
By Rebecca Hammond

I’m reading a book called Nature’s God, by Matthew Stewart. Subtitled The Heretical Roots of the American Revolution, it’s the story of our nation’s beginnings combined with a history of philosophy that links to the birth of the American liberal movement, long ago. It’s a great read.

Stewart points out that opposite of “radical” isn’t necessarily “moderate,” it can be “common.” Yet radical voices commonly surround us. Do you read Mother Earth News at the Ferndale Library? A pe-rusal of MEN does not need to reveal anything specificallyuseful, the valuable part being reminded that there are a multitude of ways to live. There are radical choices we can make. The advertised way is, in fact, usually the most boring, always being the way to get the task over with the soonest. Has the idea of getting necessary tasks over with quickly so as to free up time for enjoyable or creative ideas worked? I doubt it. There’s a resurgence of doing things slowly even if that costs more, knitting being one example. It now costs more to buy yarn and knit a sweater or socks than it does to buy the finished garment, but even so, knitting is again extremely popular.

It’s common to discard worn clothing, so just re-pairing it is radical. Leather patches on elbows might be professorial, but they were once merely practical, keeping elbows intact. But a commonly-radical mom wouldn’t have tossed a sweater with holey elbows anyway – she’d have ripped off sleeves above the holes and re-knit them.

Same with socks. I used to wonder why old-fashioned socks had contrasting heels and toes until I knit a few dozen pairs myself. A woman fixing socks wouldn’t necessarily have still had the same color yarn the socks were originally made of. Not only that, if the heels and toes are a different color, they’re easier to remove and replace, even multiple times. If you knit your own socks, you know that the feet are fairly fun to knit, the ribbed ankle cuff more tedious. An entire worn-out sock foot can be cut off, the cuff stitches picked up, and the foot re-knit. This can even be done with commercial socks. What if you don’t want to buy this pricey yarn, period? Thrift stores are full of nice sweaters made of high-quality yarn that can be dismantled in an evening. You’ll find every kind of wool including merino and cash-mere, and cottons and fun synthetics. The only thing to watch for is the seams. A serged or overlocked seam (see the photo; the serged seam is on the left) means the sweater pieces were cut from large bolts of knit fabric, and if you try to reuse that yarn, every row will be a separate piece. Look for seams that look like the sweater was handmade (like on the right). Remove the seam thread, clip the yarn at the very bottom, and start raveling. I used to bother winding the yarn in a ball, even blocking the kinks out of it, but no longer. A piece of knit fabric is easier to handle than a ball of yarn, and it feels pretty radical to rip a row or two off a former sweater and instantly turn it into a sock or a mitten. The kinkiness of already-knitted yarn is not noticeable as you work. You can make a lot of socks or mittens from a $2 dollar sweater. Almost-free wool socks are radical.

Knitting was socially important and radical recently, when women spent weeks knitting pink hats for a January 21st march that included hundreds of marches worldwide, huge ones in places like London and Chicago and LA, tiny ones in places like Copper Harbor and Kodiak Island. The hats were a mere symbol, but one that kept women united for weeks, some churning out dozens for non-knitters. Keeping one’s hands busy with repetitive work is soothing and mind-freeing, so the benefits outweighed the warmth of the hats, the obvious solidarity they symbolized, and the sea of pink that make the marches unmistakable in photos. It was a modern version of a quilting bee, an online version that created unity before the marchers ever gathered.

These marches were important. Watch the documentary, Requiem for the American Dream. As interviewee, Noam Chomsky, leads through the steps that led to our current situation in America, he describes how important and nation–changing large movements have been in our past. Marches matter.

If you prefer knitting to be even more radical, check out a new Ferndale group called The Ladies Knitting Circle and Resistance League on Facebook. We bump mere social knitting up a notch or 12, chipping in for groups like the ACLU or Planned Parenthood. No, you don’t even have to knit.

Rebecca Hammond learned to knit about 52 years ago, when her Mom went to knitting classes at church and came home to teach her daughters.

By Jenn Goeddeke

BLUMZ BY JR DESIGNS is certainly not your ‘average’ flower shop –they go above and beyond in providing a variety of services and, of course, outstanding product.

Co-owned by Jerome Raska and Robbin Yelverton, Blumz continues to thrive in two full-service retail locations: 1260 Library Street in Detroit, and also at 503 East Nine Mile Road in Ferndale. Raska and Yelverton continually strive to impress their customers with award-winning floral designs, all-occasion gifts, one-stop event planning, and tuxedo rentals. Additionally, this entrepreneurial team is driven to give back to the community through involvement in a host of activities, such as: charitable events, education, the Rotary Club and the DDA.

In a recent conversation with Raska, I learned more detail on the formation of Blumz 15 years ago, and its steady development since.

Raska grew up on a dairy farm in Armada, MI. He always had a passion for the outdoors, and was also creatively-inclined. Early classes taken by Raska include art and textiles, which led initially to work in the field of fashion and merchandise. Additionally, he worked at the Royal Oak Farmers’ Market on weekends, with some members of his extended family. “We were selling mostly vegetables, and some flowers. People began asking about floral arrangements for weddings. I saw this as an opportunity to start a retail flower business.”

Raska worked both “smart and hard,” opening small retail flower shops in country areas, plus traveling extensively as an educator in the floral industry. Prior to the birth of Blumz, Raska also worked as a general manager for large flower companies. On his travels in the industry, he met Yelverton, “…and the rest is history!” Raska added with a laugh.

The Raska-Yelverton connection was instantly strong, so before very long, Yelverton moved from Mississippi to work directly with Raska. Together, they purchased a location in the heart of Detroit. Raska added that this bold business move was made back before Detroit was considered ‘cool’, and many close friends were questioning their decision.

By way of a more in-depth explanation by Raska: “It was a ground-floor opportunity, and we were able to watch as the city was basically rebuilt…young families were moving in, and many of the ‘hottest properties’ now had waiting lists. It had become ‘electrifying’ in terms of events, festivals, live music, art, and so on. We worked there for the first year, and loved it, but we also needed more space to work on events. Ferndale was just starting to ‘turn around’ in terms of retail development. We found a location off 8 Mile Road, just across from the State Fairgrounds. Originally, we planned to open it as a full warehouse, with a space outside to pull up a truck.” Despite warnings from friends and family (such as: “the cars on Eight Mile go too fast!”), this location became not just a warehouse, but also a lucrative retail location.

Following their success on Library Street in Detroit, and then on Eight Mile road in Ferndale, Raska and Yelverton were encouraged to hear of a new space opening up, one owned at the time by another florist, Nature Nook. Raska immediately reached out to ask about a possible purchase, “…they already knew me from my work in the industry, and they liked our business model!” Within two weeks of negotiations the deal was sealed, and Blumz on Nine Mile became a reality.

Eleven years later, and the energetic duo are forging ahead with their typical enthusiasm! Having just won a coveted National “Best of Weddings” Award this year from Wedding Wire Couples’ Choice, Raska and Yelverton could not be happier. Although both have won many individual achievement awards in the past, plus previous awards for Blumz, this one was special. Raska commented, “…this was a complete surprise for us…we were nominated without even knowing it, so the actual award came as a wonderful recognition! We are not afraid of hard work, and have a real passion for what we do…that passion comes through, then people respond to it…we are very blessed.”

Regarding the future direction of Blumz, Raska said with a smile: “We never say no to opportunity!” Clearly, Raska and Yelverton share a love of both Detroit and Ferndale, with only positive things to say about the two cities.

What is the best part of Blumz? Without hesitation, Raska responded, “It is celebrating the special occasions in people’s lives, and making them more memorable and festive…whether or not the occasion is happy or sad, we can always provide beautiful product!”

Blumz is located at 1260 Library Street in Detroit, 48226 and at 503 East Nine Mile Road in Ferndale, 48220. Phone numbers for the two locations are (313) 964-5777 and (248) 398-5130 respectively.
Visit their website for more information, or to shop online:
For more about Blumz weddings, visit:
Connect on Facebook at:
Ferndale Store Hours are: M-F, 9am-7pm; Sat, 9am-5pm; Sun, 10am-3pm.
Detroit Store Hours are: M-F, 8am-6pm; Sat, 10am-3pm; Sun, Closed

Story by Ingrid Sjostrand

Bus shelters aren’t the most visually appealing structures in a city and Ferndale was no exception – until recently, thanks to the Ferndale Downtown Development Authority (DDA), in collaboration with the Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation (SMART).

In August, they completed the first installment of the “Put the Art in SMART” project by renovating the bus shelter on West 9 Mile, right off Woodward Ave. Not only does it have a fresh coat of vibrant red paint, it features a rotating collection of art in place of old advertisements and — most notably — a green, living roof.

The project began as collaboration from DDA design committee volunteer Dustin Hagfors and Chris Best, co-owner of Rustbelt Market, with the help of Cindy Willcock, operations manager of the DDA. “The idea to replace the ‘Get Tested STI’advertisements, which were no longer under contract, and make the screen into a revolving art gallery was what jump-started the plan,” Hagfors says. “Through collaboration with Cindy and Chris, we were able to develop an idea that brought some vibrancy to the community.”

Through connections at SMART, Hagfors, who has a master’s degree in urban planning, arranged a meeting where he and Willcock pitched the idea to Madonna Van Fossen, SMART’s Oakland County Ombudsperson.

“SMART gave their blessing to our idea for the first shelter and has been very open to all we’ve pitched,”  Willcock says. “[We] ran our idea by Van Fossen and she was very interested and enthused — she even came out and helped us clean and paint the shelter!”

When Best heard about the project, he knew exactly how he wanted to contribute. “I have been dreaming about putting a living roof on these bus stops for three years.  The way these structures are built, they are just begging for it!” he says.

And Best had the expertise too, having built a living roof on his own home seven years ago, which has the same slanted roof structure as the shelters.

These updates do more than just make Ferndale more aesthetically pleasing, Hagfors says.
“It draws positive attention to the great transportation options we have available,” he says. “Ferndale is one of the only communities in Metro Detroit that has multiple lines of bus service available seven days a week, and my hope was that an artistic shelter would not only bring attention to mass transit but also make mass transit cool.”

Willcock notes the importance of a clean, safe place for those waiting for the bus, and has research to back it up. “It’s been shown that these types of enhancements actually help mitigate vandalism to the shelters and surrounding area; in fact, a federal study concluded that more people used public transit systems that incorporated art.” Willcock says.

The project needed to be completed quickly; after approval from SMART on August 10th it already had a prime-time TV spot for the following week.

“The bus stop – or at least its location – kind of picked us! The ultimate deciding factor was that Detroit Public Television was going to be filming ‘Dream Cruise Road Show’ on Nine Mile, right in front of the bus shelter on August 18,” Willcock says. “We wanted to make sure Downtown Ferndale looked great, everything just lined up for us!”

A total of 12 volunteers helped complete the project, including Best, Hagfors and Ryan Williams — who created the “Art in SMART” posters. Ferndale businesses jumped at the chance to participate too, by providing plants and donating money.

“Modern Tree and Landscape LLC saw our post asking for plants, and donated nearly $400 worth!
Without that generous donation, I don’t know how long it would have taken to get all the plants needed,” Best says. “Renaissance Vineyard Church even chipped in with a donation -churches usually accept donations, not give –love that Pastor Jim!”

There are three other shelters in Ferndale, and the DDA hopes to start executing renovation of those in the spring of 2017. In the meantime they will work on developing funding, and Hagfors says he’s already creating some eye-catching ideas for the other shelters.

“As the DDA volunteer manager, there’s nothing more gratifying than having a volunteer take such interest and ownership in a project and being able to help them turn their idea into reality!”  Willcock says. “Anyone interested in getting involved or finding out more about ‘Putting the Art in SMART’ can contact the Ferndale DDA at 248-546-1632 or”

Best is excited for the potential of the project and notes that it couldn’t have happened without the DDA.
“The DDA does a lot for the downtown and this is just another example of that; they acted like the glue to bind everyone together to make it happen,” he says. “Projects such as this continue to set Ferndale apart as an example of what is possible in a downtown. Ambition plus creativity plus execution equals amazing every time.

By Cheri Clair

On May 21st, at the Dearborn DoubleTree Hotel, a memorial service was held for local, much-loved entertainment impresario and Pagan leader, Michael Wiggins. Attendees were encouraged to come and “raise a glass to honor the man who thought that nothing was better than a good party.”

Wiggins died of a heart attack on May 4th, at the age of 50, leaving his loving wife Cindy a grief-stricken ff-mwwidow, and numerous others just as devastated. Wiggins was named Detroit’s “Pagan of the Year” in 2013, and was the longest-serving president of the Magickal Education Council. He also helped organize an annual four-day Pagan conference known as ConVocation, and was affiliated with the annual Renaissance Fair.

On May 24th, I spoke to Steven Gamburd, the current co-owner of the Phoenix Cafe in Hazel Park. The cafe was launched as an art studio and entertainment venue by Wiggins and others in September of 2009.

Gamburd was in place as the Art Gallery and Special Events Curator at that time. He became co-owner, along with Hans Barbe, in 2013 when Wiggins schedule would no longer allow him to run the venue himself. Gamburd, was clearly in great distress over the loss of Wiggins. We discussed memorial service and the many affiliations Wiggins had in the Pagan and art communities. Gamburd proudly spoke of Wiggins’ own art and his popular steampunk dance parties.

Co-owner Hans Barbe shared the following: “I met Michael in 2009 when putting together what became the Phoenix Cafe. He was interested in the concept of a community arts space that was all about amplifying people’s unique talents and passions. When one of the leaders of the effort defected from the project, Michael stepped into the void. He was the one who named the venue and was the face of it for its first three and a half years.

“It’s not every day that you encounter a single human being possessing all his attributes: a powerful mind, wise temperament, compassionate heart, creative talent, leadership skills, vision, purpose, wit and good taste. ff-mw-coupleHe was truly unique not just for possessing all those qualities, but for excelling in them. Michael was simply good at life and his example of what it means to live to the fullest will influence me for the rest of mine. “

In his poem, ‘Be the Chosen. I Chose,’ he succinctly and beautifully outlines his philosophy of life. But the last line in particular is so him. On one level it’s a witty taunt, but on a deeper level it’s really a challenge to all of us. He wanted to see other people aspire to be great. That, to me, is the best way to honor his memory: to not back down from a challenge, to not shy away from your greatness, to go for whatever it is you know you need to go for, even if you don’t fully know what you’re doing. They say what people most regret at the end of their lives aren’t things that they did, but things they didn’t do. I don’t think Michael died with any such regrets.

“When we first got off the ground in 2009, there was a short-lived attempt at putting out a regular newsletter for the venue, and I wrote a kind of mission statement of what the venue was all about. I reread part of it at Michael’s memorial on May 21st because I felt that it spoke to what he was about. He was committed to what the venue was about, but he ultimately didn’t need the venue to do it. What the Phoenix meant to him was what all his projects meant to him.”

The MC for an upcoming memorial at the Phoenix for Wiggins, Ted Riot, shared: “Michael’s ringtone for me was the song ‘Rockstar’ by Nickelback. He treated everyone like a rockstar. He gave everyone credit. Their views mattered. Their feelings mattered. Equal. I was an equal in the house of Phoenix. I think ‘equal’ conveys the whole message of the Phoenix. The word for Michael is ‘WhereWithAll.’ Wherever he was, with all his mental faculties, he had all the tools he needed. The where-with-all to overcome. To ascend. To achieve.

“We shared this belief: I am king. I am supreme. But not at your expense. You are not lower. I am not great because you’re less. You don’t have to be a peasant for me to be king. I am king. He was helpful, and kind. He would help anyone it seemed. Everyone was like an out of town guest.”

Riot added, “The symbol for Michael Wiggins should be M over W. Period. Like an hour glass. Because you can flip it over and it would still say the same thing.”

Brian Lewandowski, Gallery Coordinator for the Phoenix Cafe, who has been with the cafe since Memorial weekend 2011, which is when he first met Michael and the rest of the gang, had this to say about Wiggins,“

He was welcoming from the start, and introduced me to the whole steampunk movement. I knew about steampunk prior to that, but not on a conscious level. He put a name to it, and showed me what amazing art and ingenuity was involved with the genre.

“One thing that will always remind me of Michael is the Phoenix mosaic that is hanging in the cafe. ff-pg-blI wanted to make a sign for the front window, and talked extensively with Michael about what it should be. We agreed it should be a mosaic Phoenix, and it should be lighted. So I worked for several months on the piece, unveiling it at our two-year anniversary show on November 11, 2011. Ever since, it has been a mainstay in the cafe. Due to its weight, we were unable to initially hang it in the front window. We liked how it looked where we hung it, as did everyone else, so it has stayed there.

Michael also got me involved with the monthly steampunk dance parties he held at the Phoenix, until they outgrew the venue. I know it sounds cliche, but it truly was an honor and a privilege to know Michael. It was crushing when I heard the news of his passing, and took me some time to really comprehend.”

A Memorial Steampunk Art Show, emceed by Ted Riot, honoring Wiggins, will be held at The Phoenix Cafe (24918 John R., Hazel Park, MI) on Friday, August 5th at 7pm, and will feature performances by CHAW, Emily Infinity, La Bas, Doc Colony and more.

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Story by Sara E Teller
Photo by Bernie Laframboise

Cindy Truba-Hutchinson of Commerce Township, Michigan, was born and raised in Hazel Park, Michigan, one of three children to long-time residents Richard and Lorraine Truba. “Dad lived on the same street his whole life,” she explains of her father. Truba was a well-known businessman and public figure who raised Cindy, her brother and their sister just a few houses down from where her grandparents lived in the tight-knit, family oriented community. Richard and Lorraine owned Truba Carpet at 9 1/2 Mile and John R for 50 years, which had previously been a furniture store owned and operated by Cindy’s grandfather.

Richard was a Masonic Temple Shriner and active member of numerous community organizations including Hazel Park’s City Council, zoning board, and Lions and Elks Clubs. Following in her father’s shoes, Cindy herself became involved in the City Council before relocating to Commerce Township and was the first female Lion’s Club member in Hazel Park in 1987. “Mom and Dad were both very giving of their time and money,” Cindy says. “They were proud and giving, and wonderful citizens of the city.”

So, when her mother passed away this year at 89 years old, joining her father who passed ten years earlier, she decided to commemorate their long-time charitable presence in the community by raising funds to build what she calls “a park within a park in Hazel Park.” Originally inspired by her son Tyler, who owns a gym in Wixom, Michigan, to provide residents of Hazel Park with a health and wellness experience, Cindy decided to work with the city’s Recreation Department to design a fitness park — a family-centered recreational escape intended to serve as “an asset to the whole community.”

“Sareen Papakhian, Hazel Park’s Assistant Planner, has been extremely helpful” in making Cindy’s vision come to life in the heart of Green Acres Park. These gathering places “are very prevalent where the weather is great all the time,” she says, and she felt Hazel Park residents would be thrilled to have something similar in their backyard.

“We will start with eight or nine pieces of equipment, some ADA-compliant, made for the outdoors,” Cindy explains. She has confirmed the city is working with an equipment builder used previously to construct several playground structures meeting all American Disability Act specifications. These structures and the remainder of the park facilities should be available by the end of the summer. So far, the Truba and Hutchinson families have been able to raise two-thirds of their fundraising goal of $30,000 toward the project, and they hope to raise the remainder by the end of June. Cindy is asking for the public’s help with funding the remaining $7000.

At the time of this interview, Cindy planned to set up in the refreshment tent at the upcoming four-day Hazel Park Memorial Festival located at Green Acres Park. The festival draws a large number of Hazel Park residents and those of neighboring communities with its parade, carnival, craft sale, live entertainment and numerous family friendly activities. Anyone interested in donating to the fitness park can send a check in care of “Richard and Lorraine Truba Recreation Fund” to The City of Hazel Park, 111 E 9 Mile Road, Hazel Park, Michigan 48030. Please make sure to note the project on the memo line.

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Story and photos by Jennifer Goeddeke

Ron and Pollyanna Robling have proven to be a winning husband-and-wife team! The Roblings own The Purple Peacock Boutique, located at 2750 Hilton Rd in Ferndale, alongside their estate sales business, R & S Resale which is located at 3345 Hilton.

I recently met with Ron Robling and his store manager, Liz Moritz, at The Purple Peacock. I was instantly intrigued and distracted by the wide array of attractive home furnishings and decorations! As we conversed, comfortably seated on leather couches, it became clear that the Roblings’ business efforts are paying off, and they are expanding at an impressive rate. The on-site and off-site estate sales they organize from start to finish are proving popular. Robling explained that many items in the sales are new or gently-used (often brand-name and designer goods also), so great deals are plentiful.

Even though Robling loves his work these days, it was not always his passion! He described starting out in resale/estate sales with his grandmother: “I hated it, every aspect of it,” he recalled, with a laugh. “I worked in the auto industry for many years afterwards, but returned to this business…and now I really enjoy it!”

These days, the Roblings’ main goal is to take the headache factor out of estate liquidation. In fact, some family members have joined forces with the Roblings, creating a solid team. Starting out in a small building, ff-jj-pp-manithe Roblings expanded into two buildings (off-site sales are held at 3345 Hilton. Very often, R & S have three estate sales in progress each weekend. Additionally, Robling aims to start hosting regular auctions, he added, “maybe on the first Thursday of each month.”

I asked Robling to summarize the process of estate liquidation. Many people have an estate sale at home (referred to as on-site). R & S will handle all the details of organizing the sale. However, in many cases, this is not possible and an off-site sale is necessary. With this alternate scenario, R & S will pick up all belongings and transfer them via professional movers to their sale building on Hilton. In some cases, where not many belongings are involved, sales with other clients may be combined.

What can you expect to see at a typical estate sale? Everything and anything! “We have even had vehicles for sale in the past…mostly the ypical items include furniture, clothing, artwork, jewelry, and so you must be prepared for sales to come and go in a single weekend…items do not tend to stick around” Robling warned!

The Purple Peacock 248-439-6290
R&S Resale 248-298-2770

If slightly happened with our soundness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states united to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most essential aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong heartiness problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

Story by Sheldon Brown | Photos by Jeff Lilly

Screen Shot 2015-12-13 at 12.20.18 PMWHAT ART HOME DESIGN, Hazel Park, presents can best be described in one word: unique! The enterprise’s promotional post card proclaims that “We work with granite, marble, quartz and limestone.” Have an interior design need? Art Home Design can help, from the kitchen to the bathroom, and any room in between.

“I’ve been serving this community from my present location on John R Road for over 17 years,” reports proprietor Alex Mohammadi. “I had another store in the area before this one.

“That adds up to 34 years in total that I’ve been addressing the needs of people around here. Almost all of my clientele is generated by word-of-mouth recommendations. I’m not a fan of massive conventional advertising.”

Screen Shot 2015-12-13 at 12.20.28 PMHe adds, “That’s the way it was when I worked for my father and later inherited the ownership of his shop in Teheran, Iran before I came to the United States in 1991.”

Mohammadi is one of only a handful of artisans outside of Iran and Iraq to have mastered the art of creating indoor and exterior-designed plaster molding with a knife.

His skill was nurtured by observing his father and the experts around his parent. Mohammadi also studied interior design in Germany.

Another uncommon component of the portfolio spotlighted by Art Home Design is the company’s specialty of putting customized plaster molding in place in home shower rooms. This embellishment is frequently seen in old residences in Europe.

Screen Shot 2015-12-13 at 12.20.35 PM“Aside from our passion for cutting plaster molding,” Mohammadi says, “we are known for our expertise with granite table tops. Our computerized machine finishing, not widely- used hand polishing, generates a great deal of attention for us. So does our ability to make customers happy with two to three-day turnaround versus what other operations in this field promise in two to three weeks! We show more than 800 colors from all over the world. I advise those seeking our help about how our work will fit in with their present decor. That’s a part of our free estimate process.

“I have a designer and carpenter on my staff. Our company favors the team approach to bringing professionalism into the decision making efforts of our customers. Art Home Design does residential and commercial refacing cabinet work, too.

“Providing good service that’s reasonably priced is our policy. We care for our customers from the time we first have contact and into the future,” Mohammadi concludes.

Call (248)546-2777 or go to for additional information.


If slightly happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states united to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What men talk about “viagra stories“? The most vital aspect you have to look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile malfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual disfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this treatment passes into breast milk.

Story by Allison Martin | Photo by Bernie LaFramboise | Runway photos by Brad Fick

Hot on the heels of her New York Fashion Week debut, local Detroit fashion designer Stein Van Bael debuted her latest collection – The Davenport Collection – at the legendary Tangent Gallery earlier last month.

As a self-taught fashion designer, Van Bael is no stranger to creating wearable art out of unique materials. She has manufactured myriad masterpiece collections out of unconventional materials and themes, and her latest work follows in form. For The Davenport Collection, Van Bael created her fabulously unique launch out of vintage upholstered furniture.

Not that Van Bael is only inspired by your grandmother’s sofa. Previously, she sent collections down the runway that included
designs made out of visqueen, a durable polyethylene sheeting used to waterproof houses. She has also showcased a collection created solely from merkins, or pubic hairpieces worn by prostitutes and actors in the early 1900s. Also notable is Van Bael’s stuffed animal collection that was featured in an editorial for the Metropolitan.

Traditional, her show is not.

Screen Shot 2015-10-20 at 10.40.16 AM

I was able to experience this firsthand at her latest show at the Tangent Gallery, in Detroit. With my girlfriends and cocktail in hand, we mingled about the gallery. There was a full bar to enjoy, a bonfire outside for people to gather around, a woman suspended, and a man being whipped.

When the lights dimmed and the show started, Van Bael sent her models down the runway to a live band. One by one, the models marched out in an array of styles all made out of vintage davenport fabric. The collection included vests, shorts, dresses, and a men’s suit. Not only was it impressive, it was fabulous.

What one notices when attending a Stein Van Bael show is the elaborate production of it all. Aside from the uniqueness of the fashion, there is a great quality to the production. Van Bael says that, to her, the show’s production, “embodies an atmosphere of perfect lighting, music, and precise execution of the runway show itself. It means having dedicated and capable models who are ready to put their game faces on and fall into character needed for the show.

“As a designer, I can say that a fashion show absolutely has to have a fluid and cohesive collection that stands out, just enough to make an impression without flying off the handle.”

So how did she make it all the way to New York Fashion Week? She has been working closely with a manager who helped organize the trip. As a first timer at NYFW, the young designer says she was ready for the experience. “Being raised in the do-it-yourself atmosphere that is Detroit made me ready for most anything. I was clear, collected, and I nailed it. I would not have been so prepared if I weren’t used to doing everything myself. If I show up, I’m ready.”

Beyond her imaginative show production and creative use of materials, there exists something that makes Van Bael’s designs more than just spectacle. Erica Pietrzyk, Van Bael’s treasured muse and frequent runway model, sheds light on the mystery. “It’s her positive attitude, her ambition to reach the stars, the fact she is always building those around her up, and that her designs are very fashion- forward, original, and unique.”

When I asked Van Bael what she doesn’t like about fashion, she comments on not understanding some of the trends that are present. “Why did boots, [and] leggings, and lattes ever become a thing? I don’t like the watered-down and disposable aspect of [those items]”.

When asked why fashion interests her, Van Bael replies, “Because there is a fine line between innovative and ridiculous. I like to push the envelope and invite new perspectives into the game.”

For more information on Stein Van Bael, please visit: and follow her on social media. Twitter: @steinvanbael.

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By Annie Houston, Contributing Writer | Photos by Annie Houston

Screen Shot 2015-10-20 at 12.14.32 PM“I feel the city is undergoing a renewal. Life is returning to Detroit. There is an energy of change, of hope. The city lay dormant for a number of years. Now I feel it blossoming. Detroit is ready to share with the world all that it has to offer.”

Nigerian born artist Timothy Orikri, has a huge love for Detroit and its people, and calls it his adopted home. A prolific painter, poet, songwriter, musician and more – he shares his zest for life, his faith and hope, in the many forms his artistry takes him.

Orikri has a ready smile and sometimes, an impish grin. His energy and exuberance is evident in everything he does. When he speaks, he uses his whole body to express his thoughts and emotions. The same goes for his artwork. He often paints along with music, matching the brushstrokes to the rhythm and format. Using wide, broad strokes or small circles and intricate squares, the colors and vibrancy of his work are his trademark and stand out even in pictures. They are delicious to look at. But up close and personal – it’s a whole other experience!

The emotion and passion Orikri imbues in his works seeps from his paintings and reaches out to you. It moves some to tears, others to inspiration. Some get lost in thought and meditation. The exaggerated, uplifting colors speak of love, happiness and the peaceful celebration of life. Some have said a particular painting helped them get through bad times. Some have even claimed to be healed! These are remarkable works that have to be experienced in person for the full effect they offer. Even the more pensive poses and somber colored works speak of hope and renewal.

Screen Shot 2015-10-20 at 12.14.39 PMAs a mixed media artist, Orikri uses recycled materials such as teabags, toothpicks, cork, straws, corrugated paper, matchsticks, yarn, buttons, feathers and clothespins making them useful once again. He intricately weaves his canvases and paintings on unconventional surfaces like vinyl, metal and tree bark, sometimes making changes to the paint for his own unique touch. Symbolism is often used to add new depths of meaning to his creations.

An example of his dedication and discipline is evident in his Detroit Inspired Collection. Orikri spent a
painstaking long 80 hours to create carefully laid lines and objects as the basis for his significant work entitled, Fisher Building. His pieces often take on a 3D quality giving the viewer multiple platforms to experience and assimilate.

Orikri, received the Spirit of Detroit Award for his humanitarianism and use of art to uplift the city. Describing himself as “an apprentice in training” and a “colorist in the making,” he sometimes donates his time to work with sick children and the elderly for therapy to boost self-esteem and creative art. He revels in the pride and sense of accomplishment they experience from his class.

Affirmations, on 9 Mile in Ferndale, recently hosted a longstanding exhibit of Orikri’s work that ran all summer. Orikri also did a live painting event at the Fox Theater for TedXDetroit15 on October 8th where he painted and completed a large circular canvas as well as a huge 4 panel painting (titled M- 12 or M-Dodecagon) representing the history and growth of Detroit.

There are currently works on display with, “I Hear Music” at the Liberal Arts Gallery from October 2 – 30, 2015. A meet and greet with the artist happens October 17th, 2015 from 6-9 pm. Closing reception will be October 30, 2015 from 6-9 pm. Liberal Arts Gallery is located at 3361 Gratiot Ave, Detroit MI 48207 (313) 925-9578

On October 24th, Orikri will participate in a live art experience where guests contribute to a large mosaic of color at Colorosity: The Annual Science Soirée Sat., October 24, 2015 from 6:00pm – 11:00pm at the Michigan Science Center. For more tickets and more information about the event, contact: 313.577.8400, ext. 442 or Events@Mi-, or annual-science-soiree/

“50 Shades of Harmony” will feature fifty astounding works in celebration of the artist’s 50th Birthday this November 2015. A date, time and place will be announced shortly and on the website listed below.

Additional information, including videos, pics and upcoming events can be found at: and Art by Timothy Orikri on Facebook

If some happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a preparation. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states coupled to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most essential aspect you have to look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile malfunction can be the symptom a strong heartiness problem such as soul trouble. Causes of sexual disfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this physic is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

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FROM ELABORATE MARKETING PROJECTS to smaller business PR campaigns, mo marketing + pr can help create measurable results. At the helm of the team is a ‘powerhouse’ entrepreneurial duo: Julia Gillespie and Blake Moore. Formed in 2009, the innovative mo business model is the result of combining decades of Gillespie’s and Moore’s joint experience in marketing, public relations, advertising and design. They describe their uniquely blended approach to promotions as “integrated marketing,” and each campaign is tailored specifically for the individual client.

Originally based in Brooklyn, NY, mo has now moved into an open-plan, welcoming space (located at 3025 Hilton, nestled between Pole Addiction and BeHave Gym). Both Gillespie and Moore recognized Ferndale to be an eclectic, creative hub; therefore, a perfect new location for growth. They spent two years waiting for the right space to become available and are looking forward to setting up many new projects, both locally and nationally.

The office has a definite ‘high energy’ feel: campaign graphics are arranged on display boards around the walls, and desks are stacked with var- ious research materials. As I sat talking with Gillespie and Moore on the stylish couches near the center of the office, two of the team members continued working hard at their computers: Eliza- beth Arnott (PR, social and content development), and Justin Dunn (digital marketing). Clearly, the mo team are driven to create an impact!

The focus at mo is on clear, thoughtful, intelligent messaging. Clients are encouraged to ‘tell their story’ through a variety of strategic methods. As they described to me, “…everyone is aconsumer…and people buy the brands they be- th lieve in. Creating brand awareness is key!” Utilizing various analytical tools, including digital in reports, clients can clearly see what works and what doesn’t.

A strong emphasis at mo is to unify and streamline all aspects of promotion. Perhaps a business has a certain goal to build its brand recognition and sales; Gillespie and Moore will spend considerable time researching this company (often, a week-long process!) During this time, an ‘a la carte’ style proposal is developed for the client’s final approval. During our conversation, Moore described the interaction with clients as…”brutally honest!”

It is important to both Gillespie and Moore that clients are directed to what actually works, not to what might just seem to be effective, in a superficial way. Unlike some marketing groups, who delegate accounts entirely to other members of staff, mo takes pride in keeping the two owners involved- no matter how large or small the campaign might be. Overall, mo maintains an impressive, cutting-edge work ethic- and plenty of creative ‘mojo’!

Reach out to Julia Gillespie at: 248.556.5799, or email:; and Blake Moore at: 248.953.5564, or email: Also, check out their website/social media sites:;;

If something happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states united to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you must look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong heartiness problem such as soul trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this physic is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.