I see, just before full dark, large birds fly over as if shadowing Woodward to its west. Shaped like chunky gulls and with silent wingflaps but harsh croaks, these have been a nightly mystery. Again, I turned to Duluth ornithologist Laura Erickson, whose best guess is black crowned night herons. The Cornell Lab of Ornithology states that these are the world’s most common herons, and that “They’re most active at night or at dusk, when you may see their ghostly forms flapping out from daytime roosts to forage in wetlands.” My own guess is that they leave the zoo for places in Detroit, and that if I were watching just before dawn I’d see them return.

FERNDALE MONARCH PROJECT: I saw my first monarch out front on May 16, two weeks earlier than last year. People on our Facebook page report-ed seeing them around the same time, even one in Telly’s Greenhouse. We gave away ten more common milkweeds at the perennial exchange at Blumz, making the project’s total 468, and we weren’t the only ones who brought milkweed to share this year. Someone also brought three pots of goldenrod, maybe the second-most important plant for monarchs, it being a late bloomer that gets Generation Four back to Mexico. If you thought that goldenrod caused allergies, join the club. Ragweed is the real culprit, but goldenrod’s showiness gets it all the blame. State Representative Robert Wittenberg and his legislative director Barbara Winter have taken an interest in Michigan following Ohio’s and Illinois’ lead, both states having initiated programs to plant milkweed along highways.

Perennial exchanges, like the recent one by the Ferndale Beautification Commission, are good places to gather plants, and maybe get rid of more grass. Most of the plants are hardier than grass, and more far ornamental. You don’t have to water daylilies or milkweed or coneflower much, and they don’t need a toxic bath to look beautiful, either. Do you need help starting an organic, native garden? Former Ferndale resident Danielle Etienne is starting Wild Bergamot Gardening for homes and businesses. wildbergamotgarden@gmail.com, 248-299-9295.

ALL HANDS ON DECK EVENTS: Are you a Great Lakes advocate, enthusiast, or activist? Do the Lakes soothe and renew you? Current multiple threats can make you seethe. Check out events on the morning of July 3 region-wide.

Organizer and Charlevoix resident Kimberly Simon told me this: “The overall idea for ALL HANDS ON DECK is to unite all water efforts throughout the Great Lakes Region whether that be organizations, Tribal water walkers, petition creators, protestors on various issues, scientists working on solving water issues for one hour on one day all together as a visual demonstration of how large and diverse the water protectors efforts are in the region. We hope to grow more every year since this issue is not going away, it is only on the horizon as the most difficult issue we will face in this country and as a planet – clean, affordable, accessible fresh water. We must get people talking about water, get them to the water to connect with it, educate them and inspire them about it, and introduce them to the many ways they may get involved with the cause.”

The project has grown since FF’s last issue. In two-and-a-half months, events have been planned in five states and Ontario, in over 50 communities. “In the UP, there will be sacred drumming and water blessings. In Detroit and Petoskey a speaker, some [events] will also have a clean up – it is one hour to come together about water in the way that will best educate your community . . . and keep them involved for another year. An advocacy petition will be at the event to sign in support of water policy creation based on unbiased science. Members of congress . . . are being asked to sign a pledge to create water policy using unbiased science.”

The website is allhandsondeckgreatlakes.org. There you can find the list of participating communities with links to specific events, which are all at 10 am on July 3rd. You can also buy shirts and flags. Got a blue marble? Bring it to share, along with a water story. Kimberly Simon:   “This isn’t an environmentalist issue, this is everyone’s issue . . . water is life.”

Becky Hammond is a former Green Cruiser of the Year, and the Michigan Sierra Club’s 2012 Alex Sagedy Cyber Punk Award winner. Anyone knowing her is surprised at the cyber-punk part.

By Jeff Milo, Circulation Specialist

SUMMER READING KICKS OFF JUNE 24 AT GARBUTT PARK! The Ferndale Area District Library registered its highest amount of young participants for its annual Summer Reading series last year, and we’re looking to break the record again on June 24 at Garbutt Park with the “Flight of Fancy” Kickoff Party.

Summer Reading programming throughout the upcoming months at your public library can assure that young minds are raring to go when September comes around. Keeping the reading wheels turning for all grades promises beneficial momentum for academic achievement in the next school year.

The Ferndale Library’s Youth Services Librarians embraced this year’s national theme of “Build A Better World” and coordinated two full month’s worth of fun events, activities, games, crafts, and more, for kids of all ages. Registration is required, and sign-up begins on June 24th at 2:00 P.M., during the “Flight of Fancy” Kickoff Party, where kids can build their own kites, practice flying and jump in various bounce houses and obstacle courses.

Young readers will “build” their reading skills with a take-home activity pamphlet, logging their reading time. They can explore an interactive map illustration in this pamphlet, where they’ll be able to check off other activities like visiting a local museum, or attending exciting library programs like the “Brick Builders Club!” Accumulated time spent reading brings them the chance to win prizes from FADL’s Summer Reading sponsors or other treats like ice cream, a free book, or a fidget widget!

Summer Reading culminates with a Pool Party at the Oak Park Pool on Saturday, August 5. Kids can sign-up at the library at any point during the summer, but mark your calendars for June 24!

Ferndale Library Hires New Director: Our Library Board of Directors has selected Jenny Marr as our new Director. She began her employment here in Ferndale on June 5th, concluding her previous positions as Director of the Morrill Public Library in Hiawatha, Kansas. Ms. Marr is an East Lansing native who earned her MLIS degree from Wayne State University.She began her library career at Grace A. Dow Memorial Library, in Midland, Michigan

“I am thrilled and humbled to be given this opportunity,” said Marr. “Ferndale is a diverse and vibrant community and the library is deeply rooted in it. I look forward to working with the amazing staff and Library Board to develop library services that are innovative and responsive to local challenges. I think it’s easy to see how much Ferndale residents care about their community and I’m grateful to be invited to join it.”

Book Clubs: Consider joining one of our many book clubs! We have specialized book clubs for kids in different grade levels, as well as themed clubs for adults, like Science Fiction and the Race & Culture Book Club. Visit our website for more information: http://ferndalepubliclibrary.org

By Jeannie Davis

WE SENIORS RECENTLY HOSTED A CATERED LUNCHEON honoring our members who were 80-years-old and over. It was a lovely affair, with cloth tablecloths, porcelain dinnerware, and real silverware. The room was decorated beautifully and everyone was happy. Our mayor, Dave Coulter, graciously spoke and brought gifts for each attendee. He had done his homework, and spoke about the things happening in the world in 1937, when our honorees were born. He spoke about how these happenings had brought hardships to people, and how in many instances, their characters had been forged by living in those times.

This got me to thinking about what myself and others in our ‘70s and ‘80s had indeed seen firsthand, and not through the condensed, sanitized nightly news. I am positive that while the Mayor was speaking, almost everyone in that room had fastened on a memory, and for a moment was reliving an incident, or fact of life from those previous times. Perhaps it was their mother saving bacon grease for frying, or tin cans for the war effort. Maybe, it was walking down their street, and seeing little banners with stars hanging in their neighbor’s windows.

Maybe they were reliving that glorious day when it was official and the war was over! I know, I was remembering my twin teenage aunts excitedly dressing to go downtown to join in the celebration. Grandma had given her permission and bless-ing. As a 5-year-old, I could only watch wide-eyed as they primped, combed, fluffed their hair, and drew eyebrow pencil lines down the backs of their legs to simulate nylon stockings. Grandma let me stay up, and we shared a glass of coca cola (I suspect that hers had more than coke), and we sat on either side of her old cabinet radio and listened to the reports of joyous merrymaking going on throughout Detroit. The air fairly crackled with excitement!

As I listened to the mayor, I reflected on the amount of memories and stories which were in that room. Each person had their own library of stories and pictures tucked away waiting to be drawn out from time to time, and each time invoking a fresh emotion. Much like my chuckle, remembering my aunts preparing to go out and participate in history. The number of stories our seniors hold must be staggering. They seldom speak of them, because, the occasion rarely calls for a trip down memory lane, and yet they are there, waiting to be told, waiting to allow the teller to relive that moment in time, hoping to impress the listener that they too had had interesting lives.

I know these are truly unusual times, with extraordinary things happening daily, and yet, look back: A world war, an atom bomb dropped not once, but twice, a president assassinated, and another impeached. This was pretty heady stuff.

I guess my message here is to you younger folks. Ask seniors about the wars they lived through, ask about President Kennedy, ask what daily life was like in the ‘40s and ‘50s. From the somber and serious, to the totally frivolous. From war to hula hoops. (By the way, for a while, I demonstrated hula hoops in the front window of Kresges at Eastland Mall!) You will be enchanted, and your senior will, for a time, feel relevant. I know, I have encouraged these stories from time to time during one-on-one conversations with some of my people. Believe me, it was eye-opening.

I remember Greg Pawlica and myself, listening avidly as our friend Elsie recounted her experience on a bus during the 1943 race riots. She was terrified as an angry mob stopped the bus she was on, and rocked it back and forth. Wow! Elsie is dead now, but her story is still go-ing. I have told several people, as I am sure Greg has. This could be how we keep those times and those people alive.

Listen, and retell.

Jeannie Davis 248-541-5888

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By Rudy Serra

Q: I LIVE IN FERNDALE. I HAVE A NEIGHBOR who has a driveway and multiple cars. He
never uses his driveway, and parks all his cars on the street so I can’t park in front of my own house. Is there anything I can do?

ANSWER: THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO to prevent a person from legally parking on a public street. You cannot force a person to park in their driveway just because they have one. The key is-sue is whether they are parking legally.

The Ferndale Code of Ordinances talks about parking on residential streets in Title 10. Check it out online. Ferndale ordinances forbid anyone from parking a vehicle on any public street for more than 24 hours.

In addition, the ordinance says you cannot move a car from one spot on the street to another spot on the same street in order to avoid the 24-hour ban. Enforcement of this regulation would probably reduce or eliminate your problem.

The best way to resolve a problem like this, of course, is with a courteous conversation. If your neighborhood has a block club, or neighborhood watch, they might be helpful. It might be helpful for a community group to distribute copies of the parking ordinance door-to-door. You may want to share a copy of the ordinances, or this article in Ferndale Friends, with all your neighbors. I have neighbors who run a day care, there is a church nearby, and others have multiple cars, but there has never been a parking issue on wonderful Wordsworth that I know about.

The Ferndale Police prioritize resources. Parking enforcement in a residential area is not likely to get much attention unless you make your concerns known to the Public Works Director, who is responsible (see the parking ordinances) for parking regulations. If you do not get a reply from the Pub-lic Works Director, you might want to contact the City Manager and/or Mayor and City Council. The Public Works Director is the place to start.

The Ferndale Code says that the city should send written notice to the owner of any vehicle found to be in violation. The owner is given a chance to comply. If they fail, the car can be impounded and the registered owner can be fined. Some streets limit parking to certain hours or days. Many cities require cars to be off the street in the event of snow, and other forms of regulation may be avail-able to help you.

Please promote peaceful parking.

JUDGE RUDY REPORTS is a regular feature in Ferndale Friends. This ¨ask the lawyer¨ format column welcomes questions from readers. If you have a legal question or concern, send your question by email to rudy.serra@sbcglobal.net. Advice about specific cases cannot be provided but general legal questions and topics are welcome.

AMANDA OSORIO: Class of 2000

WHEN AMANDA OSORIO WAS ATTENDING FERNDALE SCHOOLS, she had no idea what an impact her time spent in the District would have on her later life. As a self-described academic, Amanda excelled in all of her classes and took advantage of every opportunity Ferndale offered to further her academic career. When she graduated in 2000, she left high school with 40 college credits from AP courses, having earned a Gates Millennium Scholarship and acceptance to Smith College. All of these things are outstanding accomplishments, but it was her involvement outside of the classroom that truly shaped the person she has become today.

During her time at Ferndale High School, Amanda truly found her voice in choir under the guidance of longtime chorale teacher Ms. Brown. “Mrs. Brown heard the potential in my voice and arranged for me to have private voice lessons. It was good for the choir to have stronger singers, but it was such a gift to me as it helped fulfill a desire I held but was afraid to articulate. Guess she was right, as I ended up singing at the Metropolitan Opera House!” Longtime Ferndale patron of the arts Lori Christensen coached talented FHS vocalists for years, but Amanda was perhaps her greatest success story. Amanda went on to not only be a singer for the Metropolitan Opera, but she also won a Grammy during her residency at the MET for her work in the live broadcast of The Tempest.

Amanda’s academic excellence led her parents to enroll her at Cranbrook-Kingswood after middle school. While this was an incredible experience, Amanda never felt at home at Cranbrook and constantly felt like something was missing. “I was miserable there. I came back to Ferndale and with the care that came with being in my home community, the freedom to explore who I was and wanted to be, and of course an amazing vocal music and theatre program, I blossomed.”

Now living halfway around the world in South Africa, Amanda is the mother of two and owner of her own arts company, Africa Arts. She says Ferndale will always be home, and Ferndale Schools will hold a special place in her heart: “It is a rare district that spans the socio-economic diversity of Ferndale and yet still manages to cater to the needs of a great majority of its students.” Ferndale gave Amanda the opportunity to explore not only her academic potential but her artistic calling as well. As one of the longstanding staples in the district, every year Ferndale High School puts on a large scale musical production. During her time at FHS Amanda even had the opportunity to be the student director for the musical Carousel.

Looking back now, Amanda attributes much of her positive experiences and success to Ferndale as a community as well as Ferndale Schools and the incredible teachers the district has employed over the years. “Being able to direct a musical, take university classes, meet students from other districts at CASA, experience diverse friendships, find teachers who were advocates, and not be judged for the process of growing up—these are the incredible gifts that Ferndale gave to me. That kind of support is priceless; it allowed me to take risks and it helped me become the successful person I am today.”

By Malissa Martin

BODYBUILDER AND PERSONAL TRAINER TERRY ULCH says 60 is the new 40! Terry and his wife Diane own fitness studio 359 Fit on Livernois in Ferndale. The Ulches are devoted to being physically active and living a healthy lifestyle.

Terry recently published his first book, “America More Than Average Income.” The book is approximately 150 pages, and is not the aver-age fitness book.

“America More Than Average Income” is about working on your body as well as your mind. The book is broken into four parts, for different age groups, with a very special ending. The first quarter of the book is for 12 to 70-year -olds, and begins by Ulch explaining that anyone can make $100,000 a year even without
a traditional education. The second quarter of the book focuses on 12 to 18-year-olds, and Ulch shares how important school is, having the best habits to present to a future employer, and how to get by in the working world without an education. In the third quarter, which is for 18 to 50-year-olds, Ulch gives tips on how to outwork every-one in the workplace, and how to get the attention you deserve. He also shares tips on saving money, and paying bills on time.

The fourth quarter of the book is for 50 to 70-year-olds living in their golden years. Ulch ex-plains how life is still filled with opportunities to make money, and how to safeguard yourself from catastrophic problems in your later years. The last part of the book is about experiential events that happen in people’s lives and how to handle them. Ulch conversed and consulted with Dr. Ted Naman of Ferndale’s Epic Medical for this particular section of the book.

“America More Than Average Income” should be available for purchase on Amazon by now.

Ulch hopes that his book will not only educate people, but inspire them to get involved in physical activities; especially people over 50-years-old. The aging process is something that happens to everyone. However, there is a way to slow down its onset, and that is to live a healthy lifestyle, according to Terry and Diane. This includes exercising, getting enough rest at night, and maintaining a balanced diet. “Let me give you a staggering number out of the Mayo Clinic: Seventy per cent of all death-related diseases are preventable,” Terry quotes. The Ulches urge people to not wait for bad health signs to start being physically active. “You lose ten per cent of your muscle each decade of your life. You’re losing so much muscle mass and your fat muscle proportion is changing. So in order to maintain the muscle mass you’re God-given when you’re young, you have to work harder,” Diane says.

The aging process is inevitable, but there’s a way to be healthy and strong in latter years too. “You’re aging right now, and everything goes on a decline. If you come into this gym now, ten years from now you’ll be more fit and stronger than you are today,” Terry says.

Terry says opening the gym has been a dream come true. “I love it. I love every person here. Most of my people have been with me five or more years. I have people who have been with me for 12 years,” Terry says. Diane says its Terry and the atmosphere of the 359 Fit that keep people coming back. “When you get older and you start getting out of shape, some people get a little intimidated to go into one of the big clubs.

Everybody’s wearing little outfits and jumping around, and that’s not it over here. This is about serious workouts, and people don’t worry about that. There’s a huge comfort in that as well,” Diane explains.

Terry trains one-on-one with clients for one hour; motivating and educating them on improving the body from the inside out. A little more than half Terry’s clients are women and 88% are over 50. He says “they’re the easiest. They want to lose weight, almost all, but they like the appearance. They also understand the aging process and they’re 50. They’re right in the middle of that aging process,” Terry says.

Terry turns 70 on July 6, and says he’s considering entering another bodybuilding contest since he can now enter the age 70 category. Competitions or not, Terry and Diane say they will always engage in some type of physical activity, live healthy, and reap its benefits.

By Sara E. Teller

THE SHERMAN SUMMER POP UP PARK, a “Tactical Urbanism” project, is a pilot concept designed to test upcoming changes to 9 Mile Road before they are fully implement-ed. The major goals of the 9 Mile re-design are to enhance safety, encourage healthy living, create a vibrant streetscape, facilitate a more integrated community culture, and increase Oak Park’s commercial presence. The proposed redesign will reduce the amount of lanes from the current four or five lanes down to just three, include a non-motorized path which will create a better sense of place along the corridor and spark economic development, and will include all of the following scheduled changes:

•    Reallocate street space for other community-serving uses.
•    Encourage biking with dedicated bike lanes.
•    Integrate bike parking and bike storage to serve transit riders.
•    Make crossing Nine Mile on foot and bike safe and convenient.
•    Provide greater visibility and identity for commercial businesses.
•    Create public gathering places.
•    Create a heart for the Oak Park community.

Back in 2014, the City of Oak Park adopted a Strategic Economic Development Plan, which included a Streetscape Identity section, encouraging members of the city to design the commercial corridors to be walk-able retail destinations for residents. Streetscape elements define the street right-of-way as a public space that combines appealing landscaping, including greenery, with coordinated street furniture and lighting, comfort-able sidewalks, and bike lanes and storage. The permanent redesign will focus on improving upon all of these elements, as well as instituting changes to the current structures and scenery.

The redesign will also make turning simpler for drivers, decrease speed-ing and hopefully the number of accidents, make it safer for pedestrians to cross with lane reduction and make it easier for bikers to ride by creating a designated bike lane. By improving the infrastructure to facilitate walking and biking, Oak Park residents could also see health bene-fits associated with increased exercise as many choose to leave their vehicles behind. Oak Park businesses will benefit from increased foot traffic as shoppers become more inclined to visit local shops and restaurants once it is easier to walk about, and an overall inviting community ambiance will result, making Oak Park more appealing for residents and visitors alike. Long term benefits for residents in the adjacent communities will include reduced traffic and delays on Sherman Street, increased safety in the area, and increased home property values.

The Sherman Summer Pop Up Park project “allows the community to engage the residents and enable them to not only envision the change but be a part of it,” according to City Manager Erik Tungate. “The pocket park creates the vibrancy and streetscape setting that residents and visitors want,” adds Kimberly Marrone, Economic Development and Communications Director. It “allows us to test different activities and amenities at the site and get feedback from residents and visitors,” she says.

The community will be able to provide feedback to the city as permanent changes are being made, and helpful suggestions will be implemented. The city plans to host various events and activities throughout the summer at the Sherman Summer Pop Up Park so community members can check it out and test out the changes to come.

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By Andrea Grimaldi

YOU’VE SEEN THEM AT INTERSECTIONS, bravely standing in between lanes wearing brightly colored vests, collecting donations in exchange for tootsie rolls. You might have seen the Lion logos on the sponsor board for marathons you’ve run, or charity events you have donated to. But do you know how expansive the Lions Club is?

The Lion’s Club has over two million members enrolled in over 50,000 clubs in over 210 countries. 2017 is their 100-year anniversary. Started in 1917 by Chicago business man Melvin Jones, the Lion’s Club has always been focused on bettering the world. They are entwined in American history. In 1925, Helen Keller visited the Lion’s Club’s Inter-national Conference and challenged the club to be the Knights of the Blind – to help the blind to see, to help the silent speak. One hundred years later, the Club is still working towards this promise worldwide.

The influence the club has had on Michigan alone is profound. The Hazel Park chapter itself is celebrating their 70th anniversary. They currently have 75 members, with 10 new members from this year alone. Their Centennial Celebration was held on June 3rd at the Decarlo’s Banquet & Convention, at 10 Mile and Mound Road. All clubs and members are invited. While there is not a chapter currently in Ferndale, residents are more than welcome to join the Hazel Park club to volunteer at their various events or invite them to charity opportunities.

The Hazel Park Lions keep very busy. They award three college scholarships to Hazel Park students annually, sponsored by their White Cane drives and beer tent donations at the Hazel Park carnival. The scholarships last four years for each recipient. The last two Hazel Park mayors have been official members, along with many other prominent members of the city.

The Lion’s extend themselves outside of Hazel Park as well. They work with the Ferndale Police force to collect hearing aids and glasses for the homeless population. They regularly donate to the Rochester Leader Dogs for the Blind. They work with the Penrickton Center for Blind Children in Taylor, Michigan. They help fund and build wheel-chair ramps, sponsor Junior Diabetes Walks, participate in the Hazel Park Memorial Day Parade. The list of charities and foundations they work with throughout Oakland, Macomb, and Wayne Counties is extensive and constantly growing.

The group jumps to work with specific cases out-side of their main group of charities as well; when a local man had a heart transplant, the Lions donated and installed a generator in his home to keep his pace maker going should the power go out. They choose children to sponsor during the holidays. They sponsor bowl-a-funds and other charitable events for families in need that come to their attention.

Several attempts at starting Ferndale chapters have occurred, unfortunately they have never lasted. However, the Hazel Park club is open to Ferndale residents and charities. The club meets every second and fourth Monday at the conveniently located Hazel Park Recreation Center. Joining is simple – just attend a few meetings and get to know the members, and they’ll eagerly welcome you with open paws. They also welcome participation and volunteers from outside the club. Stop by a meeting or follow their Facebook to learn about upcoming events, and help better the world around you.

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By Rose Carver

One artist in Ferndale lives to adorn others with her love of jewelry design

JENNIFER VERMEERSCH CAN’T REMEMBER A TIME when she wasn’t making jewelry. She has always collected stones and, being raised by artist parents, her art of choice was born out of a desire to make beautiful things to adorn people.

Vermeersch has a multitude of skills to create her works of art. She is a seasoned metal-smither, a glass bead artist, and a master collector and assembler of beads.

“I specialize in adorning people with jewelry and however I can make it happen with my vision.”

Vermeersch loves puzzles, and when she puts together a piece she feels as though she is using the beads to put together a finished product. “When I was young I lived on a lake, and to keep myself entertained I collected stones and rocks,” Vermeersch said. “I don’t think I ever had a choice [whether to be this type of artist or not].” Her pieces are bold, and have a classically vintage aesthetic. They are intricately fashioned, with colored beads, and eccentric designs. One can easily tell the level of care Vermeersch puts into her one-of-a-kind creations.

Vermeersch has been living in Ferndale for 20 years, and she currently has two children and works at a bead store, Munro Craft Supply in Berkley, which fits her passion well.

Detroit Historical Museum has some of her jewelry hanging on their walls, and she has been featured in fashion magazines, but she said that what fulfills her is the feeling of joy she is able to give someone else when she ornaments with her beaded art pieces.

Vermeersch says her jewelry provides things for the customer that you just cannot find at the run-of-the-mill jewelry store. She makes specialized pieces, and her work runs off of her sincere passion.

“[With my work] You get the authenticity, the story behind the piece, where the beads came from, and, of course, the artist behind the piece.”

To find out more about Vermeersch’s work, visit her Facebook at:  facebook.com/jennifervermeerschjewelry.

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By Ann Heler, President, Board of Directors

NEW ADDRESS & HOT NEW SIGN! We are in the Ferndale Plaza strip mall at the corner of Hil-ton and E. Nine Mile. 751 Suite 2 E. Nine Mile, Ferndale, MI 48220. Drive by and see the exterior sign – pretty fancy. The landlord has re-shingled and re-painted so we are looking all up-to-date.

OPEN HOUSE: I am so happy so many people stopped by. Everyone seems to like our new clinic space. At the Open House, we unveiled a plaque honoring Linda Baker for everything she has done and continues to do at the clinic. Her family got together and donated money for the re-build in honor of her. Really deserved. You know we took tons of photos!

2017 ANNUAL FUNDRAISING DINNER A HUGE SUCCESS! What a night! Perfect weather, great food and wonderful guests. Hodges Subaru even brought along an Outback and a Legacy for everyone to drool over! This year we honored and recognized Natalie Melnick as the clinic non-med-ical volunteer, Christine Rainey, PharmD for her work as Pharmacy Manager, Board member and the volunteer who gave us the most hours (177) in 2016 and Bob Parrish for his work with the Board of Directors to help create a three-to-five-year sustainability plan.

WE ARE HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE AWARDS GIVEN TO SOME OF OUR VOLUNTEERS A dozen roses and cold champagne for each!

Amy Davisson, PA-C, Clinic Manager received one of the 50 “PAs That Make A Difference” recognition from her professional organization. She was chosen out of 115,000 PAs across the country!
Dr. Chris Popp, Medical Director was chosen as one of three “Health Care Heroes/2016 by MichUHCAN. This is an organization working for universal health care that is comprehensive, affordable and compassionate for everyone. He will receive his award on June 16 at the WSU Law School Auditorium.
Diane Dengate, RN and FernCare Co-Head Nurse received two awards: Oakland University Nightengale Award for Nurse of the Year and the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nursing National Award of Excellence in Nursing.

Susan Eggly, Appointment Desk volunteer as just been appointed Full Professor in the College of Medicine, Wayne State University, in Behavioral Science. Only 20% of ALL full professor-ships in the US are held by women.

Sara Abrin, Counseling Manager has just been accepted to the Wayne State University School of Social Work.