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HOPE FOR THE HOLIDAYS: BLUE CHRISTMAS St. Patrick’s in Madison Heights will offer a candlelight Service of Hope on December 11th, 7-8pm, for all who are struggling at this time of year because of concerns such as health issues, financial challenges, unpleasant memories of past Christmas experiences, or the loss of a loved one. Special music, prayers, and an inspiring message of encouragement.

FERNDALE GARDEN CLUB: Presentation on Using Dead Wood in the Garden. Thursday, January 9, 2020, 7 p.m. at Kulick Community Center, 1201 Livernois. Guests are welcome. For more information, call 248-541-6427.

FERNDALE GARDEN CLUB: Presentation on Earth Friendly Permaculture Design to Grow Food for Health and Financial Independence by Rachel and Brian Engel. Thursday, February 13, 2020, 7 p.m. at Kulick Community Center, 1201 Livernois. Guests are welcome. For more information, call 248-541-6427.

SUPER SNOW CONE STORYTIME and Crafts with Cowboy Alex, Listen to Cowboy Alex read snowy stories, joke around with his puppet pals and do silly magic tricks. Plus, kids & their grown-up will make an awesome winter craft project using recycled material. Good for kids 3-8 years. Thurs, December 12th @ 10:00 am – 10:45 am, 5.00 per child, Royal Oak Salter Community Center. 1545 East Lincoln, Royal Oak.

FERNDALE GARDEN CLUB: Join our fun, garden-oriented group. We meet the second Thursday of each month, September through May, at 7 pm at the Kulick Community Center. We have entertaining and informative presentations on gardening, the environment, animals and photography. Meet new people with similar interests. Membership is $20.00 per year. To learn more about other membership benefits, call 248-541-6427.

“CLIMATE CHANGE & YOU”: An environmental awareness presentation. Sponsored by The Southeast Michigan Group of the Sierra Club. “Climate Change & You” is a Free powerful Power-Point presentation that adapts to all ages and groups, and defines current environmental issues. Mr. Gerald Hasspacher,

HAVE YOU HEARD THE RALPH NADER RADIO HOUR? Great weekly podcast, with over 200 shows, wide range of subjects. Recent episodes include Midterm Postmortem, Solar Power, Fighting Nurses, Ebola, Smart Meters, Be informed,