Dec 2015 / Jan 2016

Story by Andy Henry | Park photo by Jeff Lily | Kayla’s self portrait used with permission

As a little girl, Kayla White loved Harding Park. She grew up nearby, and played there often. As an
expectant mother, Kayla still loved Harding Park, though she lamented the fact that the swings, slide, and monkey bars where she climbed, tumbled, and laughed were no longer there. Unfortunately, the economic recession meant that when the playground equipment got too old and had to be removed, funds were not available to replace it. Backboards and backstops remained, but there was no longer a dedicated place in the park for little ones. She told her family that she hoped Harding Park would one day have a playground again.

Screen Shot 2015-12-13 at 11.54.56 AMOn November 11, 2014, only a month before she was due to give birth to her first child, Kayla lost her life in a car accident, struck as she waited in traffic on her way to work.

The loss of a child fundamentally disrupts the natural order of things. Daughters and sons grieve the loss of a parent intensely, though on some level understand it as a part of life’s progression. For parents in mourning, there is often a sense of not being able to move; not knowing what to do next. Kayla’s parents,

Susan and Russ White, found direction in her words and her vision. They realized the best way to celebrate her life and honor her memory would be to make the playground she dreamed of a reality.

On September 14 of this year, the Ferndale City Council approved the proposal for the Kayla White Memorial Playground. Kayla loved penguins, so in addition to two slides, climbing structures, and monkey bars, the playground will be adorned with a penguin statue.

Though the planning, paperwork, and approvals have been completed, there is still much to be done, including raising the money needed for construction. The cost of the project is $25,000. In order to bring in the necessary funds, Kayla’s mom set up a GoFundMe campaign in October. A lot has been accomplished in the last month, but significant funds are still needed to bring Kayla’s playground to fruition. As of November 30, the campaign was still over $11,000 short of its goal. To make a donation and help carry the initiative forward, visit

When the Kayla White Memorial Playground is completed, young children will run and laugh and discover new friendships. Those are the things Kayla remembered from her childhood, and what she envisioned for others. Children will know the same joy Kayla did, and through the love, compassion, and generosity of her family, her friends, and her community, so too will they know her name.

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Story by Jeff Milo | Band photo courtesy of The Blueflowers

The Blueflowers make country-rock in the same way David Lynch once made a soap opera. The configurations and certain thematic elements are familiar, but there’s something supernatural just below its surface, something bewitching pulling you into their sublimely-shifted world of Americana-twang. These could just as easily be ghost stories as torch ballads.

The Ferndale-area sextet recently rocked a local label showcase (Gangplank Records) at The Loving Touch as a way to cap off a very busy year that started at the end of 2014, when they released their most captivating album to date, At The Edge of Disaster. Though the band is planning on taking the winter off from performing, its lead singer and co-founder Kate Hinote is planning a special acoustic showcase at the Rustbelt Market this February.

More about the Blueflowers, though; besides the twinge of Western twang, there’s also piquant portions that invoke surf-rock (like something from the Pulp Fiction soundtrack) and a keen retcon of dream-pop (as if Mazzy Star’s eloquence was cannonballed into the glammed whimsy of The Sundays or Echo & The Bunnymen.) Even then, it’s a bit more eclectic than all that. You could call it “folk-noir” or “western-gothic.”

The band includes Hinote on lead vocals, her husband, Tony Hamera on electric guitar, Erica Stephens on bass, David Johnson on acoustic guitar, Jim Faulkner on drums and Erin Williams on organ and backing vocals. They morphed out of a previous project between married songwriting duo Hamera & Hinote (called Ether Aura.) They put out their first album as The Blueflowers in 2009 and the current lineup solidified by the end of 2011.

Listen at:

Milo: Last year’s Edge of Disaster was one hell of an album. A full on production; cinematic-sounding, crisply rendered, evocatively spooky and swooning. Tell us more of the story behind the recording.

Hinote: I think we knew right away that (Edge) was going to be darker than previous albums, and that we wanted to press it to vinyl. (Hamera) and I were not even remotely prepared for parenthood and the insane sleep-debt and chaos it would bring, nor for the emotional challenges and rewards that come along with it. We did, however, know we had more music to make and I had so many feelings right at the surface that I absolutely needed an outlet for at that time.

Milo: I was going to ask about that, about what it’s like to have a creative partnership with one’s
husband, but I have to imagine new parenthood, by itself, would influence these songs’ creation.

Hinote: Anyone that knows me would say I can be intense, but being a mom and being responsible for keeping another human, besides myself, alive, amplified that intensity by 100. I ended up being drawn to older ideas that Tony had written that had a darker feel to them and I intentionally leaned towards gloomier themes and more dramatic vocal lines and delivery. I remember vetoing ideas that I thought were “too pretty,” though some pretty things still made their way onto the album. We realized each song wound up with its own sort of character and that the delivery of the vocals was going to be a bigger part of the final production.

With (Hamera) and I, that songwriting relationship grows and changes over time. We wrote two albums together as Ether Aura, and now four as Blueflowers. As I gained more experience writing, he would challenge me more with the music demos he would give me and I think, ultimately, Disaster ended up being so intense for us because it really was the most collaborative that we’ve been writing an album. Being in the middle of a creative process like this adds intensity to the day- to-day when you both feel passionately about the work and you’re going to wake up next to that person the next morning. I have never worked harder on anything in my life and Tony feels the same.

Milo: Talk about the chemistry between the band, as well as how (Ferndale’s) Tempermill studios is sort of your home recording base.

Hinote: (Hamera)’s been working out of Tempermill longer than I’ve known him, which is 19 years, and (Dave) Feeny has been a wonderful and generous resource to have on our side. (Feeny heads Gangplank Records.) There is definitely a family- like dynamic to our band. We have moments where things aren’t all puppies-and-rainbows, just like any family. I mean, you’ve got three women and three men and in that you have two married couples, so in that there are all kinds of chemistry and dynamics and hormones flying about our practice space. As far as song creation, (Hamera)’s the ringleader and he knows what he wants from everybody but each still contributes their own parts and helps shape the dynamics of each song. It has to be made with family. No room for egos in our process, and we’re fortunate that that’s not ever been a problem.

Milo: Tell us about your acoustic showcase!

Hinote: I wanted a showcase with friends at a venue where people could sit and listen and hear every note, yet not have the pressure worrying about drawing an audience, so that it could be a fun gig. The Rustbelt Market wound up being perfect for this. We’re planning half-hour sets from “The Half Bloofs” (Williamss, Johnson and Hinote,) Ryan Dillaha, Anthony Retka, Thirty Men (with Emily Rose,) Escaping Pavement, Mike Galbraith and more. Meanwhile, the Bloofs will be coming back in April and we’re thinking about releasing a digital single.

Check it out on February 7 at the Rustbelt Market: Winter Acoustic Showcase: Blueflowers Acoustic Trio, Anthony Retka, Ryan Dillaha, Escaping Pavement, Mike Galbraith, Thirty Men, and more. 1:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. / Free. Rust Belt Market is at 22801 Woodward Avenue.

Story by Sherrad Glosson | Photos by Bernie LaFramboise

Going head to head with a fire is something most of us can’t imagine. The closest most of us have been to great heat is either from our range, bonfires with friends, or the blazing sun in the middle of July. That’s pretty hot, but can you imagine running into a burning building (instead of out, as fast as you can) with lives resting on your every decision? That’s a job only the brave can handle. This is why we admire firefighters.
But what about the rest of the day? When there isn’t a fire, do they just sit and wait until the phone rings? What’s it really like to have this job, day in and day out? Ferndale Friends decided to stop by the Ferndale fire department to speak to the head honcho, Chief Kevin Sullivan, to find out firsthand.

Screen Shot 2015-12-13 at 11.47.36 AMThe building was quiet when I walked in. The garage was filled with trucks, silent and gleaming. I was in luck, as the chief was there and had a few minutes to talk to me.

On the way to his office, we walked up two flights of stairs. To the left of me was a full kitchen. I thought about that as we walked through two glass doors and there he was, sitting at a desk with a ton of papers in front of him.

The first thing that came out of my mouth was, “So, we all know that the fire department is known for putting out fires, but what are you guys doing when there isn’t a fire happening?” Chief Sullivan laid it out for me.

In today’s world, the fire department is known for being an emergency response unit. Generally speaking, anything the police doesn’t handle, the fire department does. They have five different branches of technical rescue units: 1. Heavy rescue (for when people are caught in machines or bad car accidents where they would use the “jaws of life”), 2. High angle and low angle (which is rope work, lowering someone off a tall building), 3. Confined space (usually underground, where someone is trapped), 4. Collapse rescue (people digging trenches and foundations, or erecting buildings), 5. Swift water rescue (mostly when someone is injured in a pool and they help to get them out).

There is always someone at the station. The firefighters work 24 hours on and 24 hours off, sometimes doing 70 to 80 hours of duty weekly. They have someone who is designated to cook lunch and dinner (this explains the kitchen.) Chief Sullivan joked that the food must be edible or you pay the price. Every day of the in-between time there’s training, such as technical rescue education. There’s the unglamorous stuff, like inspecting fire hydrants, making sure they don’t freeze during the winter months. Every Monday, they do a motor check on the equipment to make sure everything is always ready to go.

Screen Shot 2015-12-13 at 11.50.48 AMThey cover three cities, including Ferndale, Royal Oak Township, and Pleasant Ridge, operating from two stations, one on either side of Woodward. Although the station on Livernois is the headquarters (the other is on 9 Mile east of Hilton,) both stations aid each other and are sure to have each other’s back when there is a big emergency. There are a total of six firefighters on duty in the whole city, four in the headquarters and two in the other station. “Back in the day it used to be about ten, but times are different now.” said the Chief.
I asked the Chief about how long he’s been a firefighter and how he got involved. “I’ve been a fire fighter going on 31 years. My dad was a cop, but there was no way I was going to do that, and firefighting was the next best thing.” Chief Sullivan has been in his position for six years, and worked his way up through the ranks.

I asked him about the causes of fires. “Human error is what causes most fires,” the Chief explained. “Leaving the dishwasher on when you leave for work, lighting a candle without a plate under it and leaving it unattended…some fires are started because people don’t clean out the lint trap on the dryer and it catches fire, and even parking on top of leaves on the curb.” A car’s catalytic converter gets hot, and with its location underneath the car, it can touch the leaves and easily set them ablaze. “We don’t think about these things… because we feel like it will never happen to us,” said the Chief. “Everything in our society is plastic, and it’s like solidified gasoline. When it melts, it burns ten times faster and a hundred times better than it did in the old days.” Oh, and watch out, because the Chief said that he can easily tell if there was any foul play involved in the fire’s ignition.

After our discussion, we went on a tour around the station. Quiet again. Where was everyone? Well, Chief Sullivan explained, they were out on site helping someone. Not only do they stop fires, but they are here to help aid anyone in any way they can. Even when there isn’t a fire, they aren’t sitting around watching television. They’re making sure that they’re up to date in their knowledge, training, and awareness so that they are always dependable and reliable when help is needed. Firefighters are always preparing themselves for the hour, the minute, and the second someone calls for help. We all hope that day never comes, but if it does, the firefighters of Ferndale are ready to roll.

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Story by Sherrad Glosson | Photos by Bernie Laframboise

It was a Tuesday night when I walked in a church in Ferndale down in the basement and witnessed about forty to fifty men sitting in chairs. A woman sat at the piano and a man stood in front of them, behind a podium, reading a booklet. As I walked in, he looked up and waved me to come in. I grabbed a seat in the back. I pulled out my phone to check the time and suddenly I heard the sweetest harmony I’ve ever experienced from a group of men…the sound of the Detroit Together Men’s Chorus ringing off the walls of the basement.

It took me so much by surprise that I pulled out my cell phone to make a post on Facebook to tell people how great they sounded. These men must be gearing up for something, I thought, sure enough they were getting ready for their holiday concert just a few weeks away.

I caught up with Brian Londro, the Minister of Music at the Metro Community Church and the artistic director for the Men’s chorus, a few days prior to their practice. We talked a little bit about these miraculous men I’ve heard so much about. The Detroit

Together Men’s Chorus has been in action since 1982 and is among the top three longest-running gay men’s choruses across the country. Although started as an exclusively gay men’s chorus, lately they have been getting straight men to join them as well. “We are trying to be diverse and always looking for new people” said Brian. They do two major concerts a year. One is in December for the holidays and one is in the spring, called “The Pride of Disney,” which he said is going to be a good one.

I asked Brian about the overall goal of the Men’s chorus. “Our mission is to be an example through music and bring people close together through it. Our vision is to make a difference in people’s lives through our concerts in a positive way.”

“Our focus is to continue to produce quality music, create different concerts, and build the diversity of our style,” said Brian, after mentioning their award for being the winner of the vote for the 2015 Best Choir award from Channel 4. He explained that because things are changing in Detroit and people are coming back, things are getting better, especially with the gay community. Most had left because of the lack of support, but now that Michigan is more receptive they are coming back home.

Music is not all the DTMC does. They also do a lot of fundraising and community work around the city. They help support the Pig and Whisky event in Ferndale, the DIY Festival, and they have a newly-minted social group with the chorus members, helping them stay a tightly-knit group. At the moment, they are in the planning stages of a benefit concert for the Judge Greg Mathis Community Center. “I love Judge Mathis. He’s one of my heroes,” said Brian. The men of the DTMC are clearly on a mission; not just to sing, but also to give back to the community.

If you ask me, I’ll be the first to tell you; if they continue to sing like they were singing when I stormed into their rehearsal, they are going to be the talk of the town after their next concert on Saturday, December 12 at 7:30 P.M. at Lamphere High School in Madison Heights. For more information you can check out Detroit Together Men’s Chorus on

Story by Ingrid Sjostrand | Photos by Bernie Laframboise

Piping hot coffee, an eclectic collection of cozy couches and soothing jazz in the background — this reads like your everyday cafe. But you’ll notice something different about Ferndale’s newest coffee house. Those couches are covered in fur and the jazz might be drowned out by the sound of meows at the appropriately named Catfe, where live- in felines are available to cuddle and adopt.

The Catfe is a project of the Ferndale Cat Shelter, which offers visitors the opportunity to spend time with the cats for a suggested donation of $10 per hour. While in the first stages of operations, coffee and food will be self-serve, with hopes of turning it into a true coffee house if the next few months prove successful.

“The idea is that people come in, they can use the wifi, they can help themselves to a snack,” Deanne Lovan, Director of the Catfe, tells me at their grand opening on November 4th. “Little Bandit will sit on your lap, she will roll over like a baby, make you rub her belly.” As if on cue, Bandit, a grey and white domestic shorthair kitten, jumps right onto Lovan’s lap and starts batting at her necklace.

The idea for cat cafes have gained popularity in Europe, and are now popping up all across the U.S.A. Catfe is the first feline-friendly cafe in Michigan, but there are others right on their tail in Ann Arbor and Grand Rapids.

Screen Shot 2015-12-11 at 6.10.16 PMBen Long, president and founder of the Ferndale Cat Shelter, has been pleasantly surprised with how quickly the Catfe and shelter have developed. Founded on May 20th, 2014, the shelter did not have a physical location — just a website and foster homes — until now.

“Honestly, I thought this would be ‘year four’ or ‘year five,’ and we aren’t even a year- and-a- half old,” Long tells me. “Deanne really took the ball and ran with it.”

The Catfe is open seven days a week from 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., and has around ten felines living inside. The Catfe isn’t just for those looking to adopt. Anyone wanting to spend time with the cats is welcome.
“Some people can’t have pets for many reasons, some people can’t have a cat because someone’s allergic or they can’t afford it,” Lovan says. “Socializing these cats is really important, and visitors can help with that.”
Volunteers are on site to greet people, care for the cats, and help with adoption paperwork if a home is found.

“The idea is that they really are here on a rotating basis, cats won’t stay for very long,” Lovan says. “The right person is going to walk in the door and connect with them.”

The Catfe has plans to be more than just a coffee house too. Visitors can participate in cat yoga, euchre tournaments and even host a private birthday party with certain donation amounts.

Silke Rosenbaum-Pouliot is a Royal Oak resident who attended the grand opening with her husband, a Ferndale Cat Shelter volunteer. She was impressed with the creativeness of the idea and the opportunities the Catfe offers.

“I think it’s a fantastic idea; it’s so unique and something a lot of people haven’t heard of.” she says. “I love that all the cats are adoption-ready and you can really form a connection and keep coming back.”

To raise funding and gauge interest in the Catfe, the Ferndale Cat Shelter started a campaign on fundraising site IndieGoGo. Their initial goal was $2,500 which they quickly surpassed, raising $7,650 by the time of the grand opening.

Many local businesses have already contributed funds, building materials and space for fundraising, including Rust Belt Market, SoHo, the Ferndale Library, Durst Lumber and Pinwheel Bakery to name a few. Lovan hopes to get some more long term sponsors, who would get a tax deductible name plaque on the “Wall of Gratitude” inside the Catfe, among other perks.

“I think there are a lot of cat lovers and I think it would be a good thing to be associated with, positive advertising for a company,” Lovan tells me. Donations to the Catfe are tax- deductible.

For those visiting, donations can be brought in all forms; cash, check, website payments and even cat food and litter are accepted. Those interested in volunteering are encouraged, too, with a simple application and the commitment of a minimum of one four hour shift each week.

“I really love doing this because it’s as much a job about helping cats as it is about helping people,” Lovan says. “I love staying in touch with the people that have adopted. They’re like an extended family.”

The Catfe is located at 821 Livernois Street in Ferndale.

Story by Rebecca Hammond | Photos by Bernie Laframboise

George Tysh spent his early years in New Jersey, but he’s now firmly rooted in Ferndale and metro Detroit. And he’s recently received quite an honor: a 2015 Kresge Artist Fellowship.

When Tysh arrived in this area and eventually enrolled at Cass Technical High School, he found his classmates to be nice, and they found his Jersey accent amusing. His fields of study at Cass were theater arts and radio speech, and those helped turn his speaking voice “midwestern.” The development of his writing voice began at age 17, when he arrived home from school to find the house empty. He perused his dad’s library and found Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass and an anthology edited by Langston Hughes called Poetry of the Negro. After reading some of each, he was inspired and wrote his first poems that afternoon. Though he wryly describes some of them as “horrible,” he knew they were the beginning of a new path.

Tysh, like most Cass Tech graduates, loved the school, and its focus on learning. “It was an awesome place,” he told me. “It was a place where you could try out things. One semester in one class we read 30 plays. It was a place where I could study literature and different forms of narrative.” It also let him experience directing, set design, stage management, even working with a puppet theater at the DIA. After Cass, Tysh attended Wayne State, and was invited to join an experimental college within WSU called Monteith, which existed from the 50s to the 70s. “It was a liberal arts college within Wayne State. It was a new approach to liberal arts.”

Ending up in Europe after the draft board gave him permission to study French in Paris, Tysh spent some time exploring. He met his wife Chris, a Paris native, in Poland, and they lived in Paris until 1973, then returned to Detroit. Since then, he’s taught English and film studies at Wayne, and at the Roeper School. He also began publishing his poetry.

“The main reason I retired from teaching is I wanted more time to write. I found myself wondering when the last time was that I had had a book out. I checked. It was 12 years. The next book came out in five.”

Tysh has collaborated with Ferndale visual artist Janet Hamrick, whose work graces two of his book covers and appears along poems inside one as well. He’s now turned out nine volumes of poetry.

The Kresge Artist Fellowship comes with $25,000 that allows him to “do anything I want for a year.” Kresge chooses artists from the tri-county area, alternating disciplines every two years. “If you have a record of your work, you can apply,” Tysh told me. “They emphasize emerging artists, often kids in their 20s. My stuff is experimental, but they have kids doing hip hop poetry and performance poetry.” They also offer seminars in things like organizing an artistic career.

Tysh describes writing as “making music with words” and enjoys classical music, and jazz and rock.


Tysh and Janet Hamrick will present an exhibit of collaborations at the College for Creative Studies Center Galleries at the corner of Brush and Fredrick Douglass, opening at 6:00 P.M. on January 22 and running until February 27.

Story by Sherrad Glosson | Photos by Bernie Laframboise

When you ask Lori, a Ferndale resident, the reasons why she wants to help others deal with medical issues, one of them is because she’s been there… and is still fighting the fight.

Fibromyalgia came first. “It came out of nowhere,” says Lori. Not even accepted by the medical community until recently, it causes the brain to create pain signals by itself. It’s been compared to trying to move with broken bones. She tried different medications to subdue the pain in her hands, her hips, and her knees, but didn’t want to become addicted to any of them and they didn’t help, anyway.

Lori was prescribed many dangerous and addictive pain killers to subdue the pain in her hands, hips, and knees. “Medications aren’t really safe. They come with complications and side effects. Many of the medications I have been prescribed the side effect is: ‘Can cause death’.”

She began to research and seek other alternatives. One doctor had her try something different. He put her on Prozac, which treats the source of the pain signals. It helped. He also suggested she try medical marijuana.
Worse was to come. This past summer, Lori had a MRI and found out she had lesions on the brain and also was diagnosed with MS (Multiple Sclerosis,) a disease that affects the entire nervous system. It affects everyone differently, and Lori stood up to show me some of the effects it’s had on her. As she began to stand, she looked pretty stable, but when she stood on both feet she began to wobble, and immediately sat back down.

She says that this disease affects her balance as well as her train of thought. She can be in a conversation and completely draw a blank. From this personal experience, she did much research into alternative methods of dealing with pain.

Lori met Bill in December 2014 through a neighbor. Bill was an organic Tilapia farmer from Florida who moved to Michigan to grow medical marijuana. His goal was to grow clean, high-quality
medical marijuana for those suffering from autoimmune diseases. As it happens, he’s been growing his own marijuana to self-medicate since 1979. Bill’s undergraduate studies combined aquaculture with hydroponics, and he has been an organic farmer for most of his life. He is also a licensed fish farmer, composting specialist, and certified educator.

Together, Lori and Bill set out on a mission. Trident Apothecary (a fictitious entity, not a business) has goals of serving those with autoimmune diseases, protecting the environment by not using toxic pesticides, and mitigating their own waste production through worm farming. “We’re caregivers.” Lori says. “We welcome anyone with a valid MMMP (Michigan Medical Marijuana Program) card. We want to help, as organically as possible.”

Trident Apothecary has established a passive solar greenhouse to raise worms and fish to break down their waste and create organic soil for their plants. This process has been put in place to grow and produce the highest-quality products. The primary focus for Trident Apothecary is on the mind, body and spirit aspect, all integral parts of the healing or coping process.

Their new working project is to create a candy that will reduce the need for autoimmune patients to inhale medical marijuana via smoking. You can imagine that smoking is definitely not an ideal method for a child to receive her medicine, even if it is the only one to help them deal with their symptoms. Even learning how to do it at a young age could be baffling. Then you have adults who don’t have the desire to inhale smoke at all.

Since using Bill’s method over the last year, Lori reports her symptoms have improved. They are looking for other autoimmune patients to work with, to make the disease easier to deal with.

If you suffer from autoimmune disease and would like more information on Trident Apothecary and how they may be able to help, Lori and Bill encourage you to contact them at their Facebook page.

Lori also talks about the need to stay active and keep doing what you love. “To keep my hands working, I make suncatchers, jewelry, and other crafts using beach glass, beads, and driftwood. Multiple sclerosis has weakened my strength and dexterity. This is part of how I fight back naturally.”


You can contact Lori and Bill through

Lori’s arts and crafts are at

Story by Ingrid Sjostrand | Photos by Bernie LaFramboise

Every December, Royal Oak is flooded with Santas, Mrs. Claus, elves, and many more holiday-costumed individuals. While this may not seem out of place on December 25, you’ll witness this weeks before Christmas. The reason for the early holiday spirit? SantaCon, a holiday- themed pub crawl sponsored by Ultimate Fun Productions and The Social Connection.

Screen Shot 2015-12-11 at 5.54.12 PMIf you’ve attended an event or bar crawl in metro Detroit, chances are high that it was produced or sponsored by either The Social Connection or Ultimate Fun Productions. These Ferndale-based groups host everything from tailgate parties, galas, monthly dinners and bar crawls.

Ultimate Fun Productions, run by Matt Flynn, holds most of its events in Royal Oak, Ferndale and Detroit. The Social Connection, founded and run by Regina Stocco, also produces social events and festivals within the same area. Ticket sales and event proceeds from both groups benefit a variety of charities, including AIDS Walk Detroit, Help Cerebral Palsy Kids Corp, Royal Oak Historical Society and Healthy Detroit. Most events through Social Connection and Ultimate Fun Productions have tickets available from $10 to $65 and offer discounted tickets for purchasing early.

On December 12, these groups offer two opportunities to show holiday spirit. Starting with the Santa Hat Hustle at 8:30 A.M. Racers have the choice of a 10K, 5K run/walk or a one-mile Santa Stroll. Prices range from $10 to $55. Participants are encouraged to bring at least one unwrapped toy for a drive benefiting the Boys and Girls Clubs of Oakland and Macomb counties.

Screen Shot 2015-12-11 at 5.54.16 PMFollowing the race at 1:00 P.M., runners can join the festivities of Santa Con. Tickets cost $15 and include specials on holiday spirits and drinks at eleven of Royal Oak’s best bars, including BlackFinn, Gusoline Alley, Hamlin Corner and Ale Mary’s. A portion of ticket sales will also go toward the Boys and Girls Clubs. Costumes are not required (but are encouraged) and attendees can enter to win Uber gift cards, as well as tickets to the Resolution Ball and Motor City Gala, two New Year’s Eve events also sponsored by Ultimate Fun Productions and Social Connection.

The Motor City Gala takes place in the 11,000 square foot main ballroom at the Atheneum Hotel. This formal event hosts a VIP dinner with live jazz, performances by two comedians, followed by some of Detroit’s most popular DJs to bring in the New Year. The other event, Motor City New Year’s Eve THE DROP is a free event that draws 20,000+ at Campus Martius and Cadillac Square in the heart of Downtown Detroit.

Meanwhile, The Social Connection will be hosting the 12th Annual Resolution Ball at the Fillmore Detroit for New Years Eve. This ticket is one of the hottest in town, as the event sells out every year before Christmas. Offering discounted hotel rooms and free shuttles to and from the event, you can do downtown Detroit in style on New Year’s Eve courtesy of The Social Connection.

Both Social Connection and Ultimate Fun Productions host an event at least once per month, with varying themes and locations, making it easy to find something to please everyone. To find info and photos from past events or a calendar of upcoming events, visit the groups’ Facebook pages or join their mailing lists.


Social Connection on Facebook: Social Connection websitte:
Phone: 248-543-1000
Ultimate Fun Productions on Facebook: Ultimate Fun Productions website:

By David Stone

JILL SCHOENHALS AND HER HUSBAND, Bob Warren (Pastor of First United Methodist in Ferndale) have always been very conscientious consumers. Whether they are avoiding products sprayed with dangerous chemicals or goods manufactured by poorly paid workers, the couple takes their purchases seriously. That, and the fact that she has extensive experience in working with nonprofit organizations, made it seem natural to convert one of the church’s unused rooms into a fair trade store.

Fair Trade is a movement with the goal of helping the oft-exploited workers in foreign countries achieve better life conditions, as well as encouraging sustainable farming and processing practices. The people at the base of the supply chain (the farmers and producers) are paid better prices for their products, and the middlemen are held to higher social and environmental standards. The end result is ideally an affordable product for the consumer and a better living standard for the people who produce it.

Jill calls her creation “A fair trade pop-up shop.” But don’t think it’s going anywhere. She refers to it that way because her business is still in the planning and research stages. She wants to see if our community can support a permanent, full- time fair trade store before she commits herself to the project.

Jill gets very excited when talking about Ferndale. She calls our city “A model for how a community does social justice; volunteering, and also with policy and government leadership.” She loves how Ferndale “Takes the lead on social justice issues as a municipality.” She also likes the “community-mindedness” of our citizens, and how we are quick to volunteer for a good cause. Jill also refers to Ferndale as an “authentic” community, with a “good ethos” and a “heart for justice.”

She also feels that Ferndale is a good place to start a small business. She describes Ferndale’s consumers as “educated, intellectually curious” individuals who create a community that “allows for creativity.” She also feels that our Chamber of Commerce and the DDA are very helpful.

Now, you, dear friend, want to know what items Jill carries? Easy enough. In the words of her own fliers, she carries “jewelry, chocolate, textiles, Christmas.”

What? She sells Christmas? I always knew, you’ll say, that Christmas was becoming commercialized.
Never worry, gentle reader, that is not what she means. Jill likes to collect Nativity scenes and creches, and her store carries an extensive collection of them. She also carries tea, coffee, and spices. I can personally vouch for the deliciousness of her coffee and chocolate, as Jill served both during the interview.

Whether you are looking for an unusual gift, love good chocolate and good coffee, or are looking for that special piece of jewelry, go to the Ferndale First United Methodist Church.

There, while buying quality items that provide a living wage to craftspeople and farmers, you will help another unique, grown-in- Ferndale enterprise to stay in business.


The Fair Trade Ferndale Pop-Up is located in the Ferndale First United Methodist Church at 22331 Woodward (enter from Leroy Street.) It’s open from October 30 to December 19. Hours are Fridays 5:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M., Saturdays Noon to 5:00 P.M., and Sundays before and after the 10:30 A.M. worship service. Call (248) 545-4467 or visit on the web at or ferndalefirstumc@

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Story by Rebecca Hammond

Oakland County Commissioner and Huntington Woods resident Helaine Zack spent three weeks at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government this past July for what she called “very intense study.” Attending a program aimed at officials of state and local governments, Zack arrived at Harvard, having been awarded an A. Alfred Taubman scholarship. The renowned local philanthropist set up two scholarships per year for local attendees of the Harvard program. Zack said she was “shocked and honored” to receive the scholarship, and flattered to have been awarded it on her first attempt.

Recipients must serve on the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments board. SEMCOG is a partnership among seven counties, a “regional collaboration on issues like the environment, parks, and roads,” Zack said.

As part of the application process, Zack wrote two essays, one being on “How to get things done as a minority member” of elected government. Harvard screened applicants to create a sort of ecosystem, Zack said. She was selected along with 20 elected and 51 unelected officials from all over the world. It was a diverse group, Zack said, including an Alabama conservative and a police chief from California. She found herself part of a network that continues to this day, keeping up with each other in what Zack referred to as a “consultant group” on Facebook. The diversity of the group helped Zack address her goals for the program. What makes good leadership? How does one challenge assumptions, deal with differing opinions?

Attendees spent six hours a day in lectures. They began each day with an hour of discussion on topics from the previous day, or related to that day’s lecture. They were also assigned hours of reading.

Zack has a long track record of public service. Back in 2002, one of then-candidate Jennifer Granholm’s five platform issues was mental health. Zack’s social work background made this approach to government attractive. “I remember thinking, I know about that.” She ran for County Commissioner that year, won her race, and took office in 2003. She was elected to a seventh two-year term in 2014 and continues to serve the 18th District, which includes Huntington Woods, Ferndale, Hazel Park, Royal Oak Township, and Oak Park.

Zack’s social work career began in employee assistance programs, something she still works at even though she retired from Beaumont a year and a half ago. The morning of our interview, she assisted employees who had just experienced the death of a coworker. She realized years ago that taking care of oneself in such professions must be a priority, telling me “You have to put the oxygen mask on yourself before you can help others.” So to relax and recharge, she walks and bikes, often bicycling to Ferndale. She’s a longtime gardener, having been part of a vegetable co-op as a student at the University of Michigan, and has raised beds in her front-yard garden to this day. She enjoys historical fiction and travel. And keeping Sabbath is important to Zack. She attends synagogue and unplugs from media and technology for the day, finding that unplugging “very healing.”

“Life happens to all of us,” Zack told me. “We have physical and emotional responses.” Part of her work for years was helping others deal with those responses. Zack describes herself as a person who “truly wants to help and make a difference.” With her dual careers of social work and public service, Zack continues to live what she preaches.