Feb / Mar 2015

0 2281

By Robert Littleton, Manager, Magic Bag Theater

With heavy hearts and minds, The Magic Bag is sad to announce the loss of one of its founding members, Jeremy Haberman.

Jeremy was a visionary, one of Detroit’s best promoters, and a successful businessman. A record store employee in his youth, (at Sam’s Jams in Ferndale) he had extensive knowledge in all genres of music. He took over a struggling theater and transformed it into a nationally- celebrated music venue, nearly 20 years running. As a kid growing up in Detroit’s University District, he listened to the radio non-stop and took in the back-beat sounds of the neighborhood. He had fond memories performing with his college band Soulstice and often times doted on his early success as a musician. His love for music and the Detroit music scene was unparalleled.

Always modest, he took great pleasure helping and watching local acts grow from the opening band on the bill to the main attraction. Bands like the White Stripes, Electric Six, and Detroit Cobras were fostered by Jeremy. He was also a noted tastemaker, bringing in national artists that were on their way to stardom. Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings, Amy Schumer, and The Black Keys are just a few notables that got their first breaks at The Magic Bag. He loved the rhythm & blues, roots rock, and the old-school musicians who influenced everything you hear today. Legends like Bo Diddley, Los Lobos, and Leon Russell all found a home at The Magic Bag.

Jeremy will long be remembered for his big heart, his quick wit and jovial personality, his love for the Detroit Tigers, and his love for family and friends.

If slightly happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states connected to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most vital aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a state called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this treatment passes into breast milk.

0 5922

By Andrea Grimaldi | Photos by Bernie Laframboise

Anyone driving on Woodward Avenue through Ferndale will recognize the famous marquee of the Magic Bag. Sandwiched between popular restaurants, the theater features an ever-revolving list of bands and movies beneath the iconic cat logo. The theater is popular for its intimate settings and incredible line-ups, but its residency in Ferndale’s history is not as well known.

The Magic Bag has been around a long time, under many different names, a centerpiece for Ferndale’s entertainment scene since the early 1920s. When it originally opened as the Ferndale Theater, it played feature films, newsreels, and animated specials. Patrons spent entire afternoons in the Ferndale Theater, catching up on current events and movies. For decades it was an incredibly popular theater with parking located in the middle median of Woodward.

In the 1960s the theater changed names to Studio North and changed its focus to independent films, playing artistic and foreign films that weren’t being shown anywhere else. Studio North’s unique movie choices attracted spectators from all over Oakland County.

By the mid 1970’s, the unique movies played at Studio North got a bit more racy. The iconic marquee on the ever- busy Woodward Avenue offered titles including Street Girls and Debbie Does Dallas, eventually including live dancers the line up. As the theater turned into a grindhouse, Oakland County and the city of Ferndale began to protest. Legal battles began

between the City and the theater. In 1989, Oakland County prevailed and shut down the recently renamed Déjà Vu.

In the early 1990’s, Jeremy Haberman worked with the previous owner to reopen the doors. Jeremy set out to renovate the theater and recreate it as a concert venue. Although he kept many original features like the marquee and globe lights, Jeremy worked with architects to redo the lobby and seating area. New tiers for the audience made sure that every seat in the house had a clear view of the stage. General admission seating rather than the theater seats offered more variety and flexibility in staging shows.

Throughout the last twenty-odd years, the Magic Bag has become one of the most renowned concert venues in the Metro Detroit area. The theater has featured a variety of musicians and comedians at reasonable ticket prices. From classic rock to ex-pop stars, there is a show for everyone on any given month.

Upcoming events include the Mega 80’s, JD McPherson and Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band. The Magic Bag occasionally features the Brew & View, playing classic and independent movies like the theater’s predecessor while operating a full-service bar. The theater is also available to rent out for public or private events.

The Magic Bag is continuing its growth throughout 2015. Follow them on Facebook or at www.themagicbag.com to keep up with their packed schedule.

If something happened with our soundness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a preparation. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states united to erectile malfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What men talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a status called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual malfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this curing passes into breast milk.

0 1989

By: Jeff Milo

Pink Lightning’s drummer, Neal Parks, calls the band’s latest album “an awesome collaboration between many talented people,” and proclaims how he loves playing music with these four other “great humans” that he calls friends.


Chris Butterfield sings (as much as he surges) up front, slithery and snapping his body as much as he does his voice.

Leo McWilliams’ dynamism on the accordion invites adjectives usually reserved to describe the wild valiancy of punk-rock styles.

Parks, meanwhile, back there on drums, is pure frenetika, keeping time but pummeling in some fierce fills with limbs like a pinwheel, usually overheating himself to the point of necessary shirtlessness.

Tom Bahorski is simply the wizard, a guitar hybrid of blurring punk shreds and oozy blues, psyche-rock sensationalism with tasteful atmospheric distortions.

That leaves Everette Rinehart, on the bass, the heart, the pulse, the soul, standing cool in the eye of the Pink Lightning storm, (with his own eyes behind sunglasses),nodding lightly, focused, deploying the grooviest waves while the rubbery Butterfield ping-pongs off of him and into Bahorski.

But what’s it sound like? Tweaked rock. Dark pop. Weird punk. It waves here and there to nuanced extremes of mutated genres: a sound with vigorous rhythms, vibrant guitar effusions and soaring accordions under warbled falsettos and bellowed crooning.

It’s a sound that only the players comprehend fully. Even if you think you’ve decoded it as you’re taken with the tumbling fervor of the varyingly danceable tempos, you still might not speak the special “language” developed between the five players in Pink Lightning.

“It’s constantly challenging, our process…” Butterfield says. “It’s not a paint-by-numbers sound. There’s never conversations about ‘what needs to be there’ in a song, for the sake of the listener or for listen-ability. It’s more intuition; we make it how we intuitively know it should be.”


The signature cohesiveness of Pink Lightning’s collaboration when writing, recording, or performing is something altogether erratic, forceful, and yet united. “Yeah,” Butterfield nods to that as I suggest it to him. “It feels like that…like how starlings get into those massive cloud-like formations that wave here and there across the sky…” He pauses to Google the right word for it: “Murmuration!” he shouts.

Murmuration aside, says Bahorski, the album, Blue Skies, went through “…a lot of permutations!” Because it took two years to be completed, that opened the door to “gradually ease in some more ideas.” The specific “door” that opened was Scott Masson’s door, into his home studio in Ferndale, where the band did post- production work with certain “permutations” enhancing your listening experience including pianos, organs, mandolins, banjos, along with some saxophone, tambourine and Rinehart stand-up bass.

The listening experience evokes a sense of being right up by the amplifiers, close enough to feel the singer’s sweat or to have to duck a pivoting bass neck. Kinetic and tension- building, as rock should be, rickety and rabid, as punk could be, grappling with catchy hooks, ebullient rhythms and enticing melodies, as pop needs to be…but, just, weirder, wilder. Always in formation, though.


“We all write as a team,” says McWilliams, “that’s why things might get really frantic, sometimes. Our process is very energetic to begin with. We’re all trying to get our ideas out and it all comes out at once, allowing for lots of different influences and styles to come out. I think we weave all those things together and it turns into some weird Pink-Lightning-tapestry.”

“It’s definitely a challenge to try to can energy, like that.” says Rinehart.

“We’ll tweak a song over the course of weeks so when we sit down and play, we merge ideas,” says Parks.

“Slow…” Bahorski nods, “…long…not painful, though! Just painfully slow, maybe?”

“But even then,” says Parks, “another song was written and recorded in just eight hours…”

“I’m so manic I don’t know what I think about anything,” Butterfield shakes his head at himself. “I work so slow! This album should have been completed last year, but, it is what it is. But, really, there has been an evolution since the last album.”

Butterfield: “I don’t know what else I can say about (Blue Skies) other than what I put into it. It does feel cohesive, the whole thing. Pushing in different directions together to see what comes of it, still being led by our intuition. That’s a good place to be.”


If something happened with our soundness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a cure. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat emasculation and other states connected to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual malfunction switch on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual malfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this treatment passes into breast milk.

0 2102

Story by Jason Shubnell

Marijuana has become one of the hottest topics in America the last few years. Newspaper and URL headlines are filled with drug-related puns, but the growing legality of marijuana is very real.

“I do think that public perception of marijuana, as well as criminal laws, are out of tune with the reality of things,” said attorney Matthew Abdo, a Ferndale resident. Abdo is a criminal defense attorney with more than 2,000 court appearances in the last five years. Drug crimes, marijuana in particular, are a large part of his practice. Along with colleague Matthew LaGrasso, they specialize in defending clients in medical marijuana cases.

Voters in Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Alaska and Washington D.C. have already passed measures allowing the legalization of recreational marijuana. Twenty-three additional states now allow for medicinal marijuana.

MSU’s States News recently reported on the latest marijuana polls, which show a “growing number of residents agree that, in Michigan, marijuana should be taxed and regulated the same way as alcohol.”

A recent SurveyUSA poll (sponsored by the Michigan Medical Marijuana Report) of 500 state residents showed that 64 percent of Michigan citizens would vote “yes” on a ballot proposal that would tax and regulate the drug to increase school and road funding.

Marijuana is currently decriminalized by the city of Ferndale if you’re over 21 and have a limited amount (one ounce or less) for personal use in your home. This is very similar to the statewide law In Colorado.

Ann Arbor, Flint, Grand Rapids, Ypsilanti, Jackson and Kalamazoo have passed laws to decriminalize small amounts or reduce the penalties for marijuana possession. Late last year, Berkley, Huntington Woods, Mount Pleasant, Port Huron and Saginaw also joined the list.

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When asked if marijuana should be legalized, Abdo says that he be- lieves that Michigan residents just simply aren’t ready for the legaliza- tion of medical and recreational marijuana.

“Though medical marijuana was passed by the voters by a majority, it is still not very popular with government institutions. The trend seems to be accept- ing the medical piece before outright legalization,” he said. “Unfortunately, the Michigan Marijuana Act has turned a lot of growers into felons because they’ve just slightly failed to follow the law. I do not believe that was the law’s intention, nor do I think that is the best use of taxpayer dollars to prosecute.”

Back in December, legislation that would have allowed for the legal return and regulation of medical marijuana dispensaries in Michigan fizzled. As reported by Mlive, “House Bill 4271, approved a year ago by the lower chamber, wrapped up the 2013-14 session… without acting on the measure.”

“It’s hard to admit when you’re wrong,” Alan Brochstein, one of the leading marijuana stock analysts in the country, told me last year. “(The U.S. government) has to have a graceful exit (from the war on drugs.) Just think about how long it took to get out of Vietnam.” Brochstein has an educational product, 420 Investor, on Marketfy.com which teaches people about investing in marijuana-related stocks.

The state of Colorado recently wrapped up its first full year of marijuana legalization. The state is on track to collect almost $50 million in taxes and fees for 2014 on sales of at least $500 million.

Speaking about Michigan, Abdo said, “In a state strapped for money, I think putting thought into making it part of a solid licensing system, revenue, and tax stream is something worth putting thought into.”

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0 5161

Story by Sidnie Jackson | Photos by Ed Abeska

“Being a pastor is everything I expected it to be,” says Pastor Paul Gateman of Zion Lutheran Church, in Ferndale. “I knew I wanted to be a pastor since seventh grade.”

Being an active member at his church and watching his pastor do a good job, he decided it was the path for him. He grew up in a typical congregation, and was very involved. Because of this he saw the good and the bad of running a church, and learned from it.

Before he was a man of god he was a man of the flesh, so to speak. He worked at his family’s meat market in Detroit, cutting and packaging steaks and chops along with delivering groceries. He then became a chaplain at a youth detention center for eight years. Finally, he gathered his own flock. A lifelong Lutheran, he’s been a pastor now for 45 years.

Keeping a busy schedule, Pastor Gateman visits people in hospitals and homes, listening to them and giving comfort and sacrament. He either prays with them or teaches them how to pray. Pastor Gateman helps preside over events of joy and sorrow, performing weddings among his own congregation; he also performs funeral services.

One big responsibility is the writing and preaching of sermons. To organize the service on Sunday, he has to develop a theme from the assigned gospel lesson, explain how it relates to peoples’ lives, and commit it to memory. His sermons challenge people to live their faith.

Pastor Gateman says that “Working with youth is one of the best parts of my job!” He also considers this his most important task. Developing a program and finding a time where everyone is available to create a spiritual outlet for the kids is not easy, but it is rewarding.

One of Pastor Gateman’s favorite things about his job is watching people discover that they are part of a community that accepts them for who they are. The church as a whole helps out the community as well. They get calls from people seeking help with food or shelter. The church community addresses each call individually and helps out as needed.

Pastor Gateman explained that the most important lesson he has learned in life is never to take people for granted. “We need each other to get through life. We all struggle a bit.”

“There are many wonderful churches in the area, Zion included.” Pastor Paul says. He adds that Zion offers bible- based worship, traditional Lutheran with an eclectic twist. Zion has an amazing music program and is welcoming to anyone, operating on a “come as you are” basis, not discriminating due to age, ability, beliefs, race, sexuality, or anything else. In order to create such a welcoming atmosphere, Pastor Paul focuses on the idea that “Jesus rejects no one, so neither does the church.”

Zion Lutheran Church is located at 143 Albany Street in Ferndale. Call 248-398- 5510 or visit their website at fernzion.org

If slightly happened with our soundness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a preparation. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states connected to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What humanity talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a state called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual malfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

Story and photos by Jeff Lilly

Patrick Dengate is Michigan born and raised, but he’s chosen the entire world for his palette.

“I’m inspired by nature, and influenced by my travels.” Dengate says, on a sunny morning the day after the big snowstorm. We’re standing in the gallery attached to Level One Bank on Woodward, looking over a collection of the Ferndale-based artist’s recent work, rendered in a style heavily influenced by cubism, awash with stunning, fetching color combinations.

I stand before one painting, my eyes tracking this way and that over a collection of slashing lines, orderly circles and wedges, in shades of silver and blue. My eye wanders up to the top, and I suddenly recognize the sweep of a knight’s helmet. Now the rest of the picture comes together. A gauntlet here, greaves there. I look to the tag, find that this one was born close to home, in the armor collection from the DIA.

Moving along the other paintings, we take a trip around the world. A series from Costa Rica swims in the vibrant colors of that land; white houses with red roofs near a tranquil bay, the hard geometry of the houses dancing with the round shapes of trees. A pair of scarlet macaws emerge whole from a shattered cubist mirror of jungle colors. In the next section, there are the more subdued earthy hues of the southwestern U.S. deserts, one of Dengate’s favorite subjects. The largest canvas is a stunning study of Notre Dame Cathedral at night. Boats, petroglyphs, lily pads, fossils at a museum, all have their turn. One of my favorites is a study of New York Harbor; the lines of a ship emerge from the geometric noise as gray blocks of skyscrapers and swooping lines of suspension bridge cables soar overhead. These are works made for study, for contemplation, not just pretty things to hang on your wall.

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“I’ve been drawing since I was a little kid.” Dengate recalls. “Obsessively, in fact. When I was in kindergarten, they sometimes had to take away my crayons and pencils so I’d pay attention.” He continued with his obsession, until one day, in a college physics class, while he sat drawing on his paper, “I decided that was it. I was going to study art.” He transferred to Wayne State and got a BFA in fine arts. We talk a bit about influences. Besides inspiration from artists of the early 20th Century, especially Lyonel Feininger and Franz

Marc, “My most influential mentors at Wayne State were Douglas Semivan, James Nawara, and Stanley Rosenthal.”

After graduation, Dengate spent fifteen years specializing in woodcuts, until pain and stiffness in his arm and hand forced him to try “something less strenuous.” He switched to painting, working in a realistic style for several years before moving into cubism.

“The earliest cubists had a specific, formulaic way of working.” Dengate says. “I don’t. For me, this style is about freeing myself with color, dealing with form and composition in a less traditional way.”

So what’s next? Dengate smiles wryly. “Sometimes, I want to quit art and become a boat builder.” He actually has built a couple of boats, he says, as well as finding time to make music, playing the banjo and guitar. He admits that he doesn’t have any big plans, but is at a point in his life where he is reassessing where he’s at, while continuing to explore and see where the moment takes him. He’s pleased with his most recent series, where he uses motifs from related artifacts as references and interprets them into “collages” on canvas. He shows me one in the current exhibition that’s composed of designs from Polynesian art he photographed at the Field Museum in Chicago. He’s got a work on the easel at home that will feature medieval European objects and motifs.

“We’re all making things… knitting, baking, art.” Dengate says. “It’s what it means to be human.” Patrick Dengate is very happy to be making his art, and sharing it with an audience. Just don’t anyone dare try to take his crayons away.

Patrick Dengate’s works will be on display at the gallery in Level One Bank from now until February 22. Level One Bank is located at 22635 Woodward Avenue. The Gallery is open during bank hours, Monday thru Thursday 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. and Friday from 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.

Visit the artist’s website at www.patrickdengate.com

If some happened with our heartiness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a cure. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states connected to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What men talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this physic is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

0 4337

Story by Andrea Grimaldi | Additional material by Jeff Lilly Photos by Bernie Laframboise and Jeff Lilly

Nanci Frazier, director of Motor City Ferrets, will be the first to tell you that ferrets are not easy pets. But don’t let this fool you; she believes they are worth every moment of trouble. And she speaks from experience; since opening Motor City Ferrets, Nanci and co-director Alex Oeming have personally saved over 1,000 ferrets.

Motor City Ferrets is a registered non-profit shelter and rescue service in Hazel Park, run out of Nanci and Alex’s home. Currently, the shelter has thirty critters available for adoption, and can have anywhere between 20-50 ferrets at a time. The ferrets all receive personal attention and play time. Most of the basement of the house has been transformed into a safe, warm, clean play area for the ferrets (and ferret owners.) Safe, spacious cages line one wall. The floor is easy-to-clean linoleum, scattered with tubes (ferrets love to crawl through tubes) and other toys; tubs and open cages lined with blankets and ferret hammocks provide places to rest.

Although MCF comes first in Nanci and Alex’s lives, both work outside of the home to help fund the rescue. Nanci has worked many jobs, including organizer and office worker. Alex is a science teacher. The shelter is a non-profit and can be quite costly to operate, so donations (monetary and supplies) are always welcomed and appreciated.

Because it is a private residence, the shelter does not have regular business hours. Instead, they offer private adoption events and personal appointments for interested adopters. Keeping the shelter’s address private helps prevent people from dropping off unwanted ferrets in dangerous conditions; for example, 3:00 A.M. on a frigid night. While Nanci and Alex are happy to take in surrenders, they don’t want to risk animals getting sick or hurt while unattended on their porch.

Nanci wants everyone to know that ferrets are domesticated animals and thus, “they have no clue how to survive in the wild.” They’ve lost the instinct to hunt and cannot fend for themselves; the average ferret released into the wild won’t last a week. If you see a ferret loose outside, please contact Motor City Ferrets immediately. Ferrets also lack the ability to find their way home. If they get out, it’s unlikely they’ll come back. Due to their flexible bodies, ferrets can squeeze through tiny openings; Nanci says that dryer vents are a common means of escape.

On the other hand, ferrets are fun, gentle, social animals, and it’s a real blast to watch them play. Most well-socialized ferrets love to cuddle and play. Just be careful of loose objects; if a ferret likes it, they’ll likely steal it and drag it off somewhere to hide. While ferrets may sleep up to 20 hours a day, they’re very active while awake, and taking them out of their cages to roam and play (in a safe, ferret-proofed area) is a must. Nanci often describes ferrets to a would-be parents as a cross between kittens and human toddlers. In other words, ferrets are positively adorable and a true delight to be around, but they can also be a great big handful!

Motor City Ferrets offers a lot for ferret fans. In addition to adoptions, MCF offers temporary boarding and many ferret supplies for sale. Miss Sophie’s Weezily Wares, the ferret specialty shop operated by MCF, sells a variety of cages and accessories. Handmade blankets, beds, cleaners and ferret-themed gifts are all available. 100% of proceeds go towards vet bills and other operating costs of the rescue. Regardless of where you got your ferret, visit the shop for inexpensive but high quality supplies.

When you adopt from a specialized shelter, you gain access to experts on your new pet. Nanci has owned ferrets for nearly two decades. Within that time, she has seen most of the health and behavioral problem that ferrets can have and has met specialized veterinarians in the area. Nanci and Alex like to keep in touch with adopters to make sure the ferrets are healthy and the owners are happy. The Motor City Ferret Facebook group has over 1,000 members posting pictures, questions and stories daily. From health concerns to silly home videos, the group is supportive of ferret fans everywhere.

Interested in becoming a ferret owner? Nanci strongly suggests reading “Ferrets for Dummies” first or perusing the Facebook page to see what a ferret family experiences. Visit the MCF page at www.motorcityferrets.org to learn about open houses, adoption events and more about the organization. The rescue can be reached at motorcityferrets@hotmail.com, or 248-219-9023. 

If some happened with our heartiness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotency and other states coupled to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What men talk about “viagra stories“? The most essential aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile disfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual disfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this curing passes into breast milk.

0 1983

By Jennifer Goeddeke

Bernard ‘Barney’ Sherman is certainly no ordinary businessman! The founder of the store, at the impressive age of 93, Sherman still works part-time at the very classy Living Modes (23535 Woodward). As I was guided by their high- energy manager, Rick Lakomy, from the main store into the clearance building next door, the anticipation level was running high to meet the founder of a store I have admired for years – surely he would be unapproachable, or even arrogant, about his achievements?

Quite the opposite in fact: Sherman is most down-to-earth and candid! He immediately set me at ease, with his informal attire, extremely neat appearance, and a distinct warmth in his smile.

We sat together at an impeccably-polished wooden dining table, with elegant high-backed chairs. Sherman immediately guided me through an amazing tale and two hours easily slipped by as Sherman shared his story.

As the son of a Russian Immigrant, Sherman witnessed a strong work ethic from an early age. He described his father as a strong man, a trained plumber, and willing to work practically any physical job to put food on the table! Sherman’s initial career inclination was to be a teacher, and he attended Wayne State University, before drop- ping out to help his brother with expenses at dental school. After several years of working production-type jobs, Sherman enlisted for the Air Force, where he served from 1943 to 1946.

Unfortunately, Sherman was injured early on during a military exercise. Subsequently, Sherman found it very painful to stand for any length of time. After receiving treatment at various hospitals with no improvement, he was reassigned to clerical duties. This led to 27 months in the Mojavi Desert, CA.

On returning home, Sherman vowed never to return to Ford Motor Company, or to any factory-oriented job. In- stead, he found a job through a neighbor, in the home improvement business. This was a door-to-door position, and ‘commission only’ as a wage. This motivated him to set up his own two home improvement companies: Mon- arch Storm Sash & Specialty and later, Monarch Table Pad Company. He described himself as “learning the hard way” about the industry at this time.

In 1953, Sherman opened his first store on the old James Couzens Highway in Detroit: the first incarnation of Living Modes! In Sherman’s words, it was a “small, shallow, double-store in a nice neighborhood at the time. I sat all kinds of samples outside the store, to attract attention. It did well, until the last year, when they started digging the expressway. I was there until 1961, when a realtor offered me a double-store at 9 and Woodward.” Thus began the Casual Living Modes store of 22961 Woodward, where Sherman remained until 1995.

Sherman added draperies to the store portfolio, and he developed year-round contacts. Specializing in accessories, he stocked many glass shelves full of various colorful items. Once again, Sherman’s clientele grew, and the store prospered, eventually taking four storefronts! His ‘right hand man’ for almost 50 years was Charles Morton, an interior design graduate. Morton passed away ten years ago.

By the early 1980’s, the industry faced increasing pressure from the large, corporate-owned stores. Around this time, Sherman joined forces with his son, Richard Sherman, who had extensive experience in horticulture (interior and exterior). Sherman described his son as “revitalizing” the operation. Stemming from the increasing growth of Living Modes, Casual Modes (selling outdoor furniture and accessories, next-door to the main store) was added in the year 2000.

Additionally, Sherman was assisted greatly along the way by his late wife of 64 years, Bella ‘Billie’ Sherman. Her passing just a few months ago has clearly left a huge void in Sherman’s and his family’s life. Yet they are continuing to work hard and service their customers. An inspiration to us all!

*Living Modes is open T,W,F,Sat: 10am-6pm; M, Th: 10am-8pm; Sundays: closed. They may be reached at: 248.544.1744, or by email at livingmodes@gmail.com.

For more information, check out their website: www.casualmodes.com, or their Facebook page

If slightly happened with our heartiness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotency and other states connected to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What folk talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you have to look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this physic is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

0 1962

By David Wesley

One of Ferndale’s 2013 mayoral candidates, Linda Parton, has remained an influential presence in the community. She’s increased her artistic output, producing more revered photography while continuing to be a devoted wife and mother. Eager to share her thoughts and opinions on the city and her present life, she sat down during a dogged winter afternoon over coffee at the Red Hook Cafe for an interview with Ferndale Friends.

Ferndale Friends: Since running for mayor of Ferndale, what have you pursued politically and personally?

Linda Parton: The 2013 Ferndale Mayoral election took a lot out of me in many ways. I put my all into running for mayor; physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially. Seeking of achieving anything politically since then has taken a back seat, We do need options and people to stand up and run when it comes time to elect out mayor and council members.

Personally, I continue to try to be the best wire and mom that I can be for me husband, three songs, and daughter. I try to find time to upload more photographic images to the various stock photo agencies I belong to. My more frequently-purchased or uploaded shots are of Detroit’s skyline from Canada, the GM logo at the top of the Ren Cen, and the “Spirit of Detroit” statue downtown. The flood of August 11th created a foot of water in out basement, so we are taking out time getting everything restored and replumbing out home. I’m hoping the water tastes better and our bills come down a bit.

FF: How do you feel about the current political landscape of Ferndale and the course they’re taking the city in?

LP: When it comes to the current political landscape of Ferndale… Can you say, 3-60 L.L.C.? The biggest problem I see is that many residents are not aware of what s about to arise in the nerve center of our fair city. We do need more parking. We could use other retail businesses and some living space to enhance what is already there, We do not need the extreme plan that is being looked at, and which will become reality if the current Council and Mayor continue with their plan. We have lived here in our home for the past 25 years and I never thought Ferndale’s landscape would ever change that dramatically. I know there must be other options, but it appears the 3-60 L.L.C. has the only plan they are considering.

FF: Do you feel optimistic about Ferndale’s future?

LP: I am cautiously optimistic about Ferndale’s future. My hope is that as my husband and I someday retire, we will be able to afford any continued taxes or this that will be added. If this city recreates itself, I hope the hometown feel of our downtown will still be palpable. Will all that new infrastructure planned for the epicenter of this town create even more strain on what is presently needing replacement because of its age? Hopefully all this proposed progress and moving forward will not move us backward.

FF: What are your plans, both short term and long term, for the future?

LP: My short term or immediate plans involve my resolution to purge and free up space. (We) lost so much in the flood. Why stop there? We all have so much stuff in our homes that needs to go. Donating and selling and just throwing out are the theme around here. As I hit my attic I try to figure out what to do with all that “Linda Parton for Mayor” signs. They remain fathered to one area for now. Would I run again? I really cannot say because I never thought I would run the first time around. Only God know that. I do my best to listen.

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Story by Davis Wesley | Photos courtesy of FIP

As Ferndale Independent Percussion (FIP) stomps into its second season, the world of competitive drumming is taking serious note. In their inaugural 2013 season, FIP won silver medals at MCGC State Championships in the Independent “A” Class, a feat not easily achieved in the world of competitive music. Now in their second year, they have breathed some new life into Ferndale High’s music ensemble and will likely roll their beats to a gold medal at the MCGC State Championships in the near future.

Currently their new competitive winter percussion program aims to educate students from ages 13-20 in the percussive arts. They are eagerly seeking out students whose schools do not already have a winter program, and strive to offer quality instruction at an affordable price. The Ferndale Independent Percussion director, Daniel Chunn, spoke to Ferndale Friends about the semantics of the program, its future, and the students involved with this now award-winning drumline.

Ferndale Friends: How was the FIP formed?

Daniel Chunn: Ferndale Independent Percussion began in November of 2013. I went to Ferndale High School and graduated in 2007. At the time, I had marched two seasons of winter drumline at Ferndale High School, and when that group disbanded I joined Farmington United Percussion Ensemble for two years. After that, I joined the Marine Corps and came back four years later to find that there were no more afford- able options in the area for students from Ferndale to pursue. The three closest groups cost between $700 and $1,200 to march with.

The activity was getting more expensive and, as a result, very few Ferndale stud- ents were able to seek this type of comp- etitive drumming outside of marching band.

I spoke to a few of my friends in the drumming community to see if they would

be interested, and after getting a positive vibe, I started to lay the logistical ground work to put it together. The hardest thing with Ferndale Independent Percussion is that we are an independent organization. We do not get funding from any of the school districts we have students from, and we must raise our own money through fundraisers, membership fees, and donations. We do get a considerable amount of support from Ferndale Public Schools, and Ferndale Schools Fine Arts Boosters, in terms of practice facilities and logistical support.

FF: How has FIP changed the musical landscape at Ferndale High?

DC: Ferndale Public Schools has an amazing music program. Our ensemble is unique because it is open to anyone under the age of 22 and over 13. We current- ly have students from 18 different schools. Some drive from as far as Williamston (just outside of Lansing) and Port Huron, and as close as Hazel Park, Berkley, and Chippewa Valley.

FF: What are future plans for FIP in the world of competitive percussion?

DC: Last year we were met with early success. Our goal was to simply have fun and to provide the same type of atmosphere myself and my staff feel in love with. Winning second place at the State Championship Finals greatly exceeded our expectations, and as a result, we hope to build on that success. We will be competing in WGI (Winter Guard International), which is the national circuit. We will attend the WGI World Championships in Dayton, Ohio in early April, and hope to make the finals our first year out, which is rare, considering the amount of competition.

Q. What separates FIP drummers from other drummers not in the program?

A. Our students rehearse long hours, and are held to a much higher standard than a lot of other groups in “A” class. Personal responsibility is urged on a regular basis. Not only are they pushed to succeed in their personal goals, but reminded that there are 36 other members counting on them as well. They are constantly encouraged to take ownership of their show, because they are the ones performing it, and must be proud of their product.

Check out Ferndale Independent Percussion on Facebook: www.facebook.com/FerndaleIndPerc

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