Building Beds 4 Kids

Building Beds 4 Kids

By Rose Carver

SAM AND BECKY MISURACA ENTERED INTO THEIR RETIREMENT WITH THE CHILDREN in their community in mind. Their organization, Building Beds 4 Kids, serves the Metropolitan Detroit area in building and delivering beds to those in need.

This 501c.3 organization is entirely volunteer-based, and gives a priority to families in the foster-care system, families who have faced homelessness and those who are starting over. Their focus, however, is always on providing beds for children and youth, ages 2-18.

The organization built hundreds of beds last year, despite the couple’s complete lack of carpentry skills, since they are never in short supply of knowledgeable volunteers.

“I’m lucky that I knew what a hammer was,” Sam said. “With the help of volunteers, I have picked up a better understanding of carpentry along the way.”


“My wife and I have been community volunteers for a long time,” Sam said. “We saw a very large number of kids who didn’t have beds and we said, ‘Okay, we are going to start our own organization.’”

The couple receives requests from community organizations and churches, and said they have given the most support to the Pontiac and Detroit area, where there is the most need.

Because of the pandemic, their altruistic retirement plan has been operating on a much smaller scale. The organization does accept donations, but Sam said there is one very important way community member can support the work that they do: “The best way that people in the community can be involved is to be considerate of their neighbors and help their neighbors,” Sam said.


In his humble fashion, Sam says Building Beds 4 Kids operates like a family.

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