2018 Hazel Park Schools Communicator : Community Engagement Team Promoting Unity With...

2018 Hazel Park Schools Communicator : Community Engagement Team Promoting Unity With The City

The Community Engagement team is a Hazel Park schools-based program established by Superintendent Dr. Amy Kruppe as a way for the internal school organizations and external businesses, charities, groups, and clubs within the city to gather and build community.

“Community Engagement has many organizations within the city meeting around the table,” said Community Representative, Lisa Chrouch-Johnson. “Each month the team meets and informs the other groups of the events they are planning.” She added that oftentimes those in attendance will either volunteer at these events or offer to help advertise and draw awareness to them.

Many of the external organizations involved offer activities that are either free or require a minimal fee to attend. “Attending events that are ree or available at minimal cost helps families get out of their houses, so they can bond as a family. We strongly encourage students and families to attend events, volunteer, and join the civic organizations,” said Chrouch-Johnson. The Community Engagement team helps build awareness of these programs and events to maximize turn out.

The group has also been busy planning its own events. This past fall, the Community Engagement team hosted a month-long silent auction at the Hazel Park library at which residents of Hazel Park could bid on 27 three-foot-tall artificial Christmas trees. Each tree was created by a local business, charity club, or school, and sported a different theme. The auction included a Tim Burton’s Nightmare Before Christmas tree, as well as one adorned with Frankenmuth ornaments. Bids ranged from $40 to $250.

A few important annual events include the Annual Hometown Huddle, which was held August 23, 2018. The event took place at Hazel Park High School just a few hours prior to the first home football game of the season. Many of the organizations within the city set up tables to pass out information and offer giveaways. There were games to play and plenty of free food and drinks. It was a great way for families of the players, and their friends and neighbors, to come out and support the team.

Then, on December 1, 2018, Community Engagement will host the second annual Santa breakfast, craft, and vendor show at the high school. Kids can come out and visit with Santa while families select homemade goodies up for sale by some of Hazel Park’s gifted crafters. There will also be a Dr. Seuss themed lunch, craft, and vendor show at the high school on March 9, 2019.

The Senior Citizens Holiday concert will take place at the Junior High on December 16, 2018. There, the schools’ bands, choir, and dance team will all perform and lead those attending in a sing-along show. Afterwards, cookies and beverages will be served.

Community Engagement is also planning a snowman auction to take place at the Holiday Celebration at the Hazel Park Ice Arena. “Businesses, individuals, and organizations can make any kind of snowman with paint, crochet, foam, or cups,” Crouch-Johnson explained. “The choice is yours – be creative. All proceeds go to the after school programming for Hazel Park Schools. Please look out for more information.” She added, “Our continued goal is to build a positive community. Future goals are to get more volunteers, create more events, and grow the team to reach even more people.”

The Community Engagement Team meets every third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 P.M at the Ford Administration Building, 1620 E. Elza, Hazel Park, MI 48030, and is always seeking new members.

Anyone with questions or who is interested in participating can e-mail lisa.chrouchjohnson@hazelparkschools.org or call 248-658-5209.


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