
Story by Derek Lindamood
Photos by Ed Abeska

IN 2014 MOYN HAQUE PURCHASED STAR OF INDIA in downtown Ferndale. With high hopes of making significant improvements in the food quality and service level, he’s done just that and more. Hiring his brother (a meticulous chef), and his nephews to manage the restaurant and provide excellent service to customers, the family-run operation now offers a Monday through Saturday lunch buffet for $7.95 plus tax, a great value.

ff11647_Page_1_Image_0002Offering much more than the traditional curry, India’s Millennial generation is adventurous, and the cuisine encompasses a wide variety of regional cuisines native to India. The foods included in the buffet change daily, creating a place where people who love ethnic Indian food can eat lunch regularly. The buffet, which includes salad, naan and dessert, typically includes two types of rice, two unique chicken dishes plus an Indian BBQ chicken, and two unique vegetarian dishes, as well. Given the range of diversity in soil type, climate and occupations, these cuisines vary significantly from each other and use locally available spices, herbs, vegetables and fruits. Indian food is also heavily influenced by religious and cultural choices.

Personally, my favorite buffet-dish is the Makhni Chicken. The chicken is drowned in a creamy sauce infused with tomato, giving it a thick consistency, and goes great with white rice and naan. The eggplant dish with moderate spice was excellent, as eggplant became my favorite vegetable while living abroad in Taiwan. The vegetable stir fry was succulent and full of flavor, the cauliflower, broccoli and other healthy veggies tied together with a sauce so delicious it’d be futile to describe. Mango is my favorite fruit, so I would also recommend trying a mango lassi yogurt shake.

ff11647_Page_1_Image_0003If, during this winter, you find yourself cold and hungry at lunch time, the buffet offers a myriad of high-quality, uniquely-fused options at a low price. If you’re looking for something lighter, I recommend the newest dish, Chicken Pikka Wrap, which contains all the typical veggies, but is rolled up in warm naan bread, with plenty of flavors to choose from. There are 12 types of bread to choose from, including: naan with onion and coriander, ground lamb, baked with garlic, baked with almond/raisin/coconut, or cheese, or baked with Chicken Tikka. In all, there are 52 meal choices available.

Takeout is also available. Star of India is located at 180 West 9 Mile Road in downtown Ferndale. For hours, ordering take-out, or a glimpse of each of the dishes currently being offered, go to


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Story by Rebecca Hammond
Photo courtesy of Ferndale Garden Club

THERE ARE GREEN MEETINGS in Ferndale and there are enjoyable meetings in Ferndale, and the Garden Club is both.

Want to join a congenial bunch of folks, have great snacks, talk gardening, raise money for scholarships, and discuss green living? Head to the Kulick Center the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 P.M. and enjoy.

The Ferndale Garden Club’s aim is a testament to Ferndale philosophy, combining support for and love of gardening with the protection of native birds and promotion of civic pride. The Club has been in existence almost as long as Ferndale has. Organized in 1931, it became part of the Federated Garden Clubs of Michigan 20 years later. The members call themselves a “dig in the earth club” and emphasize hands-on involvement.

At January’s meeting a series of members gave their choicest tips, even bringing their favorite (and unusual) tools to show and explain. President Dominic Scappaticci told us that nasturtium seeds scattered in any bare places will fill in those spots, overcome any weeds that dare to compete, producing not only lovely flowers but edible leaves. He plants the seeds as early as the end of April, and lets the plants turn to green manure the next winter. Sue McPherson followed up a horticulture report brimming with green tips with her advice on raising and propagating coleus, something she does year-round inside and out. She educated the group on the benefits of native plants, telling us that one clutch of chickadees requires the parents to find 6- to 9,000 caterpillars (and that our natives oaks do a wonderful job of producing them.) A sad fact Sue revealed: we have 50 per cent fewer birds than we did 50 years ago. It doesn’t take much to help them out.

ff11638_Page_1_Image_0002Club member Jean Russell told about a Ferndale Seniors trip to the Rouge plant, part of the tour being a view and explanation of the plant’s huge green roof, a many-acres version of our library’s roof. Jean pointed out something about most of our own good intentions: We live near these wonderful places but often don’t visit them. She noticed more out-of-towners than locals, the foreign languages of auto show attendees being noticeable. The group tends the community garden at our north end of Livernois on Oakridge. If you haven’t strolled through there, take a wander at any time of year. I’m always fascinated by the variety of ground covers.

The club holds a blind auction in November to fund their annual scholarship, given to a FHS student who plans to go into a related field. Counselors at Ferndale High School choose the recipient from applications with at least a 3.0 GPA who are interested in occupations like horticulture, landscaping, and biology.
The group has about 40 members, charges dues of $20 a year, and had a nice crowd of 17 or so in January.

Upcoming events include  in February (who thought we’d ever need to protect our Ferndale Gardens from deer?); The Ferndale Monarch Project (featuring yours truly) in March; Peonies, by Cheryl Black of Black Cat Pottery in April; and in May their annual scholarship presentation.

The Kulick Community Center is located at 1201 Livernois Street in Ferndale. For more info, call (248) 541-6427.

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Story by Jeff Lilly & Derek Lindamood
Photos by Fifth Estate

It was 1965, two years before the Summer of Love, but the cultural revolution was already in full swing. 17-year-old Harvey Ovshinsky took a summer trip to California that year, and worked at a little radical underground paper called the L.A. Free Press.

“It talked about the people and things the straight press ignored.” He recalls. Personal freedom, anti-war, anti-establishment. When he returned to Detroit, Harvey decided to start his own underground paper, and named it after the coffee shop above the L.A. Free Press’s offices. Thus was born the Fifth Estate. The first issue, all of eight pages, rolled off the press in November of 1965.

The strain of attending college and publishing soon wore Harvey out, and he enlisted the help of similar-minded radicals. Among them was Peter Werbe, at the time a 20-something college dropout and already a seasoned agitator.

“I started it, Peter saved it.” Harvey explains. “I was burning the candle at both ends.”

The late ‘60s were a heady and fruitful time for radical publishing. Around 500 underground papers were in print. The Fifth Estate boasted a circulation in the tens of thousands, sold in head shops and on street corners by dedicated youth. The struggle against authority was real and visceral. Copies were sent to GIs serving in Vietnam, calling for them to desert. During the chaos of the 1967 Detroit Black Rebellion, the Fifth Estate office, then located on Warren Avenue near Wayne State University, was attacked and gassed by the National Guard.

“We had a situation, there in the late ‘60s and early ‘70s, where we thought we might achieve both worldwide revolution and the Age of Aquarius.” Werbe explains. But trouble was coming. Ovshinsky had left the paper in April of 1968 for his alternative service as a conscientious objector after being drafted, leaving Werbe and the others to soldier on. Things fell apart in 1972, after “The re-election of the war-criminal, Nixon.” Underground papers, bereft of direction, folded one by one.

By 1975, nearly alone, the Fifth Estate took a sharp turn toward anarchism. While revolution and struggle were always themes, anarchy became more central to the paper’s identity.

ff11635_Page_1_Image_0003Just what is anarchism? You might picture bomb-tossers in silent films, but in Werbe’s words, it is a “Utopian sense that society could move beyond its negative aspects: violence, war, poverty. The Spanish and Italians talked about ‘the ideal.’ Anarchism is a personal code of conduct to uphold while you’re trying to bring about a different society. Neither side of the current political groups are very admirable.”

The word anarchism comes from ancient Greek, meaning “the absence of a master.” And although anarchism is commonly misunderstood as something violent, it actually aims to create a society within which individuals freely cooperate together, as equals, peacefully, opposing all forms of hierarchical control. Anarchists thus believe that without the artificial restrictions of the State and government, without the coercion of imposed authority, a harmony of interests amongst human beings will emerge.

Werbe says the magazine, now with a Ferndale address, “writes itself,” and continues to pour out articles scrutinizing issues such as expropriations of native people from their land, the role of television as a subjugation mechanism in society, and the existence of capitalism, government, and even money itself. Then, as now, it’s “published by a volunteer collective of friends and comrades. We don’t pay salaries, but we also don’t take ads.” The paper is entirely supported through subscriptions and donations.

But the field, so to speak, has shrunk considerably. The Fifth Estate continues on with a fraction of its 1960s circulation numbers. But the dream, Werbe says, is still alive.

“When you talk about preaching to the choir… there’s a real use for that.” Werbe explains. “You want to keep the congregation together. Right now, a voice within the worldwide anarchist movement that maintains its ideas and vision.”

We’re in Werbe’s office, a little room on one side of his house, the walls covered with framed posters and other memorabilia of Fifth Estate’s long run. Once the target of establishment attacks and scrutiny (the FBI held extensive files on the paper and its crew,) the Fifth Estate has found itself in the unusual position of now being honored by that same establishment. The Detroit Historical Museum and Museum of Contemprary Art Detroit (MOCAD) hosted exhibits honoring the 50th anniversary of the Fifth Estate (the DHM exhibit is still running until August 2016.) Werbe welcomes the ironic honor, even as it amazes him. He shakes his head gently, perhaps perplexedly, as he clicks through photos of the museum exhibits. Still, his collectivist ideals shine through. “Peter refused to take credit in the exhibits.” Harvey explains. “His name is nowhere.”

In the beginning, did Werbe imagine being here fifty years later, still in print, last paper standing?

ff11635_Page_1_Image_0002“I couldn’t even imagine being fifty years older.” Werbe says with a chuckle. Still, he has his eyes on the future. “We’re looking for the next generation… writers to help continue the magazine’s publication for the next 50 years, and also to expand its readership.”

“I think the existence of the Fifth Estate, and Ferndale Friends, puts lie to the idea that print is dead.” Werbe says in closing. “They’re touchable, palpable, real.”

Fifty years of struggle, and many more to come. Utopia is still out there, somewhere over the horizon, and the hope has never wavered that someday, it may yet be reached.

Harvey Ovshinsky is a writer, story consultant, producer, and teacher. He is currently contributing to a biography of his father, Stanford Ovshinsky, a prolific inventor whose accomplishments include the nickelhydride battery. Read more at

Peter Werbe, not content with a fifty-year run publishing a paper, has also hosted Nightcall on WRIF for the last four decades (Sundays at 11:00 P.M.) as well as the Peter Werbe Show, featuring interviews, at 1:00 A.M. on Mondays on WRIF and at 6:00 A.M. Sundays on WCSX.

His website is

The Fifth Estate:

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Story and photos by Kevin Alan Lamb

Passion originates from the purest source; yet its sustainability remains precarious. As a result, there are no passive activists. Certain individuals burn with a fervent passion, channeling their intensity to ensure it is energy put to good use.

Andrew Cissell, 29, is a Ferndale community activist, medical marijuana patient, and caregiver since the program’s inception in 2008. He’s also spent years battling inside the system to get marijuana laws changed.

“What I would like to convey to the readers is that I am a young man who wants change, and who will lead on controversial issues in order to get change. I am not afraid of the opposition. I’m just…a man working for what he believes in, and what most people want as well.” Andrew says.

“I am passionate for this cause because it has affected my life so directly. I have always been messed with by the police for marijuana, and I finally decided to try and change that through political activism.”

When he was younger, Andrew cut his activist teeth on projects like supporting the Sierra Club on environmental issues. These days, his political activism includes running for public office. He ran in 2012 in the Democratic Primary for District 27 State Representative against incumbent Ellen Cogen Lipton, losing handily. In 2014, he threw his hat in the ring in a five-way Democratic primary for the same seat and had a respectable showing, but lost to the eventual winner, current State Representative Robert Wittenberg of Berkley.

But in the area of ballot proposals, he’s had a lot more success. In the summer of 2013, Cissell went door-to-door on behalf of a proposal to legalize marijuana in Ferndale. The ballot proposal amended the city code to allow anyone 21 or older “to possess, use or transfer” up to an ounce of marijuana on private property. Six hundred signatures were collected, the measure made it to the ballot, and it passed.

Speaking of the ballot initiative, Cissel says, “This was great ‘training wheel’ politics. I felt like I was doing something that needed to be done. Drug users should not be made criminals. Those who have a drug problem should not be (jailed.) Instead of incarcerating people and spending money on that, we can educate and rehabilitate them, and make money from marijuana and use that for education and treatment.” Andrew cites programs like the Angel Initiative or Operation Hope that help addicts get treatment instead of sending them to a cell in county jail. Those arrested committing crimes will face the consequences, but those who volunteer to seek treatment will find help at the police department.

Cissell is about to face a stern test, courtesy of the system he seeks to reform. One month after turning in the 2013 petitions, Cissell was arrested on five counts of marijuana delivery, as the result of a coordinated wiretap by the Oakland County Narcotics Enforcement Team.

“I absolutely felt that the police targeted me largely based on my political role here in Ferndale.” Cissell says. “(Though) the law has changed, I do not think the Ferndale police have changed their stance.” His trial begins February 29. If convicted on all charges, he could potentially face over 20 years in prison. But Cissell is confident that he’ll beat the rap.

ff11624_1“My biggest supporters are people who understand I’m not just a pot guy or some punk, but rather a person who wants to create change, and has done so through the democratic process of local ballot initiatives.”

While many let adversity deter them, Cissell has endured. Once clear of the charges, he plans to run for the school board and campaign for other ballot initiatives.

Cissell believes it’s a great privilege to live in a community that has the opportunity to collectively and continually decide what it believes in. Not only is a conscious community more capable than the sum of its parts, it also less susceptible to a narrow application of the law. But change isn’t always quick, and rarely easy.

While it is a natural tendency to associate the word “activist” with extreme behaviors, for most people, it simply means he or she is willing to invest their time, energy, and love into something bigger than themselves. In the end, Cissel says his mission is simple. “I want to lead on issues that politicians have failed to lead on.”


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Story by Jill Lorie Hurst | Photos by Bernie Laframboise

Heidi Schmidt, Director of the Ferndale Early Childhood Center (FECC) smiled when I mentioned the plaque in her office that gave me the title for this article.

“Academics are important. But kids learn by playing. We encourage them to engage with the environment and follow their interests.” She said. As we began our tour, Heidi pointed out a colorful bulletin board, labeled, “It looks like I’m playing, but…” with many examples of how different types of interaction involve play and learning. Ms. Schmidt, who greeted each of the classrooms we entered with “Hi, friends!” is a proud and enthusiastic leader.

“Early Education” made its entrance into the Ferndale school system almost 50 years ago and has grown steadily since then. The FECC is a high-quality preschool serving children ages two-and-a-half to four, and is free to Oakland County families who qualify. Several programs exist under the roof of the solid, welcoming building, including Head Start (a two-year program), Great Start Readiness Program, and the tuition- based Little Eagles Program, which currently has 40 students in attendance and 20 on the waiting list. Classrooms are run by a teacher, with at least one assistant. Breakfast and lunch are available to full day students. All kids use the light-filled gym daily and there is a “Motor Room” for kids with sensory needs that require extra help focusing. Students spend time outdoors in the play area (weather permitting) and they also take field trips.

Early education was split between two Ferndale buildings until last June. There are nine classrooms right now, with a tenth to open its doors in January. Schmidt, who has served as director for a year, is excited about everything the Center has to offer not only the children, but their families as well. Along with the speech pathologist, Ferndale’s Early Childhood Center offers a solid first step for your child’s education.
occupational therapist, physical therapist and social worker who are available weekly, the Department of Human Services is available twice a week to all the Center’s families. A substantial number of the students at FECC come from “at risk” homes, dealing with job loss and homelessness, among other problems. There is also a “Family Resource Lab” for the parents use with computers and office equipment, things people often need, especially when they are searching for a job.

As we tiptoed into each classroom, the teachers and kids were relaxed and not flustered by our arrival. Lots of waves and smiles, a few hugs… I have a feeling Heidi peeks in on a regular basis!

Every Ferndale Friends assignment that allows me to visit the school system leaves me with hope for the future. My recent peek into the FECC was no exception. After I left Heidi, her staff and students to continue with their day, I paused to read the sign on the front of the building.

“Welcome to the Ferndale Early Childhood Center. A school family dedicated to the joy, laughter, love and happiness of every child.”

The Ferndale Early Childhood Center is located at 2920 Burdette in Ferndale. You can reach them by phone at 248-586-8820. For enrollment, call 248-586- 8686. Their Ferndale Schools web page is at and they’re also on Facebook

If some happened with our heartiness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states connected to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile malfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as soul trouble. Causes of sexual malfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a status called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual malfunction. Even though this physic is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

Story by Andy Henry | Park photo by Jeff Lily | Kayla’s self portrait used with permission

As a little girl, Kayla White loved Harding Park. She grew up nearby, and played there often. As an
expectant mother, Kayla still loved Harding Park, though she lamented the fact that the swings, slide, and monkey bars where she climbed, tumbled, and laughed were no longer there. Unfortunately, the economic recession meant that when the playground equipment got too old and had to be removed, funds were not available to replace it. Backboards and backstops remained, but there was no longer a dedicated place in the park for little ones. She told her family that she hoped Harding Park would one day have a playground again.

Screen Shot 2015-12-13 at 11.54.56 AMOn November 11, 2014, only a month before she was due to give birth to her first child, Kayla lost her life in a car accident, struck as she waited in traffic on her way to work.

The loss of a child fundamentally disrupts the natural order of things. Daughters and sons grieve the loss of a parent intensely, though on some level understand it as a part of life’s progression. For parents in mourning, there is often a sense of not being able to move; not knowing what to do next. Kayla’s parents,

Susan and Russ White, found direction in her words and her vision. They realized the best way to celebrate her life and honor her memory would be to make the playground she dreamed of a reality.

On September 14 of this year, the Ferndale City Council approved the proposal for the Kayla White Memorial Playground. Kayla loved penguins, so in addition to two slides, climbing structures, and monkey bars, the playground will be adorned with a penguin statue.

Though the planning, paperwork, and approvals have been completed, there is still much to be done, including raising the money needed for construction. The cost of the project is $25,000. In order to bring in the necessary funds, Kayla’s mom set up a GoFundMe campaign in October. A lot has been accomplished in the last month, but significant funds are still needed to bring Kayla’s playground to fruition. As of November 30, the campaign was still over $11,000 short of its goal. To make a donation and help carry the initiative forward, visit

When the Kayla White Memorial Playground is completed, young children will run and laugh and discover new friendships. Those are the things Kayla remembered from her childhood, and what she envisioned for others. Children will know the same joy Kayla did, and through the love, compassion, and generosity of her family, her friends, and her community, so too will they know her name.

If something happened with our heartiness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a preparation. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotency and other states coupled to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a status called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this curing passes into breast milk.

Story by Sherrad Glosson | Photos by Bernie LaFramboise

Going head to head with a fire is something most of us can’t imagine. The closest most of us have been to great heat is either from our range, bonfires with friends, or the blazing sun in the middle of July. That’s pretty hot, but can you imagine running into a burning building (instead of out, as fast as you can) with lives resting on your every decision? That’s a job only the brave can handle. This is why we admire firefighters.
But what about the rest of the day? When there isn’t a fire, do they just sit and wait until the phone rings? What’s it really like to have this job, day in and day out? Ferndale Friends decided to stop by the Ferndale fire department to speak to the head honcho, Chief Kevin Sullivan, to find out firsthand.

Screen Shot 2015-12-13 at 11.47.36 AMThe building was quiet when I walked in. The garage was filled with trucks, silent and gleaming. I was in luck, as the chief was there and had a few minutes to talk to me.

On the way to his office, we walked up two flights of stairs. To the left of me was a full kitchen. I thought about that as we walked through two glass doors and there he was, sitting at a desk with a ton of papers in front of him.

The first thing that came out of my mouth was, “So, we all know that the fire department is known for putting out fires, but what are you guys doing when there isn’t a fire happening?” Chief Sullivan laid it out for me.

In today’s world, the fire department is known for being an emergency response unit. Generally speaking, anything the police doesn’t handle, the fire department does. They have five different branches of technical rescue units: 1. Heavy rescue (for when people are caught in machines or bad car accidents where they would use the “jaws of life”), 2. High angle and low angle (which is rope work, lowering someone off a tall building), 3. Confined space (usually underground, where someone is trapped), 4. Collapse rescue (people digging trenches and foundations, or erecting buildings), 5. Swift water rescue (mostly when someone is injured in a pool and they help to get them out).

There is always someone at the station. The firefighters work 24 hours on and 24 hours off, sometimes doing 70 to 80 hours of duty weekly. They have someone who is designated to cook lunch and dinner (this explains the kitchen.) Chief Sullivan joked that the food must be edible or you pay the price. Every day of the in-between time there’s training, such as technical rescue education. There’s the unglamorous stuff, like inspecting fire hydrants, making sure they don’t freeze during the winter months. Every Monday, they do a motor check on the equipment to make sure everything is always ready to go.

Screen Shot 2015-12-13 at 11.50.48 AMThey cover three cities, including Ferndale, Royal Oak Township, and Pleasant Ridge, operating from two stations, one on either side of Woodward. Although the station on Livernois is the headquarters (the other is on 9 Mile east of Hilton,) both stations aid each other and are sure to have each other’s back when there is a big emergency. There are a total of six firefighters on duty in the whole city, four in the headquarters and two in the other station. “Back in the day it used to be about ten, but times are different now.” said the Chief.
I asked the Chief about how long he’s been a firefighter and how he got involved. “I’ve been a fire fighter going on 31 years. My dad was a cop, but there was no way I was going to do that, and firefighting was the next best thing.” Chief Sullivan has been in his position for six years, and worked his way up through the ranks.

I asked him about the causes of fires. “Human error is what causes most fires,” the Chief explained. “Leaving the dishwasher on when you leave for work, lighting a candle without a plate under it and leaving it unattended…some fires are started because people don’t clean out the lint trap on the dryer and it catches fire, and even parking on top of leaves on the curb.” A car’s catalytic converter gets hot, and with its location underneath the car, it can touch the leaves and easily set them ablaze. “We don’t think about these things… because we feel like it will never happen to us,” said the Chief. “Everything in our society is plastic, and it’s like solidified gasoline. When it melts, it burns ten times faster and a hundred times better than it did in the old days.” Oh, and watch out, because the Chief said that he can easily tell if there was any foul play involved in the fire’s ignition.

After our discussion, we went on a tour around the station. Quiet again. Where was everyone? Well, Chief Sullivan explained, they were out on site helping someone. Not only do they stop fires, but they are here to help aid anyone in any way they can. Even when there isn’t a fire, they aren’t sitting around watching television. They’re making sure that they’re up to date in their knowledge, training, and awareness so that they are always dependable and reliable when help is needed. Firefighters are always preparing themselves for the hour, the minute, and the second someone calls for help. We all hope that day never comes, but if it does, the firefighters of Ferndale are ready to roll.

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Story by Ingrid Sjostrand | Photos by Bernie Laframboise

Piping hot coffee, an eclectic collection of cozy couches and soothing jazz in the background — this reads like your everyday cafe. But you’ll notice something different about Ferndale’s newest coffee house. Those couches are covered in fur and the jazz might be drowned out by the sound of meows at the appropriately named Catfe, where live- in felines are available to cuddle and adopt.

The Catfe is a project of the Ferndale Cat Shelter, which offers visitors the opportunity to spend time with the cats for a suggested donation of $10 per hour. While in the first stages of operations, coffee and food will be self-serve, with hopes of turning it into a true coffee house if the next few months prove successful.

“The idea is that people come in, they can use the wifi, they can help themselves to a snack,” Deanne Lovan, Director of the Catfe, tells me at their grand opening on November 4th. “Little Bandit will sit on your lap, she will roll over like a baby, make you rub her belly.” As if on cue, Bandit, a grey and white domestic shorthair kitten, jumps right onto Lovan’s lap and starts batting at her necklace.

The idea for cat cafes have gained popularity in Europe, and are now popping up all across the U.S.A. Catfe is the first feline-friendly cafe in Michigan, but there are others right on their tail in Ann Arbor and Grand Rapids.

Screen Shot 2015-12-11 at 6.10.16 PMBen Long, president and founder of the Ferndale Cat Shelter, has been pleasantly surprised with how quickly the Catfe and shelter have developed. Founded on May 20th, 2014, the shelter did not have a physical location — just a website and foster homes — until now.

“Honestly, I thought this would be ‘year four’ or ‘year five,’ and we aren’t even a year- and-a- half old,” Long tells me. “Deanne really took the ball and ran with it.”

The Catfe is open seven days a week from 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., and has around ten felines living inside. The Catfe isn’t just for those looking to adopt. Anyone wanting to spend time with the cats is welcome.
“Some people can’t have pets for many reasons, some people can’t have a cat because someone’s allergic or they can’t afford it,” Lovan says. “Socializing these cats is really important, and visitors can help with that.”
Volunteers are on site to greet people, care for the cats, and help with adoption paperwork if a home is found.

“The idea is that they really are here on a rotating basis, cats won’t stay for very long,” Lovan says. “The right person is going to walk in the door and connect with them.”

The Catfe has plans to be more than just a coffee house too. Visitors can participate in cat yoga, euchre tournaments and even host a private birthday party with certain donation amounts.

Silke Rosenbaum-Pouliot is a Royal Oak resident who attended the grand opening with her husband, a Ferndale Cat Shelter volunteer. She was impressed with the creativeness of the idea and the opportunities the Catfe offers.

“I think it’s a fantastic idea; it’s so unique and something a lot of people haven’t heard of.” she says. “I love that all the cats are adoption-ready and you can really form a connection and keep coming back.”

To raise funding and gauge interest in the Catfe, the Ferndale Cat Shelter started a campaign on fundraising site IndieGoGo. Their initial goal was $2,500 which they quickly surpassed, raising $7,650 by the time of the grand opening.

Many local businesses have already contributed funds, building materials and space for fundraising, including Rust Belt Market, SoHo, the Ferndale Library, Durst Lumber and Pinwheel Bakery to name a few. Lovan hopes to get some more long term sponsors, who would get a tax deductible name plaque on the “Wall of Gratitude” inside the Catfe, among other perks.

“I think there are a lot of cat lovers and I think it would be a good thing to be associated with, positive advertising for a company,” Lovan tells me. Donations to the Catfe are tax- deductible.

For those visiting, donations can be brought in all forms; cash, check, website payments and even cat food and litter are accepted. Those interested in volunteering are encouraged, too, with a simple application and the commitment of a minimum of one four hour shift each week.

“I really love doing this because it’s as much a job about helping cats as it is about helping people,” Lovan says. “I love staying in touch with the people that have adopted. They’re like an extended family.”

The Catfe is located at 821 Livernois Street in Ferndale.

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Story by Rebecca Hammond | Photos by Bernie Laframboise

George Tysh spent his early years in New Jersey, but he’s now firmly rooted in Ferndale and metro Detroit. And he’s recently received quite an honor: a 2015 Kresge Artist Fellowship.

When Tysh arrived in this area and eventually enrolled at Cass Technical High School, he found his classmates to be nice, and they found his Jersey accent amusing. His fields of study at Cass were theater arts and radio speech, and those helped turn his speaking voice “midwestern.” The development of his writing voice began at age 17, when he arrived home from school to find the house empty. He perused his dad’s library and found Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass and an anthology edited by Langston Hughes called Poetry of the Negro. After reading some of each, he was inspired and wrote his first poems that afternoon. Though he wryly describes some of them as “horrible,” he knew they were the beginning of a new path.

Tysh, like most Cass Tech graduates, loved the school, and its focus on learning. “It was an awesome place,” he told me. “It was a place where you could try out things. One semester in one class we read 30 plays. It was a place where I could study literature and different forms of narrative.” It also let him experience directing, set design, stage management, even working with a puppet theater at the DIA. After Cass, Tysh attended Wayne State, and was invited to join an experimental college within WSU called Monteith, which existed from the 50s to the 70s. “It was a liberal arts college within Wayne State. It was a new approach to liberal arts.”

Ending up in Europe after the draft board gave him permission to study French in Paris, Tysh spent some time exploring. He met his wife Chris, a Paris native, in Poland, and they lived in Paris until 1973, then returned to Detroit. Since then, he’s taught English and film studies at Wayne, and at the Roeper School. He also began publishing his poetry.

“The main reason I retired from teaching is I wanted more time to write. I found myself wondering when the last time was that I had had a book out. I checked. It was 12 years. The next book came out in five.”

Tysh has collaborated with Ferndale visual artist Janet Hamrick, whose work graces two of his book covers and appears along poems inside one as well. He’s now turned out nine volumes of poetry.

The Kresge Artist Fellowship comes with $25,000 that allows him to “do anything I want for a year.” Kresge chooses artists from the tri-county area, alternating disciplines every two years. “If you have a record of your work, you can apply,” Tysh told me. “They emphasize emerging artists, often kids in their 20s. My stuff is experimental, but they have kids doing hip hop poetry and performance poetry.” They also offer seminars in things like organizing an artistic career.

Tysh describes writing as “making music with words” and enjoys classical music, and jazz and rock.


Tysh and Janet Hamrick will present an exhibit of collaborations at the College for Creative Studies Center Galleries at the corner of Brush and Fredrick Douglass, opening at 6:00 P.M. on January 22 and running until February 27.

If something happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a cure. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states coupled to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as soul trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual malfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this curing passes into breast milk.

Story by Sherrad Glosson | Photos by Bernie Laframboise

When you ask Lori, a Ferndale resident, the reasons why she wants to help others deal with medical issues, one of them is because she’s been there… and is still fighting the fight.

Fibromyalgia came first. “It came out of nowhere,” says Lori. Not even accepted by the medical community until recently, it causes the brain to create pain signals by itself. It’s been compared to trying to move with broken bones. She tried different medications to subdue the pain in her hands, her hips, and her knees, but didn’t want to become addicted to any of them and they didn’t help, anyway.

Lori was prescribed many dangerous and addictive pain killers to subdue the pain in her hands, hips, and knees. “Medications aren’t really safe. They come with complications and side effects. Many of the medications I have been prescribed the side effect is: ‘Can cause death’.”

She began to research and seek other alternatives. One doctor had her try something different. He put her on Prozac, which treats the source of the pain signals. It helped. He also suggested she try medical marijuana.
Worse was to come. This past summer, Lori had a MRI and found out she had lesions on the brain and also was diagnosed with MS (Multiple Sclerosis,) a disease that affects the entire nervous system. It affects everyone differently, and Lori stood up to show me some of the effects it’s had on her. As she began to stand, she looked pretty stable, but when she stood on both feet she began to wobble, and immediately sat back down.

She says that this disease affects her balance as well as her train of thought. She can be in a conversation and completely draw a blank. From this personal experience, she did much research into alternative methods of dealing with pain.

Lori met Bill in December 2014 through a neighbor. Bill was an organic Tilapia farmer from Florida who moved to Michigan to grow medical marijuana. His goal was to grow clean, high-quality
medical marijuana for those suffering from autoimmune diseases. As it happens, he’s been growing his own marijuana to self-medicate since 1979. Bill’s undergraduate studies combined aquaculture with hydroponics, and he has been an organic farmer for most of his life. He is also a licensed fish farmer, composting specialist, and certified educator.

Together, Lori and Bill set out on a mission. Trident Apothecary (a fictitious entity, not a business) has goals of serving those with autoimmune diseases, protecting the environment by not using toxic pesticides, and mitigating their own waste production through worm farming. “We’re caregivers.” Lori says. “We welcome anyone with a valid MMMP (Michigan Medical Marijuana Program) card. We want to help, as organically as possible.”

Trident Apothecary has established a passive solar greenhouse to raise worms and fish to break down their waste and create organic soil for their plants. This process has been put in place to grow and produce the highest-quality products. The primary focus for Trident Apothecary is on the mind, body and spirit aspect, all integral parts of the healing or coping process.

Their new working project is to create a candy that will reduce the need for autoimmune patients to inhale medical marijuana via smoking. You can imagine that smoking is definitely not an ideal method for a child to receive her medicine, even if it is the only one to help them deal with their symptoms. Even learning how to do it at a young age could be baffling. Then you have adults who don’t have the desire to inhale smoke at all.

Since using Bill’s method over the last year, Lori reports her symptoms have improved. They are looking for other autoimmune patients to work with, to make the disease easier to deal with.

If you suffer from autoimmune disease and would like more information on Trident Apothecary and how they may be able to help, Lori and Bill encourage you to contact them at their Facebook page.

Lori also talks about the need to stay active and keep doing what you love. “To keep my hands working, I make suncatchers, jewelry, and other crafts using beach glass, beads, and driftwood. Multiple sclerosis has weakened my strength and dexterity. This is part of how I fight back naturally.”


You can contact Lori and Bill through

Lori’s arts and crafts are at

If something happened with our heartiness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a preparation. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotency and other states connected to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong heartiness problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a state called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.