2018 Hazel Park Schools Communicator : UAW School to Work Program Offers...

2018 Hazel Park Schools Communicator : UAW School to Work Program Offers Valuable Hands-on Training

THE UAW SCHOOL TO WORK OPTION STARTED THREE YEARS AGO with Hazel Park’s first group graduating this past June. “The School to Work program was estab-lished via our Promise Zone coordinator Kayla Roney,” explained Hazel Park’s Director of Curriculum Integration and Instruction, Dr. Carla Postell. “Chrysler came to our partner to offer the program and worked with Kayla to shape it. This allows for students to determine their future if they are interested in going into skilled trades. There are five or six skilled trades available for them to learn.”

The UAW School to Work program is a two-year offering in which students have an opportunity to attend hands-on classes outside of the normal classroom setting at the UAW training site off of 9 Mile Rd. in Warren. “They learn soft skills during the first year, then it’s more hands-on during the second as they really dig into the trades,” Dr. Postell said. “So, they’ll learn about things such as workplace safety and health, the manufacturing process, and look at equipment, then delve into mechanical engineering, welding, electrical, and so forth.” She added, “Students essentially have an opportunity to get the same exposure as candidates would in the full-time Chrysler program. They’re able to put this on their resume, and will receive a certificate of completion and honor cords once successfully graduating from the program.”

During their eleventh-grade year, every student in the Hazel Park district has an opportunity to tour Chrysler’s facility. They can then choose to complete an application and write an essay if they are interested, and participate in an interview process. “Those selected will go to the Warren location during the second half of their junior year for half a day each day during the week. This is something available to alternative education as well as high school students.”

Steve Nemeckay, Principal at Hazel Park Advantage, said two of his students really stood out. “The first student that comes to mind is Marcus White. Marcus graduated this year and while attending the Chrysler/UAW program he had perfect attendance for two consecutive years. He received two awards for his attendance and often volunteered to help with any school activity that we had. The second student is Thomas Emmons. He also graduated this year after attending the Chrysler/UAW program the last two years. Thomas was the leader among the Chrysler/UAW students – both HPHS and Advantage students. He earned an award as outstanding student of the social studies department.”

According to Dr. Postell, Chrysler informs their students that they can also choose to apply directly through the company website but choosing to do so through their school is potentially a more lucrative option, because the skills students learn are transferable, and they can use their credentials to be placed at other companies as well.

Dr. Postell offered, “Every year, the number of Hazel Park students attending has increased. The first year we had approximately fifteen or sixteen members, and this past year was our largest yet. Roughly twenty-five to thirty students, in total, are selected.”



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