County Commissioners Charlie Cavell & Yolanda Charles

County Commissioners Charlie Cavell & Yolanda Charles

Photo ©2021 by Bennie White

HELLO FROM YOUR OAKLAND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS! We, Commissioners Charlie Cavell (representing Ferndale, Hazel Park, Huntington Woods and Royal Oak Twp., and part of Oak Park) and Yolanda Charles (representing Lathrup Village and parts of Oak Park and Southfield), would like to take a moment to say that it has been an honor to serve the residents of Oak Park throughout 2021.

And it brings us both great pride to continue representing you on the Oakland County Board of Commissioners into 2022. As we adapt and move forward through this challenging time, we are committed to supporting our residents of all ages and backgrounds, in addition to our diverse businesses and organizations.

The Board of Commissioners recently adopted the 2022-2024 County Budget, which includes funds for a number of programs that will directly assist the residents of Oak Park. In the first year of the pandemic, Oak Park small businesses were awarded $2.3 million in grant funding from the County, and local government, educational institutions, non-profits, seniors, individuals, veterans, and libraries and community centers were awarded $3.9 million.

We look forward to bringing you more information about relief and support programs made possible through Oakland County’s American Rescue Plan Act funds as the Board works with County administration to find meaningful ways to get help to those who need it most.

IN ADDITION TO THOSE DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE PANDEMIC, the Board has spearheaded projects that impact all areas of life for Oakland County residents. Early in 2021, we both participated in a press conference at the Ferndale Housing Commission to launch the Fair Housing Initiative, aimed at ending source of income housing discrimination. We have also brought environmental sustainability initiatives to our communities, stood for County-wide equality initiatives and made efforts to make County government more accessible to the constituents we serve.

We thank you for your engagement and commitment to making your community a rewarding place for us all. As two commissioners serving their first terms on the Board, it’s been extremely gratifying to get to know Oak Park. From community groups to cultural events, every nook of the city has something to offer its residents and the county.

Please remember that the Board of Commissioners is here for all of you, so do not hesitate to reach out to your commissioner for any reason at all. For more information about the Board, visit For the most up-to-date information, sign up for our newsletters from our commissioner pages, which can also be found on the website.

Commissioners Charlie Cavell (District 18) and Yolanda Charles (District 17)


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