State Representative: Regina Weiss

State Representative: Regina Weiss

THIS IS REGINA WEISS, YOUR STATE REPRESENTATIVE. Over the past two years I have been honored to serve the people of Oak Park, the community that my husband and I have called home since 2013.

We chose to settle in Oak Park because it is such a welcoming and diverse community. Some of my favorite things to do in Oak Park are going to the Oak Park Farmers Market and other city events, riding my bike along the 9 mile bike lanes and through the woods of Shepherd Park, and enjoying a meal from Tai Fai or a drink at Berkley Coffee, Dog & Pony Show, or Unexpected Craft Brewery.

While working in Lansing for you I have been able to help hundreds of people navigate the unemployment insurance agency as well as other state services. I have also fought hard to ensure that our schools and local communities have adequate funding. We are not there yet, but I believe that we have made tremendous strides in the two years that I have been in Lansing.

Please reach out to me if you ever have any ideas for changes to state law, or if you need help navigating state agencies. You can reach out to my office, and my staff and I will be happy to help you. You can send me an email at or leave a voicemail at 517-373-0478.

however that will come to an end in 2023. Every ten years our state redraws the legislative boundaries for our congressional, state senate, and state house districts in a process called redistricting.

In 2021, for the first time ever, this process was not done by the legislature but was instead handled by a group of citizens through the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission. While this process was not perfect, I believe that the end results were better than what an overly partisan Lansing legislature would have come up with.

Although I won my election in November, I will no longer be serving the entire community of Oak Park due to redistricting. While I am disappointed that redistricting has split our community between three new state house districts, I have a good relationship with both new representatives, Jason Hoskins and Natalie Price, and know that they will do a fantastic job. I hope to continue to represent Oak Park east of Coolidge, and I will always do my best to help the entire City of Oak Park.


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