
Story by Cheri Clair
Photos by Bernie Laframboise

We have a prescription drug epidemic among our youth.

The Foundation for a Drug-Free World discloses, “Every day in the U.S., 2,500 youth (12 to 17) abuse a prescription pain reliever for the first time. In 2005, 4.4 million teenagers (aged 12 to 17) in the U.S. admitted to taking prescription painkillers, and 2.3 million took a prescription stimulant such as Ritalin. 2.2 million abused over-the-counter drugs such as cough syrup. The average age for first-time users is now 13 to 14.” How are kids getting drugs? The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports: “When asked how prescription opioids were obtained for non-medical use, more than half of 12th graders surveyed said they were given the drugs or bought them from a friend or relative.” Prescription drug abuse causes the largest percentage of deaths from drug overdoses. Of the 22,400 drug overdose deaths in the US in 2005, opioid painkillers were the most commonly found drug, accounting for 38.2 per cent of these deaths.

If you notice any of these signs, it may be time to talk to someone, starting with your teen. Approach them in a non-confrontational, non-threatening manner. The object of the conversation is to get them to talk to you, not for them to shut down. I met with Terence Brown, Executive Administrator, Shawn Coppins, Attorney at Law, and Amy Hostinsky, Master Social Worker at Brown’s Ferndale office. This is the team who keep things running smoothly at OnSite Substance Abuse Testing & New Frontier Counseling Services. We had an in-
depth discussion about youth drug culture, drugs in general, and their enormous effect on society. The infrastructure of the epidemic is vast. Its proliferation reaches from the streets to the government. It has many tiers including everything from distribution in schools to the big pharmaceutical companies. When I asked Terence Brown what his role as program administrator for both companies entails, he told me, “I deal daily with clients (court defendants and the general public,) employers, high school and college administrators and public and private sector human resources management. Myself and my business partner, Executive Director Jacob Fakhoury, create programs we hope people gravitate to and use for the betterment of their lives.”

Attorney Shawn Coppins spoke on some of his work with OnSite and New Frontier. “My most successful cases are those where I help people with addiction issues (street drugs or prescription medications) that are facing felony charges avoid incarceration. More importantly, because of my relationship with drug counseling agencies, I can often help them get into a drug treatment program (beyond what may be required by the courts.) In helping them get clean I really feel like I got a chance to save those people, not just help them with their legal problems.”

Clients of OnSite Substance Abuse Testing & New Frontier Counseling Services come from many different walks of life, and struggle with addictions to many different substances. Vicodin (also known as Norco), and Xanax are the leading drugs affecting most clients. Adder all is catching up. This is not cough syrup we’re ff-jj-signstalking here, this is not MDMA, this is not cocaine. These are serious medications which must be prescribed by a doctor for a specific patient for a specific condition or illness. Yet these drugs make it to our neighborhoods to be sold to kids who are looking for a thrill but ultimately find an empty hole.

Kids who use drugs eventually become adults who abuse drugs. Just ask Amy Hostinsky. “At New Frontier Counseling Services, my role as master social worker includes working personally with clients on a daily basis. I provide various types of therapy and education classes for those who are on probation. Most of the clients I see on probation have charges related to alcohol (such as operating while impaired) or other drugs such as marijuana possession. I am seeing an increase in clients who are on probation after being arrested for possession of analogues (pills). Many times the clients began with a prescription but then became addicted and tried to obtain the medication from the streets. Our services include substance abuse prevention, marijuana education, outpatient substance abuse treatment, and domestic violence. I really enjoy working with people and helping them get through the probation process while maintaining sobriety.”

The staff at OnSite Substance Abuse Testing & New Frontier Counseling Services are passionate, knowledgeable, and eager to help. If you think your teen does have a substance abuse issue, don’t be afraid to seek help. (248) 399-8032 22720 Woodward Ave., Suite 105, Ferndale

If something happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a cure. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat emasculation and other states united to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most essential aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong heartiness problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual malfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this treatment passes into breast milk.

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By Bill Carey of Ferndale

NATIONWIDE, THERE ARE MILLIONS OF PEOPLE taking care of the nearly 5.3 million individuals currently living with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. By the year 2030, that number will soar as 71 million individuals will reach age 65 and older. Despite those staggering statistics, Alzheimer’s and dementia caretakers often feel isolated in their struggles.

I am one of those individuals living with dementia. My partner, who I am grateful for everyday, has the stressful job of being my caretaker. While we both noticed the signs around the same time that my memory ff-jj-bcwas failing, and I no longer am able to work, I am fortunate to remain fairly active right now because I reside in a walk-able town. Living in Ferndale, in a tight-knit community where people help one another and the streets are easy to navigate has been good for me thus far. In time, my memory will fail more and life will get harder; it’s my partner whom I most concerned about.

Despite our awareness of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, no one can ever be fully prepared to watch a parent or loved one fade away – or experience losing their own memories. No one can understand the fear, fatigue, alienation and stress this brings until they are in it.

In Michigan, more than 180,000 individuals like myself are living with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.

Families around the state who are taking care of their loved ones are dealing with insurmountable stress everyday. The saving grace for many is nonprofit organizations such as the Alzheimer’s Association of Michigan,whose mission is to eliminate Alzheimer’s disease through the advancement of research; provide and enhance care and support for all affected and reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health. Their resources and support groups help those living with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, and their caretakers, develop relationships with others who understand their situation as they go through the same day-to-day struggles. It also is where many find the encouragement to stay strong and obtain the resources to get much needed help.

Being able to call the Association for information about respite care, emotional support and advocacy is crucial and will continue to be for many as loved ones age. The support groups have been very helpful for me.

This year, for the third consec-utive year, the Association wass listed on the Michigan Voluntary Contribution Schedule. This annual tax form provides tax-payers with the option to contribute all or part of their tax return directly to the organiz-ation in order help Michigan families who have no place else to turn.

If you know a caretaker, or someone living with dementia or Alzheimer’s, please reach out to them and offer your listening ear. Offer to sit with a caretaker’s loved one so they can have those crucial few minutes alone to run an errand or even take a shower. Bring them a meal. Also, if they aren’t using the services of the Alzheimer’s Association of Michigan already, providing them with the organization’s phone number or may be the single best thing you can do for them.

For more information visit

If slightly happened with our soundness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states connected to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you must look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile malfunction can be the symptom a strong heartiness problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a status called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this physic is not for use in women, it is not known whether this therapy passes into breast milk.

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By Jeannie Davis

IN TODAY’S YOUTH CULTURE so many seniors feel irrelevant, al-most invisible, left in a corner until hey are needed by their children for babysitting, cooking, and (dare I say it?) financial assistance. Our opinions don’t matter. Our past experiences are barely listened to. How many of us have heard: “Oh Mom, it’s not like that now”? Our efforts at conversation fall flat, and camaraderie is out the door. Oh, we have great conversations with our peers, fellow travelers in this thing called old age. We prattle on happily about our ailments, daytime TV, and how cute our pets are. I heard these conversations as I worked the room at our senior meetings. I fit this picture perfectly several years ago. My children tolerated me, barely listening as they phoned from the road, checking off one more thing on their “to do” list. I didn’t exactly feel lonely, just a little adrift. I joined the Ferndale Senior Group to have something to do and quickly found a niche.

When I became president, I was aware the majority of the members felt as I had, and I did some serious think-ing on how to remedy this.
I was determined to make the senior group more visible, to be regarded as pertinent in our city.

I started by volunteering us to help with city events. We started small, helping on Pub Crawl night, serving an evening at the Blues Fest, helping at Music in the Park. Everyone enjoyed themselves, and we were on the way.

Along the way, I noticed a change in the dynamics with my children. They were bitching about the difficulty in reaching me. YAY!

Now, the Ferndale seniors are on the map. People who plan events not only ask us to help, but, they cater to us, and treat us with respect and care. Our opinions matter because we are visible, we are of service, and we are real flesh and blood people. Virginia and myself recently helped with Dean Bach’s rib roast. We were given plum jobs in the sides truck, checked on frequently, fed, and in gen-eral pampered. We had such a good time, that when our replacements showed up, we were amazed at how quickly the time sped by. Michael Lary asked the seniors to cook hot dogs for the annual “Clean the Ferndale Up” event. Virginia, Joyce, Mike, and myself volunteered. Again, we felt pampered and cared for. Scott, our official young strong person, took care of us. Great time, great day. Now whenever we enter the Kulick Center, we take special pride in know-ing that we helped make this makeover possible.

Just as our group perception has shifted, so have our own personal perceptions. We are involved, we are recognized, and we feel good about ourselves. Our conversations are varied and interesting, and we are sharper.

We need to stay connected to some-thing. It doesn’t have to be our city, it can be church, a theater group, a walk-ing club, even a book club. If we keep moving, and doing, we keep growing. The worst thing in the world is stand-ing still. As Auntie Mame says “Life is a banquet and most poor fools are starving.”

If some happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a preparation. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat emasculation and other states connected to erectile malfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What folk talk about “viagra stories“? The most vital aspect you must look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual malfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual malfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

Story by David Wesley
Photos by Bernie Laframboise

Dave Mesrey is one of the many torches in Detroit helping to keep the city alight and colorful. His work is appreciated but not noted nearly enough to show the gratitude he deserves for his efforts. He’s a great reflection and representative of the city: he’s gone through bleak times and weathered the storms of change to prove things like cities and lives can be destroyed but never defeated. At 47, Dave Mesrey has become something of a local presence in the last few years with his work at Metro Times and at Navin Field. His past is shrouded in mystery, but I managed to pull the curtain back on his persona — with his permission of course.

David confesses to Ferndale Friends on his first run-ins with Metro Times: “I’d been reading it off and on since about 1989. I was a fan of Curt Guyette’s and Michael Jackman’s work, as well as Larry Gabriel, Jack Lessenberry, and the great music writer Brian Smith. I knew I wasn’t in their league, but I thought maybe I could trick ‘em into hiring me as their copy boy. It worked! From 2013-2015, I got to work alongside some ff-jj-dm-papermajor young talent like Ryan Felton and Lee DeVito. Prior to that, I even got to work in their Greektown office for a spell. In the ’90s I studied creative writing at WMU under Jaimy Gordon, who went on to win the National Book Award for Fiction in 2010. I’ve got a story about her, but it’s not for print.

Currently, I’m working on a short story for inclusion in Aaron Foley’s new Detroit neighborhood anthology for the Rust Belt Press. Aaron asked me, and I was honored. I lived for 24 years in Detroit’s Morningside neighborhood on the Far East side. I’ve got a lot of stories from my old neighborhood. I’ve never really had to travel far to find a good story.

When his history in downtown Detroit is mentioned, I ask him about his work at historic Navin Field. “Navin Field​ is the historic name of Tiger Stadium, which opened at the corner of Michigan and Trumbull on April 20, 1912.  Ty Cobb scored the Tigers’ first run by stealing home in the bottom of the first, but it was actually another guy who scored the very first run there in the top of the first inning: none other than Shoeless Joe Jackson. That’s why I like to say Navin Field is the real field of dreams.

“Six years ago, a local mailman named Tom Derry founded the Navin Field Grounds Crew, an all-volunteer group that restored and maintained historic Navin Field after Tiger Stadium was demolished in 2009. I thought Tom had the right idea, and I still do. He’s been a real inspiration for all of us. For six years, Tom led the effort to preserve the Tiger Stadium site and restore it to playing condition. It was really a labor of love.

In addition to my volunteer work with the Navin Field Grounds Crew, I’m a freelance writer and producer, and recently helped produce a segment for Channel 4 about Motown, Marvin Gaye, and his landmark album, WHAT’S GOING ON. I also interviewed former Detroit Lion Lem Barney for a piece in Metro Times. I also throw a birthday party every year for the late, great Mark ‘The Bird’ Fidrych in Corktown. We call it the Bird Bash.”

Dave has the candor and color of a rainbow and our chat pinballs from subject to subject. Ferndale pops into the conversation quickly, between bumpers of beers at Anita’s Kitchen. “I lived in Ferndale for four years, and I loved it. I like shopping at the Food Patch, I always take my bike to the Ferndale Bike Shop, and I love eating here at Anita’s. Joe and Jen Wegryzyn make you feel like family. I also have a penchant for sheltering wayward creatures. I’ve long been something of a wayward creature myself. To that end, I’ve turned my house into a mini animal rescue. It’s still a work in progress. Aren’t we all?

Our mutual writing projects come up, and he tells about a historical piece he’s working on about the history of the Hazel Park Racetrack. In 1980 his father died of a heart attack in the back of the grandstand. “The track has always been a magnet for me. Ever since my father first took me there in 1974. There’s something really spellbinding about the track for me. I’ve never been to Santa Anita or Churchill Downs. Hazel Park is the only track for me.” He says he will have been in the grandstand for opening day. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” he says.

As we wrap up our talk, and Woodward streaks and shines beside us with rush-hour traffic ten feet away, he gives me a parting punchline of good faith, “If you were to ask me what I want to be when I grow up, I’d probably say, ‘Good question. I’m still trying to figure that out.’”

If something happened with our heartiness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat emasculation and other states connected to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What folk talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you must look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong heartiness problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual disfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this treatment passes into breast milk.

By Mary Meldrum
Photo by Bernie LaFramboise

LONG TIME FERNDALE CHAMBER of Commerce member, animal rescue enthusiast and vegan; these are only a couple of the labels that fit Carol Jackson.

I am greeted at her door by a variety of cats. All told, she is fostering five from the Michigan Humane Society. They all have names. Cupid is her giant brindle greyhound from the Motor City Greyhound Rescue. Gentle and calm, he fits right in with all the felines and serves as the centerpiece on the couch in the fuzzy pile of lucky animals.

Originally from Michigan, Carol moved back from California, and she has been a homeowner in Ferndale for 14 years. “I started in the mortgage industry many years ago. I wanted to connect with the people in Ferndale, so I sought out the Ferndale Chamber of Commerce to do that,” shares Carol. That decision sparked the foundation of an accumulation of friends, neighbors and knowledge that has grown and lasted far beyond her aspirations as a mortgage broker. Through her work with the Chamber and through her own business, Bits ‘N Pieces Small Business Solutions, her warmth and ability to connect with the community has blossomed into a network of people who know her and care about her.

Carol had only received her diagnosis of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma three or four weeks before I interviewed her for this article. The massive shift she has had to make in all aspects of her life to accommodate cancer in that short amount of time is stunning. Carol was a long-time member of the Ferndale Chamber of Commerce until just recently. She has been a member for over ten years, and recently served as interim executive director for the Chamber three times over a two-year span.

“Two years ago when we lost our executive director at the Chamber, I was the only one with the flexibility in my schedule to take on the interim role while we looked for a new Executive Director. The person that we hired didn’t last long, so I took it over again. Once again, the newly-hired ED did not last long, so back in October (2015), I took over the Chamber again for six months.”

During the second time that Carol Jackson took over the reins at the Ferndale Chamber, she began to feel that something was “off” in terms of her health. Mostly, she felt tired. “Fortunately, I have two incredible doctors who listened to me and followed through to really figure out what was going on. I give a lot of credit to Dr. Joel Kahn, one of those doctors.” Dr. Kahn is a plant-based cardiologist, and was looking for heart-related issues with Carol’s symptoms, and ended up seeing something unusual in one of the tests that came back that led to her cancer diagnosis.

“Because he listened to me and he ordered these tests – if it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t even know I was sick. Listen to your body. If it feels weird, something is going on,” she said adamantly.
“I had my first chemo today,” Carol explains. “Once I got the diagnosis, I started the process of switching every-thing in my life completely around.”
Carol has already gone out and purchased bandanas for the inevitable loss of hair. She is also having a specialized hair replacement piece made by an organization in West Bloomfield called Raydiance for Women.

“I am going to transition that as softly as I can with a sense of humor,” expressed Carol with a smile. Carol understands what a difference it makes in her quality of life to have a full head of hair. “You cannot tell me that people do not treat you differently,” she emphasizes.

She wants people to see her as they have always seen her, but more than that, she wants to see herself. The hair piece will give her the opportunity to look in the mirror and see Carol. She doesn’t have to look at a reflection that only shows her cancer.

One of her biggest challenges is wondering if or when she can ever trust her body again. Other challenges include keeping her energy up, juggling her demanding vitamin schedule, being able to continue to work and earn a living, and of course, paying for all her medical expenses.

One of the most wonderful things that have come out of her diagnosis a few weeks ago is the outpouring of love and support from the community. Neighbors and friends are bringing her food and walking her dog. Upbeat messages and happy memories on her Facebook page lift her spirits.

What does Carol need? Sure, help walk her dog, Cupid; or better yet, go foster an animal from a shelter. She would probably like some meals delivered, but the biggest thing that she is looking for is positive messages and upbeat support. No upsetting words or stories about “incurable” cancer or sad stories of people who have died from cancer.

Carol’s is determined to have a happy ending with cancer, but in the meantime, she is looking for all the happy moments she can muster!

If slightly happened with our heartiness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a cure. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotency and other states coupled to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What folk talk about “viagra stories“? The most vital aspect you must look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong heartiness problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual malfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this treatment passes into breast milk.

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Story & photos by Jeff Lilly
Illustration by Gary Bedard.

We hear a lot about humanity’s effect on the natural environment and the creatures that inhabit it. Usually, the story is about how humans alter the landscape to make it more suitable for our needs, destroying habitat in the process. However, there are several species of animals that not only can coexist with humans, but thrive in the habitats we alter and create. Not all of these species make for good roommates, though.

ff1265454NEW_Page_2_Image_0003Meet the rat. Rats have been with humanity since the beginning, when we first started to live together in bands and communities. Where there are humans, there is waste, and thus a food source. Where humans take shelter and build structures, rats can live, too. When humans moved about, by ship and stage and rail, rats hitched a ride with us. These days, they’ve learned to use our roads, railroad tracks, and sewer lines as highways of their own, making travel easier and helping them to spread. They also reproduce quickly; a mature rat can bear a new litter of pups every three to four weeks.

Ferndale has a rat problem. You might have heard about an infestation under a neighbor’s garage. You may have seen them running along the streets at night. Maybe you have some yourself, nesting under that doghouse or in that woodpile.

“We get a lot of calls in the spring,” says Joseph Gacioch, Chief Innovation Officer and Assistant City Manager for the City of Ferndale. Rodent activity can be more noticeable then, with melting snow both providing convenient sources of water for rats, as well as uncovering food sources hidden by snow. But rats are around all year long.

Besides basic health issues — rats have been known since antiquity as harborers and carriers of disease — they can also do quite a bit of damage to home and property. Rats can chew through practically anything; wood, drywall, insulation board, even concrete block, brick, and lead pipes. Rats can gnaw the insulation off of electrical wires, causing shorts and fires. They can tunnel under slabs and foundations. They can chew the bottoms out of plastic garbage cans to get at what’s inside. They’re also hard to keep out; a rat can squeeze itself through a hole the diameter of a half-dollar.

“We’ve seen a large increase in calls about rats,” Says Dale Stepaniak, co-owner of Pest Masters, an exterminator located in Livonia that contracts with the City of Ferndale. “We used to get rat calls once a month. Now, we get them once per day.” Stepaniak also notes that, “We have an issue with rats in most of Metro Detroit.” He’s gotten calls from Redford, Dearborn, Dearborn Heights, Royal Oak, Livonia, and other local cities, all of which have seen a “significant increase” in rat activity in the last few years. But why? Both Stepaniak and Gacioch point to the last recession as a possible piece in the puzzle. “We had all of these vacant homes, all of these people walking away from their houses.” Stepaniak says. The relatively large number of vacant properties in Detroit, right across 8 Mile Road, also contributes to the problem.

So what can we do about it? One of the biggest things is to eliminate neighborhood food sources. This means cleaning up dog droppings (rats love them) and not throwing out bread or seeds for the squirrels. Make sure you don’t leave pet food outside in bowls overnight, and if you store it outdoors, make sure it’s in a covered night before pick-up, and use metal bins with tight-fitting lids if you can. Unharvested vegetables, left to winter over in garden beds or boxes, can also be an invitation to rats.

But the number one source, Stepaniak says, though it pains many nature-lovers’ hearts to hear it, is bird feeders. “At least half of the jobs we do, we find a bird feeder on the property, or at a property next door.” He explains. This isn’t to say you can’t ever feed the birds, but “If your neighborhood is fighting rats, and you’re (feeding birds,) then you’re a culprit.” The thing to remember is that even if you don’t have a food source, they may still pick your yard to settle in. Stepaniak talks of a recent job where “They were living under a gentleman’s deck.

You could watch the rats go from under his deck, across the back yard next door, down the side of the house to a house across the street. No fault of this guy…they were feeding across the street, but living under his deck.” Another thing we can do is eliminate cover and shelter for rats. This means elevating your woodpile (at least 12 inches above the ground,) clearing away debris from the back of your garage, and eliminating clutter and hiding places, including unused vehicles and old tires. Keep your shrubs and grass trimmed, as well. “We have codes. We have property maintenance guidelines.” Gacioch explains. “If you follow them, you help eliminate the opportunity for rats to move in.”

Meanwhile, the city is doing its part.

“The Building Department now requires an inspection prior to demolition of a property,” Gacioch says. A pest expert now has to sign off on a property, saying there are no rats. If there are, they have to be exterminated and the property re-inspected before demolition can commence. Otherwise, the rats will scatter and move to new locations. New construction now must have rat walls, foundations that extend into the ground to discourage burrowing. Ferndale is also sharing resources and coordinating with neighboring cities on strategies to combat rat infestations. They’re also using modern technology to combat the ancient enemy, including utilizing geo-tracking to keep tabs on infestation sites and their spread.

Ferndale is curently working with Pest Masters on an extermination program along Troy Street. It’s a big challenge, Stepaniak says, because the businesses along 9 Mile, which include grocery stores and restaurants, have a large number of dumpsters in the nearby alley. While the businesses will get tips and suggestions, eliminating the food source entirely may be impossible. On the other hand, Stepaniak cites a successful recent program along the rail line. CN worked with the City to cut brush and eliminate clutter along the wall, and a series of traps has greatly reduced infestation there.

How do you know if you have rats? Besides seeing them in action, look for holes in the ground, under foundations and sheds. Entrances to rat warrens will typically be about the size of a soda can. While a rat or two might be handled by snap-traps or a bit of poison, larger infestations should be handled by an expert. Stepaniak shows me a brochure with an array of modern, scientifically-designed rat poison feeding stations, like the kind used along the rail line. They’re securely locked and inaccessible to pets and children, rain-proof so the poison doesn’t get spread around in the environment, and, most importantly, attractive to rats. Pest Masters will inspect and re-fill the traps on a schedule until the problem is eliminated.

The war against rats will never end. After all, they’re survivors, and have thrived despite thousands of years of efforts to stop them. But using our biggest advantage — our brains — and a bit of care and cunning, we can turn back the current tide.

For more information on how to fight rats, Ferndale has a page up on the city website. Go to

Pest Masters: or call 1-800-934-4770.

If something happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a preparation. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat emasculation and other states united to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What humanity talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile disfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual disfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a status called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this curing passes into breast milk.

Story by Derek Lindamood | Book cover courtesy of Greg Sumner and History Press

Greg Sumner, a History Professor at U of D Mercy, considers his new book Detroit in WWII a love letter to the generation that came of age during that era. In winning the war, its members displayed what he calls moxie: a courageous, resilient toughness, full of dedication and perseverance. In his book, he’s nostalgically captured a close-up account of the tremendous feats those Americans achieved, along with the individual and cultural values they upheld.

The book, written with an energy and passion Sumner also exudes in person, is full of facts, anecdotes, and stories that give the reader a feel for life here on the wartime “home front.” A love letter to “The Greatest Generation,” Detroit in WWII asks us to examine ourselves, and aims to inspire, while reminding readers of the tremendous achievements of that time period.

Sumner notes, “The people born in the 1920s, they were grounded. They believed in teamwork, sacrifice. They grew up throughout the Great Depression, and most of them had very little. They appreciated what they had, and went about the business of overcoming hardship without patting themselves on the back about it. In the wake of Pearl Harbor, which brought them into a second World War barely twenty years after the first, they approached it as simply a job that had to be done, and the sooner the better, so they could get on with their lives.”

Drawn to the epic scale of WWII and what was at stake, this is Dr. Sumner’s third book on the War. A baby boomer born and raised in Indianapolis, he has lived in the Motor City for 20 years. His somewhat “outsider’s” viewpoint of Detroit allows him to appreciate the ingenuity and work ethic that some natives may take for granted. He said “can-do” was the attitude of the WWII Generation, starting with Henry and Edsel Ford down to the smallest tool-and-die shop, making possible truly miraculous production levels and output for the Allies. Related to this achievement in productive capacity: moxie.

“People with moxie are unconquerable”, says Dr. Sumner. “They get up again after being knocked down, don’t whine or complain, don’t wallow in victimhood. Everybody is a victim of life in some way”, he observes. “But we all have to transcend our circumstances. For the most part, Detroiters in WWII embraced the values we should still hold in high-esteem today: teamwork, responsibility and sacrifice for the common good. Just look at the hand the WWII generation got dealt—and look how they dealt with it.”

Professor Sumner, who refers to some of today’s cultural attitudes as “hyperbolic”, seems to be suggesting a contrast between what has been referred to as “The Greatest Generation” and those that followed on its heels (including the Baby Boomers, of which he himself is a part.) “The WW2 Generation is a challenge to us all,” he said. “I don’t write books to be museum pieces. I am trying to write a story that can inspire us today, and this turned out to be the tribute to the soldiers, Rosie the Riveters and ordinary men, women and children of this era, which I have been wanting to set to paper for a long time.” And his greatest reward, since the book was released in November, is that long-time Detroiters tell him he got it right.

Sumner’s book deals with the pain of that era, as well as the accomplishments that impetuously came out of it. Segregation was a fact of life in those days, producing the worst war-time race riot in the country in 1943, and those wounds have never fully healed. “Living in Ferndale, sometimes I feel like I’m living on the edge of a massive volcano that erupted in recent past. But with the resurgence of the city that we see today, again you can see that uniquely Detroit habit of dusting ourselves off and moving forward.”

Detroit in WWII is well-written, informative and inspiring. The book’s popularity is fueled by the resurgence of Detroit pride, and the reverence for the strong, grounded, traditional American values of the era, which surfaced alongside the very products they built, which were built to last. Sumner, as insightful as he is cerebral, pulled himself away from our conversation after leaving me with a memorable impression, along with his hopes for his book’s place in Detroit’s young, newly re-born future. “The young people of this area, including my students at the University of Detroit Mercy, need a past to build the future upon, one that goes beyond the familiar narrative of abandonment, blight and racial conflict. There is a uniquely proud history here, one that needs no hype or embellishment, and they ought to embrace it. I hope this book, about the human stories of life in the Arsenal of Democracy, a love letter to my adopted city, will help readers recover what is unique and, yes, great about Detroit… and use the city’s greatness as a foundation they can build on.”

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Story By Rebecca Hammond

Word of Faith Church in Southfield looks into turning 80 acres of urban forest over to oil drilling. The City of Southfield and its residents, though, plan to fight.

Drive through the intersection of Evergreen and 9 Mile in Southfield and the first thing you’re likely to notice is that you’re suddenly in a forest. The 80 acres of Bauervic Woods Park on the southwest corner, and the 110 acres Word of Faith Church owns to the north make this part of metro Detroit serene and bucolic.

Word of Faith and Jordon Development have applied for and received from the Michigan DEQ a permit to drill for oil on their wooded, yet urban, property. This part of Southfield is zoned residential. Many residents are opposing the idea of drilling for oil almost in their back yards, voicing concerns about loss of property values, noise, traffic, and damage to the environment. Beginning in January, a number of public meetings were held, some so large more were scheduled to accommodate overflow crowds.

Three days after the DEQ approved the permit to drill, the Detroit Free Press reported that the City of Southfield had a request granted by Oakland County Circuit Judge Michael Warren “seeking to bar Word of Faith International Christian Center and oil and gas exploration company Jordan Development of Traverse City from taking any action to install or operate a well on the church’s 110 wooded acres off West 9 Mile and Evergreen roads until a judge has ruled on the plan.”

MLive quoted Southfield City Attorney Sue Ward-Witkowski, saying that even with a DEQ permit, zoning rules could still prevent drilling. “We would not allow drilling operations. We would not allow that use in that district. The city has a local zoning power and we intend to pursue that.”

“Megachurch” is now a common word but, despite the proliferation of massive houses of worship, a church on so many acres of forest is unusual. How did a Southfield church end up on such a large piece of woodland? A Franciscan college and friary called Duns Scotus broke ground on the large parcel in 1928, and opened in 1930. It was in operation long enough that graduates still run a Facebook page and share memories of student life there. Word of Faith bought Duns Scotus in July of 1996, after moving from place to place during years of growth. From their web site:

“On July 9, 1996, WOFICC added another milestone to its history. Word of Faith International Christian Center purchased the lush and peaceful 110-acre, former friary, Duns Scotus, in Southfield, Michigan. For 17 years, Bishop and Mrs. Butler along with the congregation, stood on God’s Word for the fulfillment of this point of The Master Plan to …’build a 5,000 seat sanctuary.’ God did super-abundantly, above, all we could ask or think, giving WOFICC what many referred to as the ‘Jewel of the City.’ From this jewel, WOFICC continues to reach out to all nations with the gospel message of Jesus Christ. The newly built, 5,000 seat sanctuary stands at the North Elevation of the existing structure. The freshly renovated Chapel is on the South Elevation. God truly deserves all the glory! Word of Faith International Christian Center has indeed ‘come this far by faith.’”

In January, 1,000 people attended a public meeting at Southfield High School, including State Representative Jeremy Moss, who served on Southfield City Council before being elected to serve in Lansing. Moss was quoted in Oakland County 115: “I find it very troubling that the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality decided to issue a permit for exploratory drilling in Southfield. This action completely ignores the city’s lawful moratorium on oil and gas drilling within city limits, not to mention the strong opposition from residents who deserve a say in what happens in their own backyard. I fully support the mayor and city council’s efforts to defend and enforce the moratorium.

“We have seen adverse effects from this kind of drilling, and those effects would be multiplied in a densely populated area like Southfield. That’s why it’s crucial that the House take up House Bill 5258, legislation I sponsored that would increase the distance between residences and oil and gas wells, force drillers to comply with local regulations, and require the department to consider input from a public hearing. Michigan law guarantees cities the right to home rule, but in this instance, state government has decided it knows best, and the erosion of local control continues.”

The Detroit Free Press quoted resident Larry Quarles, 67, who lives in the area: “I understand the need for the church to raise funds; at my church, we have a similar situation,” he said. “But we would never, never do something like this. As a religious organization, we would never think of impacting neighbors or the community.”

The type of well-being proposed would not be hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, but rather a direct, vertical well. The church has asked for support for the drilling online, in the form of a link to the DEQ’s public-comments page. They have also mentioned the necessity of needing the money raised from the drilling for use in their mission work.

Whether the plan goes forward or not remains to be seen. Ferndale Friends will keep you abreast of any developments in this ongoing story.

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MEETING WITH AJ O’Neill is a refreshing experience – he is a man on a mission! Many of us got to know O’Neill at “AJ’s Music Café” in Ferndale, where he supported local art, music and social causes. The Café was also home to the 50 Hour ‘Danny Boy’ Marathon in 2008, creating a world record for continuous live music! His fervent passion in supporting the local economy/local people, combined with creating a high quality coffee brand, is truly inspiring.

O’Neill’s new project is ambitious, but after all, he is not known as a man who takes ‘no’ for an answer! The ‘Million Bag March’ has been established by the Detroit Bold Foundation and Eastern Market, where the goal is to open several community cafes throughout Detroit area neighborhoods. The DBF, created by O’Neill, is a 501©3 organization. The current target of fund-raising is set at 1 million bags of Detroit Bold “MBM Special Blend” coffee. For each bag sold, $5 goes toward fixing up buildings, training staff, and opening community-friendly coffee-shops! O’Neill is fully committed to setting up a “viable place” for people to meet, converse, create and – of course – drink lots of coffee!

To launch this project, O’Neill is hosting a ‘Sadie Hawkins Party’ with live music on February 27, from 7-10pm. Tickets for the event are on sale online for $10, and a free swag-bag will be given to the first 100 guests! The party location is at Eastern Market, Shed #5 2934 Russell St, Detroit, which is fully heated. Notably, Kroger is already onboard as the first Senior Sponsor in the Million Bag March campaign.

How can you get involved? Very simple! Special numbered/signed bags of the MBM Special Blend are available at the Mootown Creamery on Russell Street in Eastern Market, and on the website: Additionally, if you see the ‘Boldmobile’ driving around (a 2013 Ford Transit Van), feel free to flag it down – this is a rolling billboard / Detroit Bold Coffee warehouse! Various direct contribution levels are also available, ranging from the ‘Buy a Bag’ level of $10, all the up to the high-level ‘Campaign Launch Sponsor Package’ (see website) So mark your calendars- come out and support this worthy cause at the launch event on the 27th- I hope to see you all there!

AJ O’Neill would like to thank you in advance for supporting the BOLD mission in developing viable Detroit-area neighborhoods! Visit the website for more information:

If some happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states coupled to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most vital aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this treatment passes into breast milk.

Story by David Stone
Photos by Jeff Lilly
Design by Lindsy Carman

Dr. Joel Kahn, cardiologist and vegan, has a radical view of what medicine should be. He wants to see smaller hospitals that treat only infectious diseases. He feels that chronic illnesses like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease should be treated through “lifestyle management,” a big part of which he believes is eating a diet that is primarily plant-based.

ff11650_Page_1_Image_0004That’s why he and his son, Daniel, recently opened GreenSpace Cafe, Ferndale’s newest vegan restaurant. Besides the owners, and General Manager Amber Poupore, I spoke to George Vutetakis.

All of these individuals have been eating plant-based diets for many years. In fact, if you combine their collective experience and study, you are looking at over 100 years of accumulated knowledge in the area of plant-based diets and nutrition.

So, lets meet the experts.

Amber Poupore has worked at Inn Season, and, later opened Cacao Tree in Royal Oak. She is very familiar with the nutritive and healing value of plant-based foods. In fact, she healed herself of a number of ailments using this method. Amber can tailor a dinner or a diet plan to your specific needs.

ff11650_Page_1_Image_0002Dr. Joel Kahn has been eating a plant-based diet since 1977, and has been a vegan since 1990.

Born in Oak Park, MI, he graduated from Southfield-Lathrup High School. He then went to the University of Michigan Medical School, where he graduated first in his class in 1983. As an aside, Dr. Kahn also likes to point out that it was during his Residency in Dallas that he developed an appreciation for cowboy boots, which he wears regularly. Four or five years ago, Dr. Kahn decided to pursue “prevention as a discipline.” He refers to himself as a “preventative cardiologist” and sees GreenSpace Cafe as an extension of his practice where he uses a fork and knife instead of a scalpel. His place is upscale, yet unpretentious. A place where, on any given day, you can sample plant-based dishes inspired by the great cuisines of the world, or have a tempeh burger and beer. George Vutetakis, of Inn Season fame, likes to think of himself as a “facilitator,” or a person who seeks to “help a group of people understand their common objectives and assist them to plan how to achieve these objectives.”

ff11650_Page_1_Image_0003Chef Vutetakis enjoys working with local vendors and with vendors as far away as Peru.He also pointed out that many house-made elements go into the dishes. GreenSpace Cafe makes its own yogurt, sweet potato gnocchi, and nut cheeses such as cashew cheese and almond parmesan. They also make their own kimchi, crackers, and breads. He also pointed out that the bartenders make their own elixers. Vutetakis then went on to discuss the science of food. He pointed out that most of the flavor and texture in foods come from plants and if you remove the carbon and fat from a meal, only the plants remain. So GreenSpace Cafe can produce very satisfying dishes, which are rich in flavor, using plant-based ingredients alone.

So come and try out GreenSpace Cafe, where the food isn’t just mighty tasty, but may even improve your health!

GreenSpace Cafe is located at 215 West 9 Mile in Ferndale. They are open Tuesday thru Thursday from 5:00 P.M until 10:00 P.M. and Friday and Saturday from 5:00 P.M. until midnight. They are closed Sunday and Monday. They can be reached at (248)206-7510, on the web at or on Facebook at

If something happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a cure. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotency and other states connected to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What humanity talk about “viagra stories“? The most vital aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a state called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this treatment passes into breast milk.