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Students from across Michigan may soon have another choice when it comes to where they’ll attend 6th through 9th grade. The Great Lakes Anchor Academy is looking to open its doors, possibly as soon as this coming fall, right here in Ferndale. This charter school, focused on promoting student excellence through the use of maritime applications, will use a unique curriculum partnered with the principles of the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps to provide students with an educational experience focused on instilling ethics, good citizenship, and academic achievement.

Amy Neibert, the project manager and the certified teacher who is spearheading the school, was inspired by the behaviors she saw from students when her daughter attended the Sarasota Military Academy. Impressed by their respect for others and their passion for success in academics, Neibert realized, upon moving back to her hometown here in Michigan, that her new community lacked a school that she felt was teaching the same principles. After tossing around the idea for a few years, and formulating her plan, Neibert finally buckled down in 2011, and is now well on her way to making her dream a reality.

Originally inspired to open a school incorporating aspects of the Marines,Neibert had her mind changed to the curriculum of the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps on the suggestion of a member of the Michigan legislature. Because of Michigan’s unique position of access to 21% of the world’s fresh water in the Great Lakes, and a proud tradition of maritime commerce, the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps seemed like a perfect fit for the area. With a diverse population, and a great proximity to many surrounding cities, Ferndale did, too. Now, armed with the right curriculum and location, Neibert is ready to bring her idea to fruition.

The Great Lakes Anchor Academy will focus on a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) curriculum and will work much like other public schools. Students will have daily lessons in math, science, social studies, language arts, with their fifth hour dedicated to Sea Cadet training, including physical education. The school will also focus on involving parents and the community as much as possible, and creating a safe school environment with a zero-tolerance bully and behavior policy. All of these aspects combined, Neibert believes, will make the Great Lakes Anchor Academy a destination for students from throughout the state.

“We have received such a positive reaction from throughout the community. So many people are telling me that something like this is so needed, and are excited about the possibility of this being in their community,” Neibert said at a March 14th community meeting. Because it will be a charter school, the Great Lakes Anchor Academy will accept students from all over the state, which Neibert thinks will be another boon for the community. “You think of all of these parents driving their kids in from Farmington, Troy, or wherever. They stop in Ferndale, they buy gas or try a new restaurant, spend time in the city. I believe this could be a real revenue-builder for the city.”

The Great Lakes Anchor Academy will also offer an extended school day, with instruction from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., with activities continuing beyond those hours. Plans include the GLAA Hammerheads competing in basketball and football, along with some diverse electives yet to be determined. The focus, though, will be a concentration on academics, college prep, and career tech with a relentless pursuit of student excellence. Through unique partnerships with the Navy League Cadet Corp and the Noble Odyssey Foundation, students will have the opportunity for hands on training including underwater exploration in Michigan’s Great Lakes, naval and maritime training on the Pride of Michigan research vessel, and many other opportunities unique to the Great Lakes Anchor Academy.

Though they aren’t yet authorized (Michigan charter schools can be authorized by local school boards, intermediate schools districts, colleges or universities), the Great Lakes Anchor Academy is currently working with a local university to achieve authorization, and Neibert is excited about the future. She hopes to open the school in the now vacant St. James school, located at 22111 Woodward Ave, which will be up for rent in the near future. Until then, Neibert and her staff are working to engage the community, answer questions, address concerns, and help get the word about the Great Lakes Anchor Academy out to everyone in Ferndale and across the state.

“We understand concerns, and we so welcome discussion. Ferndale is such an inclusive and great community, with great schools, it isn’t our intention to pull students away from any of the other public schools here in town,” Neibert said. “We believe there is enough room for all of us, and through working together, we can make create a model education system right here in Ferndale for all students.”

For more information on the Great Lakes Anchor Academy, visit For the latest updates on the progress of the GLAA follow them on Facebook at ae

If some happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a cure. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states connected to erectile malfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What men talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you have to look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual disfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a state called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this physic is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

0 2357

With an expected crowd of 10-15 thousand, festival organizers are also, in an effort to make the festival as open and accessible to as many people as possible, moving the event to a Saturday this year, and to the first weekend in June. This will help make this the biggest and best Pride yet.

One of the most memorable and fun aspects of Pride, the Rain- bow Run, is returning this year to the delight of runners and walkers from all over the area. Presented by Garden Fresh, the mission of the

Rainbow Run is to celebrate acceptance and diversity of all kinds, while raising money for some local nonprofit organiza- tions including the Chamber of Com- merce, Ferndale Community Foundation, Affirmations, and Upstander, an anti-bul- lying program established by The Friendship Circle. Participants in this unique 5K run/walk start the race in a white t-shirt, and are showered with non-toxic powdered paints at several points along the route. By the end of the race, runners are covered with a unique multicolored pattern, turning their formerly white shirt into a one of a kind souvenir.

There is also a family-friendly 2K run/walk where kids of all ages, including those in strollers, are welcome to partici- pate in the fun. People of all skill levels are encouraged to take part, too. “We have entire families signed up to walk together, avid runners, and people who are using this event as motiva- tion to get fit,” said Jennifer Roosenberg, the Executive Direc- tor of the Ferndale Chamber of Commerce who is helping to organize the event. People come from all over to experience the unique event. “While we have many local runners signed up, over 80 percent of the runners will come from outside of Ferndale. This brings in visitors to Ferndale to see what the City has to offer,” Roosenberg said. The Rainbow Run, like Pride, is all about inclusion, and fun.

Ferndale Pride is still seeking volunteers and participants to help make the event a success. Sponsors are need too, and all of the info about how to get involved is available on their website.

ff023 aeAccording to Covey and everyone else involved, It’s the perfect way to start off another outstanding Ferndale summer.

“Our festival is very much a community event. Not too big, not too small, just right. Our downtown is perfect for a street festival, with the stores, ice cream parlors, restaurants, pubs, and clubs. And it looks great all decked out in the rainbow colors. It’s fun, but not crazy. It’s relaxing, but also vibrant. And the event is so inclusive, our ‘straight’ neighbors and friends like it too. Young and old, all colors, it is what Ferndale is all about.”

Ferndale Pride presented by Motor City Casino will take place on June 1st, 2013. Information about the festival and how to get involved can be found at Information and registration opportunities for the Rainbow Run can be found at


If slightly happened with our soundness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a cure. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states united to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you must look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile malfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual malfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this treatment passes into breast milk.

0 2291

It’s been said that a rich life is one that is lived on the advice of time-tested sayings. And perhaps there is no better example of those following the “love thy neighbor” creed than the Northwestern Ferndale citizens who make up the Woodland Park Improvement Association.
Consisting of the homes on nine blocks of Ferndale (between lower Lewiston and upper Oakridge), the Woodland Park Improvement Association is Michigan’s oldest neighborhood organization, established in 1924 and incorporated in 1946. For a taxdeductible $15, members enjoy many community benefits and activities, including snow removal and association-sponsored picnics.
I had the opportunity to speak with Darcey McLaughlin, President and Block Director about what makes the WPIA so unique and important.

Ferndale Friends: For those who don’t know, what does membership in the WPIA provide?
Darcy McLaughlin: Members of the WPIA have enjoyed sidewalk snow removal service for 50 years, block parties for individual blocks as well as an allinclusive one for the whole area, coordinated association- wide garage sales that alternate from Spring to Fall in different years, and more.

FF: There aren’t a whole lot of volunteer organizations that can boast being around since 1924. What do you attribute the longevity of this group to?
DM: I believe there will always be a need to coordinate activities and news to and with your neighbors. We have great block directors who give a lot of their time and energy, and we try to have fun too. Our members are very appreciative of their block directors and we all work together in support of our community. We actively want to continue the tradition.

FF: What do you think it is about the Woodland Park area that makes something like the WPIA so unique and successful?
DM: Our sense of community, much like greater Ferndale as a whole. We have great neighbors who really relish the opportunity to work together within a structure with coordinated activities for our association as a whole. A great example, we have the luminaries we provide to each household on Christmas Eve. It’s just magical to drive down our streets on that evening, and really makes us grateful to have each other.

FF: In their recent campaigns, both Dave Coulter and Dan Martin spoke about the importance of groups like the WPIA. Why do you think they recognized the WPIA? DM: Large groups of citizens who work together for a positive cause are what we should all strive for!

FF: What does the WPIA hope to accomplish in the future?
DM: We will continue to work together to ensure that the time-honored traditions since our inception live on, but also we are open to any ideas that are brought to the table. Some great volunteers have started a Facebook page to be able to instantly communicate with our association, and we will continue to embrace new technology to keep us close together. We are committed to having our association thrive in the future to continue to make Ferndale as a whole, a great place to live, work and play.

And through the dedication of their entire community, they’re doing just that.

More information about the Woodland Park Improvement Association can be found at Their Spring Neighborhood Garage Sale will take place May 18 and 19. They can also be found on Facebook by searching Woodland Park Improvement Association.

If something happened with our heartiness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a preparation. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotency and other states connected to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What men talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile disfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a status called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this treatment passes into breast milk.

0 4587

Since it all began almost two years ago, founder and owner of Paper Street Andy Didorosi said, “things are really good. We’re working on expanding right now. It’s all full at the moment. We’ve got 14 businesses running full tilt and I’d love to have more space.”

Inside the small, bright orange office with the giant fish tank sits Jeff Lazar, just one of Paper Street’s many tenants. We caught up with Lazar to find out more about his industrial clean-up business called 877 We Buy Scrap. “We’re professionalizing the industry that has often been downgraded by a lot of peddlers,” he said. Lazar currently has ten people on his scrap team along with a fleet of trucks parked onsite, just outside in between the warehouses.

Business has pleasantly evolved for Janelle Rogers as well. She’s been around Paper Street a bit longer than the scrapper guys on the other side of the wall. Rogers and her business, Green Light Go: Music Publicity, have been working out of Paper Street since 2010. She and her team of creative prodigies focus mostly on indie rock and Americana. “We do national press for our bands,” said Rogers. Her clients range from New York to San Francisco, although Ann Arbor’s Orpheum Bell was recently brought to spotlightsuccess with the help of Green Light’s diverse promotion skills.

So, what’s beneficial about Paper Street? “It’s a community of businesses where we can bounce ideas off each other. Even if we don’t have much in common we’re both managing staff,” said Rogers. Just outside of Rogers and Lazar’s office doors in the center of the common area is a large worktable/lunch table, where both business logic and meals are shared among the Paper Street community members.

The public is invited to eat food there as well. Every third Sunday of the month Paper Street hosts a microgrant program called Ferndale Soup. Attendees pay $5 for soup & bread, and then listen to project proposals from local artisans and entrepreneurs. At the end of the evening, everyone votes for their favorite. The winner gets the cash. Go to to find out more.

“We’re good friends with the Rust Belt. We’re working on offering classes soon on how to make things— how to weld, how to work wood, run a business, do photography,” said Didorosi. Soon, he hopes to have many of the products that are sold at The Rust Belt Market made at Paper Street.

Brad Dahlhofer was renting out a portion of what is now Paper Street “and when Andy took over, we just went along for the ride,” he said. Dahlhofer is co-founder and CEO of B. Nektar Meadery in Ferndale. He rents space at PS for storage only, but Dahlhofer’s Dionysian influence is often enjoyed at one of Paper Street’s “ripping after-parties.” Beverages can be found at 8 Degrees Plato Beer Company and Western Market, among other area grocers. (Sidenote from the author: I like to bring B. Nektar up to Traverse City, a foodie’s paradise, as gifts for the relatives—and to show off the fact that Ferndale is full of local products too. Ha!)

“The locavores trend is really strong here. The closer it’s made, the happier people seem to be,” said Didorosi. “Because it supports everything — the local tax base, local builders, restaurants — the benefits are endless.”

With the buy-local theme slow to catch on in many areas of Michigan, “Ferndale seems to be that green oasis in the middle of that,” said Dalhofer. “You lose it when you get out further into the suburbs. They don’t seem to really care. They go to their big box stores and buy things that are from God-knows-where.”

Co-working space is available for $99 per month and “dedicated desks” are available for $199. Didorosi said that the PS tenants range from people who are fresh out of college and starting their first business to folks who’ve been at it for 15 years or more.

Paper Street has big plans. Some future highlights are: an auto lab, photo studios, woodworking lab, digital media center, jewelry studio, metalworking lab and whatever else fits the vibe of this funky community- oriented space. Read more at

We saved Paper Street’s location for last. After all, it is named after the sanguinary hiding place in the famous novel and film, Fight Club. To investigate your future office space, take 9-mile east of downtown Ferndale then turn right at Chazzano’s Coffee Roasters onto Wanda St. It’s at the corner of Wanda and Jarvis on the right. 1511 Jarvis.

If slightly happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a preparation. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states united to erectile malfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What folk talk about “viagra stories“? The most essential aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong heartiness problem such as soul trouble. Causes of sexual disfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a status called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual malfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

0 2704

Many economists believe that the key to our country’s economic success is the success of small business. And the success of small business, especially when competing with bigger corporations, depends on the ability of that business to distinguish and market itself. In a time when so many small businesses in our backyard are struggling, C Moon Productions, and its creative think tank The Rat Brothers, have made it their mission to help new businesses succeed. Offering every service from consulting, to marketing, to audio and video production, Tim Downey and his creative partners are betting the success of their new business, on the success of others. I interviewed Tim Downey about his unique approach to a familiar concept.

Ferndale Friends: C Moon Productions and the Rat Brothers, those aren’t the kind of typical names you expect in business… Tim Downey: Don’t worry, there are stories behind both. My son Gabe came up with C Moon, because according to him, he once heard Paul McCartney describing how he came up with the title for his song “C Moon.” And it came out of the ‘50s when they used to call everyone a “square,” and so they called you L7, which when put together on your fingers looks like a square. C Moon is two circles, so at least we’re not square. And the Rat Brothers are just the initials of myself and my partners, Alan and Roger.

FF: So what exactly do these businesses do?
TD: I think the better question is, what don’t we do? I’ve been lucky enough to own my own businesses since I was 18-years-old, and I’ve always done all of the advertising and marketing for them, even down to creating the commercials and everything of that nature. So I just realized with all of the creative people I have around me, it made sense for me to try and help other people be successful as well. So far we’ve had a lot of fun doing it.

FF: And you also do a lot of work for non-profits and charitable organizations?
TD: Charity work is always something I’ve been passionate about. My wife and I have been involved in different things for many years, like the Make-A-Wish Foundation, and most recently Honor Flight Michigan. And when Honor Flight was ready to cement their work with the Legacy Project, we spearheaded the creation of their coffee-table book, and the fulllength documentary that my son, Gabe Downey, who does all of our video work, made with his friend Jonathon Mellow.

FF: Can you tell me a little bit about Honor Flight?
TD: Honor Flight Michigan flew almost 1400 veterans free of charge to see the World War Two memorial in Washington, DC. We did it all with private donations and community support and an all-volunteer staff. The Legacy Project came up when we had taken all of the veterans we had applications for, and we were done flying. The documentary tells a brief history of WW2, through the stories and experiences of some of the veterans we had the privilege of taking on our trip. Then, it comes full circle and they get to talk about the experience of going on the flight and seeing the memorial for the first time. It’s full of really beautiful video and still pictures, and really is a moving film. Now we’re using that to help raise funds for the construction of an official WW2 memorial in Royal Oak.

FF: So you do things for small businesses and you do work for non-profits. What other types of clients have you worked with?
TD: We have a small recording studio so we’ve done work with different musicians, filmmakers, artists of all kinds. We’ve created promo packages, designed trade show booths, put on multi-state touring shows, designed and had merchandise manufactured, animation, television and radio commercials, Internet radio shows, the list goes on.

FF: How are you able to do so many things successfully and professionally?
TD: Well, to be honest, between all of the people I have under the C Moon/Rat Brothers umbrella, we are successful because we are exactly the people whom we cater to. We are entrepreneurs, creative souls who are looking to further their goals, interests and missions. We’ve had the benefit of many years of experience between all of us, so we’re able to back up our dreams and ideas with plans and ways to implement them. But it also gives us a unique perspective because we’ve been a small business with a limited advertising budget. We’ve been struggling musicians or documentary film-makers. We’ve needed things for our business that we didn’t know how to do, but we learned how to do them and mastered them, and we want to share those abilities and services with people who could benefit from them. We want to be a one-stop shop for businesses and individuals who are trying to be successful because we believe we can help.

If some happened with our soundness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a preparation. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotency and other states connected to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What folk talk about “viagra stories“? The most essential aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual disfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a state called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this treatment passes into breast milk.

0 3342

Visions of Canada operates on an elevated visionary plane. Do you wear glasses? You must – MUST  – visit Visions of Canada.

Make an appointment and sit down with Paul Boyko, Jr. Paul has brought his degrees, licenses and a couple decades of experience across the Ambassador Bridge from Windsor to open a satellite store in Ferndale. Be prepared for an education. Within 30 minutes you will be astounded at how good eyeglasses can be – and ready to pay double or triple what you’ve ever previously paid.

How can it possibly be worth it? One can decide on bifocals or progressive, add tint, choose more scratch-resistance and bump the quality of the lens up one notch. But… glasses are glasses aren’t they?

Glasses are glasses like the cheapest Chevy and costliest Mercedes are both cars. The difference is in the detail, quality of engineering and vision. One can have been buying glasses for the last ten, twenty or forty years, thankful for the slight improvements in technology but totally unaware of the calibrations and options now available; calibrations and options that can make the difference in your vision experience akin to what you can see on a cloudy midnight compared to a sunny day at noon.

Visions of Canada provides a high-end difference in one’s ability to see. It’s done in two ways. First, they delve deeply into one’s vision history and specific needs (as an architect, golfer or whatever). It will be like a doctor’s exam, even if you already have a fresh prescription from your ophthalmologist. Secondly, they utilize lenses made from optics manufacturers that are the undisputed best of the best. Outfits like Carl Zeiss and Rodenstock. Visions of Canada can utilize and import from these manufacturers because they’re registered with a special license from the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) which oversees medical devices, including those of the eyeglass industry.

Precision manufacturing makes an enormous difference. One example: the spherical and cylindrical columns in eyeglass prescriptions contain lens powers in diopters (a unit of measurement). The American manufacturing norm is to grind a lens to a tolerance in quarters; the elite manufacturers grind to tolerances of 1/100. So, for example, if a portion of your prescription reads .75 and 1.75, that’s exactly what you will get with a lens manufactured here in the United States. Visions of Canada can show you that they had the same script ground to tolerances of .81 and 1.66 (advanced computer technology enables considering the script as a whole). The difference in clarity and detail is enormous.

That’s a mere portion of how vision can be improved by utilizing a top of the line precision manufacturer. It’s not a matter of “a little better” on one aspect of the eyeglass; it’s improved graduations of difference designed to perfect vision throughout the entire lens. When you want to look up, down or to the side, up close or far in the distance –consider focal point, axis, meridians, and refraction. Mr. Boyko and his associate, Ryan Commet, can talk at length about technical matters and their impact on sight. More importantly, they can demonstrate how your vision can be enormously improved.

Mr. Commet, an optician who used to work for one of the bigger chain retailers, raves about now putting the full extent of optical knowledge and technology together, “I love it here. I learn something every day working with Paul.”

Mr. Boyko will happily tell you that his glasses aren’t really needed by 90 per cent of the population. He specializes in the 10 per cent with acute eye problems or specific needs. Not you? Don’t be sure – has your vision provider ever told you that glasses can be improved by anything but going up one level in quality? The reason is “minimum standards,” combined with what the bean counters in the insurance industry, have deemed the “reasonable price” that will be covered.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) regulate the standards by which eyeglasses are made. To assure that these standards are met, all manufacturers licensed to make eyeglasses are also required to be members of the National Optical Association, which further enforces the standards. What this means is that eyeglasses will be resistant to impact and scratching as well as conform to the prescription as written; it doesn’t mean American manufacturers must make the absolute best eyeglasses or that insurance should cover the cost.

Minimum standards and “reasonable price” don’t cover unique needs either. Consider the ability to read blueprints or fine print, think about sports. Visions of Canada has become a pioneer in lenses provided specifically for the sport of golf. Golfers want to be able to see the ball on the ground along with differences in terrain, grass and slope over a distance; they want a “sphere of vision.” Visions of Canada specializes in creative crafting for that and other needs, backed up by precision manufacturing utilizing the absolute latest of technological advancement.

Visions of Canada has an international clientele. It’s come to Ferndale to expand its U.S. market and give easier access to its customers. The challenge? Very, very few have any idea of how good eyeglasses can be.

The first eyeglasses actually worn on the bridge of the nose were produced by Italian craftsmen in the late 13th century (they had solid glass lenses, similar to today’s magnifying glasses). Since then there have been improvements, Visions of Canada can demonstrate the full extent of how much is now available.

Lisa Rehe is the office manager; she’s a lifelong resident of Ferndale. Stop in or give her a call – Lisa can set you up for an eye-opener. As Paul says, “Don’t buy eyeglasses blindly.”

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) regulate the standards by which eyeglasses are made. To assure that these standards are met, all manufacturers licensed to make eyeglasses are also required to be members of the National Optical Association, which further enforces the standards. What this means is that eyeglasses will be resistant to impact and scratching as well as conform to the prescription as written; it doesn’t mean American manufacturers must make the absolute best eyeglasses or that insurance should cover the cost.

Minimum standards and “reasonable price” don’t cover unique needs either. Consider the ability to read blueprints or fine print, think about sports. Visions of Canada has become a pioneer in lenses provided specifically for the sport of golf. Golfers want to be able to see the ball on the ground along with differences in terrain, grass and slope over a distance; they want a “sphere of vision.” Visions of Canada specializes in creative crafting for that and other needs, backed up by precision manufacturing utilizing the absolute latest of technological advancement.

Visions of Canada has an international clientele. It’s come to Ferndale to expand its U.S. market and give easier access to its customers. The challenge? Very, very few have any idea of how good eyeglasses can be.

The first eyeglasses actually worn on the bridge of the nose were produced by Italian craftsmen in the late 13th century (they had solid glass lenses, similar to today’s magnifying glasses). Since then there have been improvements, Visions of Canada can demonstrate the full extent of how much is now available.

Lisa Rehe is the office manager; she’s a lifelong resident of Ferndale. Stop in or give her a call – Lisa can set you up for an eye-opener. As Paul says, “Don’t buy eyeglasses blindly.”

Visions of Canada is located at
203B E. Nine Mile Rd., a block east of Woodward.
Visit their website at or call 248-548-3636.

If slightly happened with our soundness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a preparation. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states coupled to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most vital aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual disfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.