Ferndale’s Detroit Bachelor DJs Bring Their Unique Sounds to the Masses

Ferndale’s Detroit Bachelor DJs Bring Their Unique Sounds to the Masses

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Eric Hinchman knows something about creativity In fact, he knows something about Ferndale, too. The entrepreneur behind Ferndale’s Bedoshirts (a hip clothing business that sells threads with cutting-edge designs) and the Detroit Bachelor DJs is now taking that same creative spirit he’s brought to clothing and live music, and sharing it with a much larger audience via a the new pod- cast: DBDJs Audiocast. With eleven popular episodes and the podcast reaching the top spot under New and Noteworthy Podcasts on iTunes, Eric Hinchman sat down with us to talk about DBDJs and their new-found podcast popularity.

Ferndale Friends: Let’s start with the basics, who are the Detroit Bachelor DJs?

Eric Hinchman: The DBDJS are a collective of like- minded individuals who are talented enough alone, but when joined together create a giant unstoppable robot. We each have our own unique personalities that shine through in the tracks that we select while performing. We’re probably best known for playing an eclectic hybrid of techno and house music, but we’re not limited to that, and can often be found dabbling in drum and bass and jungle, electro, ambi- ent, IDM, and other genres, depending on what’s most appropriate for the venue and the event taking place. Regardless of genre, we’re generally exposing brand-new music for the first time, or reminding you of something long forgotten about. We don’t play top-40 hits and we generally don’t take requests. Not that we’re jerks, it’s just that most of what’s in our collection isn’t popular yet.

We basically play music people need to hear.

FF: What kind of live events do DBDJs typically play?

EH: It used to be difficult to hear the sounds that we play unless you attended early underground dance parties (or raves) back in the day. We don’t play hits, we generally play brand-new music, and some of those songs may become popular. And whether they do or not, we have probably already grown tired of them by that time and have moved on. But, eventually the music became more mainstream and now the most obvious events would be gigs at nightclubs. We have also performed at events like grand openings for businesses, charities, radio broadcasts and internet streams, concerts, festivals, in-store performances at record shops and musical instrument retailers, corporate parties, bars, restaurants, salons, holiday parties, gallery openings, etc. Anywhere we can fit a sound system and mixing gear, and there is a desire for the mood of the room to be enhanced by music — there doesn’t have to be a dance floor.

FF: How did the idea for the new podcast come about?

EH: Most of the media I consume is in the form of an audio or video podcast, and I have been a fan for a long time. As far as I know, they were the first true forms of digitally distributed on-demand content, and the fact that they’re generally available for free is always nice. Throughout my life, I’ve found myself interested in a number of multimedia-related trades. From film and video editing and production, animation and illustration, design and web development, there was even a time when I considered pursuing journalism.

The idea came about once I realized I could essentially combine all of those interests and produce them from the comfort of home, or anywhere else for that matter.

After some research, I found that I already had the tools and knowledge necessary. It was just a matter of creating the package. There was definitely an intimidation factor and fear of the unknown, but once the show was approved by Apple, a weight was lifted, and I only wished we had started earlier.

FF: What are you trying to accomplish with the podcast?

EH: The main thing is to simply grow our audience by reaching new fans. But, the podcast is accomplishing things I didn’t anticipate. We are reconnecting with old friends and colleagues that we’ve lost touch with over the years. It’s also reinvigorating and inspiring us now that we’re able to reach people on an international level with the help of our website and social media. It’s a great feeling when you release a new episode, then watch in real-time people listening and having a conversation about it immediately after you post it online.

FF: What does the future hold for the DBDJs?

EH: We are working on a handful of other shows with slightly different themes, and plan to start creating video podcasts after the new year. Live video streaming from events would be nice eventually. We’re also discussing getting back into organizing and promoting events when the right opportunities come our way. Some of us write original music or are experimenting more with it, so it would be a logical step to eventually evolve into a publishing company and record label. We have acquired a nice collection of original designs throughout the years that could be incorporated into some really nice merchandise, so I’m toying around with the idea of adding an online store to the DBDJs website.

FF: You’ve started two businesses in Ferndale. Besides being your hometown, why did you pick Ferndale?

EH: Originally, it was because of location and mainly sentimental reasons. Being able to jump on the expressway and travel in any direction possible is a real luxury, and I used to dream of a day where we would have high-speed rail from Detroit to Pontiac and it appears that may finally become a reality. Over the years, I’ve watched Ferndale grow while staying committed to independence, diversity and it’s DIY attitude — an unexpected bonus. Coincidentally, most of us in the DBDJs live here currently, or have at one time or another.

Ferndale has always been important to me and is the right town for more reasons than I can count, but it has always been an intentional and strategic decision to stay here.

The Detroit Bachelor DJs are Derek Plaslaiko, Craig Gonzalez, Keith Kemp, Matt Clarke, RJ Covert, Drew Maddox, Andy Toth, Greg Mudge, Mathew Boynton, James Teague, and Eric Hinchman. To find episodes of DBDJs Audiocast visit detroitbachelordjs.com or search for it in iTunes. Show announcements can be found on their facebook: Facebook.com/DetroitBachelorDJS and Twitter: @dbdjsinfo.
For booking information email info@detroitbachelordjs.com.

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